All pics are x4 and x10 objectives, through x15 eyepiece and magnified between X1 < x10 digitally. So from x40 < x1500. Descriptions always above pics.
First glance
Zoomed in.
Sugar might not be the worst thing for kids health these days.
x150 actual.
Also great info found here and very intelligently presented.
Injecting graphene oxide into animals and humans
Okisuke from Okisuke’s Substack <>
4 hours to prepare and take 170 pics. Then strange PC problems getting pics to download from phone. Usually 5 mins took 1 hour. Plus other strange happenings last 48 hours says this is not a welcome activity.
Nice day outside here for a change and I will be going outside to swing a chainsaw for a few hours to try and forget what I have seen today.
I discount any white fibres I see as I use paper towels (very uniform fibre type that I recognise easily) . Also on bad air days I discount a couple of Modern Bluey’s.
I discount most fibres that are outside the coverslip areas, except the ones that are obviously imbedded in the product. I do chop the mix with a fresh razor blade and some pics show the cuts or dents made by this.
I make no claims but just humbly present what I see. What you take from it is your perspective. It would be great if there were others who replicated this and found nothing at all. That would make me very happy as this is a Kids product. Please someone do this.
Censorship is something that does not belong in a free grown up world and you are free to express your thoughts on this work here. I welcome constructive criticism and debate. Isn’t that how we make informed choices after all?
Lastly be aware that I appear to have a few legal people subscribe in the last 48 hours. So please be careful what you say keeping that in mind. Slander is a big business for big business and the majority of my subs come from a very litigious country.
Go For it.
thank you so much for all your work...
enjoy! Perfect detox for the horrors. "I will be going outside to swing a chainsaw for a few hours to try and forget what I have seen today."
Excellent way to channel the rage...
Great work man. Appreciate it.