And with some color. I took a walk around the garden to test for environmental fibers but ended up being amazed at the beauty surrounding us on a micro scale.
Yes the environment is fibrous with not all being natural, but they can be blurred our for a while. Please don’t be stingy, give this post a thumbs up, like or heart thing.
Hidden eggs.
Jewellberry on left, single ball.
Dandelion centre.
Natural medicine
Natural but something we see contaminate samples.
More eggs.
Natural, bug hole in berry. I ate it.
Strawberry / seeds.
Natural leaf marking on flower.
Yellow flower.
Above and below, can’t recall but just liked the art.
Those that can see, will see.
YOU KNOW I LOVE THAT.. :) thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR.. I think I will post some of my "favorite" photographs.. I don't have the single microscopy of the an RNA virus on line.. I have from when I worked at NIH but I have a great mushroom (non edible just amazing to look at) and some animals.. which are cool.. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 .. singing a song .. Gonna be a good year.. :) ... wow.. I am trying to be positive and I just got two really negative phone calls one from my son.. and the other from a young man who is like a son to me. Both of them are arguing .. with their girlfriends. I am really sad.. and tried to talk to my younger son. I will just pray.. wow...
Happy New Year Matt! I enjoyed the photos, beauty is everywhere.