Travelling, magnetic? and exploding blood bubbles
Electrical, magnetic, chemical or other attraction / repulsion, unexplained.
Leading pic. Dots captured by objects field when travelling past in serum flow.
From a 20 hour time lapse. You don’t see this unless you leave long time time lapses running. Starting with seeing one bubble on the move, sequentially to an explosive ending and dissipation.
And I thought just catching the bubbles coming together, travelling past others that don’t move at the same time was special…
This last video leaves me scratching my head as to the mechanism of action. Any one have a solid answer? If you fast forward you will see it start expanding before it all bursts.
Last week I saw a gel bubble take off but took a picture instead of a video by accident. Sure enough a few days later it happened again and I was quick enough to grab a rough video.
The strangest thing to me is the way these single items travel past others that are stationary which discounts most logical explanations.
Drive down to Fort Dietrick and ask all those insane militaristic scientists from Unit 731 what they have done to us.
Maybe magnetic pull once enough iron rich RBCs are encapsulated and some kind of iron critical mass is reached?
The bubbles that look empty may be filled with harvested molecules of iron we can't see and once enough is inside the bubble it's drawn into the grouping?