Carnicom is rarely cited > imo his research is a fantastic barometer weeding out/exposing the bad actors/Psyops we're surrounded by > if a Humanitarian who we know knows exactly who Clifford is neglects to cite CI Research whenever addressing the narrative of Morgs, the Transhumanist Agenda & or Climate Engineering, it goes to demonstrate they're not the Advocate as advertised.

I am aware of countless missed opportunities whereby a name with a respectable following omitted citing Clifford's work.... even those who had straight up promised to support in any way they could going forward on camera during a Podcast with Clifford at the Table > not just 1 but a handful of So-Called Advocates out there peddling their own Agenda...books, docs, etc > truly shameful proving this specific Landscape is seedy AF & has been for 2+ Decades.

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Nailed it , So true. Thanks AY.

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ooh, i would have to agree, and posted my two morgellons articles in the chat above...

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This movie and The Charles E. Holman Foundation are psyops. It's been known for many years. You have to know Morgellons well and pay attention to the twists and turns of the movie, but it's, frankly, crap.

That's why no Carnicom or Staninger. Legit honest people have nothing to do with ones like these who made this movie.

IMO. CIA and DOD and DARPA data gathering enterprise. Corral the guinea pigs and milk them for data to better construct the modern version known as the CV19 vaccine, etc.. as well as PR to "control the narrative" of Morgellons. which they've been doing the entire time.

Carnicom and others have proven Morgellons and the current tech of the "vaccines" are the same in most ways. The CV19 "vaccine" is a modification of Morgellons. Long game planning.

The movie was released six years ago and made years before in pieces as they raised money. I lived in Austin where the Charles E. Holman Foundation was headquartered and already had Morgellons and looked into them up close and deeply. No go. Stay away.

Most of the "real" scenes are contrived like the Dr. and the Morgellons lady at the convention. Just hokey and weird.

My inner Rogers and Ebert give two thumbs down. If this movie can be of any use to a viewer it will be as a study of how a psyop is run, how people make money from them and what the goals are.

Never underestimate disaster capitalism. Be it LA or Lahaina "wildfires" or Tennessee hurricanes or Morgellons or disabling and killing diseases from "vaccines". Lots of moola to be made.

Vultures. Hey, just noticed - LA and Lahaina. La-La Lands. Both.

My two cents.

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Thanks Pirate.

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Definitely re Holman.... stay far FAR away > it's too bad Staninger from what I understand is another who hasn't shown support for CI Research > have heard rumor mill info there's been past unscrupulous dealings that have hindered efforts & thus a plausible explanation as to why there's been no collaboration there for years > regardless, the info is readily available from both Sources leaving it in the hands of the Public to share > with enough participation in doing so, the censoring algorithms would become far less effective...in fact it would also go to expose the fact this Research is being systematically censored which then validates the Research further still > after all, if it was all bs/conspiracy theory, why then is it being heavily suppressed > question mark omitted for obvious reasons.

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"They" have invested so many resources into suppressing any legitimate information on "Morgellons" the original bioweapon in modern times and that alone should tell any logical thinker there are "good" reasons in "Their" minds for doing so.

Why this propaganda movie, after all these years, is being bumped up in the algorithms, not only here but across many stacks and platforms means something. I may watch it again to see if I can determine why. It may simply be the suicide angle. Now that assisted suicide is being legalized and encouraged around the world with so many headed into the dismal realization of how destructive the nanotech is and will continue to be, suicide will be seen as a "cure".

I applaud anyone who is searching for a cure or mitigation, but I've lived through it firsthand having had "Morgellons" (more accurately named Cross Domain Bacteria by Carnicom) for twenty years and this is a long game of untold misery and suffering at this point and humankind needs to ready itself and not harbor false hopes. If a cure is found, wonderful, but everyone needs to be prepared for the long haul as well.

What has been perpetrated can only be accurately called EVIL.

I am personally getting so many messages from people encouraging me to watch this movie and when I tell them I watched it years ago and that the entity responsible for its making is a government psyop, I am met with skepticism. Because the whole world is new to the game. A game I was forced into playing with my life twenty years ago.

Thanks for confirming what I know to be true as well. It may hopefully help people to stop grasping at straws like believing antibiotics kills the nanotech when a lifetime of antibiotic usage does nothing but further destroy the immune system.

If an individual takes antibiotics to "cure" they will soon understand the ramifications of the necessity of taking antibiotics for the rest of their lives or the return of "Morgellons" will occur with a vengeance.

Thanks for explaining why Carnicom and Staninger don't work together. I have wondered, but also think Carnicom's research is the gold standard.

God Bless you.

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Much mad respect in return > anyone whose running the gauntlet as you are and with the tenacity of a World Class Olympian (for 2+ Decades no less) demonstrates a level of strength few possess.

I know for a fact Clifford continues on as he has for Individuals like Yourself > it's my belief that as long as there's afflicted Humanitarian's willing to participate in effective ongoing dialogue addressing this most nefarious global crime, he will do everything in his power to advance this Research making Nobel deserving contributions.

Thanks to You both for your Front Line presence 🙏

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Thank you. We've only had "this" for 2-3 yrs but everything we've watched or read has helped us. I look at it from above - it's all connected. Financially, globally, health, spiritually - but it's really about control. To disconnect us from Nature (and who might you ask created Nature)?

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i was willing to give it a chance, but suspicious. Thanks for your take on it. i believe Carnicom, and was led to him and Elana Freeland first - by Sacha Stone. i posted my morgellons articles above.

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Matt do you believe the lyme you have or had was part of Morgellons? I mentioned that to someone who has morgellons and it was very clear to me that it is not connected. I still don't have a clear answer about this issue, but maybe it isn't important. I don't know that much about manuka and can't get it in the states. If it would help pain I would buy It! So glad to hear good news right now. Did your ND use tests for lymes? I'm trying to get one and insurance won't pay, so am still working on it.

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Hi JM,

I have never seen lyme so not sure. So many lies huh?

If I was to self diagnose ( which I do ) I would state that I have chem trail poisoning with a clearly identified man made synthetic biology as identified by Clifford Carnicom: Nomenclature, Cross Domain Bacteria. The same diagnosis I would give every human on the planet today.

Secondly I would diagnose radiation poisoning, both ionizing and non ionizing from a variety of sources.

Thirdly I would diagnose an infestation of technology by an infestation of a holes on this planet.

lastly I would diagnose being a tad sick of seeing these same A holes staying alive on our beautiful planet.

Being an eternal optimist I think all can be rectified.

There was some good info in the doco even having to get past that sick feeling watching that wanker of a Dr deny what was in front of his eyes. I especially like the diagnosis of him ( according to his own methodology) by the large lady who committed suicide 5 months later. May she rest in peace.

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Grt post. If you haven't gone thru it (re M/CDB) you may not understand what is actually going on. This is an experiment on Human Beings that is happening on a global level by a bunch of psychopaths (and their useful idiots)- who want to live forever (bc they haven't figured out or don't believe that we're already immortal...). I remember when we were trying to figure out what was happening to us and finding that movie. I believe it helped save our lives. Ppl should really look up the market share of "nanotechnology".

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I should have watched the movie before I commented. It was amazing and learned so much, but was in tears half of the time. There is a correlation between lyme borellia buradorfi. Not sure they are spelled correctly. People who had morgellons and took antibiotics got better, but I don't think it worked for everyone. The hardest part was listening to the one doctor who was so stuck he didn't believe anyone. He took some cloth yellow bags with red fibers in them to show to his colleagues that he attended this meeting and to gloat. Dr. Ginger Savely has helped so many people and is trying to get doctors to listen, but it is still a major issue for patients trying to get help. Not all might agree about the correlation, but am just putting out what I heard.

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i'd guess that the immune system can respond to any or multiple factors depending on who we are, our history, genetic predispositions, and how we've conditioned our bodies. Once the immune system is compromised, esp for a long time, the body becomes hyper-reactive to everything. Maybe it's connected for some people but not others. We are not cookie-cutter beings

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33 times more effective, huh?

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Didnt even notice that 1. I dont think Chapalla was CO though. He got shot.

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To be honest, me neither. Its just... I cant walk past that number anymore without noticing.

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Yep.....Manuka is known here even by the ranchers. If you go to feed store and tell the clerk that you have a wound that won't heal. She says , Break out the manuka. As you have seen Matt. I have come up with a new diagnostic histochemical assay to make the spirochetes express in RBCs. This is scientific proof they go to all organs. My rash is 90% cleared. I only wore longjohns to soak up biofilm around area and keep contamination minimal. I believe Nitazoxanide is what i am going to take with herbal remidies with phytochemicals that are anti microbial. The manuka is so easy and i have it...ask one of your subs in NZ to buy a 2.5 gal bucket and mail it to ya. i have lyme carditis and a foot neuroma that is affecting foot mobility. It was found in 7 outta 10 alzhiemers brains, all parkinsons and MS specimens as well.

what a mess.

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Thanks for relating your own experience, Matt, which isn't always easy to do. You're certainly an example of someone who determines to set an agenda to regain health with the will of a bull. I've made a note of Manuka oil and have located one on Amazon.

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From chappalas site? Did you use wayback machine or is one still up?

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I think it was from someone's site who used wayback.

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Matt I'm on this Manuka oil like ugly on an ape. For the past year I have been using thieves oil because it has been shown to dissolve hydrogel-like polymers. Just out of sheer curiosity -- did you ever attempt use of thieves oil and if so what results did you see?

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Hi David,

Somewhere back in my stack you may find that I was the first one to recognize thieves as the reason for me being the first person to clear the gel from my serum. I told others about this and let them claim the credit. Its about finding answers not ego.

So yes, thieves is one of the ways to assist. The actual discovery of using oils for this goes to Hildegard Stanninger a long time ago. I think she found orange , lemon and perhaps oregano helped but not sure of the exact mix.

Thieves combo may not be the best mix, but it works .

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Matt, I sincerely apologize for missing this. News has been like a firehose for the last two years plus I cannot trust substack to supply all happenings on everyone's substack; I have concerns about it's reliability tbh. Compound that with not even being able to apply 'likes' anymore to comments. Have you got a substack title that can point me in the right direction?

FWIW, given the fact that Manuka is a superior solution, here's the compounding for Thieves:

Thieves Oil Ingredients in Proportion:

35 drops clove essential oil

30 drops lemon essential oil

15 drops cinnamon bark essential oil

13 drops eucalyptus essential oil

7 drops rosemary essential oil

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No need for apologies David,

The reference will be in one of the thousands of comments / replies on my stack.

The only reason it came to me was because i had previously been making thieves oil in large amounts and was using it while doing other more recent experiments with others, but I was the only one who had success and put it down to the thieves oil.

As I said, when looking later I found that Stanninger had already discovered using oils for the polymers in about 2012, just not the same ones. Hers was probably a safer mix as well.

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Just for the record, I have the ultimate respect for what you have been doing. From the start you got right down to finding solutions, and unlike the majority, have been *effective*. That is exceedingly rare. Thank you for your service to humanity.

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Wow! Thanks for sharing. I never saw that movie before. I LOVE IT!!! I am starting to think I do have Morgellons or Lymes... but I have to add... I believe they are not just under the skin and or birthed from under the skin. NO... what I am finding in and on my hair, my clothes and even in my blood... they ARE the SAME GMO structures I am seeing OUTSIDE my body. These structures ARE transparent, GMO, electrically conductive, EMF Triggered, HYDROGEL GNRs (GRAPHENE NANORIBBONS) which FEED off our body, hair (FULL of Keratin and protein... which they bore through and turn red from the Keratin. I made a video PROVING THIS. They ARE from CHEMTRAILS, DRONES and Certain BUG BITES (Ticks, Mosquitos).

They are RAZOR SHARP.. because they are made of 1 atom thin Graphene strips/ribbons, and I found out yesterday they can change color according to their environment and physical and chemical availability of their environment and frequencies.

These GNRs are charged from OUR OWN body from our cell's electrons. They are HARVESTING OUR NATURAL GOD GIVEN ELECTRICAL FREQUENCIES/LIGHT/ENERGY/ELECTRICITY... the same frequency and spark of life that keeps our heart beating.

The GLOBALIST EVEN WANT OUR NATURAL ELECTRICAL SPARK/LIGHT/ENERGY IN OUR BODY... along with our biofilm/biofield which is EMF RF conductive BECAUSE of the GNR Graphene Nanoribbons nano swarming within and among our biofilm, creating THE WETWARE... to power the 'Body Area Network' connecting to the internet of things... making us trackable and killable. GNRS are biosensors but also can be weaponized to be bioweapons against us according to the frequencies shot at us.

It's all making sense now. It's all connected.... to track, trace and eventually cull much of humanity.

We are in the last days the Bible talks about.



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Hi Carol,

If you go into the Carnicom Institute website you will not find graphene as a component of the fibers that have been analyzed. Its possible today there is some upgraded ones with it though.

The fibers are micrometers in thickness and the one atom thick graphene razor blades, while possible, would make up a very small percentage of even lab quality graphene. there is a lot of purposeful disinfo surrounding this area.



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"The fibers are micrometers in thickness and the one atom thick graphene razor blades". And that it what it feels like when it comes out of your skin....to me like razor blades or small steel wires. Everyone is taking pretty pictures of blood and asking for money. When the actual attack is on the skin.

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Carnicom did a large blood sample study where he solicited 2,500 samples of blood from around the world - all races, sexes, ages, etc. - about a decade ago and found Morgellons in around 90% of the samples.

It's inside most people. Possibly not everyone. Though I think you're right. Prior to the last ten years, it was mainly introduced on the skin and then likely absorbed.

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I hear you. And I agree with you. So sorry you have these things in you. I just prayed for you. God bless you dear Juan.

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I should have clarified myself better. Their micrometer ‘thickness’ (not length but thickness) is an atom thin (though covered in hydrogel in the biofilm to protect it) … BUT its long ribbon length is nano sized. That is what is confusing everyone. The only reason we can see them under the microscope… though very transparent… is because of their colors. They also roll over upon themselves making themselves thicker. I believe these things are man made possible crossing bacteria with hydrogels… maybe GMOing Spirochetes Borrelia to be a destructive conductive bioweapon or GNR… probably created by DARPA or DOD. Ya I know I am out there… with my theory... but the crime lab in that video found no fiber that matched the Morgellons fiber. Why… my theory is it’s a GMO Parasite. Part Spirochetes Borrelia and part hydrogel. The mad scientist can do that. That is why that crime lab could not ID the Morgellons fiber samples.

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God bless you matt -- MESSAGE RECEIVED

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This subject caught my attention a few years ago; the movie had so many commercials with no relief in sight that i had to turn it off. Here's one of my earlier posts: https://yolandapritamhari.substack.com/p/nanotech-and-the-transhumanist-kill?utm_source=publication-search

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The morgellons movie - shocking, upsetting and informative! Worth a watch!!!

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