Does the monkey represent those looking to depopulate, and the Lion represent the masses of humanity? Nice thought anyway.
Found the free version. Interesting that Clifford Carnicom’s and Stanninger’s research is unmentioned in this though. Note that today Morgellons is now admitted.
A peoples funded morgellons research entity. Many links, But again none to CC’s or Stanninger’s work?
“The coloring of the filaments is not well understood but research has shown that the blue filaments contain granules of melanin.'“
Source :
Following some links from Chapalla’s site got me to this comment. But my understanding is that manuka and kanuka are tea tree and both are tea tree oil. Still worth including though. Think the book referred to was one of Chapalla’s…
“Read this book; read anything you can get your hands on but make sure it's viable information that you can do your own research and verify. The information you're given needs to be safe.
For the sores, get MANUKA OIL!! Important, make sure it is New Zealand Manuka Oil from EAST CAPE in the North Island of New Zealand. East Cape Manuka oil has the highest measure of Triketones, which is the therapeutic ingredient to STOP the sores the moment they appear. With Manuka oil, the sores go into arrested development and by next morning it is HEALING, a week later it is GONE. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED FOR YOUR SKIN. IT WORKS!!
I took it a step further, when I got out of the shower I would coat myself from head to toe with a thin layer of straight, undiluted manuka oil and that PREVENTED any further outbreak of lesions on my body. Yes, I put it on my face after using a thin layer moisturizer. I did this for about 2 months, every day. Manuka oil has a therapeutic effectiveness that will go for 24 hours so you don't need to take five Showers of special ingredients three times a day or take five baths a day with an assortment of other stuff you would never have otherwise put on your skin. I bought it here on Amazon and one .3ml bottle is around $20. I didn't care! This is my life! It is a dry oil so you don't need to feel all slippery and sticky and yucky to know that you put enough on. Because it's so expensive I managed to make a bottle last for a week by putting on a thin layer and by taking one shower a day. I didn't want it to wash off. My nails seemed to be deteriorating from the disease so I treated my toenails and my fingernails with Manuka oil, too. I didn't just put it on my skin. To keep that on, daily application on my hands and fingernails, I put on white cotton gloves and then over that I put on latex gloves so that I could touch things and not have to constantly wash my hands, which would of course wash off the Manuka oil. If you only use latex, rubber gloves it will make your hands sweaty so that's why I added the layer of cotton gloves underneath. It kept my hands dry and kept the Manuka oil on so it could work and protect my skin and my nails from the disease. I kept my hands covered like that around the clock during those two months. Everywhere I went, I left them on and even slept in them. I don't care what people think, this is my LIFE.
As a body wash, I used a deep cleanser that I bought here on Amazon that has New Zealand Manuka oil in it as well as tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint oils. I'm not going to say the name because I don't want people to think I'm posting this just to sell something.
Manuka oil is 33x stronger than tea tree oil. Yes, you read that correctly - thirty- three times stronger. I had an infection and bought some years ago after reading rave reviews on it for nail infection. I lived in New Zealand for awhile so I was already familiar with it. After dealing with that, I threw it in the back of a drawer in my bathroom and didn't think of it again. Last summer I got bit by a tick while in Texas. I broke out in a lesion that was itchy and by then I had been reading about symptoms of morgellons because I had multiple, colored fibers that I couldn't explain. As soon as I saw that first lesion from the itchiness it was causing, it occurred to me what was happening. Terrified at this new symptom, I ran to my bathroom, grabbed that Manuka oil and put it on immediately. By the next morning it was healing and the itching was gone.
It is critical to get your diet under control and stop feeding the bacteria associated with Morgellons, namely sugars. Once I got the information from multiple publication and other patients, I started to change my diet then after those two months, I was no longer having any outbreaks of lesions and I was able to stop applying manuka oil every single day. Two months is not a standard, in fact I probably was getting the benefit of diet change sooner, that's just the time-frame that I chose. There was really no way to know that except to just stop applying it and go a few days without it to gauge whether or not my diet had kicked in. That was a little frightening to do but at least I had the oil there ( I made sure I had a fresh, full bottle on the ready) if I had a breakout.
One shower a day is all you need. Manuka oil will Stop the itching, it Stops growth of the lesions, and serves as a healing agent. It is a critical ingredient that will spare, protect, and heal your skin when treating these lesions associated with Morgellons.
As frightening as Morgellons can be, it served as the giant red flag symptom that something was terribly wrong. It displayed as my original principal symptoms that pointed me in the direction of Lyme disease. Whereas some people will go years without a proper diagnosis, because Morgellons is only associated with Lyme, I fought to be heard and searched for a doctor to listen to me and to get me tested for Lyme Disease. I found a Natropath M.D. who spent 40 minutes LISTENING to me and checking off my symptoms. Because of her and her regard for people and their right to experience living in a state of well-being, I was able to be diagnosed as positive for Borrelia burgdorfi (Lyme), TB Relapsing Fever, Bartonella Henselae, and Ehrlichia within the first 7 months after infection, plus the Morgellons, which of course isn't going to show in serology lab results. I'm now on my second round of Doxycycline so as the other infections die off, with diet and supplements (as instructed by my doctor) targeting these bacteria, Morgellons is failing to grow and survive.
Keep fighting but be wise in the process!
Carnicom is rarely cited > imo his research is a fantastic barometer weeding out/exposing the bad actors/Psyops we're surrounded by > if a Humanitarian who we know knows exactly who Clifford is neglects to cite CI Research whenever addressing the narrative of Morgs, the Transhumanist Agenda & or Climate Engineering, it goes to demonstrate they're not the Advocate as advertised.
I am aware of countless missed opportunities whereby a name with a respectable following omitted citing Clifford's work.... even those who had straight up promised to support in any way they could going forward on camera during a Podcast with Clifford at the Table > not just 1 but a handful of So-Called Advocates out there peddling their own Agenda...books, docs, etc > truly shameful proving this specific Landscape is seedy AF & has been for 2+ Decades.
This movie and The Charles E. Holman Foundation are psyops. It's been known for many years. You have to know Morgellons well and pay attention to the twists and turns of the movie, but it's, frankly, crap.
That's why no Carnicom or Staninger. Legit honest people have nothing to do with ones like these who made this movie.
IMO. CIA and DOD and DARPA data gathering enterprise. Corral the guinea pigs and milk them for data to better construct the modern version known as the CV19 vaccine, etc.. as well as PR to "control the narrative" of Morgellons. which they've been doing the entire time.
Carnicom and others have proven Morgellons and the current tech of the "vaccines" are the same in most ways. The CV19 "vaccine" is a modification of Morgellons. Long game planning.
The movie was released six years ago and made years before in pieces as they raised money. I lived in Austin where the Charles E. Holman Foundation was headquartered and already had Morgellons and looked into them up close and deeply. No go. Stay away.
Most of the "real" scenes are contrived like the Dr. and the Morgellons lady at the convention. Just hokey and weird.
My inner Rogers and Ebert give two thumbs down. If this movie can be of any use to a viewer it will be as a study of how a psyop is run, how people make money from them and what the goals are.
Never underestimate disaster capitalism. Be it LA or Lahaina "wildfires" or Tennessee hurricanes or Morgellons or disabling and killing diseases from "vaccines". Lots of moola to be made.
Vultures. Hey, just noticed - LA and Lahaina. La-La Lands. Both.
My two cents.