Thanks for all that you do...truly heroic. Take your time...regenerate, hopefully we will all still be here hanging on every stack.

And thanks for the laugh... "Probably not the best life extension thing I have ever done in hindsight."

I was never a big fan of iver...had a rescue dog melt down on it and almost died...and it is still petro pharma, no matter how you might cut (contaminate) it...

I am not suggesting any sups or detoxes to anyone, anymore...nothing...taking only what is absolutely necessary - bio identical hormones and that's about it. I don't trust any of it...honestly, I don't know if it really maters anymore, but why not avoid it if you can...?

I need a long break myself...substack detox, anyone?

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I suppose there are 2 basic choices/options:

1) Assume everything is now contaminated with nanotech and avoid anything that is not absolutely necessary to stay alive e.g., insulin for type 1 diabetics, cortisone for those with adrenal insufficiency, etc.

2) Try to find suppliers whose products have been proven to be unadulterated (using the techniques of Matt and others). The problem with this approach is it might not be scalable for the huge number of products that need to be examined and worse, even if something passes the test now, it may not in a few months since we have to assume the psychopaths have infiltrated every node of society.

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It's a huge problem...while we've been living our lives, the ghoulz have been plotting our death for a century. They have thought of everything.

I've said from the beginning - when I first saw La Quinta's research on Telegram - they have a dedicated microscope page to detect graphene in consumer products - I knew then - almost three years ago now - that it was game over for all biological lifeforms.

I saw the Graphene Handbook and I signed up for, and get their weekly newsletter and read between the lies. The Brain Initiative, the NASA secret document, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars...I get it...I knew the time had come and exactly what our fate would be.

We will never outrun this poisoning...and with the frequency nightmare, esp. interfacing with the nanotech, we are screwed.

The third option? If we happen to live through this onslaught...we somehow embrace our synthetic/hybrid bodies?

Or, perhaps there's a fourth option...find a quick, painless, clean way to get the fukk out of here...

My bet is that anyone who is aware of the dire situation we are in has likely contemplated option 4.

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Back to the bible -

Jesus, "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be left...".

Pasheen, "Game over for all biological life forms."

Indeed. We can't say we weren't told. God Bless.

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I stopped my hrt. Instantly aged over night.

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That can happen...I know I look better than my years, likely because of it. I would be a mess without it. But I will test it all when I get a scope.

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While there are downsides to no hrt, there are upsides, too, should it come to that for you. Once the pesky hormones no longer rule the body it's like you are mentally and emotionally at your adolescent peak of around nine years old but with all the experience only a life lived can give. Like a girl who couldn't care less what the boys think of her, looks become something that take a backseat to other more interesting things.

Just saying so you can see there are positives as well.

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Absolutely. I would like to get my thyroid together and get off the armour thyroid, which will be contaminated, if it isn't already. 90% of women have thyroid issues...must have been something poisoning us for decades to cause women that kind of issue. Most are not even aware of it. I got a book on it, but do you think I've had time to read it? We've got a mass extinction event to navigate for fukk sake.

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I was on "maximum" dose of des thyroid (various brands because of supply issues, etc) over the years. One thing that made a huge difference for me was eliminating wireless technology, as much as possible, from my environment. It became apparent (and I was not expecting this) that my dosage was suddenly way too high. I ended up reducing it by over 60% to get my vitals back into normal range. So apparently my thyroid magically started working again when RF/EMF was greatly reduced. I went from 300 mg to 120 mg or less. Not giving anyone medical advice, this was just my experience. I have only seen one medical professional mention this connection and it was in a video...I tracked it down, it's in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk8g_dG07Kk

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Hi Swan,

Thanks for the info. Its only citizen research and experience that I trust now. m

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I am currently taking beef thyroid to boost. Also other beef organs in a "like heals like" therapy used by ancient peoples. We'll see how it goes. I've only been using this method for about a month, but have already seen improvement in several areas. I haven't looked at any of it under a scope, so I can't verify cleanliness. It comes in a freeze dried form from clean-livin' cows and that's all I know.

I'm sure you're right about women and attack of the depleted thyroid. Someone should make a bad B horror movie. Giant thyroid raging through cities scarfing up all the gals it can. Only Wonder Woman can fight it. Ah...

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a bad B horror movie. Giant thyroid raging through cities scarfing up all the gals it can. Only Wonder Woman can fight it. Ah...

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Nice with the petro pharma. Nice to see someone with that point of view.

Understanding nature, to me it only makes sense our bodies are built to survive, and that a very large part of what we're being subjected to, can be dealt with naturally. Not that it can't be assisted using various remedies, but I believe it's able to maintain and cleanse itself if it's assisted. No person on this planet can make me touch anything that's mass produced by these psychopaths, incidentally, if I had a terminal cancer diagnosis tomorrow, I would still chose to not touch their products, I'd rather look death in the eyes, work with what I have and accept what's coming.

In regards to your detox. Been there, done that, for me the only thing that worked was to accept the situation we're in and adapt mentally and physically to it. I've accepted worst possible outcome I can come up with, and am preparing for such. If something is getting too close, I ask myself if I can change it, if I can I do, if I can't, well.... Acceptance is the only way in my opinion

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Oh, it’s definitely compromised. So, not only was an idiot for taking an experimental shot, twice but a year later (after starting my rabbit hole adventures) I stupidly bought some IVM from Canada, via a homeopathic doc (jabbed 🤯) I took it “prophylacticly” then took it when I “tested” positive (mandated for work but I spit on it-since by then I knew the tests were likely the one’s making people Ill). So I took it daily for 10 days and boy did it eff me up. Pounding heart, insane headache, mild fever, and brain frog...I mean brain fog that lasted a while. Heart definitely was afibbing too for months. By then, I caught on that I was again bamboozled. Stopped all meds of any kind. I wasn’t a pill popper though but I got rid of all supplements and OTC’s. Not antibiotic ointments no Tylenol nothing! I’ll never go to the doctor again...unless I’m unconscious...but if I wake up I’ll leave AMA.

It sucks being aware of the nightmare we are in and everyone thinks you’re whack!

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Hi Christine,

I hope its not all like that but its only a hope. There may be a few small private companies in India that are good but short answer is all products need to go through a process now to be sure. We need a microscope army and others willing to do some basic culturing tests.

The culturing tests can be done at minimal cost and those who cant afford a microscope could contribute this way. perhaps a cost of only a few $ per test overall and some time .

This is a call for volunteers to step up, anon is OK too. I am happy to get further replication where deemed necessary. Some basic test tubes and clean distilled water is all that's required, or some basic electrical or blue light for those who want fast results.

I will explain in more detail in the next post in a few days.

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The IVM I took helped me achieve a mild case of covid, along with recommended supplements I took.

So what do you do now, if you get covid?

Also, what about Kevin McKirnin - I’m spelling that wrong. He found DNA in the vials. Does he know about this?

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Can relate to parts of your story.

Except I started telling people two decades ago, if it wasn't for their ignorance, I'd been a widely known "psychic" now. lol

In the eyes of people who think you're whack, isn't it better to wear a tin foil hat than be blindfolded?

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Absolutely! It’s just pretty lonely. It’d be nice to meet others who “know”.

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Very much so, and to put it mildly, it's very fucking hard to deal with at times.

I've seen those closest to me, go from healthy, fit and happy to sick and depressed after all of this kicked into overdrive in 2020, and it's been a fucking nightmare to be honest. Everything went south from then. Had to make some very hard choices, which will be painful for the rest of my life. That's life no?

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I suppose it is life. Life in this dimension anyway. We probably chose to play this sim….

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Yeah, merely a step. I've chosen to learn from what I've gone through. It's taught me to accept pain as well as happiness, either of which I had difficulties accepting earlier in life.

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Thanks Ray, Just putting this at the top as its worth emphasizing it. A good read for all.

Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Writes Ray’s Newsletter

10 hrs ago

On May 17th, I voiced the same concern about Ivermectin, because it was logical. Demonstrating it is still essential:


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Fresh crushed black walnut husk is a powerful anti parasitical, it's what I used to help cleanse myself back in 2015. Be sure to get Naturopathic advise on how to use it.

Another good one, it actually got rid of my stomach ulcers, is Organic Oregano oil from some Greek island, powerful stuff, very hard to take though as it tastes UGH. Again Naturopathic advise is always good.

A lot of the nutraceuticals you can grow process yourself or acquire from organic producers.

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Thank You Sir,

Oregano especially is becoming more appealing the more I research.

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I've been taking oregano and it is killing off some CDB/Morgs. So I plan to keep taking it. Thanks for the link to Civilian Intelligence Network. There is a Bitchute presentation of the negative impacts of supplements and an easily digestible explanation of GO conversion to rGO and the reasons we don't want GO to do that...I got an education.

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I take it too. Designs For Health brand.,I hope its ok.

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No worries mate. I read you were in Gympie, I use to live on a hobby farm near Gayndah years ago. :) God's country.

How's the fush and chops? 😁

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Fush n chups Cuz..

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lols, always cracks me up bruvs.

I need a pin to write this down. 😁

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I ordered IVM from India too

at the beginning of the pandemic & more recent.

I also have some from a local pharmacy and I just rook it for 2 weeks.. frontline Drs need to be made aware of your findings. Have you tried to contact them? Do any of them know? They are advising the vacxx injured to take it!

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I will leave it up to the discerning subscribers here to start asking them all some hard questions.

Go for it. If you get censored, let us all know.

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In June of 2022, after looking into why one of my friends was taking IVM paste, small pencil-eraser sized amount. I listened to recordings made via a telegram group this friend referred me to. After listening, I got the feeling there was some crazy PUSH to take IVM, that it was a cure-all even for cancer. It seemed like a cult. I kept wondering, why are these people so driven about IVM?

After brainstorming with a Dr friend in a long car ride, I concluded that IVM could be a counter operation. Now, here I am reading through stacks, and BAM, I'm not the only one.

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Nice to be joined by thinking people. Thanks.

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I worked with a parasitologist, many years ago. He warned me against doing extermination because there is something the body needs when it hosts the parasites. We don't kill firemen do we? I do believe if we can take down our heavy metal load, keep cleansing going to strengthen our bodies, then a kill would be reasonable, but I'm very suspicious of the craze about IVM. There is a product line sold, now the company is PCI, he does testing. I wouldn't myself, just because you can assume your health is lowered by glyphosate, particularly as it serves as a copper sink. But, until we get back to the core, IVM is probably a sham to get unwitting mice into a trap. these are toxic drugs we're pushing on ourselves, they didn't make us. We want easy.

Cancer has to be the reason this is all felt to be justified. I did see something in Outraged Human on Black Cumin Seed and Honey. We should take a look. Thoughtfulness is needed to truly bring vibrant health.

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I wanted to buy Ivermectin in May 2023 when I was in Japan again, but I had such a tight schedule that I didn't manage to get it. Maybe in December 2023. And thanks to you Matt and a few others I'll look under the scope first, before I take it.

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Thanks for your work, I know I keep posting it, but I appreciate it :)

Wanted to share, some time ago I watched a report on the BSE problem in GB in the nineties. As it turns out, what gave the cattle the prion problem through their feed, forgot the name of the additive, was prohibited in feed for food production, but they continued using it in cat and dog food.

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Much appreciated Henrik,

They were feeding cattle with ground up sheep bones which included spinal fluid, that contained scrapie , the sheep equivalent of mad cow.

CJD in humans, found in Papua new Guinea for cannibalism and first discovered there.

Prion, just a misfolded proteins ( like the spikes) , g barr, etc from the shots? looks like mad cow to my simple eyes.

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However, i'm not entirely sure if they used kuru as en excuse by relating it to cannibalism, I thought there were some inconsistencies in the fact that men were getting it, but close to only women ate human brains. Reason was that men were afraid of taking their mana and thereby being affected by it. Something in that whole story doesn't sit right with me, but doesn't change the fact that it was a part of it.

Thing is with spike, it's only after spike breaks down it has a chance to become a prion, it's one of the sub-units, iirc S2, which has a relatively slim chance to misfold into a prion. It could be a "plan b" for the psychos in case the injection didn't have the desired effect, that it would break down into this. A french geneticist released some very interesting information on this, she proved in a presentation that it was a likely effect of this. Luc Montagnier backed this information just before he died/was killed.

Haven't studied g barr, isn't it because of neurological problems? These disorders seem to directly or indirectly be dependent on a neurological problem, most of which, from what I've understood are relating to metals and a handful of other toxins like PFAS.

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Thanks Henrik, Good info. I had forgotten it was called Kuru.

I loved it when Luc got the message out about it being about waves 3 times before the dimwits interviewing him on French tv realized what he was saying, and then rudely interrupted him and shut the show down.

Of the 1195 odd side effects listed in the fizza documents are a good proportion of neurological issues that explain much of what we are seeing today.

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I thought prions could be any protein that inexplicably folds. Is that true? If yes, then prions could be induced using a variety of proteins, not just spike? Providing it is known how to get the proteins to fold.

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Yes, all of them can become one. Either by touching a prion or by folding in on itself. From what I understand, depending on the composition of amino acids in the protein there's a bigger or smaller probability for this to happen. That's what I picked up when studying the composition of spike and its sub units.

Hm, just had a thought, to me it doesn't make sense that something of nature would destroy something merely by contact, like its the case here. Perhaps it comes down chemical or electrical properties of a protein for it to become a prion, which incidentally allows it to "provoke" another protein into folding badly. Bit like how the jab changed the polarization of our red blood cells to prevent them from being able to take up zinc and oxygen, which led to better uptake for spike, since it supposedly requires a different charge to be most effective. Could explain the carbon and other piezo electrical elements they poison us with. If I recall correctly, this is also a property aluminum when it's in the bloodstream. Will have to investigate this, now I'm curious.

Also, they spray aluminum oxide from planes, this binds moisture. Then they spray barium to be able to manipulate clouds using radio waves/radar/haarp and move it around. Then they spray strontium, which forces aluminum oxide to lose its oxygen. That's when it gets bad for us. The last process where oxide is removed, also brings the strontium into a state where it absorbs ozone.

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Thank you for your great answer. It seems this all keeps coming back to energy. Frequencies, wave lengths, etc.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another.

Maybe we can beat them to the punch and convert our energy ourselves into a form that's beneficial to us? Rather than to them?

Oh, and I'm not talking new age 5th dimension ascension or junk like that. I'm curious about the real deal possibilities?

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On May 17th, I voiced the same concern about Ivermectin, because it was logical. Demonstrating it is still essential:


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Artemesia Annua is a way to lower iron. CDS is a way to deal with heavy metals, slowly, organically to change the milieu of your terrain. There are other options that would support health, in the long run. When we have enough copper to activate ceruloplasmin, we are far better off from a mitochondrial perspective, we need to see this as the center point of our health because it is the engine of our bodies, not the bloodstream. We've all been miseducated and misled.

Do you really think incorporating the drug, Ivermectin, that Tim Truth did a synopsis on the harm it has already done, is a wise choice considering that you will need to have good health practices from here on? This clearly is a trap. We need to outrun the clock, this act against man, woman and child-kind. They will lose if we keep and correct our errors.

We should not support the Harma-industry. This situation is what will bring our future to us staying conscious, focused and on purpose. For me, they will not receive one more cent.

Look into this before you commit any more energy to Ivermectin. This is a novel event that calls for novel solutions. We are gifted with imagination and they are jealous of us, that's why the control. 1984-the book should be revisited. It has been the plan all along.


Morley Robbins and Dr. Brian Ardis had an impactful conversation I just posted. Hear it, take time.

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If you would please let me know, is this the injectable or horse paste? Thank you 🙏

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Yes, as well.

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Are you referring to Ivermectin? I didn't think it was administered intravenously.

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Yes. The veterinary injectable verson has been given to humans in clinical settings when a patient isnt able to tolerate anything by mouth. There is a medical article on it. I will put the link below.

We only buy the injectable. It can be taken orally and also absorbs through the skin due to ingredients which some people prefer not to consume but it doesnt bother me.

Dr Jacky Stone in Zimbabwe treated patients with ivermectin topically although I'm not sure which one she used.

Link below:

"There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved treatment for disseminated disease, and oral therapy is unlikely to be effective in the setting of the gastrointestinal dysfunction often seen in patients with disseminated strongyloidiasis. Whereas no parenteral antihelminthic medications are licensed for human use, parenteral ivermectin (Stromectol®; Merck, Whitehouse Station, NJ) is approved for veterinary use and has been used as subcutaneous treatment in a limited number of patients with severe strongyloidiasis refractory to oral agents."


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Thank you for this. I see the paper discusses subcutaneous administration, not IV. Do you have the ability to test it given Matt's findings with the Ivermectin he tested?

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Yes thank you for clarifying. I should have specified I only said it has been given to humans not how. Also animals would probably receive it subcutaneously

No and even if I could test it I doubt I could tell you what I'm looking at for certain. I have no experience seeing something and knowing for certain what it is. Maybe it's natural to the specimen. I personally would like to see further testing for what it is composed of. I dont have that equipment or training either.

I took my son to a doctor and looked under a dark field microscope at his blood once. I needed the doctor to tell me what he was seeing, describe it then let me look. He was a natural doctor, spoke at UCLA, specialized in dark field microscopy.

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I understand, thank you. It's too bad Matt lives down-under. Maybe you could send it to him to look at?

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It looks like an article just posted on environmental samples


How do they know this isnt natural? All the magnetic particles they listed are also natural minerals. Maybe it's just the microplastics engaging with some water which naturally has these minerals in it? Maybe focusing on chelating specific minerals would help prevent this? Or focus on microplastics? Is anyone talking about microplastics? Are they visible or difficult to see under a microscope?

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Horsepaste is probably fine

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No, definitely not.

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Oh the anti biotic Keflex is also contaminated.

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How do you know that?

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Know what?

We have heaps of Maori and Pākehā in WA. Plus online.

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What about EDTA because I actually went to Dr. Ana in Washington and she looked at my bio blood analysis under a Darkfield microscope and you could tell there was something wrong with it even I could tell that I’m not a doctor. But after three days of EDTA (2 times) and Epitalon iv and Thymosin alpha-1, she looked at my blood again prior to my departure. After those therapies and replug probably 95% better. I am not vaccinated just doing with chemtrails and skin shedding I suppose? I hear from clean food sources I just need to start drinking distilled water. Even my integrative doctor told me that they purchase a countertop distiller is like 500 bucks. I live in Florida

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If you don't mind telling us, how much did you pay for all the treatments you got in Washington state?

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But the treatments def helped b/c when I got home after detoxing I felt great. The darkfield microscopy that was done when I left there showed much better blood for sure. Even I could tell that by looking at it.

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Why are you repeating the sentence you already wrote in your comment above? Also, you aren't answering the question John H. asked you.

ARE YOU A BOT? Please reply. Thanks.

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A bot of what? I already answered his question promptly! I’m not giving an exact dollar amount. It would take me too long to figure that out but it’s none of your business lol I said I spent a lot. And that is my answer. I think you can go online and figure out how much it EDTA IVs are typically I don’t remember how much my airfare was. I don’t remember what the hotel was per night I don’t really care. I just know I spent a lot of money and I felt great when I came home And that was after getting a new tire phone EDTA vitamin C, drip all the things I was just reading that you’re not supposed to get that it accelerates graphene oxide but I’m not really sure about this because my blood analysis looked 90% better and I feel great. so if I was supposedly using various supplements that accelerate graphene oxide, I’m just not sure about that. I’m on the various peptides as well And that also cost money so if you don’t have the money to spend🤷‍♂️ anyway, I also don’t think that the statements on the reading about ivermectin not being good or really valid maybe from India it’s not good, but if you go to a compounding pharmacy here that does not source from India, I don’t see what the problem would be. The problem is people are trying to find the best deal and the best deals are from India but sometimes cheaper isn’t better. I personally use Niclosamide few times a year to get rid of any parasites out of the guy. Niclosamide is for parasites in the gut. ivermectin has several uses, but it does not help for parasites in the gut. It helps for parasites in the lungs. that’s why it was so good for the Covid charade. My local doctor uses that with another Anti-parasitic for cancer patients/treatments

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I meant she looked at my live blood analysis*

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The ivermectin thing also reminded me of the briar rabbit story. “Oh please don’t throw me in the briar patch” like if they made it illegal to take it then everyone would want to.

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Brer Rabbit in the briar patch. Yes'm, very much so.

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I had a prescription for human ivermectin and took it a couple times. I had the same Leary feeling because I normally don’t take any pharmaceutical drug besides ibuprofen which I’m scared of but need it occasionally monthly:/ I still have a full bottle and it was compounded at a pharmacy but as soon as I get dark field I will look at it. It’s from last year I think. I have a feeling that since the fda has now admitted it is fine for Drs to prescribe it is no longer safe. Making our own tinctures from plants we know are safe is probably our only hope. For now till they contaminate all of plant life like they plan(see darpa) do you think I can see q-dots with a regular microscope?

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I will be a few days before I can answer that with proof. You will see it here then, cheers, m

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Did anyone see The End of Covid? Dr. Ana M. did a wonderful presentation with Dr. David Nixon. She suggested that Artemesia Annua replace Ivermectin as a safer alternative. I've used it, 5 days on, 2 days off for 5 wks. A break, starting just before full moon again soon. BioPure has a fine product.

Also. Did you know parasites respond to frequency? Dr. Andreas Kalcker has a resonance machine he's using to disturb them, drugs aren't going to keep them away for long. Parasites love heavy metals, that is the real problem.

Dr. Ardis and Morley Robbins talk about frequency and parasites, how copper supports our resonance, we don't feel it but they do.

My opinion of the zapper, too harsh. Here. https://thedrardisshow.com/episode-07-05-2023-interview-with-author-and-researcher-morley-robbins

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