First a pic, B12 vet injectable.
I was sent some information and links on morgellons. Thanks S. The guts of it leads into a fresh area of research.
Self explanatory. All shots from the same document. Personal info not included, nor what was considered possibly misleading ( microscopy ID of aspergillus niger as second finding) ..
Sample tested.
Delftia is a deep hole and I would prefer to let you do some research without leading where I think it goes or what I have seen. As we know much info has been deleted these days and you all may find new leads in places others don’t look.
Please take a dive and share what you find…
Happy hunting.
Thanks, M.
It seem's that it's not so "rare" ......
"Instead, in buildings such as those we sampled it appears to be much more common in water systems—in drains, showerheads and downspouts. "
Advances in biomineralization-inspired materials for hard tissue repair
Also plays nice with it's neighbors...!
Drinking-water isolated Delftia acidovorans selectively coaggregates with partner bacteria and facilitates multispecies biofilm development
Nasty little bugger if left untreated.....
"Clinical Relevance: This is the first example of cavitary pneumonia due to Delftia acidovorans in an immunocompromised patient. We would like to emphasize that Delftia pneumonia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary cavitary involvement in such patients."
If Delftia were to be used to our detriment, it may be useful to know that Delftia acidovorans is a non-halophile that prefers environments with minimal to no salt concentrations for growth.