It seem's that it's not so "rare" ......


"Instead, in buildings such as those we sampled it appears to be much more common in water systems—in drains, showerheads and downspouts. "



Advances in biomineralization-inspired materials for hard tissue repair

Also plays nice with it's neighbors...!

Drinking-water isolated Delftia acidovorans selectively coaggregates with partner bacteria and facilitates multispecies biofilm development


Nasty little bugger if left untreated.....

"Clinical Relevance: This is the first example of cavitary pneumonia due to Delftia acidovorans in an immunocompromised patient. We would like to emphasize that Delftia pneumonia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary cavitary involvement in such patients."


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Good finds, Thanks.

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Agrobacterium is used in GMO foods. This is a type of modified bacterium believed to be found in all Morgellons patients.

Dr Mae Wan Ho, was a Geneticist warned the world years ago about Morgellons and Agrobacterium.

It was the mid 1970's that GMO/ manipulation of DNA was making new combinations with animals and plants.

The CDC have known of Morgellons and there was a research Foundation called Morgellons Research Foundation.

I think the CDC have put the important info about Morgellons out of sight.

In 2001 the European Commission put in a new Law that Companies had to submit data of new genetic DNA and it had to be proven to be stable, but the GM insert had already rearranged itself leading to toxins, allergens and unexpected effects by that time.

One theory was that a 'plant bacteria' that typically only infects plants was now showing up in people.

There was also a theory that this was just a misdiagnosed 'lyme' disease.

Either way, Morgellons is a chronic infectious disease with symptoms of erupting skin lesions, pain and debilitating fatigue. It looks like shingles but comes back negative. The person is tormented by the sensation of rats/bugs nibbling at their skin. There is swelling, redness and folliculitis (inflammation of the follicles). Swabs may show a secondary staphylococcal bacteria due to non healing.

The person is diagnosed with scabies, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis....

Given blood work is negative, they may be diagnosed with delusions of parasitosis.

In more recent times, could we say it sounds like 'monkey pox?!'

In 2009 the swine flu vaccine used insect DNA technology; baculovirus AND agrobacterium.

Another theory is that morgellons is vectored with bird mites, scabies, lymes and collembola, a cluster of GMO's leading to a variety of symptoms.

It all comes back to what the Pathology CHOOSE to test for.

If it is not on their tick box, then they won't be looking.

If it's positive to Delftia, on what basis? Is it just a similar genus? Is that why?

If morgellons is a nano disease are the Pathologists trained to recognise it?

My guess is no, I doubt it.

The GMO Industry horse has bolted and no one want$ to know.

Dr Hildegarde Staninger was an International Scientist in the field of Industrial toxicology in California. Years ago she described Morgellons as self assembling, self replicating, nanotube, nanowires, nanoarrays with sensors and other nano configurations, some carrying genetically altered and spliced DNA/RNA.

These nano machines appeared to thrive in extreme ALKALINE ph conditions and use the body's BIO-ELECTRIC energy and other elements for power.

She said that colloidal silver would act as an antenna for Morgellons.

It would feed the nanos, and further encourage symptoms.

The colloidal silver materials would coat the surfaces of the cell membranes and interfere with the transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide and then carbon monoxide would bioaccumulate in the peripheral blood.

The advanced nano material composite was further identified to contain a coating of silane and/or siloxases which would decompose into silica, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the presence of oxygen.

Colloidal silver for Morgellons patients could lead to dire health hazards in her opinion.

The Morgellons Research Foundation indicated that patients may be positive for Borrelia Burgdorferi (lyme) and treatment with antibacterials for lyme tended to help with remission of Morgellons.

Raman Spectography is used to look at the nano aspect of the fibres.

RAMAN certified should be recognised by IEIA (International Environmental Intelligence Agency)

Dr Staninger's Detox Protocol (the only one interested in her day):


Because Morgellons are believed to be a high density, polyethelene fibre that does not burn at 1700 degree farenheit, the treatment she recommended was far infrared radiant heat therapy to stimulate cellular release of toxins.

Having followed Dr Staninger and her work, she is someone who took a genuine interest in this phenomenon and her findings and any further research she may have done are worth considering.

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You should check out Harald Kautz Vella's work on it. Either videos or his paper at Aquarius Technologies.

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If Delftia were to be used to our detriment, it may be useful to know that Delftia acidovorans is a non-halophile that prefers environments with minimal to no salt concentrations for growth.

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Celtic salts part of my diet every day now. Agree.

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Have you looked into the lead contamination in Celtic salts? Leadsafemama(dot)com has reports on it. The lead is from the clay beds on which they dry the salt.

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One reason why Delftia usually poses little to no threat of infection in humans. We have a lot of salts in our tissues.

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Apparently, this bacteria metabolizes gold ions and excretes elemental gold in microscopic quantities. I've never heard of this bacteria or what it does. It it supposedly anaerobic. I'm curious to know what your thoughts are.

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Me Too!


Biomineralization of unicellular organisms: an unusual membrane biochemistry for the production of inorganic nano- and microstructures

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bacterial alchemy??? don't use nano silver or nano gold products.

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Gene Decode has Morgellons and has information about its mitigation. I think it is from off- world.

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The patents lead to stamford university. Not quite that far.

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I've had Morgellons/CDB for twenty years and researched it for as long and I can testify it's not from off-world. Unless you mean supernaturally. It's evil most certainly.

Matt is right. It was created in a lab at Stanford University in the 70s under US military contract.

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- did you take the cv jab? how many?

- are you living in a city, country side?

medicine suggestions:

- ivermectin, fenbendazole (some pills are both)

- Q10

- horseradish in capsule (400mg min)



- vitamin D

food suggestion:

- fresh grappefruit (1/day)

- cranberry juice

- grenade juice

- fresh celeri

- fresh carottes

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Some natural antibiotics would be good to find that attack delftia too.

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Bio-oxidative therapies would be my go to. Delivery would depend on what equipment is available. Everyone should own at least 1 nebulizer and have a bottle of 35% hydrogen peroxide in the freezer.

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Agree 100%, have a Nebulizer on hand, and a Back up one too. H2O2 works well for me, also consider Colloidal Silver - I do 8 ml at a time for say a chest infection or at the first hint of a flu starting. Another is CDS - 3000 PPM i use 4 drops in 4 ml water, or start even less to test. I also add 99.99% DMSO to the C Silver if I want increased benefit say 8 drops in 8 ml of C Silver. Some add DMSO to CDS but havent tried that as yet. Not medical advice, just what I like to do.

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With this particular nasty, a silver or gold product MAY be contraindicated... ? https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssensors.9b01580

"When stressed by Au3+ ions, D. acidovorans is able to neutralize toxic soluble gold by excreting a nonribosomal peptide, which forms extracellular gold nanonuggets via complexation with metal ions."

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Yes I've been wondering about that Factor myself. I take colloidal gold as well and that also has to be reconsidered

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For me the colloidal silver kill shot is by taking a half a liter of colloidal silver and boiling it, and then pouring it in a large pot and put a towel over my head (exactly like your mother did with Vic's VapoRub) so that the vapor is trapped. I breathe this in for perhaps five minutes, and as an addendum I also cool off the colloidal silver and then pour a few ounces in a cup and then rinse it through my nasal passages.

I built my own colloidal silver maker for about $60 by buying silver rods and mounting them through a piece of wood and then electrically charging them with the AC/DC converter from a laptop of about 17 volts . An intuitive and highly technical person informed us that 4 rods were better than two - perhaps he had a sense of positive versus negative charge, I don't know.

I also mounted an air bubbler used to aerate fish tanks in order to keep the released molecules circulating into the clear water.

I use mildly filtered rainwater until it gets a nice grayish hue which takes about 17 minutes in my case.

My understanding is that distilled water has insufficient conductivity for the electric charge, so the level of mineralization in your water will affect the time it takes to reach the right concentration

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Careful with rainwater.....Have you seen whats in it? Especially after the recent fog....

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Full strength 3% (a la Bill Munroe).....wow!

Way too concentrated for me. I know there are people who tolerate it no problem.


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I find oil of oregano to be a really effective antibiotic.

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Good stuff, a little tough on my gut.

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First time I took it I was like Wowsers - what did I just get myself into? But usually take it the same day w/ a heavy duty probiotic - like raw milk kefir and don't have any problems.

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natural antibiotic = ivermectin, azitromicin, hydroxycloroquin.

also if you can make your experiment in vitro and in vivo directly on this evil morgellons, hydrogen peroxide. tell me if it's true it melts graphene....

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https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/mgen/10.1099/mgen.0.000864/sidebyside Phylogenomic analysis of the genus Delftia reveals distinct major lineages with ecological specializations

The Delftia Book


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It's definitely a tool used in transcriptonomics and GMOs. In this paper, it was used to increase and enhance plant growth performance. This could be inserted into host cells via agrobacterium as the vector.

Revealing the biotechnological potential of Delftia sp. JD2 by a genomic approach


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Thanks Danyelle, lots of leads in there. I did find a specific dye for it so will have to get some of that later.

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Bonsoir Matt!

I’ve browsed the titles and a few interesting ones are related to the bacteria developing in medical, osmosis and dialysis filters… as well as microscope slides.


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Looking forward to the results of this research.

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identified from pfas contaminated soil

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I am reading a book called "exposure" by Robert Bilot. Its about his 2 decade battle to expose PFOA poisoning by dupont. Its related. Teflon.

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I've asked NASA because their scientist Lynn Rothschild is an expert in synthetic biology and may be of assistance. I'm not sure why a synthetic biology scientist works for NASA.

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And notice the name Rothschild. They're all freemasons and NASA has the ability to disperse and surveil.

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If you search for Bloodlines of Illuminati a very good book is free to download from the CIA library and it says the Rothschild's are Satanic. Far be it from me to cast aspersions lest I am called an Anti-Semite (which is supposed to be the worst form of racism). Here is the link in case you don't feel like trawling: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier (1995).


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Welcome if I am the M you are referring to.

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I did the research you wanted and sent it to you. I was blocked. Go to Google Scholar for the info you need.

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Hi Maureen,

Thank you. How were you blocked?



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You're welcome...anytime. I am glad to help.

I am being targeted 24/7 by the creeps. Often unable to send back via various means.

Don't remember which this time.

Send me your email address to bobbytt99@gmail if you feel comfortable to do so.

I do alot of research and would share.



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Jan 14Edited

notice Delftia(name of the city of the country where it was discovered ) reduces the valence states of chromium, from hexavalent to trivalent chromium. This allows novel or different covalent bonds to occur as well

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