Yay!!! Nature conspires to save life!!!

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Sextuple bubble trouble. Lol! Yes - we are indeed hard to kill. I say let your cellular (biologic) army do their job. And get off your cell phones ppl. We could shut this whole agenda down (peacefully) if ppl put down their cell phones and their internet just for one day.

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Hi Juan,

In the bin would be better, but unrealistic for now.

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Our family did execute "Alexa" about 4 yrs ago. Smashed the device ("her") on our patio. It was extremely satisfying which leads me to a ?... when will they make it mandatory for you to have a "smart" phone. Or the internet? If you don't want either will you be called a "terrorist"? All we had to do was ask for our internet to be shut off to get our bill lowered by over $30..... Meanwhile the zombies walk down the street staring at their "iphones" - another interesting name/brand - i.e. "I" am my phone....

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About seven or so years ago they literally forced people to get newer smart phones, even if their old ones worked...

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Where did this happen?

Still using a flip phone here in USA

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I was using a flip phone for yrs but switched out the sim for an older android I had bc some ppl were angry I wasn't "responding" as fast as they would like. Lol - back to the flip and send me a letter if you think I'm not responding "fast".

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Good for you! Not easy to do.

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It happened in Washington State and New Jersey, that I know of...

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I've got a deGoogled phone on order so this will be a big step for me.

Tony P said recently he could not fly (out of Canada probably) without smart phone.

At times it appears 'they' are closing in. EMP please.

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Which company are you with? I'm tired if paying $78 a month just for internet.

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Currently w/ Spectrum but seriously thinking about getting off internet entirely. We didn't have it most of our lives and did just fine.

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true, for unjabbed people. for fully jabbed ones it is more problematic since they totally removed the lymphocyte T through lipidic plasmid and mRNA messenger entering in cells ordering to stop T lymphocyt. an Insane BIO WEAPON elaborated since 60s

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I have seen good healthy lymphocytes in the poked as well though. Maybe its because I mainly now only see people who are taking some action to detox.

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it's very possible that despite of their evil knowledge they are not sure at 100% their bio weapon works in long term. the power of life of the creation has so many things humans still don't know like the intelligence of the resilience, adaptation, and what we call "consciousness and energy" that can literally wipe out all nasty evil destruction. And I think that is THE challenge of everyone to raise it as much as possible. We are following another guy in France, doing the same of you, finding also the same issues, and making many experiments out of the conventional medicine, in group or not, with prayers, meditation for example, and the results are amazingly efficient, in matter of hours. but as he said, if it's not done everyday, the disease is coming back.... self assembly nanobots....

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I've always held this belief, Matt, but nice to see physical evidence to support my feeling. Thank you.

There used to be a substacker named "Christine" who unilaterally advocated sniffing salt water up the nose to prevent illness. I've tried and continue with the method. In fact, I've gone further and have cleaned out my nasal passages and cavities. I had many dental injections 2022-23 and brain fog occurred. Since clearing all nasal passages (perhaps to my blood barrier--I'm not sure), I'm extremely cogent and sharply cognizant. I think, too, a foolish, unfortunate experiment with an Amazon saline solution very early in the Covid psyop (when I was still uncertain and afraid like many others) which I used with a nebulizer has been cleared, too. If we give our bodies a chance, they're remarkable at healing.

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that's a bit of holiday cheer...thx...

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That was the idea, I was going to do a post on some nice marine life or similar. Maybe next time.

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Dear Matt,

I follow your good work for quite some time.

Having experienced and working with DMSO and Shungite I constantly wonder if you have experience with those substances. I would gladly send you some Shungite powder to experiment with. It acts like Charcoal on speed if used internally.

Sunny Greetings and all the best !

jacques prop


the netherlands

DMSO has a variety of unique properties that make it incredibly well suited to addressing microbial infections (e.g., bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites).

These include:

•While non-toxic, it has an antiseptic effect that is harmful to microorganisms, especially the smallest ones (mycobacteria, cell wall deficient bacteria, and viruses). This property appears to be the most beneficial for herpes, shingles, and other complex conditions, which I believe have a microbiological component (e.g., cancer and autoimmunity).

•It can remove the antibiotic resistance of bacteria. This is particularly helpful in widespread problematic infections that have gradually developed a resistance to many existing antibiotics (e.g., tuberculosis) and challenging infections that are not responding to antibiotics (e.g., ones that would otherwise require an amputation).

•It can further increase the sensitivity of already susceptible microorganisms to antimicrobial agents.

•It can deliver antimicrobial agents to areas that are typically difficult to reach (e.g., deep in a bone) and also directly to regions that would otherwise require a systemic application of the medication.

•It can increase circulation to many parts of the body, something which is often critical for resolving illnesses (as a healthy blood supply allows the immune system to enter and heal diseased areas). Likewise, pretreatment with DMSO has been shown to increase the immune system’s ability to resist a subsequent infection.

•Much in the same way DMSO protects cells from a wide variety of lethal stressors, it can also protect them from the harmful effects of bacterial toxins (e.g., with the most pertinent applications studied being for sepsis and clostridium difficile). Likewise, it can also mitigate the toxicity of antimicrobial agents taken for a prolonged period.

Many of these properties are exceedingly unusual and can completely transform the practice of medicine.

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Very interesting video's Matt...

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Brilliant! This is very happy news.

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Love this. Hopium I can get behind. I think I'll pack a nice big bowlful!

Hoping for a happy new year for you and all of us!✨

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A family member of mine had injury neurological injury each jab. I went and saw her after the third one and had to touch her back. She didn't even recognize me and it shocked me, and that she has done so much work trying to get her memory working again and get her brain working again now I don't know about all the other implications but so far so good and she got jabbed and what was it 2020 when it happened And she got them all three back to back like when they said do it she did it she's a smartest person I know and so I was shocked but she's also a rule follower to the degree and I think people need to use their brains and figure out what's happening as far as the chemicals and chemistry goes and she knows that too, but it shocked me it shocked me and but she still around and kicking so I'm happy about that but I worry about her a lot

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Dear Patti, The Lion's Mane Mushroom is excellent in stimulating the Synapses. For optimal effect, use the tincture and the powdered version as well. All the best !

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Which is less a problem, internet or verizon data technology when using our phones? I always keep my internet setting off on my phone and use airplane mode a lot but maybe data is worse than internet.....

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Heard that nicotine helps dissolve the tech? Particularly the push to end smoking, nicotine as a medicine. Cheap and plentiful must be banned

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what are wbc s? With body cells?

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An abbreviation for "White blood cells."

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