Nice, Another natural reason for Optimism.
24 hour time lapse shows wbc's destroying blood rectangle.
A random pic to start. Sextuple bubble trouble.
The following 4 videos show sections of a time lapse taken over a 24 hour period starting more than an hour or 2 after the blood went on the slide. It would have been nice to capture the army when it first arrived but that doesn’t detract from the pleasure I get seeing what they can do. My blood, and this was not in the sweet spot but towards the edge of the cover slip.
12 hours.
24 hours later.
There are many reasons to be optimistic and seeing this is just another small one on the list. We are hard to kill and our bodies have many natural mechanisms to self heal given a chance. Taking a break for a bit and letting my army do its job. Compliments of the season to all. m.
Yay!!! Nature conspires to save life!!!
Sextuple bubble trouble. Lol! Yes - we are indeed hard to kill. I say let your cellular (biologic) army do their job. And get off your cell phones ppl. We could shut this whole agenda down (peacefully) if ppl put down their cell phones and their internet just for one day.