First a few pics. Above, even in brightfield the “beast” from the last post is obviously something unusual.. I had a better look yesterday and the zig zags are actually made of very clearly defined and evenly spaced rectangles.
Below, my blood after the first treatment. If its compared to the blood in the white blood cells attacking the gel video you can see some big difference already in the number of critters ( technical term - chylomicrons) swimming around. I like critters and will continue to use this terminology as a layman, for laymen. I will explain what they are and why they are normal in another post.
This video is taken 1 hour after treatment.
An obvious improvement in the blood after the first stage of the protocol being tested. There are a few more stages to be spread over a 10 day period and I will update as and when I have time.
There is a uniquely qualified doctor doing this, using mitogenesis stimulation chelation. This is a common practice in Germany and is fda approved for the removal of lead. There are many clinics in Germany for this so if you are in France for instance (ARS) its not too far away.
Chelation was actually started in Germany to treat the p.o.w. that survived being sent to the lead mines in Siberia after WW2, and who returned with very toxic levels of lead.
Mitogenesis stimulation chelation is unique in that it removes 90% of metals as opposed to normal edta and dmsa chelation at 10 < 15 %. Perhaps its something you should ask your chelation therapists about getting the machine….
My blood was taken for “normal” allopathic analysis before treatment but also taken by a very highly qualified immunologist that does unique blood analysis, as well. This will be repeated at the end of the test and periodically after that to assess longer term results.
Mitogenesis electro frequency chelation stimulates the cell walls opening up the sodium potassium channels allowing the heavy metals to bind to the chelating agents, to be then excreted via the kidneys. I will try to find out if it is available in Canada and America somewhere. In the southern hemisphere I believe only NZ and Brazil have it. Or better yet, perhaps you guys can start searching and let us know….
The body’s PH is kept at or above 7.5 with an alkalizing agent Basica? during the process. The heavy metals (….plus possibly other foreign objects and matter…. to be confirmed or denied later - I have seen someone with large objects in the blood that disappeared after this treatment..) are then excreted via urine etc. Alkalizing prevents the kidneys re absorbing the metals and toxins.
The urine was very cloudy that night and I will be filtering it through a coffee filter to compare with my previous trial of that - see “taking the piss” post from a while back. It will be interesting to compare results.
The intra venous therapies include:
Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4%
Calcium EDTA
A nutrient mineral re -energizing infusion of B complex
Essential Amino acids
Electrolytes, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium.
I was given a powder to drink afterwards that I think had Selenium and other stuff. I will verify that..
The second stage will incorporate the ozone with some Mitogenesis stimulation added, I think, but will check tomorrow and update the post if I am wrong.
Ok, That’s the science bit. I will describe the experience as best memory serves me.
Stage one.
You lie back in a comfortable chair. damp electrodes are placed on the soles of your feet, around your forearms, the back of the neck and if you want to go the whole hog on your ears with a set of earmuffs and wet pads like old sparky. I did the earmuffs as well and that produced an added effect.
An IV line is put in your arm with a saline bag drip feeding it and the various items are injected into those ( a few ) with the me2.vie mitogenesis stimulation system turned on.
Its usually a bit like a mild tens unit usually and quite relaxing. That’s unless you ask for it to be cranked it up to its full capacity of 130 milliamps. Then it becomes reasonably intense with some of the frequencies while others are kind of nice.. I did that for a couple of reasons. No 1 was the solid man whose blood I had seen go from the bottom 5% to the top 5% in 4 days had done so plus I had seen those large structures ( the one I posted with the graphene fold at the top going down into a large rectangle was one ) also disappear from his blood.
On top of that was my thoughts regarding not using enough current to penetrate the entire body and just feeding the deeper bots. I am very confident that current / frequency penetrated deep enough.
Then there was also “whatever that man can take, I can too” - I should be old enough to know better, but there it is. That was until yesterday when I heard him describe having 3 root canals done without anesthetic in the previous days after looking at what the anesthetics contained. I have removed 2 teeth with multigrips ( tech advice - use the tiny ones with a bit of wood glued to the tips so the teeth don’t shatter) in the last 3 years rather than go to a dentist, but that doesn’t compare at all, and anyone who has had root canals will know this.
I will be looking at my blood daily and expect the results to be better both short and longer term than traditional chelation methodologies currently used due to the combination of techniques being used. We will also take regular blood and centrifuge it to monitor the Gel situation.
Having looked at blood from people 3 months post this treatment and seeing it still looks good gives me some confidence. Regardless I want to see it from the start and monitor the progress.
Post this series I will be taking a product designed by a double phd and not yet marketed that has what I believe it will take to maintain the state of my blood after this. The man i referred to above was also taking that product plus clean ivermectin. No questions about that product or the ivermectin for now thanks. More on that later.
Have to admit it feels good already. Not having any major symptoms other than the brain fog, tinnitus, normal old age senility and memory issues, my self assessment is mainly what I will go by. For the pro’s and experts, there will be plenty of data produced.
And Ars, I guess Germany is close for you if it works out. Good luck.
You can buy powdered lidocaine online, mix it up to 2% with water and inject it with a diabetic needle. Boil the water first, then inject it on the tooth that needs work an hour before the dentist looks at you, it reaches peak numbness at about 1.75 hours after injected. Nobody should have to endure dental work without anasthetic.
Tooth care (&c): My approach has been not dissimilar to our host's for about as many years as well, re medical people & access, incl. dentistry (a dentistry-savvy friend says, especially dentistry!). I did go to one dentist close to 20 yr ago who shook his head at what he saw, but recommended as alternative-minded that he was, offered that given my habits I could arrest what was going on. So i upped the effort, which 'til then included splashing propolis tincture on trouble spots. I changed to beeswax and alcohol-softened propolis chunks. That was >15 years ago. My teeth & gums have almost not changed at all since! Each tooth is valuable and one should try to save by these/similar methods, requiring a bit o' patience at first but then becomes 2nd nature, and truly no more time & effort than standard brushing and other hygiene. I should add: no toothbrush/paste has entered my mouth since i began this "protocol". Cost: Canadian pennies per day. Always rinsing with one or another version of camelia sinensis - tea - after meals or snacks, esp. a black or twig tea. (Very high fluoride, too.) On the very uncommon occasion when I am neglectful and some pathogenic factor causes pain, repeated colloidal silver held in place has always helped chase the trouble (if with Herxheimer effect for a while). Main item: plugging trouble spots with softened propolis. Main trouble if you are looking for a partner: all propolis used over those years has been brown...but the breath smells pleasant! I have shared this "protocol" elsewhere esp. once it became clear about the perpetration extending to the likes of dental anaesthetic. Application: I always carry a very small box (usually a reused Ohropax brand earplug container that easily fits into pockets) with the softened propolis and a very small twig within to take it out with (very sticky). Tongue action and a bit of finger pressure on gums through skin serve well enough to place and pack where needed.