Is anyone focusing on the few who seem to be uncontaminated?

Everyone seems to be exposed, so what's different about the few who aren't contaminated?

If such research has already been conducted, could you please point me in its direction?

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Of the 3 odd people out of approx 200 that we didn't see it in with basic testing I have recently seen one of them, and found heavy contamination. I am 100% sure that the others will have it too if I had the chance to do a full search. If someone believes they are not contaminated I would love to talk to them and show them how to find it.

Good luck finding someone truly uncontaminated today.

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Ahh, thank you for the clarification.

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TRY CBD in your test. we got amazing results check it. https://rumble.com/v372wj2-ph-miracle-and-cbd-detox-test-of-covid-vaccine-and-shedding-injuries.html

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Hi Rider,

To date I haven't seen anyone come up with something that's tested to show removal of the gels, fibres , cbd's and polymers, with full testing results. Would like to though.

To be fully cleared of all known components that we know about would require testing all carnicoms 10 inc / plus:

Sputum and salivary, darkfield and culturing.

Ron Norris centrifuged blood.

Bloodwork results, traditional and other.


Semen or menstrual testing.


Skin CDS - and band aid 24 hr challenge.

Frequency / signal / radiation emissions.

Magnetic challenge.

Etc. -To be continued.

Everything that can be added to the arsenal and knowledge base is worth considering.

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Oh yeah and then you have the PROBLEM of all the food water and air being contaminated with nano tech, people got to eat drink and breathe, . but the initial test of CBD DID return my red blood cells to perfect well at least what you can see from a microscope. check it for yourself here. https://rumble.com/v372wj2-ph-miracle-and-cbd-detox-test-of-covid-vaccine-and-shedding-injuries.html We believe that HEMP OIL and CBD are the antidote , read this thread here... https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/7518

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agreed, full testing is needed that can be peer reviewed, the only problem is these double-blind tests can cost over 100,000 thousand dollars. I asked Dr. Young about it. And the real equipment you need for that testing can only be afforded by billion-dollar corporations and the government, you know ?? the same mfs, trying to kill us with it.

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Not talking about the gov testing and wouldnt believe it anyway. Who would?

polymer test , costs - centrifuge $60,blood draw $50 ... say charge $50 per.. etc.

citizen scientists only, I will believe as others can replicate and no one will get away with BS.

peer review = mutual masturbation session to me these days.

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RemovedNov 26, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b
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Thanks Rob,

It seems like a very wobbly track with the sort of surprises that you find in a kids pc game though.

Hope you are finding some gems buried in these past posts.

regards, matt

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I might have found the antidote. take a gander.


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I have been collecting all detox methods for 2 years. The ones I have personally tested are CBD and PH miracle. We mixed it with CBD for over 11 days in a tube at room temperature. zero clotting we then took it and had a live blood exam. All nano tech was gone and rbc were still alive and active. take a look here. worth the time. https://rumble.com/v372wj2-ph-miracle-and-cbd-detox-test-of-covid-vaccine-and-shedding-injuries.html

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matty, Nice, see you have new toys. Great pics. Always a learning curve, for me. your HD clarity is amazing, from novis to pro.

Recently purchased nascent iodine drops. and a Lil sumthing extra. Free of charge. How do i copy/paste/share/upload pic's?

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Cant on substack. but you can email me if you want, thanks,m

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I'm happy you mention calcium EDTA, as some EDTA does not have calcium, and can lead to an imbalance of calcium for some people. Do you have a link to the brand / type you like?

Thank you for your work Matt.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I guess you're addressing Na2EDTA which is specifically used for hypercalcemia.

CaNa2EDTA on the other hand is the most common complex for infusions and has a better safety profile.

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Hi roman, Not off hand, but do know it is compounded.

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I’m learning about the 12 cell salts used in homeopathy. Have you tried using them? I bought a little book that explains what each cell salt is and what it can help. Wondering if they would be useful in your research:)

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Hi Cristine, could you elaborate on the salts please? Are you referring to Celtic? m

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Research 18th century German physician/scientist Dr. Rudolf Virchow, Dr. Hahnemann and Dr. Schuessler’s work. Think, like curing like, and minimum dose (hair of the dog)

Homeopathic cell salt remedies 1.Calcium flouride (calc. Fluor.) a natural producer of suppleness and elasticity

2.calcium phosphate (calc. Phos.)

The regulator of healthy activity

3.calcium sulphate (calc. Sulph.)

Healer and purifier of skin and external tissues.

4. Ferrum Phosphate (ferrum phos) powerful oxygenator

5. Magnesium phosphate (mag. Phos.) anti spasmodic

6. Potassium Chloride (kali mur)subtle-acting, but profound

7. Potassium phosphate (kali phos.) soother of jangled nerves

8. Potassium sulphate (kali sulph) cellular building block

9. Silica (silica) remarkable cellular cleansers

10. Sodium chloride (antrum mur) pre-eminent headaches remedy

11. Sodium phosphate (antrum phos.) the biochemical antacid

12. Sodium sulphate (antrum sulph) remedy for asthma

I’m reading a book night Lennon and Lionel Rolfe called simple guide to using homeopathic cell salt’s homeopathic cell salt remedies healing with natures 12 mineral compounds. I got it off Amazon and I’m sure it’s not the best of the best but I wanted to get started with using/researching cell salts. I have a compounded version of all 12 called bioplasma. But I really want to find them in individual form. This book has a handful of companies with # and addresses but I haven’t reached out to them yet. I bought my “bioplasm-a mix of all 12 cell salts” from Amandha Vollmer which took a month to ship to Commifornia from Canada. Our bodies, if incinerated into ash would be 12 cell salts.

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Forgot to mention that you can administer sublingually or you can disintegrate in water (I’d use normal saline or distilled) for topical use. I was really wondering what it would do if you mixed it in your samples.

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Amazing info and we'll be awaiting some details and more info. Fantastic news...thanks so much for sharing this!

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Could you do the same thing, but with Cat's Claw?

and Ivermectin if you can get Ivermectin. At least try with Cat's Claw.

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Cats Claw, mistletoe, Venus flytrap and many others are on the list. Might just have to try a massive cocktail one day and see.

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt at what frequencies does your me2.vie device resonate?

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Not mine and I believe it runs through a series by the feel of it.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

You can buy powdered lidocaine online, mix it up to 2% with water and inject it with a diabetic needle. Boil the water first, then inject it on the tooth that needs work an hour before the dentist looks at you, it reaches peak numbness at about 1.75 hours after injected. Nobody should have to endure dental work without anasthetic.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thank you. Shared to Gab.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Tooth care (&c): My approach has been not dissimilar to our host's for about as many years as well, re medical people & access, incl. dentistry (a dentistry-savvy friend says, especially dentistry!). I did go to one dentist close to 20 yr ago who shook his head at what he saw, but recommended as alternative-minded that he was, offered that given my habits I could arrest what was going on. So i upped the effort, which 'til then included splashing propolis tincture on trouble spots. I changed to beeswax and alcohol-softened propolis chunks. That was >15 years ago. My teeth & gums have almost not changed at all since! Each tooth is valuable and one should try to save by these/similar methods, requiring a bit o' patience at first but then becomes 2nd nature, and truly no more time & effort than standard brushing and other hygiene. I should add: no toothbrush/paste has entered my mouth since i began this "protocol". Cost: Canadian pennies per day. Always rinsing with one or another version of camelia sinensis - tea - after meals or snacks, esp. a black or twig tea. (Very high fluoride, too.) On the very uncommon occasion when I am neglectful and some pathogenic factor causes pain, repeated colloidal silver held in place has always helped chase the trouble (if with Herxheimer effect for a while). Main item: plugging trouble spots with softened propolis. Main trouble if you are looking for a partner: all propolis used over those years has been brown...but the breath smells pleasant! I have shared this "protocol" elsewhere esp. once it became clear about the perpetration extending to the likes of dental anaesthetic. Application: I always carry a very small box (usually a reused Ohropax brand earplug container that easily fits into pockets) with the softened propolis and a very small twig within to take it out with (very sticky). Tongue action and a bit of finger pressure on gums through skin serve well enough to place and pack where needed.

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Sucking on raw green cabbage leaf can help detox infected gums...

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Pt of propolis is that it is like tree resin, anti-everything infectious, incl esp fungus. When at times I have been low or out of propolis I have resorted to pungent & pleasant fir/cedar tree ooze mostly. Only pains 've ever come on when somehow neglectful of packing what needs propolis packing.

I do not subscribe to what some tout about propolis-taking that it is a reliable deterrer of other body infections, per some rodent experiments I think. I think it would have to be ingested in very large quantities to be effective that way. But since it is in the mouth per my way, some is ingested inci-dentally, totally harmless, and surely beneficial too.. One should be attentive tho' to whether the raw chunks one gets is of good quality, I have found flecks of paint using a 10x magnifier and one does not want that. Also excessive wax can be in what is proffered. No harm and i use wax also for bigger spots to cover, but it is a lot cheaper and cheapens the propolis lot.

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Thank you for your personal sacrifice for finding a cure for all of us! The goal is using the info gained to get a treatment that all can do at home. I agree it seems clean ivm could be part of a maintenance program as your good doctors advocate.

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Hi Ron,

I don't see me ever using the word cure due to the complexity of what we are dealing with as per Carnicoms last post. That said, I will be happy to see the tech cleared out of my blood similar to what I have seen for myself from others that have done this.

A big part of this for me was the level of current being used and the frequencies involved in the application of it. Myself and Ian are the only 2 that have maxed the machine out and it will be interesting to compare with some doing the usual much lower current. Its quite possible that part of the treatment can be applied without the chelation at a reduced cost.

There is also someone doing the same protocol but reversed for comparison. Ivermectin first.

Each and every treatment is up for fair and uncensored debate here but I

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Looking forward to 30, 60, and 90 day evaluations.

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@FM8 great to see you on substack! It’s Christine from Commifornia:)

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Hey Christine

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Hi Eric.

Yes , me too.

I will contact you this week .

Thanks, matt

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Let me know if you are able to view em. Very proud of myself. uploaded first-time images

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deletedOct 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b
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Hi Asn,

For sure. Looking forward to it too.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt... I was hoping something simple...alas.

1, it is in english so I certainly do not understand everything.

2, do you own a machine, what is this weird stuff ? I do not understand.

3, I cannot go to Germany at random...in which clinic, by the way ?

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Hi Ar,

1/. me too but considering the state of my blood and the opportunity to do this being presented it was an easy decision for me to try this. The biggest threat to the greatest number of people that I see as an imminent threat is the gel / plastic that may lead to the clots being found in many of those dying suddenly. Its also possible this a big part of the manufacturing plant for some of the other stuff. I needed to clear my blood back to a reasonable level before continuing with other studies.

2/. I do believe as Eric at FM8 above has shown that current plays a big part. For me I didn't have a triangle and I wanted to put the maximum current through the entirety of my body and this machine seemed capable of doing it. If this hadn't presented itself I probably would have gone with a modified form of a tazer . Current will be a part of slowing this down and so will frequency. None of us really know the perfect answer and we need as many people doing different trials as possible. Get in touch with Eric or Yannis, make a triangle or buy one and let us know how you go.

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Tx Matt... A triangle ???

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Hi Ar, Look up Eric at FM8 on telegram or https://firemedic8.substack.com/ . He makes and sells them but also tests the results with different people.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Mon Dieu, c'est compliqué ! How could I manage that from France ? I try to treat me with EDTA (suppos) NAC and vit C. What else, can I do Matt ?

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Hi Ar,

Ron Norris is in my recommended list on the front page. Have a look at his protocol for reducing the Gel / Plastic content in his blood.

He uses natto ,serra and lumbrokinase , brom plus ivermectin. Best to look for yourself and decide.

Thanks, m

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Merci Matt, mon nom est Christian (Ar = pseudo). I cannot try everything at the same time...

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Merci beaucoup Matt ! BUT I tried to get in touch with clinics in Germany, not even one answered to me...

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Hey Matt. Since I live in Germany, I already got one session of the me2.vie treatment. This alone costs around 90 € + 299 € for the ozone high-dose therapy (5 cycles). It's ridiculously expensive and I didn't feel better after this, because I started with ozone first and then EDTA chelation. The major autohemotherapy on the other hand with subsequent infusion of vitamin C 1000 mg, alpha lipoic acid 25 mg, glutathione 600 mg helped me tremendously. My skin was like that of a baby for a few days after this treatment. This was just my observation.

More info here: https://okisuke.substack.com/p/ozone-therapy-for-post-vax-damage

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Hallo, danke für diese Informationen...

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Author

Hi Okisuke,

Yes I haven't forgotten your post and comments on it. I am keen to follow through and progress to the second stage though and see what the blood results are. I wonder why they did yours that way . It would be good to talk and I will contact you through your stack.

i will add a bit here.. For me this has been a lot about trust on top of the research I have done. You have to think that I hadn't trusted a doctor for 45 odd years prior to this and 3 years ago I was telling everyone who would listen not to even let them stick a band aid on you.

Since then I have met Dr Nixon and he restored my belief that there were still a few good ones, even if they had been indoctrinated into allopathic meds. After that I met a German Dr here who I trust implicitly and have a lot of confidence in. for a starter he was open minded enough to see for himself what proof I had and understands the situation.

Now I have met a whole group of doctors who are fighting bravely for us all, from all over the world and its about time we acknowledge and support these ones in any way we can.

For the good ones its hard to imagine how they must feel seeing their profession destroyed so efficiently and thoroughly by the very body that is meant to represent their interests, let alone the rejection and being outcast from those who were once their peers.

Add the destruction of their practices and reputations, loss of client relationships and livelihoods and it does make me a bit pissed to see them getting attacked by the very people they want to help.

Mea Culpa, I was one of those until recently. Not any more.

Having now seen the work and costs involved in some of these treatments I can say there is no ripoff involved there.

I will be checking that I have all the facts correct tomorrow, as this post is from my flawed memory and I will correct anything I got wrong.

Thanks, matt

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For me it was the opposite and I thought that naturopaths are just a waste of time. I changed my opinion in 2020 after I cured myself from hay fever and some other issues. I have 2 MDs in my family. I'm a firm believer, just like my naturopath, that a holistic treatment gives the best results. Both of my naturopaths combine lab results (for example blood, urine test) with their experience in alternative medicine.

There's is this one specific clinic in the western part of Berlin, which I don't recommend (can't mention their name, because I don't wanna get sued by them for telling the truth). It's not only the price, they are really trying to rip you off, because they are sending the invoice after the treatment and just randomly add additional treatments that I haven't received. Google reviews are backing up my claim that they are doing this on purpose.

What I'm trying to say is to always double-check and also observe how your doctor performs the anamnesis. In my case he was very eager to prescribe me some medicinal mushrooms additional to the me.2via and OHT treatment, because he know that I had money. He was even bold enough to ask me what I do after I gave him my business card and told him what I do. My naturopath knows the owner of the medical practice in person and heard similar stories.

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I’m in northern Commifornia and I used to go to a naturopath but he is vaccinated and boosted. He’s practicing in a wealthy area where people can afford his high prices but I don’t trust him anymore because he keeps up with cdc vax recs 🤷‍♀️

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Yeah, I agree that it's hard to find a health care practitioner that you can trust, but also is willing to listen and learn about the nanotechnology used in the shots.

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I am a voluntary test guinea pig here so am not being charged. For me it was about the max voltage, frequency and amps I could get all at the same time including through the brain. Yes, I found a good Dr willing to try and also monitor progress. That was more important to me than the chelation but I am happy with the state of my blood as well now too.

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I appreciate you sharing your experience here. And what you have said about MDs.

Although many have lost community and work and opportunities, but I do understand your point.

It does feel though, at this point, it is a game of survival of the ones with the most means.

Although really it's always been that way.

I'm older too, normal senility, ha!

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Hi Elizabeth,

My mission hasn't changed and the aim is to find something anyone can do for the minimum cost. As I will be re infected regardless of what I do, what I have done to bring me back to well above average blood just means I will be able to continue testing methods without going too far downhill from where I was.

Thanks for your comments, and age has its benefits as well as its drawbacks...

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Growing older without being in the confines of other's boxes is a liberating and beautiful thing.

But 'man' can be brutal and unkind, to put it gently.

The work you are doing is wonderful and greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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Thank you kindly Elizabeth.

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