These pics were taken 3 hours after the finger prick. I had forgotten my darkfield condenser when looking at someone’s blood, so did this for him after I got back. It was a middle aged man who likes to go fast, and the “stop / go lights” that I found when under darkfield were very apt ( another thing I haven’t seen before).
Not an air bubble under the headless man. Look at the contours and inclusions which are odd in their own right. At 5 oclock is what looks like another structure being produced ny the Gel bubble.
Gel bubbles feeding another strange growth.
These were not the only very clear sheets in this blood. Graphene sheets?
It was hard to catch the colors but there was a distinct red, blue and green in the individual blocks that compose this piece when changing focus.
And a classic blue fibre next to a gel bubble.
Under bright field I thought this was just a scratch on the glass , but its not as seen here. It is a very fine needle structure that was still in the formation process by the look of it. I did a time lapse of the active area between the gel bubble and the base for about an hour and will review that later, as there was some complex actions taking place.
It was incredibly bright considering the light was passing thought the blood cells underneath first. There was about 9 white blood cells trying to clean it up and more on the way.
Beside the ribbon fibre was a very transparent object that I think was still in the formation stage.
Also a few of these that look like shards of glass. some layered. Graphene sheets?
Thanks for your blood donation G, it was an honor to meet you.
Matt, excellent work my friend, coming from a fellow microscopist. Sharp pics with A1 contrast. I have an idea I'll also pass on to others. While pics like yours and others are very valuable, I'm wondering if we have learned just about all we can from live blood. Undoubtedly, something else might well be revealed, BUT how about sleuthing more about the SOURCE? We know every air-breathing animal and human is infected. The only source we have in common is air pollution, i.e. chemtrails. While I'm sure I cant waltz into Minot, ND AFB to sample what we are sprayed with, we have plenty of ops to sample whats coming out of sky. My truck sits outside, and even with a sparking clean windshield in the evening, its covered with fine powder in the morning following numerous spray passes visible across the sky. Just scrape it up with a razor blade and sample dry or make slurry w/water or countless other things: dilute acids, EDTA, enzymes, etc. Lets see if we can isolate the Q-dots (centrifuge?), measure them, watch them to see if they form hydrogels, strands, crystals, note how they react to chemicals, pH, clear blood plasma, etc. Maybe expose them to weak electrical charge / magnetism, different temps, get good pics of everything. Document EVERYTHING. Another sampling option: put CLEAN microscope slides into a box with lids cut off or folded in, so that the box forms a "stilling well" for very fine particles to settle out from sky. Sample for 1 day or more. These can be viewed either dry or made into permanent slides w/ embedding medium. Dry dust samples can also be analyzed via SEM or TEM to get better views of Q-dots. My thoughts are if we learn how Q-dots react, we might also learn more about how to counteract them. Thoughts? TS
I just have a cheap $160.00 microscope off Amazon. But the things I’ve seen in samples of hair, blood, skin , etc are more than I ever expected.
I am absolutely addicted to studying specimens. I have thousands of images and videos of very strange things, and happenings.
I really don’t know what to make of it all...