Matt, excellent work my friend, coming from a fellow microscopist. Sharp pics with A1 contrast. I have an idea I'll also pass on to others. While pics like yours and others are very valuable, I'm wondering if we have learned just about all we can from live blood. Undoubtedly, something else might well be revealed, BUT how about sleuthing more about the SOURCE? We know every air-breathing animal and human is infected. The only source we have in common is air pollution, i.e. chemtrails. While I'm sure I cant waltz into Minot, ND AFB to sample what we are sprayed with, we have plenty of ops to sample whats coming out of sky. My truck sits outside, and even with a sparking clean windshield in the evening, its covered with fine powder in the morning following numerous spray passes visible across the sky. Just scrape it up with a razor blade and sample dry or make slurry w/water or countless other things: dilute acids, EDTA, enzymes, etc. Lets see if we can isolate the Q-dots (centrifuge?), measure them, watch them to see if they form hydrogels, strands, crystals, note how they react to chemicals, pH, clear blood plasma, etc. Maybe expose them to weak electrical charge / magnetism, different temps, get good pics of everything. Document EVERYTHING. Another sampling option: put CLEAN microscope slides into a box with lids cut off or folded in, so that the box forms a "stilling well" for very fine particles to settle out from sky. Sample for 1 day or more. These can be viewed either dry or made into permanent slides w/ embedding medium. Dry dust samples can also be analyzed via SEM or TEM to get better views of Q-dots. My thoughts are if we learn how Q-dots react, we might also learn more about how to counteract them. Thoughts? TS

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Our clothing are contaminated as well

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Hey Tom, thanks for the advice. I bought a microscope myself last month. Could you do us a favor and brake down your post in chunk next time so it's easier to read please ;)

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Hi Stephan, where did I loose you? I could write pages about various aspects I touched upon. So far, we have a lot of documentation of Dr. Ana Mihalcea's Quantum-dots, etc. in the bloodstream. But we cant isolate these things from the blood in order to run tests on them as they are extremely tiny. One red blood cell could contain (guessing) 50 or 100 of these things. Therefore I suggested working from "the opposite end" which is the SOURCE of these q-dots: chemtrail dust. This would likely give us access to large quantities of these q-dots, in fairly pure form, to experiment on. FYI: chemtrails is mostly ground up pulverized fly ash from coal fired power plants - with classified "additives". I only mentioned viewing dust samples with electron microscopes as a suggestion. I dont have one myself. SEMs are scanning electron mikes; they give excellent detail of surface topography but cannot see inside. Samples are often coated with a metal vapor (gold) to reflect the electron beam - which produces the detailed image. TEMs or transmission electron mikes pass the electron beam through the sample to explore interior details - but they don't give the pretty photos of exterior detail produced with SEMs. Where else might I have left you "in the (chemtrails) dust"?

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Yes, indeed it make sense what you're saying, but we need the specific type of microscope.

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Hi again, Tom, sorry for the late reply. I guess I wasn't clear. I simply meant literally separating your text in chunks, writing wise, thats all.

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I just have a cheap $160.00 microscope off Amazon. But the things I’ve seen in samples of hair, blood, skin , etc are more than I ever expected.

I am absolutely addicted to studying specimens. I have thousands of images and videos of very strange things, and happenings.

I really don’t know what to make of it all...

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Handy, We need more research into what "kills" the fibres and those scopes are enough to see that with. Try the sellotape around the ankle areas and breath on the ones that are stuck on the edges and watch how they react. Then try lemon juice etc to see what stops that reaction to the breath.

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Morgellons sufferers have mentioned boron breaking down the fibers growing out of their bodies. Maybe experiment with some Borax?

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I have. Actually I am going to try Cats Claw.

And another thing someone on here mentioned he uses ... 🤔chloride something or other.,, (don’t worry... I won’t just take any chloride.,,😂)

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Chlorine dioxide solution or CDS perhaps?

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Well, sodium chloride is just table salt.

Sodium chlorite is often used as a disinfectant and I suppose people try using it.

I hear sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is great for balancing the body.

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Oh how fun!!!!😂😅

I’ve spent late nights and into the morning in my bathroom with my microscope, and I don’t recall all the weird things I’ve done to things under the scope ... but I have put peroxide on Whst I find and sit back for some action packed entertainment ...or at least some creepy happenings. And I’ve even found myself talking to what I find which might seem really over the top but not when what your looking at seems to be looking back at you...! 👀

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Hi Lupette,

I know that feeling and only hold a full conversation if no one is looking. They might find it a bit odd.

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Yeah, and try to avoid using words like "alien" or "galactic" ... can really trigger some of those folks ;-)

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Lemme see, share w/ me pics

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I'm not doubting anything you or any other (true) scientist has provided. Just feel the need to state this Matt and thankyou.

Sample and slide contamination/environment is a concern. Lab research at this level is not something you do out the back, in ya shed or car,... even though CRISPR is just that. This tech is frequency controlled, activated or purged from any system given the right instruction. I truly Love ya work Matt, All power to You mate. (Royal Rife)

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Holy Crap, m.

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Hey Mattie, yours looks like mine. " The one of A classic blue fibre(fiber) next to a gel bubble." I'm wishing to have ya take a peek, waz ur mailbox-e-dress, if you may. Been workin 65hrs wkly, not much time for monkeyshine. thx D

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I wish I could share a photo of what I found in my blood can u suggest a way. No one knows what they are

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Hi Fiona,

Will and I have recently discovered that you can share your photos in the notes section here as a reply.

I will go to notes now and invite readers pics. All microscopy welcomed. No DP's tho.

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Look into YouTube on terehurtz frequency which shows remarkable recovery on damage cells, they use that on airport scanners too and suppose to be the 6G rollout. Then look up Iteracare and you get lots of vids on it, especially on the healing. It works on the same frequency as our cells and anything gets blasted away...hopefully it can blast off those rubber like clots in the body. Also do mms as I think they both compliment each other....in my opinion ..would be good is a scientist can use that and see it under microscopy..

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I have sent photos via email to you . The notes are allowing me into my album …

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I would love to get my blood tested. Not jabbed.

Been on sodium chlorite after initial detox for 2 yrs now and I, take 6 drops everyday, sometime 2X if I am meeting up with jabbies, (refuse to dall it a vax, because it's not). Have implemented edta in the mornings, nattokinase after lunch and fulvic acid at night, twice a week I take liquid zeolite..

Also been using terahurtz frequency 2X a day all over my body...if this doesn't get rid of it, then are we doomed? I don't expect 100% clean blood as we keep breathing or being near those that got the jab. Had A D-dimer test done and not clots..

Last weekend had lunch with a friend who told me he just got his booster and flu shots yesterday..Next day I fely sluggish and had a headache..Back to heavier detoxing, with demo added..

Am I being paranoid or just being safe?

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Nope, not even a lil bit. Listen to all your senses, you'll know what is true. Paranoia is abnormal fears. Trust your 6th sense.

Walk outside, stand in sunshine, listen to nature, &, positive self talks.

Just as powerful, as any detoxies.

Stay strong, Chika

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Wow! What was your initial detox? How do you get the terahertz frequency?

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Search Iteracare in YouTube..

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Is that similar to John Baxter’s wand?

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Not sure but if you go to Mike Adams website, he's got something similar. Works on the high end of the infra red spectrum..

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You are mistaken.

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I believe I was targeted the night before last. It was about 3 a.m. in the morning and I was awake. I felt a sharp pain on the side of my knee. I reached down and felt blood. There was nothing in my bed but sheets. I have 4 wounds, all made at once. Any thoughts?

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Lovely I will send photos as soon as I recieve details of how ti thanks

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