It does look like polarity is involved. Also some videos that show single file blood transport similar to how it should travel through your capillaries.
Hi Matt, I want to thank you very much for the great work you're doing, it's so needed!
First, I want to tell you that I passed on the message to Tony P in one of your videos where you said "Thanks, Tony P, you're a real stud!" That got a big laugh lol.
Now, I had seen Dr. Ana post where she pulled some blood and let it sit there and saw the polymer in the blood. I decided to do the test for myself and since I'm a health coach and I take every possible supplement you can imagine and I didn't get the you know what, so I figured I wouldn't have any of that stuff in it.. To my shock, there was a lot of it in it. In a 10 ML syringe, after drying up the material, I was left with 180 mg of this polymer. (You can pull on it like a rubber band!) Now, with the amount of fluids in one's body, (around probably 60 L in my 87k bodyweight) multiply that 180 mg per 10 mil, and it means I have enough rubber in me to open up a rubber shop.
So I decided to buy a microscope., A low-end, brightfield microscope from Amazon, which I tried to adapt with a homemade darkfield filter, with relative success. And of course, I saw in my blood everything else I saw in all these posts. Absolutely shocking! No need to have studied live blood microscopy to understand how crazy that is.
Now, I would love to be able to understand better what's going on in the blood, but I don't have the time to go in-depth and take a course and buy a real high-level microscope to do live blood analysis. I have tried to reach out to some live blood analysis people here, but like most people in all fields that relate to health, they seem to be more interested in keeping the status quo and don't wanna make waves so they can keep trying to make a living instead of addressing what is really facing us. So I've been trying to find resources online where I could learn live blood, microscopy, as well as dry blood, but I haven't found it yet. Could you or someone here help me out with some links to resources to learn more about it? I would love to be able to keep track and post what I'm seeing and document any interventions that would be helping. I have ordered two devices from Tony P. They're coming next week. I can't wait to try them! My Energy has been going down by the week no matter what I do....
Another question I have is that since everything is contaminated, what do you think of getting EDTA or vitamin C, IV injections then? (I tested some intramuscular magnesium vial, and it had the stuff in it, of course.)
The live blood fraternity seem to like charging for the info so one of my missions is to collate and then post it all up for free. There is an ai scrape of info going on as we speak.
As there are many differing interpretations it may take a while but I need a few volunteers to assist and speed the process up. Big job.
You are right about not needing to be a rocket scientist to see whats going on. This makes it al the worse that all these experts are denying it. No way anyone can convince me they are not seeing it. How about law enforcement fibre labs and databases?. It must be a huge cover up there.
Interesting that I have now seen it in edta and dmsa..
The plastic / gel / polymer testing has been refined by Ron Norris and he is found in my notes and recommendations. We have been doing a few. The gel when dried shrinks to a toothpick size and can then be weighed. I will be doing this over the weekend and it may be able to be standardised for comparative purposes. Seems more representative. sometimes it looks like the entire plasma turns to gel but then extrudes a lot of the plasma in the tube (about half the volume) , but the remaining half still dries down to a toothpick.
Thanks for your contribution to our collective knowledge and look forward to comparing notes as we go forward. m
Hey matt, thanks for your reply! I've been thinking about the whole thing, and what you mentioned in your reply, and I I'm putting together another post with some ideas, questions, and suggestions. Talk soon.
I have also been interested in looking at my blood and buying a microscope to look. I didnt take the poison but I know I have been targeted health wise I have been badly affected the last 3-4 years with multiple issues. I have been fit as a fiddle prior. I have the same concerns as the EDTA injections. I know via Dr Ana Maria Milhacea some clean contacts meaning people who are fully aware of what is going on and have pure clean ingredients. But general EDTA treatments in centers are contaminated.
Bless you! Out of curiosity have you had any health issues and to what extent?
Where are you based in the world? I am in Europe.
I happily volunteer myself if anyone needs to look at my blood. So far I have only found 1 person who looks at the blood at this level in my country as the others have vanished / or compromised. Do not want to lose their licenses. I may have to buy a microscope and look at it myself.
Hi Ana, thanks for your reply, and sorry for my late reply to your reply :) I have been reflecting on the whole thing, and I want to put together something well thought out before I get back to Matt, I don't wanna waste anyone's time. I've got some ideas that might interest you and hopefully a lot of other people regarding the microscopes and helping the cause. Just watch the comments in the coming days. To answer your question I am in Toronto, Canada myself. Ask for help effects. I spent three years glued to my computer and iPhone writing a book. (Writing a book on health and wellness got me sick, how funny is that.) I didn't know about radiation. Now I stand informed. I would like you to let me know how I could get some pure clean ingredients like EDTA if you could, that would be awesome! Also, I would like to hear about the people you mentioned who do live blood analyses that have vanished or are compromised. I think everyone would be interested in that, please share. As for the microscope for yourself, which you should definitely get, just wait for my next post, I have some ideas, questions and suggestions I want to bounce with Matt. (and everyone else)
PS: that course is good, but it's expensive for people. We need free resources which from what I understand from matt's response to my post, he is working on.
Apologies I forgot to answer your question on how you can get pure ingredients for EDTA. You can have a look on Dr Ana Maria Milhaceas main website. She has resources. You can also have a look for Phosphatidylcholine (PC) aka Plaquex® from Anita Baxas. That is also a great alternative (does the same) as EDTA chelation.
I will post all the links here for you and everyone as I think it is very helpful when people are reading this to find clean products and practitioners who are awake and aware and know how to help you.
EDTA Chelation clinics can be found on the websites of the following integrative medical associations in the US and Germany:,, and in Central Europe on
Spain - Spanish Association of medical professionals in ozone (Aepromo)
Spain - Spanish Scientific Association for the application of oxygen-Ozone Spain - Sociedad Española de exceed (observation)-
I've been looking into AutoZone and you can get a portable sauna where your head sticks out so you don't have to breed the AutoZone. It's $150 for the sauna with the steam machine and then you add another $150 and you get a strong, ozone generator that you plug-in after you've done the sauna.
They have those on Amazon. I'm gonna look into that in the coming weeks and report on it. I'm gonna start my own sub stack as well. All right thanks a lot Ana.
Thank you very much for all you do. I appreciate your ideas and suggestions and I agree that course is very expensive and not everyone can spend that much money easily and I think what you and many others are doing in offering free resources is best.
What did you do to heal yourself through your sickness after being glued to your computer and iPhone for 3 years?
I have been to a live blood practitioner yesterday and found it very valuable. I also discovered that I do not want to buy a microscope and look at the blood as it is a lot of work and I do not have the enthusiasm and commitment such as yourself and many others but I do enjoy the process and I do like it very much.
I looked at my blood for the first time and to my surprise I am fit as a fiddle. The practitioner I saw has been doing live and dry blood analysis for 10 years and has a wealth of knowledge and understanding on it. I was very happy to meet her, we had a great connection and she is very well aware of the covid-19 vaccines/radiation/heavy metals and measures different people.
Her name is Liesbet and her practice is called Santura, this is the website: I highly recommend Liesbet and she is also a follower/knows Dr. Ana Maria Milhacea. I think all the live blood practitioners know each other or at least are aware of each other.
I had been previously referred to this practice by my thermographist for a live blood analysis.
I contacted this lady but she didn't give me much hope or confirmation or even spoke English so it felt a disconnect from the start, but she does do live blood analysis I saw on her website.
My thermographist also used to do live blood analysis but stopped. She did not give me a reasoning but it almost felt like she needed to not to lose her practice because she is also well aware of toxic heavy metals and the covid-19 vaccines as her intake form has those questions and even explains what they do.
Then there was another one in the beginning when covid-19 broke out. I have forgotten her name. I have tried to search for her everywhere because I remember Dr. Jane Ruby wanted her on the show as she was checking out the live and dry blood of covid-19 vaccinated individuals and covid-19 unvaccinated individuals and making connections. She is a researcher and is based in Amsterdam. She did not have any social media or had a business of any kind so she is pretty much like you and many others. I have not been able to find her. I even asked Dr. Jane Ruby for her contact.
When I had Facebook I had added her as a friend as she had a personal Facebook page, but then I got expelled and warned multiple times for exposing covid-19 truths. (Misinformation to them) so my account got deactivated.
These are my contacts in the Netherlands. Like I said I highly recommend the live blood practitioner I met yesterday. And for anyone that lives in the Netherlands feel free to check out her practice, or the other one below that I had a disconnect with.
Thank you so much for your reply, and apologies also for my late reply. I have been focusing on what matters.
Best wishes to you
P.S-Liesbet (The live blood practitioner I went to, highlighted this well. I had mentioned I did a hair tissue analysis and an EMB and I did not get on the phone with anyone about the hair tissue analysis but the fact that it said I had very heavy metals in my blood made me stressed. But I went about it a natural way. Then I did the EMB with a nutritionist/ holistic practitioner and she sent my blood of to a lab. The results is that I had extreme high levels of radiation/heavy metals etc.. but she gave me very little information on what to do and she said the natural things I was doing it was not a good idea and not advised. (Liver and gallbladder flush and cleanse and enemas) Anyway Liesbet gave me confirmation how all those tests are not exactly what they say they are, and the people may not have the right education and experience to look for the correct information which seems to be the case with the people who measured me in the past. Or it could be that I have just naturally removed all the toxins. (I do not take anything by the way) I have been doing everything naturally. She then showed me a hair live on the microscope and said many people would see that as nanotechnology or heavy metals when it was not. So that was very interesting to see.
Deeply appreciate all the support from you. Also that you apply scientific tests to you products . I am interested if you have tried checking the tech showing radiation after exiting the body again. That was a real eye opener for me. m
Wow! Amazing videos and pictures! You've discovered a primary mechanism for transforming red blood cells into raw material for... who knows what purposes.
The fiber actually sucks the RBCs into the basin, but it also seems to pile them up or reject them below. In one of Karl.C.'s videos from September 5, some objects are immediately integrated into the fiber, while others pass right underneath (being stacked?). Is this an intentional sorting process or simply a pulling effect?
Could a darker image and higher magnification have shown the stacking process inside the pool, and whether the RBCs (GRs = globules rouges) were guided by QDs or nanorobots?
I would have liked to explore that white line with squares in the lower third of the pool.
It would have been interesting to see whether the hydrogel pool was empty from the start, or whether it had formed from an uncoiled fiber’s deployment that would have tossed the RBCs.
Have you examined these various orange-colored circles under greater magnification and verified what they contain? They appear to be filled with cells that have already been transformed, reduced to mush, and are also delimited by a fiber.
Slides can be rehydrated and re-examined. Is it possible with live blood?
Wow Danyele, lots of valid questions there that i will try to answer in a post.
Just by chance I happened to see the same phenomena today, and got a good video of it. To be posted . Have to try rehydrating some slides with different stuff one day from the hundreds i still have.
For blood rehydration, may I suggest a good old saline solution (boiled water and salt, as in nasal irrigation recipe…)? You will find salt crystals, but we know what they look like. :)
I must confess that I'd love to be there with you while you make these videos...
Don't know but the top one looks almost magnetic (to the iron in Hgb?), they do seem to fall into a "sink hole", the bottom ones I suspect pressure/flow gradient.
Just guess, but the bottom ones seem to roll suggesting something is moving the solution, but I can't prove that just by looking. I'm no expert, maybe the energy of putting sample on slide, or some air pressure difference on some end of the sample soln...don't hold me to any of it!
Danke für das "ELEKTRONEN-MAGNETISCHE" MitDenken ! Seit 2002 forsche ich aus eigener SELBST-Heilungs-Erfahrung an der Wirkung des ErdMagnetismus für das LEBEN. 14 Jahre später gelang mir der erste Versuch die LEVITATION darzustellen - ...die Gegenkraft der NewTon´schen GRAVITATION. Hier ein Filmbeitrag aus 2018, welcher damals spontan von Torsten Schauer aufgenommen und eingestellt wurde. (
Inzwischen vergingen weitere Jahre und Anwendungen - besonders eindrucksvolle Ergebnisse haben wir auch beim Entgegenwirken bei genetischen Injektionen.... Dabei spielt eine Art "Reset" beim Hämoglobin eine entscheidende Rolle. Unser ForscherTeam brachte ein bioaktives Magnesium-Chlorid auf den Weg, welches den Zellstoffwechsel unterstützt. In den Mitochondrien der "KrebsZellen" fehlt das Magnesium.
Wer die GNM kennt, weiß vom DHS - der Zellstoffwechsel ist eine Art "magnetische Förderschnecke" - deshalb auch die gute Wirkung der SFR bei ZellStoffWechsel-Themen....
Wer Interesse hat komme gerne auf mich zu.
Mit liebem Gruß in die Runde, Dieter Theodor - ...ich bin selten im Netz, da ich im Sinne der Implosion agiere ;-)
I appreciate your information. When I had it I feel the Lord told me to treat it as a Parasite, a Bacteria AND a fungus.
I used Borax in the shower as an exfoliant very aggressively! I have a pretty high pain tolerance (from ritual Abuse and being tortured and raped for prolonged periods, as well as sex trafficked...sad but true) so I scrubbed so much nastiness out.
I was dissociative when I had the Morgellons so it sounds gross but if I saw fibers or configurations with my phone magnified I would keep boraxing until they were out!
I also used Neem oil on my sores and internally,amongst other naturopathic aids.
I was just starting my walk with Christ when Morgellons started. It's only gotten stronger. I'm glad to hear you're saved as well. My targeting became so much more bearable when I accepted Jesus
These are fascinating and horrifying at the same time. As someone who suffered greatly from Morgellons for some time, I am very interested in all of this research. The things I removed from my skin during that time to me did not seem like anything organic to the human body.
Curious if you have looked deeper into Morgellons and any associations with what you are seeing here? I tend to agree that at this point, it seems most living organisms have been tainted.
The evil behind this is often hard for me to comprehend. But the truth is right there on the slide. Now just praying those of you with a greater understanding of this can work together and see how to mitigate these man-made parasites destroying our blood.
I took a lot of natural anti-parasitic supplements. But honestly, I am not sure besides the grace of God what has closed them up for the time being. The psychological aspect of not being believed, and the physical pain from the wounds is so incredibly hard.
Really interested to know how you utilized Borax? And grateful yours has gone into “remission” (if that’s the appropriate word).
I really believe there is a lot more to be researched and found out about the truth of Morgellons. I look forward to that day for a better understanding of what I, and so many others have suffered through.
Yesterday I looked at the blood of an 84 year old friend. It had no free floating red blood cells in one part of the wet mount and a huge amount of rouloux on another part of the slide. There were also black thick graphene circles present. One that we sat and looked at started out as an oval which sent out other materials into the plasma and it reshaped itself into a round perfect circle. It had varying shades of a grey substance in the black ring. The material that it sent into the plasma kept changing its shape as well. Eventually it got smaller and then disappeared. I did not have time to start a video and watch at the same time. There were other black circles that Dr Ana says are incubators. I have been looking at blood since Spring of 2021. Every couple of months I see new things emerging in both vaxed and non vaxed blood. No one has escaped this contamination.
I agree with 420MedicineMan. What you are seeing as a gel border around the outside of the sphere is crystalline water. The current flows along the zeta potential. These are described really well by The Midwestern Doctor on his Substack page. He's written four articles on the subject. The last article is titled, "How to Improve Zeta Potential and Liquid Crystalline Water Inside the Body"... because without it, there is no life. The others are: What Is The Forgotten Side of Water; What Moves Water Inside the Body; and What is the Relationship Between Liquid Crystalline Water and Zeta Potential.
Excellent captures Matt thank you & keep up the good work. I've only recently started looking through my ordinary pathological microscope at a few blood samples. In particular I noticed a difference in a young male's (21) blood sample who has had 2 Australian Astrazenica shots. There were many of the spiky misshaped cells that you have identified with your clearer optics. My daughter & I (non V) had the occasional ones and unfortunately I noticed mine (64) appeared to have some degree of Rouleaux formation though not in any linear fashion.. I have no camera attachment so cannot share any views.
Hi Matt, I want to thank you very much for the great work you're doing, it's so needed!
First, I want to tell you that I passed on the message to Tony P in one of your videos where you said "Thanks, Tony P, you're a real stud!" That got a big laugh lol.
Now, I had seen Dr. Ana post where she pulled some blood and let it sit there and saw the polymer in the blood. I decided to do the test for myself and since I'm a health coach and I take every possible supplement you can imagine and I didn't get the you know what, so I figured I wouldn't have any of that stuff in it.. To my shock, there was a lot of it in it. In a 10 ML syringe, after drying up the material, I was left with 180 mg of this polymer. (You can pull on it like a rubber band!) Now, with the amount of fluids in one's body, (around probably 60 L in my 87k bodyweight) multiply that 180 mg per 10 mil, and it means I have enough rubber in me to open up a rubber shop.
So I decided to buy a microscope., A low-end, brightfield microscope from Amazon, which I tried to adapt with a homemade darkfield filter, with relative success. And of course, I saw in my blood everything else I saw in all these posts. Absolutely shocking! No need to have studied live blood microscopy to understand how crazy that is.
Now, I would love to be able to understand better what's going on in the blood, but I don't have the time to go in-depth and take a course and buy a real high-level microscope to do live blood analysis. I have tried to reach out to some live blood analysis people here, but like most people in all fields that relate to health, they seem to be more interested in keeping the status quo and don't wanna make waves so they can keep trying to make a living instead of addressing what is really facing us. So I've been trying to find resources online where I could learn live blood, microscopy, as well as dry blood, but I haven't found it yet. Could you or someone here help me out with some links to resources to learn more about it? I would love to be able to keep track and post what I'm seeing and document any interventions that would be helping. I have ordered two devices from Tony P. They're coming next week. I can't wait to try them! My Energy has been going down by the week no matter what I do....
Another question I have is that since everything is contaminated, what do you think of getting EDTA or vitamin C, IV injections then? (I tested some intramuscular magnesium vial, and it had the stuff in it, of course.)
OK, thanks very much, everyone. Godspeed.
Awesome post Stephen,
The live blood fraternity seem to like charging for the info so one of my missions is to collate and then post it all up for free. There is an ai scrape of info going on as we speak.
As there are many differing interpretations it may take a while but I need a few volunteers to assist and speed the process up. Big job.
You are right about not needing to be a rocket scientist to see whats going on. This makes it al the worse that all these experts are denying it. No way anyone can convince me they are not seeing it. How about law enforcement fibre labs and databases?. It must be a huge cover up there.
Interesting that I have now seen it in edta and dmsa..
The plastic / gel / polymer testing has been refined by Ron Norris and he is found in my notes and recommendations. We have been doing a few. The gel when dried shrinks to a toothpick size and can then be weighed. I will be doing this over the weekend and it may be able to be standardised for comparative purposes. Seems more representative. sometimes it looks like the entire plasma turns to gel but then extrudes a lot of the plasma in the tube (about half the volume) , but the remaining half still dries down to a toothpick.
Thanks for your contribution to our collective knowledge and look forward to comparing notes as we go forward. m
Hey matt, thanks for your reply! I've been thinking about the whole thing, and what you mentioned in your reply, and I I'm putting together another post with some ideas, questions, and suggestions. Talk soon.
Dr Ana Maria Milhacea recommends this course:
I have also been interested in looking at my blood and buying a microscope to look. I didnt take the poison but I know I have been targeted health wise I have been badly affected the last 3-4 years with multiple issues. I have been fit as a fiddle prior. I have the same concerns as the EDTA injections. I know via Dr Ana Maria Milhacea some clean contacts meaning people who are fully aware of what is going on and have pure clean ingredients. But general EDTA treatments in centers are contaminated.
Bless you! Out of curiosity have you had any health issues and to what extent?
Where are you based in the world? I am in Europe.
I happily volunteer myself if anyone needs to look at my blood. So far I have only found 1 person who looks at the blood at this level in my country as the others have vanished / or compromised. Do not want to lose their licenses. I may have to buy a microscope and look at it myself.
Hi Ana, thanks for your reply, and sorry for my late reply to your reply :) I have been reflecting on the whole thing, and I want to put together something well thought out before I get back to Matt, I don't wanna waste anyone's time. I've got some ideas that might interest you and hopefully a lot of other people regarding the microscopes and helping the cause. Just watch the comments in the coming days. To answer your question I am in Toronto, Canada myself. Ask for help effects. I spent three years glued to my computer and iPhone writing a book. (Writing a book on health and wellness got me sick, how funny is that.) I didn't know about radiation. Now I stand informed. I would like you to let me know how I could get some pure clean ingredients like EDTA if you could, that would be awesome! Also, I would like to hear about the people you mentioned who do live blood analyses that have vanished or are compromised. I think everyone would be interested in that, please share. As for the microscope for yourself, which you should definitely get, just wait for my next post, I have some ideas, questions and suggestions I want to bounce with Matt. (and everyone else)
PS: that course is good, but it's expensive for people. We need free resources which from what I understand from matt's response to my post, he is working on.
Hi Stephan,
Apologies I forgot to answer your question on how you can get pure ingredients for EDTA. You can have a look on Dr Ana Maria Milhaceas main website. She has resources. You can also have a look for Phosphatidylcholine (PC) aka Plaquex® from Anita Baxas. That is also a great alternative (does the same) as EDTA chelation.
I will post all the links here for you and everyone as I think it is very helpful when people are reading this to find clean products and practitioners who are awake and aware and know how to help you.
Dr Ana Maria Mihalceas website:
EDTA Chelation clinics can be found on the websites of the following integrative medical associations in the US and Germany:,, and in Central Europe on
Liposomal EDTA in liquid form is made by Quicksilver Scientific, available through
EDTA cream is available from
EBOO and Ozone clinics can be found:
World Federation of Ozone Therapy:
Ozone Without Borders :
European Cooperation of the Medical Ozone Societies -
Germany - German Medical Society for Ozone Application in Prevention and Therapy -
Austria - Austrian Mutual Interest Association of Ozone/Oxygen Therapists -
Spain - Spanish Association of medical professionals in ozone (Aepromo)
Spain - Spanish Scientific Association for the application of oxygen-Ozone Spain - Sociedad Española de exceed (observation)-
Greece - Greek Scientific Association of Oxygen – Ozone Therapy -
Italy - Italian Federation of oxygen-Ozone
Italy - (S.I.O.O.T.) -
Romania - Association " S.S.R.O.O.T."-Romanian scientific society of oxygen ozono therapy-
RUSSIA - Russian Association of Ozone Therapy -
Switzerland - The Swiss Medical Society for Ozone and Oxygen Therapy Methods (SAGOS) -
Turkey - English Ozone Association (Medical Ozone Oxygen Association) (Modern)
Turkey - Medical Ozone Therapy (Medical Ozone Therapy Association) (Motder)
Ukraine -Ukrainian Association of Ozone Therapy -
Medical Ozone Society of the Americas -
Argentina - Argentine Medical Association of oxygen
Argentina - Inter-American Science society of
Brazil - Brazilian Association of ozonioterapia (Aboz)
Cuba - Ozone Research Centre in
Ecuador - ecuadorian society of ozone-
United States of America - American Association of Ozone
Mexico - Mexican Association of Ozone AC (Amozon)-
Venezuela-Venezuelan society of ozone-
Venezuela - Venezuelan Association of medical professionals in ozone-
Venezuela - Venezuelan Association of oxygen-Ozone Therapy (Aveot)
Asian-European Association of Ozone Therapists -
Philipines - Society of Ozone and Photonic Medicine (SOPMED) -
China – China Federation of Ozone Therapy (CFOT) -
India- Ozone Forum of India -
Japan - Japanese Society of Oxidative Medicine -
South Africa - Ozone Association of Southern Africa (OASA)
Egypt – The Egyptian medical society for ozone Therapy & Complementary medicine (EMSOTCM) -
New Zealand- Ozone Therapy Association of New Zealand (OTANZ)
EBOO clinics in India, Indonesia and the Philippines:
NICE LIST!!!!!! Now you're talking :-)
I've been looking into AutoZone and you can get a portable sauna where your head sticks out so you don't have to breed the AutoZone. It's $150 for the sauna with the steam machine and then you add another $150 and you get a strong, ozone generator that you plug-in after you've done the sauna.
They have those on Amazon. I'm gonna look into that in the coming weeks and report on it. I'm gonna start my own sub stack as well. All right thanks a lot Ana.
Hi Stephan,
Thank you very much for all you do. I appreciate your ideas and suggestions and I agree that course is very expensive and not everyone can spend that much money easily and I think what you and many others are doing in offering free resources is best.
What did you do to heal yourself through your sickness after being glued to your computer and iPhone for 3 years?
I have been to a live blood practitioner yesterday and found it very valuable. I also discovered that I do not want to buy a microscope and look at the blood as it is a lot of work and I do not have the enthusiasm and commitment such as yourself and many others but I do enjoy the process and I do like it very much.
I looked at my blood for the first time and to my surprise I am fit as a fiddle. The practitioner I saw has been doing live and dry blood analysis for 10 years and has a wealth of knowledge and understanding on it. I was very happy to meet her, we had a great connection and she is very well aware of the covid-19 vaccines/radiation/heavy metals and measures different people.
Her name is Liesbet and her practice is called Santura, this is the website: I highly recommend Liesbet and she is also a follower/knows Dr. Ana Maria Milhacea. I think all the live blood practitioners know each other or at least are aware of each other.
I had been previously referred to this practice by my thermographist for a live blood analysis.
I contacted this lady but she didn't give me much hope or confirmation or even spoke English so it felt a disconnect from the start, but she does do live blood analysis I saw on her website.
My thermographist also used to do live blood analysis but stopped. She did not give me a reasoning but it almost felt like she needed to not to lose her practice because she is also well aware of toxic heavy metals and the covid-19 vaccines as her intake form has those questions and even explains what they do.
Then there was another one in the beginning when covid-19 broke out. I have forgotten her name. I have tried to search for her everywhere because I remember Dr. Jane Ruby wanted her on the show as she was checking out the live and dry blood of covid-19 vaccinated individuals and covid-19 unvaccinated individuals and making connections. She is a researcher and is based in Amsterdam. She did not have any social media or had a business of any kind so she is pretty much like you and many others. I have not been able to find her. I even asked Dr. Jane Ruby for her contact.
When I had Facebook I had added her as a friend as she had a personal Facebook page, but then I got expelled and warned multiple times for exposing covid-19 truths. (Misinformation to them) so my account got deactivated.
These are my contacts in the Netherlands. Like I said I highly recommend the live blood practitioner I met yesterday. And for anyone that lives in the Netherlands feel free to check out her practice, or the other one below that I had a disconnect with.
Thank you so much for your reply, and apologies also for my late reply. I have been focusing on what matters.
Best wishes to you
P.S-Liesbet (The live blood practitioner I went to, highlighted this well. I had mentioned I did a hair tissue analysis and an EMB and I did not get on the phone with anyone about the hair tissue analysis but the fact that it said I had very heavy metals in my blood made me stressed. But I went about it a natural way. Then I did the EMB with a nutritionist/ holistic practitioner and she sent my blood of to a lab. The results is that I had extreme high levels of radiation/heavy metals etc.. but she gave me very little information on what to do and she said the natural things I was doing it was not a good idea and not advised. (Liver and gallbladder flush and cleanse and enemas) Anyway Liesbet gave me confirmation how all those tests are not exactly what they say they are, and the people may not have the right education and experience to look for the correct information which seems to be the case with the people who measured me in the past. Or it could be that I have just naturally removed all the toxins. (I do not take anything by the way) I have been doing everything naturally. She then showed me a hair live on the microscope and said many people would see that as nanotechnology or heavy metals when it was not. So that was very interesting to see.
Also, you mentioned that you had access to some clean sources of EDTA, and that kind of things? Could you share please? Thanks.
Hi Stephan,
I had posted the clean resources for EDTA etc... right below my other post as recommended.
I hope you can see the post, as I can see it myself.
Best wishes to you
Let me know if you cannot see it as I can always send it to you.
"What did you do to heal yourself through your sickness after being glued to your computer and iPhone for 3 years?": Avoiding EMFs as much as I can!
It's great to hear that you're healthier than you thought :-)
If you want great information on all of this, I suggest you follow FM8. Either here or on bitchute.
OK all the best Ana
There is another course, which I am presently taking, that is given at Naturecure Academy. You can find them at
There is another course, which I am presently taking, that is given at Naturecure Academy. You can find them at
Hi Rodney, awesome that you're taking the course. Thanks.
Not sure if this is of any help but this six month course being taught on soil microscopy might have some cross over value for learning more?
As always excellent work
Thanks Eric.
Deeply appreciate all the support from you. Also that you apply scientific tests to you products . I am interested if you have tried checking the tech showing radiation after exiting the body again. That was a real eye opener for me. m
We should chat. Call me on Telegram, when your available not scoping the whole world 😂
Wow! Amazing videos and pictures! You've discovered a primary mechanism for transforming red blood cells into raw material for... who knows what purposes.
The fiber actually sucks the RBCs into the basin, but it also seems to pile them up or reject them below. In one of Karl.C.'s videos from September 5, some objects are immediately integrated into the fiber, while others pass right underneath (being stacked?). Is this an intentional sorting process or simply a pulling effect?
Could a darker image and higher magnification have shown the stacking process inside the pool, and whether the RBCs (GRs = globules rouges) were guided by QDs or nanorobots?
I would have liked to explore that white line with squares in the lower third of the pool.
It would have been interesting to see whether the hydrogel pool was empty from the start, or whether it had formed from an uncoiled fiber’s deployment that would have tossed the RBCs.
Have you examined these various orange-colored circles under greater magnification and verified what they contain? They appear to be filled with cells that have already been transformed, reduced to mush, and are also delimited by a fiber.
Slides can be rehydrated and re-examined. Is it possible with live blood?
Wow Danyele, lots of valid questions there that i will try to answer in a post.
Just by chance I happened to see the same phenomena today, and got a good video of it. To be posted . Have to try rehydrating some slides with different stuff one day from the hundreds i still have.
Regards, matt
For blood rehydration, may I suggest a good old saline solution (boiled water and salt, as in nasal irrigation recipe…)? You will find salt crystals, but we know what they look like. :)
I must confess that I'd love to be there with you while you make these videos...
Where was last week microscopy classroom?
Have a good daily hunt!
Don't know but the top one looks almost magnetic (to the iron in Hgb?), they do seem to fall into a "sink hole", the bottom ones I suspect pressure/flow gradient.
Good theory on the first one, the second was very level and the blood had settled from the cover slip weight, but its a possible.
...wir nehmen bislang das Blut nur im Sinne des Sichtbaren wahr. Die magnetischen WirbelFelder liegen außerhalb unserer Wahrnehmung...
...denke gerade an "Schrödingers Katze" - lebt sie noch... ? ;-)
Just guess, but the bottom ones seem to roll suggesting something is moving the solution, but I can't prove that just by looking. I'm no expert, maybe the energy of putting sample on slide, or some air pressure difference on some end of the sample soln...don't hold me to any of it!
Danke für das "ELEKTRONEN-MAGNETISCHE" MitDenken ! Seit 2002 forsche ich aus eigener SELBST-Heilungs-Erfahrung an der Wirkung des ErdMagnetismus für das LEBEN. 14 Jahre später gelang mir der erste Versuch die LEVITATION darzustellen - ...die Gegenkraft der NewTon´schen GRAVITATION. Hier ein Filmbeitrag aus 2018, welcher damals spontan von Torsten Schauer aufgenommen und eingestellt wurde. (
Inzwischen vergingen weitere Jahre und Anwendungen - besonders eindrucksvolle Ergebnisse haben wir auch beim Entgegenwirken bei genetischen Injektionen.... Dabei spielt eine Art "Reset" beim Hämoglobin eine entscheidende Rolle. Unser ForscherTeam brachte ein bioaktives Magnesium-Chlorid auf den Weg, welches den Zellstoffwechsel unterstützt. In den Mitochondrien der "KrebsZellen" fehlt das Magnesium.
Wer die GNM kennt, weiß vom DHS - der Zellstoffwechsel ist eine Art "magnetische Förderschnecke" - deshalb auch die gute Wirkung der SFR bei ZellStoffWechsel-Themen....
Wer Interesse hat komme gerne auf mich zu.
Mit liebem Gruß in die Runde, Dieter Theodor - ...ich bin selten im Netz, da ich im Sinne der Implosion agiere ;-)
Great work Matt! Do you know what the compounds are or the makeup of g/p, or if anyone has run it through mass spectrometry?
Amorphous protein / polymer is my understanding.
Amazing, thanks. It's in real time?
Hi Rachel, Yes. Ta, m
I appreciate your information. When I had it I feel the Lord told me to treat it as a Parasite, a Bacteria AND a fungus.
I used Borax in the shower as an exfoliant very aggressively! I have a pretty high pain tolerance (from ritual Abuse and being tortured and raped for prolonged periods, as well as sex trafficked...sad but true) so I scrubbed so much nastiness out.
I was dissociative when I had the Morgellons so it sounds gross but if I saw fibers or configurations with my phone magnified I would keep boraxing until they were out!
I also used Neem oil on my sores and internally,amongst other naturopathic aids.
I was just starting my walk with Christ when Morgellons started. It's only gotten stronger. I'm glad to hear you're saved as well. My targeting became so much more bearable when I accepted Jesus
These are fascinating and horrifying at the same time. As someone who suffered greatly from Morgellons for some time, I am very interested in all of this research. The things I removed from my skin during that time to me did not seem like anything organic to the human body.
Curious if you have looked deeper into Morgellons and any associations with what you are seeing here? I tend to agree that at this point, it seems most living organisms have been tainted.
The evil behind this is often hard for me to comprehend. But the truth is right there on the slide. Now just praying those of you with a greater understanding of this can work together and see how to mitigate these man-made parasites destroying our blood.
God bless and keep up the good work.
I suffered greatly with Morgellons as well. I haven't had an outbreak since 2021 but I would like to see what my blood looks like now
The things that came out of my sores looked absolutely demonic.
I went through a lot of Borax. What helped you
I took a lot of natural anti-parasitic supplements. But honestly, I am not sure besides the grace of God what has closed them up for the time being. The psychological aspect of not being believed, and the physical pain from the wounds is so incredibly hard.
Really interested to know how you utilized Borax? And grateful yours has gone into “remission” (if that’s the appropriate word).
I really believe there is a lot more to be researched and found out about the truth of Morgellons. I look forward to that day for a better understanding of what I, and so many others have suffered through.
Yesterday I looked at the blood of an 84 year old friend. It had no free floating red blood cells in one part of the wet mount and a huge amount of rouloux on another part of the slide. There were also black thick graphene circles present. One that we sat and looked at started out as an oval which sent out other materials into the plasma and it reshaped itself into a round perfect circle. It had varying shades of a grey substance in the black ring. The material that it sent into the plasma kept changing its shape as well. Eventually it got smaller and then disappeared. I did not have time to start a video and watch at the same time. There were other black circles that Dr Ana says are incubators. I have been looking at blood since Spring of 2021. Every couple of months I see new things emerging in both vaxed and non vaxed blood. No one has escaped this contamination.
Amazing research!
I agree with 420MedicineMan. What you are seeing as a gel border around the outside of the sphere is crystalline water. The current flows along the zeta potential. These are described really well by The Midwestern Doctor on his Substack page. He's written four articles on the subject. The last article is titled, "How to Improve Zeta Potential and Liquid Crystalline Water Inside the Body"... because without it, there is no life. The others are: What Is The Forgotten Side of Water; What Moves Water Inside the Body; and What is the Relationship Between Liquid Crystalline Water and Zeta Potential.
Are these spheres hydrogels? Are they the same things found in the blood of this nurse?
Enter the potential effect of snake venom.
I think that time is finally here.
Digital worms everywhere……. Nice pics brother! Is that the loaner scope, it's got a nice view on it. Good work.
No they are coming. those are from the old girl. been looking at edta etc etc.
.. You will know cos of the heavy handed histogrammy stuff
Excellent captures Matt thank you & keep up the good work. I've only recently started looking through my ordinary pathological microscope at a few blood samples. In particular I noticed a difference in a young male's (21) blood sample who has had 2 Australian Astrazenica shots. There were many of the spiky misshaped cells that you have identified with your clearer optics. My daughter & I (non V) had the occasional ones and unfortunately I noticed mine (64) appeared to have some degree of Rouleaux formation though not in any linear fashion.. I have no camera attachment so cannot share any views.
Are these spheres hydrogels? Are they the same things seen in the blood of this nurse?