Matt has become a one-man revolution against nano-tyranny. Amazing.

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Cheers Proton.

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Hello Matt

I agree with you about the back and forth over remedies between camps.

After watching you guys since" this" started being observed and talked about. I have decided to share my microscopy observations. Many of them are similar to what others are finding. Many are different and will put an additional perspective on SS.ive only commented on SS. I've never had social media so this will be new to me. i too will need some guidance on putting the videos/micrographs into a format i can paste on SS. Can you give me a brief description on how to transfer videos to substack? i have nothing to sell. Only research.

pardon my ignorance on navigating social media

As always . Good work

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Hi Neo,

You do great microscopy so am looking forward to seeing more. MP4 videos load and jpegs are easy as well.

Regards, m

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Thank you Matt ☺️


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Thank-you. It is so uplifting to see different therapies working. As I look at different researches work there is a correlation between some of the results. I assume the nanotech needs to get energy to do its' work. It needs to steal electrons from us, although EMF and heat have an effect also. Anything that adds electrons, increases pH/cellular voltage, increases oxygen in the blood, could improve symptoms. High dose vitamin C IV causes our bodies to release hydrogen peroxide to break down at the cellular level, (Fenton Reaction). H2O2 IV/orally is similar. Sodium Bicarbonate IV or orally increases body pH. Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) orally increases oxygenation of the blood. Most of us retired folks can't afford going to IV clinics but your list has many inexpensive alternatives; sodium bicarbonate, chlorine dioxide, Lugols iodine, Zeolite (I use Montmorillonite Clay). I am pleased you have seen a positive result with Master Peace. I was never jabbed or had the nose invasion, so I had Dr Robert Young do my live blood analysis. Yup, junk in my trunk. I have had no obvious negative effects but I use chlorine dioxide, Lugols and a new product I am experimenting with, Citozym. It is an enzymatic substrate that repairs the mitochondrial DNA. It is from www.citozeatecsrl.ch an Italian company.

I believe CDS effect is reduced when drunk with an antioxidant, but I will try it in my martini.

Great work!

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Mighty impressive Matt, you ' re the man. Thankyou for your epic contributions and dedication. One of a kind.

That's a huge body of work! KK

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Hi KK,

Thank you for your kind words Mam. So many happenings going on around my team. It seems just as we need some item or knowledge it turns up or gets offered serendipitously. Maybe that's why I feel so good and on top of my game today. I only get time to post a small % of what we record or see at present and just hope it helps someone put some pieces together that progresses all our understanding.

Warm regards,


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We are all so busy invested in the same, and I haven't given you the time I would normally have liked..because I'm spending it elsewhere, never lost sight of your efforts , but massively amazed at all you have encompassed in your areas of focus, we can't all trod the same roads, but one thing is for sure- were headed in the same direction. Love you brother, yes you are blessed ! KK

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Haha Matt, I like your last pic. We will win, over the machines. Thanks to love and laughter. In fact, they're already dead. "They" can infiltrate and mimic us as much as "they" want. Animation and life will remain beyond their grasp and end up erasing them from the face of the universe.

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Oh man that was absolutely awesome. You're a warrior of the end times Matt. Ok I get off my arse now.

I was at Dr political event the other night, there's a couple of aspiring politicians on board too. A Lawyer has set up two firms one in Perth another in Brisbane, for compensation for the jabs, $2 million they won so far for clients over injuries and work discrimination over covid policies. That particular group of activists is highly motivated now, they're all ready to listen and spread the word. Word of mouth is powerful. I even got asked to do a speech, by one of the attenddees, he liked my stories.

Plus the politicians one Liberal orientated, they have a couple of aspiring politicians totally onboard. One of the Doctors wants to retake the Labor unions, like when activists kicked out the communists in the 1930s.

If we start smashing this now by August next year the tides may well and truly turn.

Oh by the way I read in PubMed that medical lasers that are 2M power strength don't set off cancer genes in the skin. When the 5M power strength do set off cancer genes in the skin. That was in mouse model experiment. So I would only recommend medical lasers, that have inbuilt power modulator to moderate strength of laser beam. 👍 Plus lasers last longer, also extends the time of continuous use, before they get too hot and burn out.

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Hi 420,

I think the different wavelengths all have differing power levels that can be applied safely. You are correct with the medical lasers probably being better for many reasons but they jump in price significantly. Even just the medical cables are nearly $us 200 alone. Its the accuracy on the wavelength that changes if they heat up too. The absolute cheapest we seem to find in medical with high accuracy , a medical fiber and proper heat sink seem to range from about 500 with power modulation < 800 if including frequency modulation capacity. Working on it though.

Many thanks for originating the research.

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Hey Matt, such wonderful work. Thank u so much. I have a challenging, question. I'm targeted and I try and help people but I have been noticing a squishy mass ,in my chins next to bones and all alo g my spine and my area between broke it has like a hard substance tgat moves yet squishy. Extremly painful in emf towers or hone where I can't get away from it. Have any idea if this is some form of hydrogel or synthetic substance it's taking over my being. I havnt tried tge later yet any suggestions or maybe u could figure it out with my blood.

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Hi Georgia,

What country are you in?

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This is a good topic!I suspect it also depends on location of use and duration. I don't have any data, but I do have the Weber small laser and the tongue laser so any info you have is appreciated.

-The small laser (dot) doesn't have an on off switch, you have to plug-unplug. You also need a universal power plug adapter depending on your country.

-The tongue, called, "partial viral" doesn't come with a power source. You need to buy the watch or ask them by email how to buy a controller. I don't yet know if the universal plug is needed as still waiting on the controller.

-If the site tells you "doesn't ship to your address (or your country)", you'll have to write them an email as it seems to be a glitch in their system. They also only seem to read/write email maybe twice a week at best but they will reply.

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Is it possible to do photodynamic therapy with 532nm green laser? Meaning blood infusions with it. Are there any other lasers that would help intravenously?

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The IV used a fiber optic cable to carry the light into the vein and the blood cells carry the light throughout the body. Yes there are other wavelengths that have different mechanisms of action and benefits. UV and red light are 2 high on the list.

Red light turns on the mitochondria like a switch if used in the early am but wont later in the day. It also targets certain nanotech for degradation and dissolution as another example.

I have a Russian machine developed by the KGB for telepathy and assume its by way of decalcifying the pineal gland and this uses a 50mw red laser at a certain wavelength and power. There is no expectation by me to become telepathic but I will still try it out. many are saying they cannot meditate any more after the shots and this may help with that side of things. very subjective but who knows?

If you look at the screen shot in the post all those listed items have a wavelength and frequency to help destroy them.

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Some have said that those “temperature checking” machines at the entrances of some doctors’ surgeries and hospitals are somehow targeting the pineal gland. Don’t ask me how! Isn’t it interesting though, that people checking their temperature are never outside of the “normal temperature” range. I have purposefully not used those things in about 2 years, but I’ve sat near enough to hear, since this blasted “covid” happened. (My son has a couple of chronic conditions)

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Hi rod,

Interesting observation. I had a friend who said the same a few years back - that he watched hundreds go by and not one had a high temperature so when he walked up he asked them to do his wrist instead. He was told the instructions were to only do the forehead above and between the eyes. when he refused this though the guy did his wrist.

We both thought it was illogical at the time . Similar too having untrained dolts jamming a stick into the blood brain barrier I guess.

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Yeah, thanks for the quick reply matt-I reckon there is something shonky about it, I thought that before I heard about the maybe targeting the pineal gland. If people walk in and walk past it, you can usually get away with it. Just acting confident may help!

But sure-a person’s wrist should be ok to test! If I ever have to do it in the future, I’ll show it my wrist! Thanks, I wouldn’t have thought of that!

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Yes, when this was happening, I refused the temp check on forehead, said I get migraines and dont want one triggered, said do my wrist instead, didnt have any trouble with this. I think most taking the temps probably didnt want to have to do it anyway. So I didnt have any problems getting the temp check on the wrist area.

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Good one don!

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Wich Screenshot please?

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We will survive


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Hi Juan,

That's a nice version and a very human experience . A voice like a church huh. Yes I am still an optimist and truly believe the harder they push the more allies we have. As a purely numbers game we are overwhelming and most people are good at heart even though it may not appear so at times.

Thanks for the sweet distraction. m

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2 weeks before my mother passed I had a convo w/ her about transhumanism and she got it right away - she asked "why do the want to get rid of God" (or source/creator however you define).? I find it extraordinary the level of evil that is trying to reprogram genetically how we were originally, biologically programmed. Which is prob why they want to get rid of old ppl like me - bc we remember. The psychopaths and their useful idiots will fail. Having to witness the suffering is really the hardest.

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There was that presentation at the white house where they said they could now delete fundamentalism via signals to peoples brains. Seems to me very similar to what's happening to many today with some saying they have lost the ability to connect or meditate now. Fluoride and other agents of the agenda to calcify the pineal may have been the old method, now no longer needed.

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I'm not religious at all. Gonna be interesting how they are going to disconnect me from Nature. Or my soul. Or free will. If they are sending "signals" to my brain they are obv not succeeding. LOL

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Yep, zero effect on me too so far that I have noticed. I believe the people who lost the ability to meditate after the jab though.

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What ratio do you use of sodium citrate/magnesium/potassium?

As for the green laser, do you do it sublingually?

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Hi Penelope,

It was 80% SC , 18% magnesium C and 2% potassium C or 18% potassium and 2% magnesium. I don't trust my memory at present except for the %'s, but am sure someone will correct it here for us. Its in one of my other posts

Yes I only do the sublingual now, sporadically as needed. The IV is definitely better if heavily contaminated though.

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Resetting the Great Reset!

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Hi Matt-

I'm confused. Does Masterpeace work, or no? Because there is a huge effort to discredit it.

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Hi ST,

At this stage I am wondering if many of the natural products that can help us have been contaminated with something that looks bad on a slide but doesn't hurt us. How hard would it be to do this in order to deter most people from using them? That's easier than legislating natural medicine out of existence and fits with the current M.O. in my view.

My first inkling of this was when I saw the hugely contaminated iodine. The lady who made it and took a lot herself had some of the least contaminated blood I have seen. Its possible that with the right supplement regimen that we just pee or otherwise excrete the contaminants out and still get the benefit of the supplements.

I don't claim to know and am only reporting what I have seen. It was one sample. I expected to see a lot of the tech in this guys blood if taking such a contaminated product or one that helped "build the tech" and he had virtually none compared to most people. In body proof compared to slide analysis again. Theory vs reality.

Masterpeace has been attacked largely because of who was promoting it and also what looked like false claims. This may be the case but for me now the only truth will come from what people experience and the actual results thereof, as opposed to theories, papers, slide experiments and such.

There is such a thing as graphic proof and it is a lot more reliable than all the hypotheses and theories in the world.

This is not an attack on anyone else's work and I think its still beneficial to put all these things on slides and watch interactions etc but a healthy dose of skepticism as to the in body / on slide difference should be maintained.

We get accused of scare mongering as it is.

Our bodies natural abilities to heal are incredible and I will be trying out all those things I was warned not to do to see the actual results. I am not susceptible to the fear mongering and have confidence that any problems I possibly encounter can be dealt with by the people around me.

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Right, I’m seeing zeolite builds the structures in the blood.

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Hi Ginger,

Do you mean under a scope or from information provided?

Thanks, Matt.

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I’ve seen it build structures under a scope on Ria’s Facebook page. She’s heavily against it. I used about half a bottle early on. I do think zeolite is still having a benefit in many people in relation to detox.

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Oct 19Edited

Just my spit balling:

With Matt's replies, and this one case, it appears masterpeace shows different outcomes when ingested compared to microscopic slide testing and solutions/mixes.

This could elude to the nano's primary source of entry into our bodies could be via the digestive tract. It could be the case that once 'post digestion' masterpiece may not work?

Without clear testing between the two, I am just speculating.

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With zeolites its the cationic exchange capacity plus ability to attract and hang on to heavy metals etc so they can be excreted safely that I think are the main benefits. It can also set up beneficial bacteria hotels in the right circumstances - quite an extraordinary substance.

Also there are 40 natural and 200 odd man made ones and they are certainly not all equal. All have differing properties.

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Zeolite, according to the literature, builds the tech. I know someone who was experimenting with taking it, he knew what was being shared about it, but wanted to see for himself, & he was not feeling well on it.


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That's a great paper and find , Thanks.

What it shows is that some zeolites can be modified or doped for cancer treatments. Its effects in the body depend on many factors. As to its growing the current tech that's an issue for us today it would on balance probably show a positive effect for us over a negative.

Nearly all products out there would use the clinoptilolite as its very cheap ( by the ton about us$600 or under $1 per kg) and also one of the most common. If I was to use a zeolite I would go for the mordenite as its the prince of zeolites as the only one that doesn't break down and is a hard stone. Its rare and expensive but can be activated and doped with what you want.

As anything added to it can change its properties (as well as activation processes not mentioned in the paper) and effects significantly nobody can say what it will do inside the body without identifying a huge variety of factors but this study was all positive in my view. Most only shows the potential for carrying cancer drugs to the sites and releasing them.

Perhaps the ocean water? doping used by MP is good. I don't know.

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If you get a chance to test it, that would be awesome. Ty Matt!

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Wondering your thoughts on this?

I have the pleasure of working with the amazing Dr Ed Group and his team, if you do not know who he is look up “Healing of the Ages” and the A.G.E.S team ~ He has a Transhumanism Research Lab working with Dr Maria Crisler, Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr Henry Ealy, myself and our team, La Quinta Columna and more. We have been saying for over 2 years they have put plasmids in genetically weaponised bacteria, yeast and E. coli. We have worked on the solutions for years, it’s ongoing. We have never been in a situation like the one we are currently in. We are dealing with Human 2.0, AI, and levels of synthetic biology that have never been seen or studied before. To our knowledge, we are the only team in the world identifying these synthetic genetically modified organisms and toxins, nanotech, metals, parasites, toxic congested livers, toxic and altered gut microbiome, EMFs, and their effect on our biological systems and how they are affecting our mind, body, and soul.

We have designed programs to work on all of the multiple vectors we have identified that are causing harm to the body. YET I/We are accused of Selling something!

We have all worked tirelessly for YOU for years, 7 days a week, 12–15-hour days, treating and teaching 1000’s, coming out of clinical practice where we were earning to nothing, yet when we present our work we are trolled to say we are pyramid selling!

If you do not want to follow us then please leave, we are not holding you hostage here, but for those that do want to know what is going on we are delighted to have you and you can look at our solutions here t.me/NOMORESILENCE_NMS

Anyway, here is more proof that plasmids are in E. coli and it’s not just in the vax it is also in water, food and more, so YES the un-vaxd are now as infected as the vaxd


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What a beautiful post and results❤️ Such an important point you bring up, these “matériels” act differently in the body than on a slide. And my experience continues to lead me to believe that it’s not just the blood being changed.. I feel the blood etc is being used to “attempt” to make synthetic structures, including vessels, blood, organs (everyting). So if the components of the blood are being broken down to be used to make new vasculature ETC .. you wouldn’t get a great full picture from just looking at the blood solely, especially on a slide. I highly appreciate your openness and value in personal experiences and testimonies.. to me that’s extremely important in this current mysterious mess. Grateful for you and all your work and courage❤️

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Hi Matt,

Thank you for your work.

Anywhere I can learn more about the lasers please.

I'm a little green to all this.

I have done cds , fasting ( 3 days water fast)

And now fascinated by green 532 laser.

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Hi Alan,

A bit green? no pun intended hey. Read the other posts relating to it then I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Cheers, m

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Thank you

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The before/after laser videos are just amazing. Are these IV laser or sublingual laser? We have some very sick folks across the pond and I'd love to get the Materials & Methods to start getting the same results over here. And re: the chemical antidotes, I'm all ears as so far there's contradictory information, e.g. Dr. Nixon's group aren't fans of Masterpeace or Zeolites. And methylene blue wasn't mentioned, which Dr. Ana advocates I believe. Phenomenal work Matt....time to share with all the world!

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Hi Steve,

The methylene blue was a part of the eboo process and created smurf pee as well. Its on my list as a component in a multi trial at some stage to try and replicate others works. Just forgot it plus more in the master list. There is a huge difference between in vitro and in vivo and results from in body experiments are the only ones that are graphic proof for me today. I will do slide experiments but will always allow for them to be misleading now. My surprise at the masterpeace result was genuine as I was fooled again by on slide experiments, but that's the last time.

Most of the people do the IV today so the videos probably reflect that. Some will do an IV initially and its probable that the sublingual will maintain the results. I had done some belly button ones a while back but was too busy to check results. The tech guy did the belly button for weeks and maintained reasonably good blood but not as effective as the sublingual.

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Matt, I'm curious if you've been testing the eyes for the green UV glow, particularly in those whose blood has cleared from your listed treatment protocols?

I feel some kind of connection to the "Mandela Effect" with all this. Almost like those commonly-noted "changes" were test runs for mass memory "adjustment." It seems so odd to me that people don't remember that, no, we did *not* used to look like vampires in the club.

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Hi Kieran,

No, but we have seen blue dots in people with the woods lamp that are not in the color manual that came with it.

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