Will we even know anymore, what clean blood looks like? I'm thinking of putting up images of healthy red blood cells everywhere, painting them etc in a mandala form so that my body and mind will be "forced" to accept this as a form of visualization. I know it's out there - but what do we have to lose?
Go (DIRECTLY) to God in Jesus the Christ's name, that is the (ONLY---John 14:6) answer, not astrology, gurus, mandalas, meditation, spiritualism, etc. I warned a "friend of mine" back in the eighties that if he kept on being involved in meditation, he would end up demon possessed; and, sure enough, that's what he ending up becoming. Those things leave us open to takeover by evil.
God's Word(s) say(s) that rebellion against God is as the sin of witchcraft. Well, the reverse is also true. Spiritualism and witchcraft are rebellion against God. We must cease rebelling against Him.
"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":
"...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]
Oh wow I'm slacking. These are great catches. Can't be believe you found half of one of those structures I showed recently with the 8 rings inside. So now we know this is likely not an accidentally formed Structure. Nice mate!
I'm glad you had the courage, spiritual smarts & wisdom to heal yourself, good to hear your feeling better 👍
I absolutely agree, it's all about severing our attachment to the divine & replacing it with some pseudo junk science satanic substitute.
We belong to God & they are trying to steal us & all the forna & flora God created & use our power for themselves.
Shawn Paul Melville's substack is an expose of EQORIA, an attempt by these psychos to get 1% of ppl on earth to sign up to be digitally copied by AI to create their digital twin which is then uploaded onto the EQORIA system to enable the Singularity - no need for the human after this, so I'd imagine they would be disposed of or as EQORIA puts it 'decontaminated' because in this new EQORIA nightmare, humans are pathogenic & must be cleansed - gotten rid of.
Interestingly, I recently watch Dr Steven Greers 'Contact: C5', I know many think Dr Greer is a deep state stooge but I found his observations to be very interesting.
He was talking about the nature of consciousness & the power of the mind, how the whole Universe is folded up & is within everyone of us '
Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form when within thee the Universe is folded'
Baha'I nauki
He said thought is the most powerful thing & if 1% of Panet Earth concentrated, mediated or simply believed something strongly enough, the Universe would have to accept the signal & make it so. That means that it is us who are the powerful 1% - not them & all we have to do is unify & project our thought up & out into the Cosmos to make it reality. This is probably why they try to distract us with frightening stuff constantly because they dont want us all focusing on getting rid of them because they know we can - we need to act on this wisdom & shove them into oblivion - using our minds connection to the Source, The One, The Force - The Ultimate
She did a video from a secret location after she went missing just to tell everyone she was still alive & in hiding because she was being targeted - like Len Ber et al, Targeted Individuals, Havana Syndrome, weird burns on the skin, Microwave Attack etc or Demonic Attack - you decide
After she came back from Mexico she did an interview with Health Ranger Mike Adam's about the whole thing, I've downloaded it but due the volume of stuff to try to keep up with, I haven't gotten round to watching it yet - I was happy to know she was alive & well.
I just went to Brighteon & searched for her & there are a good few vidz about this where she tellls what happened to her, she says they tried to kill her & I believe her
We must put these and other such microscopy images before "ignorers," deniers, "cowerers," "hiders" and "normies" and those preoccupied with trivialities.
We must also minimize our exposure to these structures and their precursors.
Our honest scientists must continually research these structures and work to develop methods to destroy them and to purge them from our bodies.
We must seek courageous and enlightened healers to receive treatments to destroy and/or purge these structures and/or we must find, acquire treatment agents and self-administer those agents. I have been compiling a list of countermeasures to avoid and eliminate these structures. I am eager to share those with everyone. I am eager to learn of countermeasures that others develop or find. We need a way, an online communications and collaboration hub.
Keep connected, everyone. Share what you learn about preventing and overcoming infestations with these structures. Initially, we could use an existing communications and collaboration platform. Later, we might develop a secure Internet site.
What secure, online platform would you recommend for crowd sourcing, posting and disseminating information and for discussion on pertinent subjects? Substack? Discord? others?
Are you a person with relevant expertise who could participate as a member of a team of geographically distributed volunteers of relevant expertise to build and maintain a site and curate the contents thereof that would be a hub for the study and defeat of human-targeted, non-consensually introduced, pernicious and insidious, electro-mechanical nano-technologies, intensified pathogens and genotype- and phenotype-altering agents?
The site would solicit and the staff of the site would compile, edit (for clarity), organize and present for ready access articles, images and data about the nature, functioning, capabilities, origins, purposes and vulnerabilities of hostile technologies, pathogens and genetic corruptors.
The site and the staff of it would also post and disseminate through many channels highly accessible (easily found and easily understandable) information on behavioral and therpeutic countermeasures to avoid, mitigate and eliminate environmental and bodily infestations of harmful micro-technologies, infections of intensified pathogens and infections with genetic corruptors.
To avoid attracting more opposition, hostility and attacks than it otherwise would, the staff of the site would refer information on obtained or developed about sources and purposes of the harmful agents and about those responsible for their development and deployment to trusted legal teams, prosecutors, legislators, investigative journalists, authors, documentary producers.
Are you or have you been any of the following?:
- scientific journal/ general publication editor
- nono-technologist
- microbiologist
- geneticist
- secure server owner or manager
- cyber-security expert
- Internet site developer
- technical writer/editor
- translator
- technical illustrator
- digital graphics artist
- video producer
- communications/public relations professional
- social media communicator
- online discussion moderator
Realize that among the many reasons that people do not want to know about the Covid depopulation and control scamdemic is that they do not want to know about their doom. If they learn that they may have injurious and deadly agents in their bodies, they may want to know nothing about them, their sources or their purposes. For many those facts would be too frightening and painful to face. However, if the infested and infected learn that viable countermeasures are available to improve their healths and extend their lives, many of them would give attention to those countermeasures and with them attention to the agents, their sources, their purposes and their developers and deployers.
Please contact me with your thoughts or suggestions or to inform me of your willingness to contribute to establishing and/or operating a micro-threat exposure, study and elimination site. Due to e-mail and voicemail overload, the most reliable way to contact me is by text message. Having run for local, public office three times, my contact information is already widely known, so I am not overly concerned about posting it below.
Matt, this is science people can understand and realize we are under attack by evil govt. and its destructive efforts to depopulate and control the population for a transfer of wealth.
okay this is scary. I didn't take any of the shots but I do take a shiteload of vitamins and other supplements, some of which I buy in bulk powder form and make my own caps (with allegedly vegan capsules). been buying from swanson's for more than two decades, but just found out they were bought a while ago by an finance company called spc. not sure I can trust them, any more. but with all of this stuff going into our food, too, health has become a crapshoot. qué será, será, I guess...
We can't get away from it! These sobs have their bioweapons in EVERYTHING! Even in the very air that we breathe. This MUST be why God doesn't destroy the earth again by flooding.
The whole damned thing will have to be burned to the ground, inside and out, to eliminate the poisons and AI from their invasion.
I used to recommend Swanson; but, after they sent me three spoiled products in a row [including what smelled like a super-spoiled Bromelain (I"ve bought it for years and never had it smell---it smelled like it was made from spoiled pineapple)]. And I had it happen with the Swanson brand AND the Bromelain I'd been buying for years, Source Naturals. Needless to say, I don't buy those brands anymore, and I now purchase my supplements from Amazon, where I actually found that I got a much better deal the last time, than I would have from iHerb.com. With Gates and company buying up everything, likely including supplement companies, we can expect that we won't be able to trust any supplements (at all?) soon. The Source Naturals Bromelain used to be excellent (in fact, it seemed to work better for my diffuse chronic pain than any other brand of Bromelain I've tried, but then it began to only smell spoiled, and it had a metallic smell and taste as well, which naturally made me additionally concerned). Things are having poisons put in them more and more. What's not to be concerned about? The people buying up these companies want us all dead, and they are bringing it to fruition right now with all this global(ist) government bullshite.
jeezus...I hate to give amazon a penny more than I already do, but. I'll look into the brands they carry. problem is, whatever we do and wherever we turn these days, we're screwed...
I would love to. Wouldn't it take consuming too large an amount of pineapple to get the equivalent of the concentrated extract in the tablets? And, are organic pineapples even available where I shop? Those are the questions that immediately come to mind for me. Please expand on this topic and explain how it is feasible, if indeed it even is.
Unknown (unsure) how much bromelain is necessary, however the core of the pineapple which is normally discarded, as well as the stem, contain quite a bit of that particular enzyme.
You can purchase bromelain powder in bulk and fill gelatin capsules yourself.
recently switched to vitacost. thank you for the warning about swanson, I used to buy there too. B12? does that mean we should stop taking vitamin supplements? This morning I read an article we should, and then one that told how these vitamins are made. Which one is it? good or bad???
I've been buying a lot of things from vitacost for many (many) years, but they're owned by kroger, and I've become hesitant since I learned their largest shareholders are vanguard, blackrock, state street, and berkshire hathaway. we are doomed...
oh no. I had no idea. But they have figs and dates and the flour I bake with. Swanson does not carry dried fruit, or at least not those that I want, and the local Walmart half of the time is out of.
I've been buying dried fruit and nuts from sincerely nuts and all their stuff has been great. let's see if substack allows links: https://sincerelynuts.com
I believe Matt is talking about B12 by prescription; i.e., Cyanocobalamin or Methylcobalamin (the latter is the best because it allegedly doesn't have any cyanide in it like the former one does, and is more assimilable by the body). But you are correct in what you alluded to, we less and less can trust anything from corporations increasingly. We've been poisoned in the air, food and water for decades now, so what can we trust anymore under these conditions?
nothing! we can trust nothing from the shelves anymore, and we cannot even trust what is in our garden, with all the chemtrails and stuff. I guess our bodies are now so used to poison that we survive nevertheless. I will have to figure out what is in the vitamins I am used to, but how to find out? It has no ingredients but the names of the vitamins.
Yes it even contains vitamin c. Go get some beef and eat it raw with some salt on it and stop buying toxic shitty supplements that harm your body and don’t do anything. You can’t even be sure what’s in them- there’s literally no way to know you’re actually getting what they say they put in that bottle. Supplements were always a scam long before nanotech and all this shit came into the picture.
what about the mrna shots in our meat supply? and if it’s falling from the sky it’s also getting into our cows 🐄. what the hell are they doing to us and our world 🌎 and who is THEY exactly?
I haven't eaten beef (unless a bit when there was no other choice) since mad cow disease popped up. I also overheard farmers who inject way too much stuff. So I avoid red meat, chicken, and only sparingly eat some park or turkey. A few days a week I do all vegetarian. Yes the garbage falls on veggies too, but one has to eat something! EAM I agree, there is nothing safe to eat anymore.
Has anyone thought to check baby formula? Or different foodstuffs? How about tap water, bottled water, berkey filtered water? I need to get a microscope. Great work again. But fucking frightening. I want to check my blood but I’m scared. And my baby. What about him? This stuff gives me so much anxiety.
(No he doesn’t drink formula, we get raw milk from our trusted farmer, and he’s not really a baby, but he’s “my baby”. But I was just wondering about formula because how far will these fuckers go.)
I actually just started collecting some rainwater in a Petri dish this morning (UK) and plan on putting it under the microscope this evening. Matt's microscopy is truly inspiring.
No fear. If we know we can do something. Get any scope and start. Yes the babies have it too. I found it in my unjabbed 2 month old grand daughter from my unjabbed daughter. Yes I have looked at hundreds of local products so far. We all need to.Thanks for being here, matt
I read a DARPA patent which describes a method for growing a biomechanical neural network in the human brain which connects to the self-assembled "micro-camera" in the person's eye, and which can wirelessly transmit everything that person is seeing to a remote receiver. Have also read other patents which allow "them" to hear every sound the victim is hearing as well.
There is NO WAY any horror-flick writer could possibly have come up with anything as insanely nasty as what's actually happening these days.
As if your microscope findings weren't terrifying enough...this is the stuff of HORROR MOVIES. I always pray for God to assist us and protect us. We REALLY need it.
Has anyone had their blood examined by the method that Dr. Ana Mihalcea does? Has anyone that has had their blood examined then been exposed to electromagnetic fields? If so what effect has been seen under the microscope? Is their a before and after for comparison? I would like to know if this is effective against the nanotechnology. Tony Pantalleresco from Canada built a triangle shaped electromagnet that he has used to disable nanotechnology. Can anyone verify what he has done with dark field microscopy examination of the blood before and after?
I saw Dr Ana and had my blood cleared. 2 months later I discovered I have morgellens. I wrote it up including before/after images but haven’t yet had a “post-morg” live blood analysis.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea (who has a Substack account) uses EDTA and Vitamin C infusions to clear the blood. I can't afford to travel to visit her, or how much it costs for the treatment, so I take these in capsule form, though she says this is not enough. I also take NAC and Quercetin with Bromelaine, and a number of other vitamins and supplements. Curcumin and black seed oil capsules...
That's great you're giving your body the resources it needs. Though Dr. Ana thinks what you are doing isn't enough, we are all new at all of this and it may be surprising what proves to be helpful.
God works in mysterious ways and none of us can do anything other than the best we are able.
7mg nicotine patch 6 day (no more than 6 days, and give 3 months for complete recovery) treatment ■ fish oil to carry it out the body, and no suppliment of 'magnesium' for [3] months since venoms need magnesium to bind otherwise venom will pass from the body. I want to do a venon cleanse. M
Dr Ardis spoke about antidotes in a number of videos. I found a Power Point presentation where he gives the full "Venom Solutions". Go to https://www.unifydhealing.com/antidote then click on Downloads. In the Power Point presentation (PDF), page 136 you'll find it. I don't know whether this is the most recent information though. I have found this rather hard to track down :)
This stuff is compelling, after seeing this post yesterday evening, I decided to put some vitamin B12 liquid under the microscope for some experience of my own, I'll be writing a post about that procedure today whilst I am collecting rainwater in my new Petri dishes to put under the microscope this evening... All being well!
The B12 I put under the microscope last night was the Floradix vitB12 complex, I saw some similar things to your images, but not quite as scary as what you captured. I hope you might take a look at my post after i get to sit down and do a write up. I'm still on my first Coffee!!!
Unjabbed but oft exposed to jabbies. Treat jabby injuries. Had mild anemia transiently but checked out my blood in ‘22. It had the long filament things just like these and it had rouleaux as well. Rev 18:23 and the nations were deceived by their sorceries.. root pharmakeia. Know Jesus, know Peace, friends. We never know.
What if the dark pools were created by the lasso state of the filaments ? I do prefer the term hydrogel nanos optic fibers (NOF) because they seem, so far, to be transporting QD’s (=light infos) and bubbles, as per Dr. Nixon (from 40:00 and a “lasso” at 40:33):
I couldn’t retrieve his pictures showing a segmented NOF that carried a small crystal or his video of bubbles inside one of them THEN EXITING the NOF but, they are somewhere in the “Discussions” sections.
The sheer number of different forms is staggering today:
The hypothesis is plausible given the disintegrated filament overlapping the dark pools, not the contrary.
Te Kauwhata continued. :
Good example of the second stage disintegrating filament surrounding 2 dark pools.
Will we even know anymore, what clean blood looks like? I'm thinking of putting up images of healthy red blood cells everywhere, painting them etc in a mandala form so that my body and mind will be "forced" to accept this as a form of visualization. I know it's out there - but what do we have to lose?
Thank you for all your work Matt. Incredible.
I’d love to see your images!
I love the idea of a new art form; clean blood!
Go (DIRECTLY) to God in Jesus the Christ's name, that is the (ONLY---John 14:6) answer, not astrology, gurus, mandalas, meditation, spiritualism, etc. I warned a "friend of mine" back in the eighties that if he kept on being involved in meditation, he would end up demon possessed; and, sure enough, that's what he ending up becoming. Those things leave us open to takeover by evil.
God's Word(s) say(s) that rebellion against God is as the sin of witchcraft. Well, the reverse is also true. Spiritualism and witchcraft are rebellion against God. We must cease rebelling against Him.
"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":
"...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]
Oh wow I'm slacking. These are great catches. Can't be believe you found half of one of those structures I showed recently with the 8 rings inside. So now we know this is likely not an accidentally formed Structure. Nice mate!
I'm glad you had the courage, spiritual smarts & wisdom to heal yourself, good to hear your feeling better 👍
I absolutely agree, it's all about severing our attachment to the divine & replacing it with some pseudo junk science satanic substitute.
We belong to God & they are trying to steal us & all the forna & flora God created & use our power for themselves.
Shawn Paul Melville's substack is an expose of EQORIA, an attempt by these psychos to get 1% of ppl on earth to sign up to be digitally copied by AI to create their digital twin which is then uploaded onto the EQORIA system to enable the Singularity - no need for the human after this, so I'd imagine they would be disposed of or as EQORIA puts it 'decontaminated' because in this new EQORIA nightmare, humans are pathogenic & must be cleansed - gotten rid of.
Interestingly, I recently watch Dr Steven Greers 'Contact: C5', I know many think Dr Greer is a deep state stooge but I found his observations to be very interesting.
He was talking about the nature of consciousness & the power of the mind, how the whole Universe is folded up & is within everyone of us '
Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form when within thee the Universe is folded'
Baha'I nauki
He said thought is the most powerful thing & if 1% of Panet Earth concentrated, mediated or simply believed something strongly enough, the Universe would have to accept the signal & make it so. That means that it is us who are the powerful 1% - not them & all we have to do is unify & project our thought up & out into the Cosmos to make it reality. This is probably why they try to distract us with frightening stuff constantly because they dont want us all focusing on getting rid of them because they know we can - we need to act on this wisdom & shove them into oblivion - using our minds connection to the Source, The One, The Force - The Ultimate
All glory to God.
Amen : )
Just like Karen Kingston uncovered. They want to control ALL matter.
Yes, and when she spoke out & exposed them, they terrorized her to the point where she had to flee the country to survive
I hope she's doing well & is safe, God bless her
They will never control anything
When God is ready this scum will be wiped from the face of the earth
do you happen to know who exactly terrorized her?
She did a video from a secret location after she went missing just to tell everyone she was still alive & in hiding because she was being targeted - like Len Ber et al, Targeted Individuals, Havana Syndrome, weird burns on the skin, Microwave Attack etc or Demonic Attack - you decide
After she came back from Mexico she did an interview with Health Ranger Mike Adam's about the whole thing, I've downloaded it but due the volume of stuff to try to keep up with, I haven't gotten round to watching it yet - I was happy to know she was alive & well.
I just went to Brighteon & searched for her & there are a good few vidz about this where she tellls what happened to her, she says they tried to kill her & I believe her
this is also like Blossom Inner Wellness on utub.
We must put these and other such microscopy images before "ignorers," deniers, "cowerers," "hiders" and "normies" and those preoccupied with trivialities.
We must also minimize our exposure to these structures and their precursors.
Our honest scientists must continually research these structures and work to develop methods to destroy them and to purge them from our bodies.
We must seek courageous and enlightened healers to receive treatments to destroy and/or purge these structures and/or we must find, acquire treatment agents and self-administer those agents. I have been compiling a list of countermeasures to avoid and eliminate these structures. I am eager to share those with everyone. I am eager to learn of countermeasures that others develop or find. We need a way, an online communications and collaboration hub.
Keep connected, everyone. Share what you learn about preventing and overcoming infestations with these structures. Initially, we could use an existing communications and collaboration platform. Later, we might develop a secure Internet site.
What secure, online platform would you recommend for crowd sourcing, posting and disseminating information and for discussion on pertinent subjects? Substack? Discord? others?
Are you a person with relevant expertise who could participate as a member of a team of geographically distributed volunteers of relevant expertise to build and maintain a site and curate the contents thereof that would be a hub for the study and defeat of human-targeted, non-consensually introduced, pernicious and insidious, electro-mechanical nano-technologies, intensified pathogens and genotype- and phenotype-altering agents?
The site would solicit and the staff of the site would compile, edit (for clarity), organize and present for ready access articles, images and data about the nature, functioning, capabilities, origins, purposes and vulnerabilities of hostile technologies, pathogens and genetic corruptors.
The site and the staff of it would also post and disseminate through many channels highly accessible (easily found and easily understandable) information on behavioral and therpeutic countermeasures to avoid, mitigate and eliminate environmental and bodily infestations of harmful micro-technologies, infections of intensified pathogens and infections with genetic corruptors.
To avoid attracting more opposition, hostility and attacks than it otherwise would, the staff of the site would refer information on obtained or developed about sources and purposes of the harmful agents and about those responsible for their development and deployment to trusted legal teams, prosecutors, legislators, investigative journalists, authors, documentary producers.
Are you or have you been any of the following?:
- scientific journal/ general publication editor
- nono-technologist
- microbiologist
- geneticist
- secure server owner or manager
- cyber-security expert
- Internet site developer
- technical writer/editor
- translator
- technical illustrator
- digital graphics artist
- video producer
- communications/public relations professional
- social media communicator
- online discussion moderator
Realize that among the many reasons that people do not want to know about the Covid depopulation and control scamdemic is that they do not want to know about their doom. If they learn that they may have injurious and deadly agents in their bodies, they may want to know nothing about them, their sources or their purposes. For many those facts would be too frightening and painful to face. However, if the infested and infected learn that viable countermeasures are available to improve their healths and extend their lives, many of them would give attention to those countermeasures and with them attention to the agents, their sources, their purposes and their developers and deployers.
Together we will overcome, survive and thrive!
Please contact me with your thoughts or suggestions or to inform me of your willingness to contribute to establishing and/or operating a micro-threat exposure, study and elimination site. Due to e-mail and voicemail overload, the most reliable way to contact me is by text message. Having run for local, public office three times, my contact information is already widely known, so I am not overly concerned about posting it below.
In Sovereignty, Civility, Honest Self-governance, Responsible Liberty, Responsible Responsible Free Enterprise, Prosperity, Honest Law Enforcement, Honest Jurisprudence, Truth, Justice, Life, Wellness, Longevity,
Mark Venzke
Matt, this is science people can understand and realize we are under attack by evil govt. and its destructive efforts to depopulate and control the population for a transfer of wealth.
If we dont make noise,
We will die in silence.
Keep it comming.
okay this is scary. I didn't take any of the shots but I do take a shiteload of vitamins and other supplements, some of which I buy in bulk powder form and make my own caps (with allegedly vegan capsules). been buying from swanson's for more than two decades, but just found out they were bought a while ago by an finance company called spc. not sure I can trust them, any more. but with all of this stuff going into our food, too, health has become a crapshoot. qué será, será, I guess...
We can't get away from it! These sobs have their bioweapons in EVERYTHING! Even in the very air that we breathe. This MUST be why God doesn't destroy the earth again by flooding.
The whole damned thing will have to be burned to the ground, inside and out, to eliminate the poisons and AI from their invasion.
may be we nead the old fashioned gas masks, the real ones.
I used to recommend Swanson; but, after they sent me three spoiled products in a row [including what smelled like a super-spoiled Bromelain (I"ve bought it for years and never had it smell---it smelled like it was made from spoiled pineapple)]. And I had it happen with the Swanson brand AND the Bromelain I'd been buying for years, Source Naturals. Needless to say, I don't buy those brands anymore, and I now purchase my supplements from Amazon, where I actually found that I got a much better deal the last time, than I would have from iHerb.com. With Gates and company buying up everything, likely including supplement companies, we can expect that we won't be able to trust any supplements (at all?) soon. The Source Naturals Bromelain used to be excellent (in fact, it seemed to work better for my diffuse chronic pain than any other brand of Bromelain I've tried, but then it began to only smell spoiled, and it had a metallic smell and taste as well, which naturally made me additionally concerned). Things are having poisons put in them more and more. What's not to be concerned about? The people buying up these companies want us all dead, and they are bringing it to fruition right now with all this global(ist) government bullshite.
jeezus...I hate to give amazon a penny more than I already do, but. I'll look into the brands they carry. problem is, whatever we do and wherever we turn these days, we're screwed...
Have you thought about getting your Bromelain from natural food sources rather than a manufactured product?
I would love to. Wouldn't it take consuming too large an amount of pineapple to get the equivalent of the concentrated extract in the tablets? And, are organic pineapples even available where I shop? Those are the questions that immediately come to mind for me. Please expand on this topic and explain how it is feasible, if indeed it even is.
Unknown (unsure) how much bromelain is necessary, however the core of the pineapple which is normally discarded, as well as the stem, contain quite a bit of that particular enzyme.
You can purchase bromelain powder in bulk and fill gelatin capsules yourself.
recently switched to vitacost. thank you for the warning about swanson, I used to buy there too. B12? does that mean we should stop taking vitamin supplements? This morning I read an article we should, and then one that told how these vitamins are made. Which one is it? good or bad???
I've been buying a lot of things from vitacost for many (many) years, but they're owned by kroger, and I've become hesitant since I learned their largest shareholders are vanguard, blackrock, state street, and berkshire hathaway. we are doomed...
oh no. I had no idea. But they have figs and dates and the flour I bake with. Swanson does not carry dried fruit, or at least not those that I want, and the local Walmart half of the time is out of.
I've been buying dried fruit and nuts from sincerely nuts and all their stuff has been great. let's see if substack allows links: https://sincerelynuts.com
thanks for the tip ! I saved the page and will check it out.
I buy 5lb bags of their medjul dates and I've never had better (in decades of eating medjuls in several countries). hope you find what you need!
ps their dates are AMAZING!!!
I believe Matt is talking about B12 by prescription; i.e., Cyanocobalamin or Methylcobalamin (the latter is the best because it allegedly doesn't have any cyanide in it like the former one does, and is more assimilable by the body). But you are correct in what you alluded to, we less and less can trust anything from corporations increasingly. We've been poisoned in the air, food and water for decades now, so what can we trust anymore under these conditions?
nothing! we can trust nothing from the shelves anymore, and we cannot even trust what is in our garden, with all the chemtrails and stuff. I guess our bodies are now so used to poison that we survive nevertheless. I will have to figure out what is in the vitamins I am used to, but how to find out? It has no ingredients but the names of the vitamins.
Why take artificial B12 when you can just eat some raw beef and get every single vitamin and mineral you need.
Yes it even contains vitamin c. Go get some beef and eat it raw with some salt on it and stop buying toxic shitty supplements that harm your body and don’t do anything. You can’t even be sure what’s in them- there’s literally no way to know you’re actually getting what they say they put in that bottle. Supplements were always a scam long before nanotech and all this shit came into the picture.
what about the mrna shots in our meat supply? and if it’s falling from the sky it’s also getting into our cows 🐄. what the hell are they doing to us and our world 🌎 and who is THEY exactly?
I haven't eaten beef (unless a bit when there was no other choice) since mad cow disease popped up. I also overheard farmers who inject way too much stuff. So I avoid red meat, chicken, and only sparingly eat some park or turkey. A few days a week I do all vegetarian. Yes the garbage falls on veggies too, but one has to eat something! EAM I agree, there is nothing safe to eat anymore.
Same with Bromelain: Try getting it from natural food sources.
Are they in all contact lenses and solution? Should I stop wearing contacts!?
I don't know as these are the only ones I have looked at. I would presume contamination now until proven otherwise.
Has anyone thought to check baby formula? Or different foodstuffs? How about tap water, bottled water, berkey filtered water? I need to get a microscope. Great work again. But fucking frightening. I want to check my blood but I’m scared. And my baby. What about him? This stuff gives me so much anxiety.
(No he doesn’t drink formula, we get raw milk from our trusted farmer, and he’s not really a baby, but he’s “my baby”. But I was just wondering about formula because how far will these fuckers go.)
I actually just started collecting some rainwater in a Petri dish this morning (UK) and plan on putting it under the microscope this evening. Matt's microscopy is truly inspiring.
Thanks for the compliment David.
No fear. If we know we can do something. Get any scope and start. Yes the babies have it too. I found it in my unjabbed 2 month old grand daughter from my unjabbed daughter. Yes I have looked at hundreds of local products so far. We all need to.Thanks for being here, matt
its all got it, even motor oil
Pure evil
I read a DARPA patent which describes a method for growing a biomechanical neural network in the human brain which connects to the self-assembled "micro-camera" in the person's eye, and which can wirelessly transmit everything that person is seeing to a remote receiver. Have also read other patents which allow "them" to hear every sound the victim is hearing as well.
There is NO WAY any horror-flick writer could possibly have come up with anything as insanely nasty as what's actually happening these days.
They give the super soldiers night vision and EMF vision capabilities now too.
Crazy stuff, having Nano bots, form into micro bots that literally tunnel through your brain to implant this stuff.
True. Sci-fi Dr. Evil shit everywhere.
God will still win this war.
I got blessed.
Amen Brother. If you know the Christ Jesus then you understand the battleground. Victory is His/ours ✨
Much much more on this on the psinergy channel on odysee, backed with links and publicly available journal articles.
God damn in a vitamin b12 vitamin WTF looks like a god damn spider too...
I may throw mine out and not take it no more.
Yep, getting rid of mine too. Outrageous and yes, damnable. Grow your own food or get from local farmer who doesn't spray.
As if your microscope findings weren't terrifying enough...this is the stuff of HORROR MOVIES. I always pray for God to assist us and protect us. We REALLY need it.
Has anyone had their blood examined by the method that Dr. Ana Mihalcea does? Has anyone that has had their blood examined then been exposed to electromagnetic fields? If so what effect has been seen under the microscope? Is their a before and after for comparison? I would like to know if this is effective against the nanotechnology. Tony Pantalleresco from Canada built a triangle shaped electromagnet that he has used to disable nanotechnology. Can anyone verify what he has done with dark field microscopy examination of the blood before and after?
I saw Dr Ana and had my blood cleared. 2 months later I discovered I have morgellens. I wrote it up including before/after images but haven’t yet had a “post-morg” live blood analysis.
Hi Matt, my friend needs dental surgery, any suggestions to stay away from anesthetic tech?
Pretty sure everybody wants to know this since it will affect us all eventually. Wonder if there are holistic dentists.
I would love to know the answer to this! Please ANY SUGGESTIONS???
Dr. Ana Mihalcea (who has a Substack account) uses EDTA and Vitamin C infusions to clear the blood. I can't afford to travel to visit her, or how much it costs for the treatment, so I take these in capsule form, though she says this is not enough. I also take NAC and Quercetin with Bromelaine, and a number of other vitamins and supplements. Curcumin and black seed oil capsules...
That's great you're giving your body the resources it needs. Though Dr. Ana thinks what you are doing isn't enough, we are all new at all of this and it may be surprising what proves to be helpful.
God works in mysterious ways and none of us can do anything other than the best we are able.
7mg nicotine patch 6 day (no more than 6 days, and give 3 months for complete recovery) treatment ■ fish oil to carry it out the body, and no suppliment of 'magnesium' for [3] months since venoms need magnesium to bind otherwise venom will pass from the body. I want to do a venon cleanse. M
Dr Ardis spoke about antidotes in a number of videos. I found a Power Point presentation where he gives the full "Venom Solutions". Go to https://www.unifydhealing.com/antidote then click on Downloads. In the Power Point presentation (PDF), page 136 you'll find it. I don't know whether this is the most recent information though. I have found this rather hard to track down :)
i need magnesium glycinate for horrible leg/foot cramps. Any suggestions?
Possibly boron supplement?
hmm, i will look up Boron. Thank you
Me too…
I would like to know also. Somome had tested 2 that were clean, I don’t know which & is that still the case?
I remember Dr Ana or Dr Nixon had said the clean one(s) have a date made before 2021.
This stuff is compelling, after seeing this post yesterday evening, I decided to put some vitamin B12 liquid under the microscope for some experience of my own, I'll be writing a post about that procedure today whilst I am collecting rainwater in my new Petri dishes to put under the microscope this evening... All being well!
b12 is beautiful, but not in a good way here.
The B12 I put under the microscope last night was the Floradix vitB12 complex, I saw some similar things to your images, but not quite as scary as what you captured. I hope you might take a look at my post after i get to sit down and do a write up. I'm still on my first Coffee!!!
Unjabbed but oft exposed to jabbies. Treat jabby injuries. Had mild anemia transiently but checked out my blood in ‘22. It had the long filament things just like these and it had rouleaux as well. Rev 18:23 and the nations were deceived by their sorceries.. root pharmakeia. Know Jesus, know Peace, friends. We never know.
Hello Matt!
5 fibres forming from 5 bubbles in one pic.:
What if the dark pools were created by the lasso state of the filaments ? I do prefer the term hydrogel nanos optic fibers (NOF) because they seem, so far, to be transporting QD’s (=light infos) and bubbles, as per Dr. Nixon (from 40:00 and a “lasso” at 40:33):
I couldn’t retrieve his pictures showing a segmented NOF that carried a small crystal or his video of bubbles inside one of them THEN EXITING the NOF but, they are somewhere in the “Discussions” sections.
The sheer number of different forms is staggering today:
The hypothesis is plausible given the disintegrated filament overlapping the dark pools, not the contrary.
Te Kauwhata continued. :
Good example of the second stage disintegrating filament surrounding 2 dark pools.
Wishing you a lot of fun on your trip!
Take good care.