Hi Matt , have you been noticing parasites in your blood samples?

I’ve been doing hundreds of hours researching, and come to the conclusion that especially in the last 4 years infestations have increased dramatically, as they can be anywhere in the body it’s very alarming, Drs and Specialists are ignoring them and there’s alot of really concerning health issues popping up that are likely to parasites. Thanks in advance.

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Hi Col,

Interesting you mention that. It made me realise that for a while I was seeing quite a few bloodworms but don't see as many now. You can tell them apart from the tech as their intestines show up, they are tapered at both ends - and they dont have the dots.

I never thought of them as a problem as they are a natural part of us. I am probably seeing less now as most people I see now are doing something to clean their blood up.

We could consider the tech as parasitical in nature though as it appears to harvest us to self replicate.

The ropeworms may well be a part of the overall etch too and we may have answers on that one day.

Thanks for the question, matt.

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Aug 27Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Really appreciate your reply Matt,


Yes they are a huge problem especially their eggs, so little research sadly, but testing for them is close to nil, negative tests even when you show the evidence, symptoms such as IBS are more likely Parasites and of course gut issues, wonder if eggs actually show in blood, I’m guessing you could pick them up?

And can you see inflammation?

Have you come across the eggs before?

You are in Auckland?

Dreadfully need you in the South Island. how about a tour? I’ll organise it for you.

Thanks again 🤩

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No, I don't think we can see the eggs but I could be wrong as I haven't researched what they would look like. There was a whistleblower who exposed how they were told never to include parasites in diagnostics so there is something to it. Also there is willy gates big smile as he toured the parasite museum and the co opting of insects statements that makes me think they may have co opted parasites as well.

A few times I have seen half bloodworm / half fiber critters but not sure if I posted those pics or not.

The ol' itchy bum around the full moon is a good sign of pin worms if I recall right.

Yes I am in Auckland but have enjoyed good times in the Southern parts - Mid summer , lets stay in touch..

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Aug 26Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Any app or device comes with terms of service…if humans are being made apps and devices, where is all the legal disclosure?

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I think if you look hard you may find it sitting beside a camo package labelled consent.

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Hi Matt,

What is best to use for the average person to reduce this stuff?

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what about nicotine? Tobacco? Horseradish? A few I follow says they help.

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Thank you Matt, for cleaning up my stuff ! You’re a champion! 😀

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hi ,Matt great what you do

and nice to have references as to what the blood looks

like here in the Netherlands it is not much different

even a friend of mine who moved to a remote piece of land in Ireland

and was back last week has the same blood count!

i still find it unbelievevable that many people don t notice it,

but in our blood consciousness is

also the greatest danger to them

i wanted to ask you witch brand of hydrogen bottle

gave best results?

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Hi Christina, I cant recall but we have pulled a couple apart and they are not all the same. I will follow up at a later stage.

Thanks, m

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It's an absolute mindfuck people aren't in the streets demanding answers over this specific Research > All who continue publishing these confirmed findings should be the next Nobel Recipients > Carnicom, Mihalcea, Nixon, etc

Sadly apathy rules the day in the us as the Public at large remains without cajoles

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Aug 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Wife and I have been doing the steam sauna almost everyday for the past 3 months. Looking at the sweat that pools beneath us w/ my humble jewelers loupe. We both have MD. Wish I could take pics bc it's pretty extraordinary. Started off as the same stuff that came out of our lesions. But it's now changed. Much less colored fibers. Our skin seems to flake off also - and when you look at it you can actually see fibers in the small flakes. Also small black dots - smart dust? But our health has improved dramatically. Still lots of clear colored fibers w/ some strange blackish lines within the tubular structure. Like fiber optics? Personally I'm convinced they are trying to turn us into human antennas.... first there was dial up....then wireless....and now...? The IOB and Things.

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Hi Juan,

The tomlov scopes that fm8 uses are only about $80 and give you a good look, plus pics. It will also ley you recognise the difference between your skin and the biofilm. I thgink the sauna's are another good way to expel some of this junk.

Thanks, matt

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Aug 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Tx - will look into that. Oh yeah - the biofilm....that's another story....

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You know what's really weird? Our elderly dog has also been affected. She now exhibits behaviors that in the past yr didn't happen before. For instance - she literally can tell when another dog walks by (while inside the house) many yards away....and starts barking. Are they somehow tagged and connected? Some kind of techno "hive mind"? It's crazy/strange/gross.

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Aug 25Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I have MG but without lesions it's all in my hair and bowels and it's crazy! Anyway, the hive mind thing...I've been saying that for the last 2 years. My hairs will literally seek out the other hairs in the shower or sink and they end up all connecting to each other. It's crazy to watch them ark and move until everyone is connected. I have thousands of videos and have been thinking about starting a stack to show them. This crap is also all through my blood in such large amounts it scares me to think about!

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I would love to see that re the hairs! The clear fibers we seem to be getting also ark towards each other and towards heat. Still trying to figure out the different colors. Seem to remember someone - maybe Tony P saying that the clear fibers are initial ones that then transform to colored within the body. ...?

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Aug 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

May I share one or two of these pictures on Twitter? I will of course link to your substack. I want to share them with Dr Jane Ruby and ask her if they look similar to what Dr Zandre Botha found a few years ago.

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Hey there Anon, how about that, that is exactly my observation too from my observation of Dr Nixon and Karl's research/slides.,..the thick walled cells are exactly my observation of Dr Zandre Botha's findings that were from years ago that Dr Jane showcased as well ! I think you are spot on...and am following up on this as well. We know so much more about them now.(Thick walled cells) Let us know what you find out 👍

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No problem, go for it. m

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Matt have you noticed the filaments seem to be shapeshifting into many different types?RR

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Hi Richard, Yes there does seem to be constant evolution of this tech in many ways. m

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to change us in dolls with all one consciousness they want!

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Aug 11Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Oh that's pretty-not,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Blood

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Great thanks for sharing your stunning work, Matt.

And if you can be optimistic, then we all can!

~~ j ~~

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Aug 10Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Glad to hear that you have a HHO GEN, if the flame is brushed around the body, will it destroy the shedding body, is a burning question that i hope works, kindly keep us posted if you do this experiment. Pehaps by doing so it might stop recontamination. Or perhaps it can sterilize objects? So how do we prove that the shedding body is there, can you offer any insight?

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Nicotine patches have tech in them too sadly. Not tested the chews yet. Egg plants have highest nicotine if you believe the analysis for them but don’t forget the humble potato - get organic or grow your own!

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Matt- love your diligence. That hydra is freaky. Worms too. Have you found that nicotine does any damage to the invaders?

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I wish it did. I have been a heavy smoker for 50+ years but still have em.

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