Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Just one thing for clarification, because I made my final exams about he healing powers of music in psychology back in the day in uni:

Those meme makers, who claim 432 hz would be more healthy than 440 hz - do not fully grasp the concept of resonance. Namely, that if the container is resonant at 440 hz, it will form these beautiful patterns too - and human organs vary wildly in size. Thus they resonate at different frequencies and form respective patterns.

There just isn't "one" "heart" tuning and the universes math doesn't fully add up anyway - hence the well tempered system that helps us to play jazz etc ;) So once we grasp the concept of resonance, we realise what most composers found, that there is a "favourite" tuning for almost everyone, 420, 388, 444 etc.

There was an orchestra that tuned to 432 hz though, and they felt a bit more spiritual apparently... I wonder if it really was the tuning or just the difference that stands out, if you change it after having played in 440 hz a lot ....

keep up the awesome work, you are on the forefront of this fight for a free humanity.

Here where I am people are turning to "lightwork" and try to "be in their peace" and are too afraid to even look at anything true and get afraid at every hint of it .... so I truly respect your work and what it means for humanity... we deserve freedom now !

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Thanks for your work, and kind words.

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Not BORING in the least💥😁

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*Ginger tincture helps symptoms.

*Alcohol - If you drink. Four days on it three days off, to save your liver.


Thank you for all your work and sharing your knowledge💥

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Apr 1Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

KUDOS to you...incredible on many levels- thank you!

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Mar 31Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Damn nice work again, unfortunately, as this mess is quite thick, always grateful for you. They’ve made a new living robot too, unlike xenobots from frog cells.. there’s also anthrobots which are made from human tracheal cells (seriously resemble organoids, plus the description fits) and they move around with little hairs 👀of course our artificial “smart friends” are now autonomously making these as well, very fast.. in vivo too I believe, not just “in the dish”


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Mar 31Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi, Matt,

Long time no comment, but followed up some on the tobacco thing.

I have long attributed my own lung weakness to a series of long days of extreme exposure to second-hand smoke as a preteen working pre-non-smoking rules at, of all things, bridge tournaments that my Dad participated in, getting me the job several days a year for a few years, (but which did pay for my adolescent music collection). Smoke was floor to very high ceiling very dense. His Dad was a heavy smoker in Canada and met his demise early from lung cancer. I cannot take inhaling such smoke to this day many decades later without reflex revulsion.

However my intense involvement in advocacy anti-e-pollution led me to see broad tobacco vilification differently, and as possible intended distraction from even more serious enviro health matters. First, i noticed the attachment to moderate cigarette use of women with MS and those of a certain body type. I discounted the claim of causal association re MS and tobacco use. It obviously was of benefit to them or they would not do it, whatever the secondary negative effect. When I learned of how a doctor in France (Maschi) around 1960 figured that MS was related to artificial electrical insult (resulting in professional insult to him, as in expulsion but with eventual vindication decades later; I think he was in Madagascar postwar with zero MS, back to S France saw lots - there seem to be geographic clusters which may relate to particular e-ambience, natural plus artificial), that led me to think that mass attraction to tobacco, for many anyway, had more to do with instinctively trying to deal with the effects particularly on nerves of e-pollution. Then i notice that as in the article there is unevenness to the relation between smoking and lung cancer internationally. This suggested differential cultivation and processing. At least regarding cultivation, use of fertilizer with cloying radioactive elements may be more telling than atmospheric explosions.

As for the distraction, i also have mused about the Prohibition (the articale touches on it in its way) thing having been stoked and trumped up back when to distract from other misdeeds accumulating that do-gooders might otherwise focus on. And/or a plot for other purposes, using the do-gooders as stooges, not unlike public "health" agencies of today. The overwhelming attachment of focus on tobacco-based harms would have its intended opportunity cost, as it were, drawing focus away from more sensitive areas. Two of the most sensitive have been re e-pollution and vax regimes, married in covidiana.

So tobacco abuse and in some situations mere use/exposure can be harmful; but it is not as put out in the mainstream.

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Good to see you are still around and thanks for your input.

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Mar 30Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thanks Matt. I hadn't heard of using ginger tincture against the tech in our blood, but I just happen to have a supply of ginger essential oil. Will that be strong enough (assuming tinctures are more concentrated)? A few drops per day? Appreciate all your hard work on this ... so few answers out there, so please don't give up!

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Hi Blaze,

Ginger has always been a blood tonic so I reckon any form is good. I buy a tub of fermented ginger for each piece of sushi when i get it. The tincture i refer to is actually an aussie wine. Stones .

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Thank you!

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Thank's Matt

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

What a freaking fantastic post!!! Will read it again and again...so much info and right up my alley - smoking, drinking - never thinking of tomorrow, but more aware than ever - love the three days off hack!

And the payload vid, which I posted last March, I think? so glad to see that you posted it! Really important, since the nano caps carry all kinds of unknown and exotic payloads, which is way beyond just the nano capsules...I'll add it here since it has the NASA leaked doc and Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.


And the poisoning goes way back to the Quell Project, which I am inspired to work on again - it's an old draft that I need to finish.

As for smoking - as a singer I had to curb my love for tobacco for so many years. Quit on and off - and curb it constantly depending on my workload as a vocalist. I had it down to a science. But I always smoked pure tobacco - I knew long ago, that the added poison chemicals (over a thousand) were the problem and not the tobacco. In fact it is diabolical and should have sounded the alarms long ago, for anyone who looked deeply, that they want us dead or sick. Pick your poisons wisely?

And the music frequencies...unreal...indy artists are the way to go...

I'll have to restack this fabulous post with some additional info...thank you so much...

and...I'm going to hip to hyperlinking your links. I wasn't on it early on and Sage pilled me about how to do it...so, here's the skinny...

after copying in the link to your substack text -

Highlight it - as though you were going to copy it

go up to the chain link box in the bar above and click it - in the box you copy the link

hit the link button and it is highlighted - and then anyone can open the link right from your link in the substack...

YW...thank yo again for this boring stack...LOL...not...so inspiring, albeit infuriating and soul-crushing.

LY madly!

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt & Silvia, Silivia noted that green light dissolves the structures. Therefore, what is the effect of sunlight as suggested by Jack Kruse, MD? I started getting my share of IR light at sunrise on 3/10. I'll have to follow up with looking at it's effect on my blood. I'm also sunbathing for a hour midday. That's only a small dose of full spectrum sunlight compared to running around outside naked all day. But it's a lot more than I was getting previously. Kruse notes a ton of effects sunlight has on whole body.

In your experimental subjects, I'd like to know how many hours they spend outside per day. Coal miners spend zero time outside during the day and note the negative effects of those actions. My observation is that we need to connect again with Nature (the earth and sun), because together they support us 100%. Why do you think Bill Gates wants to block the sun? It's not to prevent global warming/climate change. It's to keep us focused on our "need" for technology to save us from ourselves... and to raise Gates in our consciousness as God.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

"we need to connect again with Nature (the earth and sun), because together they support us 100%" Absolutely agree with you Robin. ( Like Dr. Kruse say's) Get rid of the over abundance of blue light in and on you, especially after sunset . Get your circadian rhythm in sync. Get outside, make like the sphinx at sunrise and sunset

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BlockBlueLight light bulbs are excellent. Been expensive removing all my lightbulbs - mostly LED & some fluorescent. Best thing I did for my eyes along with glasses to block blue light from laptop screen. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiEqIKxqZ2FAxWJomYCHcVaAEYYABADGgJzbQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA-NvhhOxVtuswPnoRedmi0d4spSLWUV3ez1hszjyWnVgY1p45n8Yb8aAigsEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD29KxwW2jNsLTjyLN0liMRZsik2bQxp_

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Candles, fire light, and red light incandescent bulbs work too. Red incandescent bulbs: https://www.1000bulbs.com/fil/search/?facet.multiselect=true&page=1&q=red+incandescent+bulb&rows=15&start=0

The best solution is to get in sync with circadian rhythms. Get up with the sun, go to bed soon after sunset, and plan our day accordingly. Then we don't need expensive tech solutions. Doing without tech is a pretty hardcore statement. But this is good practice if the grid goes down someday.

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If you can't find red incandesent's , stage lighting filters work. You just have to be creative making a shade.



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Mar 30Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hey Matt! Yes, you're right - the bubble structures that increasingly form patterns have been appearing here for about a week - first in the snow and then it slowly started in the blood. And once again something new. It could get boring - irony off...

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Hi Silvia,

Lockstep, I figure the same blood will be everywhere soon, unfortunately.

I saw your latest post today and forgot to mention that the gel that comes from spinning the blood down also has the perpetual bubble recycling action if you find a spot with some depth to it.

That was one of the strangest reactions I have seen as it would form a large bubble of multi colored bubbles inside like an egg sac then burst and repeat. Don't know if I got to post it at the time as so much was going on about 4 or 5 months ago. Now it seems like it was a quiet period in comparison.

Also I can get access to a variety of lasers so will be trying your technique out asap. That looks very encouraging to me.

Thanks for dropping in.

Warm Regards ( just lit my first fire here as it dropped to 7 degrees last night, and thought of you laughing at that from Lapland)


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Mar 30Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

7 degrees - how cute :-)))) When it's hot like this, the first people here run around in T-shirts...

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That's funny because I just looked and its 7 degrees there now, but then noticed the minus bit, so long sleeved shirts huh..

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Hi Tom,

There has been some debate surrounding the gold, silver and zeolites since then. I haven't personally done any of them but I think Dr Nixon would be the best one to ask as I think he still takes it.



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Mar 30Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

That was a long post bro

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Yea u prob right. These new hairy balls is that a new progression or is it an introduction of a nuther strain of watever theve released. Wonder if it’s AI. Grown ing and learning as it goes hence the changes. Sorry I don’t have a clue just my brain trying to put all this together. Facinating as long as we still can keep it at bay.

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The shb's are a part of the larger group of abnormal happenings in the blood that seem to come together. Like the cross domain bacteria it is probably something else we will need to learn how to control or mitigate to survive.

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Absolutely facinating. Scary. Wat have they done. I’m blown away. Keep up the amazing work.

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Hi Marianne,

My take is they dont understand all the permutations of what they have released on us all. Regarding fear I like that old quote " we have nothing to fear but fear itself". So apt today. Its like the ancient fear of the dark, which is actually the fear of the unknown. Once a light is on we know, and the unjustified fear is usually shown for what it is.

I am simply putting the light on.

Thanks, m

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You know I always thought that big tobacco takedown was a cover up for environmental toxicity. I did quit smoking though. I got a bad respiratory illness that lasted a week and put the cigarettes down. Never thought I would have done that. I do actually sing better and that’s my job, but I miss smoking all the time. I still have a carton of cigarettes that I intend to use liberally when shit hits the fan.

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Looking back we see so much more that was BS now .

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