Sep 9Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Be careful of what Freedom Fighters alternative media are trying to sell you. A lot of it is crap. The Greenland Shark lives to 500 or so years without ever going to a vet, or taking pharmaceuticals and vitamins. Look back into history when human beings lived a lot longer than they do today. We've been lied to for a very long time.


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Sep 8Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

My God you do excellent work connecting dots without bias. My 2 cents on D3. Pharma has tried twice since 1960 to make D3 a controlled pharma product. D3 is used in the Coimbra Protocol at high levels to reduce autoimmune conditions including MS, successfully. I worked with Dr Renu Mahtani on liver gall bladder cleanse and she is proficient in the above protocol. Dr Bruce Hollis PhD completed an FDA approved study on prostate concer showing success at only 4000iu daily since that is the max the FDA would allow, (major journals would not accept it since it showed benefit).There are many studies paid by Pharma to discredit D3 but they are designed to fail with low dose or too late since it takes D3 to ramp up at least a month. Two good sources are www.vitamindwiki.com that a Boeing engineer did to list a searchable database for any disease and search for D3 published articles. www.grassrootshealth.net is a very user friendly site for the average person. The current naysayers work from the same script discrediting people and D3 so I find it suspicious. There are many MD's and Doctors of Naturopathy and Homeopathy supporting D3. I believe it is very important who you buy the product from. Hopefully not vitamin companies controlled by pharma. I trust people like Dr Jerry Tennant, Dr Ed Group, Dr Wallach etc. Make your own decision, but informed.

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Hi Stuart, All good points in the ongoing debate. Thanks for expressing yourself and the info links for all. My thoughts are it would be good to see them all under the scope but I have enough to do.


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I've been using those bamboo vinegar patch on the soles of my feet and hands, great results. Topically I apply Oregano oil to my toes and sole. Where that big vein died in my right leg from that 3 foot clot, it damaged alot of capillaries to. I use an oil topically of jojoba 1/3, rosehip oil 1/3, and extra strength black seed oil 1/3. The crumpled up dead vein is being reabsorbed, the capillaries are disappearing, back under the skin.

Matt I still haven't seen the morgs come out of my skin. I look with UV torch, I've a loupe too. It's probably my luck.

I have hypothesis, cause I feel better. We know the 5G opens up the Ca²+ cellular membrane gates. What if you were chelating, green lasering, then exposed to 5G for 30 plus hours, and inadvertently open up the Ca²+ gates. Cause I did that twice, I feel heaps better, now that I've recovered. It increases your heart rate and blood pressure, so it's risky. I also got a clot above my left ankle, it actually behaved like a normal deep vein thrombosis, same sign and symptoms, it went away after a couple of days. So I know the difference now between nasty white clots and normal clots.

I'm gonna mega phone test again.

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Is the green laser you used only available your country? Do you have a link to it. I tried one of your old links but it didn’t open.

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Google search trivortex green laser. They use to have distributor in US, and Romania, including Australia. Made in South Africa.

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Sep 8Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt, did you also say ginger was helpful for the blood?

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Hi Amber, yes and also good for many other health benefits. Tony Panteleresco has just done a great stack on it a few days ago too.

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Any chance you could link it here?. I’m looking but haven’t found it yet.

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Re your notation: There are many out there who are saying that nearly every vitamin and medicine being sold is bad now for varying reasons. I personally don’t hold that view and still take some of them sporadically, but only after looking at them. Its obvious that many are poisoned today, even if they were good before. More on that for a future post.

My comment : .... yes, over-the counter brands from pharmacies & supermarkets have been compromised hugely (aside from seeing BR or V take over just before a "reformulation" and "rebranding " I have had a pharmacist confirm). Pharmanex and PurifyMe are the only 2 brands I use as appear "clean & safe" ...

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re: case of woman with insects growing in her skin:


Andrew Crosse [who was doing all kinds of electrical experiments] ran a current through a rock and acari insects spontaneously formed.

Now, supposing we have a salty, nutrient rich, electroconductive soup, and we expose it to GHZ range EMF. What might form?

Now funnel that soup through myriad tapered myelin sheathed network of vessels, and surround it with cellular insulators. The cellular materiel is not solid, there are cavities all through it.

At this point we're in GHZ->THZ antenna and waveguide design.

(remember those Cymatics videos? certain frequencies producing certain patterns?)

(recall the stories of yesteryear where RF was used to cause particular organs to form from tissue samples / stem cells?)

IOW: delusional parasitosis may be a premature conclusion

I suspect the assaults on us are myriad and synergistic, not just 5G or Vaxes.

There's another side to this, which even I won't publish. Maybe you'll get to hear it over that coffee I owe ya.

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Look forward to it, Big Thanks for the input.

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It would be very beneficial to read the chemistry and quantum information science assessment book available to read or download


Highlights from my quick briefing of the text

Furthermore, because molecules can be functionalized, they can be specifically tethered to an analyte, thereby enabling sub-diffraction imaging by initially identifying the molecule location and subsequently executing a quantum imaging experiment. Finally, molecular structures offer a unique means to address the scalability challenge of QIS: synthesizing large-scale, reproducible quantum states for applications from computing to communications (Figure 4-1). The aggregate of these attributes primes molecules to be key elements in the future quantum internet.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Advancing Chemistry and Quantum Information Science: An Assessment of Research Opportunities at the Interface of Chemistry and Quantum Information Science in the United States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26850.

Bottom-up and top-down fabrication of heterogeneous material platforms that can transduce quantum information coherently from one chemical environment to another by leveraging surface chemistry and single-digit nanofabrication; and

Design and fabrication of routes to couple physical qubit systems, especially molecules, that retain their quantum coherence but that can be patterned or arranged in repeatable, identical arrays

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Advancing Chemistry and Quantum Information Science: An Assessment of Research Opportunities at the Interface of Chemistry and Quantum Information Science in the United States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26850.

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Hi Tammy ,

Thanks for the summary and info. all appreciated. M.

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Sep 7Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Nice work Matt 👏 👌

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Anyone notice vaccinated.. or maybe not.. having brain issues? Like forgetfulness, dizziness? I don’t think it’s a coincidence we are in a solar maximum.. with the sun putting out massive ‘coronal’ mass ejections right now. 200% higher than the last solar maximum. Also explains climate change.

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Supposedly a solar minimum started in 2020


I wonder if the "minimum" is a psyop to explain why we don't see warming. Then again, the CMEs could be a psyop to explain HAARP induced electric storms...IDK.

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We’re in a maximum now. Tons of you tube channels talking about daily effects of sun spots and CMEs. I thought it was HAARP, but now I think that’s the psyop. Tons of electromagnetic energy being put out by the sun. And I wonder if the shots were planned before the maximum because they knew the energy would affect the GO in the shots.

Spiritually.. going to the sun cycle from the moon cycle.. every 6,000 years. Raising consciousness, going to 5d. Maybe the shots to prevent people from being able to transition.


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Unfortunately you are confusing the 11 year sunspot maximum with the Modern GRAND Solar Minimum that was in the paper I sent you (thought to be caused by cycles of magnetic material in the sun-not from sun spots). The sunspot max can happen over this. The minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling that comes every 300 years or so , the last was the Mauder Minimum ending around late 1700s

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We would need physics papers not YT channels, but even then papers seem to have little meaning nowadays as the narrative the powers want seems to be king.

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There is tons of evidence we are in a maximum. The auroras, tons of articles. It’s not debated.


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Hi Caroline,

Change makes it a climate. We are low on C02 at present and need more.

Yes the sun cycles effect us naturally but the excess neurological issues go with all the other new excesses, like deaths, gut, nerve, blood and heart issues.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

So much info here...really great offering, matt, so much to dive into...

Hard to swallow...soul-crushing to see, but critical info for survival...

I've backed off of supps - take a few when I feel the need...but, although one woman seemed to have a problem with red light - it is my therapy of choice lately. For many reasons...my flare-ups due to fluoroquinolone antibiotic poisoning - damaging and destroying mitochondria - the red light penetrates to that level and it has stopped the pain - for me - IMO, it is a miracle...also, it is reversing my macular degeneration...without any more injections - since I avoid all fluids, esp medical ones...so, I'm in…and under…the light....

Here's a link to red light therapy if anyone is interested...


I have been focusing on non-invasive therapies rather than ingesting anything...and someone might want to do a deeper dive in MasterPeace, since I have some serious doubts about it...and so many of our trusted sources are hard-selling it. Dr. Young, in particular, but I don't see the studies that he alludes to...and the characters behind the MP detox - that so many are taking now - seem real dodgy to me...just my opinion.

okay...onward...thx again...stunning info...!!!

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Sep 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Ria Nomoresilence on FB showed under a microscope that Master Peace creates nano networks.

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Hi Pasheen,

Very true that sometimes there is a benefit over what shows up in the blood straight away and its possible that any of the other colored lights may have a longer term benefit over the short term degradation of the blood. Testing just one properly is a big job.

I wouldn't take masterpiece but that's just me. I take as few things as possible today.

Warm Regards,


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Warm regards to you as well...thx for this great stack!

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Sep 7Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

A big nod to you Matt, You're one of my most trusted informers. Thanks for this fascinating and insightful post. It fills a few gaps.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

Hi MZ,

Trust , but verify is a good motto for today. Everyone putting info up today should be open to honest debate including the so called leaders of free speech and challengers of the medical status quo etc. It amazes me that people don't see that censorship is such an obvious expose of what some peoples agendas really are.

Its only the recent attacks, done surreptitiously, that woke me up to the level of censorship on some of these sites. I didn't know that some can even totally sanitize any unwanted comments so that their viewers don't even know there has been any difference of opinion. I have deleted one comment since first posting on stack and that was a duplicate and done openly with an explanation.

I would be interested to know if that ability to sanitize to the extent recently seen by some is a normal part of stack, or just for some "approved" parties? Any takers?

Without censorship and open honest debate this whole scamdemic would not have been possible. I would like to hear from everyone who has been censored and by whom. Seems worthy of its own post later on.

Thanks, Matt.

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Thanks for all this material, Matt.

I correspond with people who still express doubt that humans have been intentionally infested with advanced micro and nanotechnology. What in your opinion is the most conclusive proof of it?

On a related matter, how would you answer those who question whether live blood analysis is a valid technique, (often traditional allopathic physicians btw) and,

those who say that with CGI and AI, the appearance of micro and nanotechnology in blood and other liquids and solids, is only apparent and not real?

I have my own answers to these questions but would like to see what others think who have decided that more than enough evidence is available to state it (micro and nanotech infestation) as proven fact.

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Hi Aka,

The most conclusive proof for me is the bluetooth mac addresses. You cant have one without a chip, router, power source and an aerial. Its free and takes a little effort but available to all who really want to know. the second one is the cheap $25 skin cameras and showing them their morgs coming out of their skin. I posted examples very early on to show this.

I don't do live blood analysis and leave that to professionals in that field. I just hunt for technology and comment on the obvious degradation of our blood in general. I have some pics saved for my next post that will show any layperson why its obvious that those who do LBA can help them.

CGI / ai -Those who say that today just don't want to know. All the information and proof is there for anyone who wants to look.

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Hi Matt, great work you are doing! I haven't ventured into the graveyards yet to bluetooth scan, but have tested live vaccinated in multiple other locations. All people produced mac addresses with two exceptions, unsure why not, only know that both people were double jabbed, but had taken no boosters.

A couple of questions for you. I have multiple different scanning apps on my android, all a bit variable from eachother, and wondered if you found a particular one that you favour using and think best or most reliable?

Finding that some unvaccinated are now also starting to produce Mac addresses is troubling indeed. Thankfully, I'm not detecting a mac from myself or any of my other unvaccinated friends and family members yet (some of them have taken dental anesthetic or other IV meds, however, over the last year or two). Before I read your post, I'd only seen one random comment on a telegram channel saying that their unvaccinated, unswabbed friend had recently started emitting a Mac, but they were taking other types of pharmaceuticals regularly. Unfortunately the poster didn't elaborate what pharmaceuticals, for how long or how many.

Have you noticed a common denominator amongst the unvaccinated you've found now emitting Mac codes? Any idea what recently generated it? Long-term, consistent microdosing of pharmaceuticals, vitamin products, RATs or other injectables....or something else regularly consumed or applied and absorbed via the skin? We really are getting assaulted with this crap from all fronts at this point.

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Hi Beka,

Jabbed sex partners is big one.

developer mode, see all and auto debugging turned off is what I use as it sees the most. I have seen them go from people too. Low emf environment , chelation etc.

What part of NZ are you?

Cheers, m

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Sep 7Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Amazing, so much here, thank you!

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Thank You for Supporting > CarnicomInstitute.org 🙏

Paramount in preserving the DNA We arrived into this Realm with✅

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Thanks for the tip of not taking liquid EDTA if you have metal fillings and so much more info to contemplate.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 8Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

This might sound far-fetched, but it really isn't, considering what's been occurring the past four-plus years. I wonder if the nanotech was additionally designed to build, replace and rebuild bodily systems of the dead while they're in their graves, and if they are going to be brought back to cyborg "life", and that that's why we've been inundated with zombie shows and movies the last few years, preparing us to accept them, or to not fight back while they're murdering us for the PsTB. A bloodbath is coming.

Also, has anyone besides myself noticed the discoloration of the genitals? I've been hesitant to bring it up because it could sound like I'm being obscene, and/or promoting the obscene. But I'm NOT meaning it that way AT ALL. I first noticed it when looking at some porn of some what I thought was "only" dirty women (who "wipe forward" and let the filth build up)... until I noticed it on my own scrotum (and I don't wipe forward, and I'm very clean, showering every day, the only thing that gives me any real relief from all of the itching from the nano-filaments coming out of my body---please forgive the explicitness, but I only mean it clinically---I only go to porn websites once or twice a year to remind myself of how it turns me off more than it turns me on, disgusting me so that I don't want to view it anymore, until the next time I give in to the temptation to visit it again). The discoloration is light to semi-dark brown in color, and it comes and goes (and it's something I've never had before).

So, what's going to happen next, are our genitals going to fall off as we're increasingly transformed into "Borg"? Again, considering everything that's happening, the level of nanotechnology we're all being filled with, and the extreme "bizarro-world" we've already entered, nothing so bizarre is completely outside the realm of very real possibility. After all, weirder and weirder things are coming to light about it; so, no matter how bizarre, we're likely going to observe more and more bizarreness.

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Medical ppl are reporting an uptick in the incidence of this.......Fournier's gangrene is a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection of your scrotum, penis or perineum (the area between your genitals and rectum). It's an infection that worsens quickly and requires emergency care.

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Well, THANK GOD(!) I don't have that! At first I thought it was some sort of bacterial or fungal infection, so I used hydrogen peroxide, 100% organic aloe vara gel, and triple antibiotic ointment (I don't have any access to an antifungal), but they haven't alleviated the discoloration. That's why I bring it up in relation to the nanotech that's infesting us all, because the discoloration comes and goes, but there's no result of infection, just the coming and going discoloration. So, it must be related to some physiological process that's happening as a result of the nanotech. Obviously, it could lead to some sore of infection, and perhaps it likely will; but, for now, it appears to be strictly nanotech caused, without any obvious infection, or anything, as far as I know, that can be treated medically and alleviated.

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I think the dead may just be mining crypto for bill mainly but also as a node on the new network. Not physically possible for them to dig their way out, huh. The zombies will be those who let the system fully develop inside them and be remote controlled.

On our bits discoloring it could be a bit hard to really research that one, but not impossible I guess - know any bit specialists?

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"Rhetorically-questioning", why couldn't people with cyborg-enhanced strength dig their way out of their graves? It's only six feet, not that far at all for enhanced physical strength, and no need for oxygen, at least at that time. The dead who were "vaccinated" are emitting transmissions, and probably receiving them, so they could be remote controlled to dig their way out. And, now, the "vaccinated" includes everyone. What better way to overcome people's free will and get them to act only in the interests of the PsTB, which is now to mass-slaughter the majority of us? With the restraining power of the Holy Spirit that kept some semblance of sanity in the world being withdrawn, Satan is being allowed to work as never before, for a time, as we can already see all around us. Mass-insanity is taking over, and all hell is breaking loose, "...as it was in the days of Noah..." and "...Sodom and Gomorrah...".

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Sep 7Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

BTW, I'm unvaccinated, so the only apparent thing that explains it is our all being "vaccinated" via the air, food and water, and the shedding of the "vaccinated". What other explanation is there?

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Any injectable, dental, botox/fillers, IVs, maybe even getting your blood taken.

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I would add radiation both non ionizing and ionizing for a starter.

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