Perhaps the best quality images of the “fibers” I’ve seen. Oh the details! The head! Clear as day! Fabulous skill!

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those heads have appeared in several different microscopists findings...they really feature a lot

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Thank you Sir.

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Yeah Matt, I stated seeing these in the EMS IV/Drug Boxes back in 2017, well that's when I first noticed it. Syringes-Normal Saline-Medicine Vial. Thanks for giving this more awareness.

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Hi Eric,

Thank You for the heads up. The surprise for me was the insulin as I thought it was fine until I took the cap off tonight... The other surprise here was that a lot of the other gear tested fine - lines , bags etc. Nice to see its at least not contaminated with that.

The Doc's done some good testing with the triangle and we will go further with it now so thanks for that intro as well.

Cheers, matt

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Hey Matt, thanks for everything you are posting-some people further up on this substack have questions for you, and if you have answers, that will help all of us! Thanks again, from Australia, where I saw the sun today for almost all day! Infernal chemtrails as well though.

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Synthetic biology needs tech to grow and develop. The combo is called xenobiology- directed evolution. Have to read your post later.

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Hi Kaal,

Yes i am comparing the movements in many things now that I can see it a bit more clearly and hope to make my call on xenobots one day soon.

Regards, matt

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Wow, that’s a new word, at least for me!

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Xenobots with magnetic flagellum.

I know certain bacteria when stained you can see the flagellum at x1000 under oil. If you use goop to slow down single cell organism you can see the flagellum. That is with natural organisms though.

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Thanks for the tip. It might be a way to separate the natural from the un natural ones.

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The artificial ones work via some sort of magnetic flagellum, if they're what I think they are. The ones I read about used 7 magnets to achieve motility.

So maybe small powerful magnet might affect them too.

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While I have yet to see any reaction of any of this stuff to some neodymium magnets I haven't tried it with the new ability to see the bots. Looks like I have a new experiment to try out now ,Ta.

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I just want to mention that not all magnets are the same. A company called NIKKEN uses a special patterned pattern in their products. You may want to check them out. I use to sell their products mainly because they helped so many people. Their pimag water is fantastic

But I'd hate to think wearing magnetic products are helping this technology function

Are you finding that?

Thanks for all you do!

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this is what I think too...c'mon matt blow them up !

Hi 420...we chatted ages ago

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thank you so much for these detailed images - could you explain where I can find information about that triangle and how to build / buy it ?

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Tony P (originator), Eric at FM8 ( done some good testing and makes them) and Yannis are the ones I know of.

Still haven't done it myself as I need to see the effects of my last trial heal. Also my testing has to be thorough as I will be posting results. So will be using a bath without any additives and also building my own to test as a starter.

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As far as I know, this guy is the only one out there showing how to build a magnetic triangle to remove the nano, and also how to create the bucket for removal. This link goes to the bucket video, but from here you can find his other videos


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Watched and am not health wise challenged to do this although if I didn’t do the other remedies suggested by Dr Ana Michalcea, Humanity United Now, which gave my one symptom relief, I would purchase and do with supervision.

That triangle is just a huge wow 😮

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Unfortunately I cannot get the video to play from that link...

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Thanks Kim.

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Yes, that link works perfectly!

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Excellent work, Matt.

"It would be a huge wake up call to discover that even the jabs could be a red herring."

I've had this suspicious for quite some time, now. Sounds insane, but everything else did at first, too. Unfortunately fits perfectly with TPTBs methodology of endless deception.

Consider the athletes dropping dead on the field, in front of everyone. Could they simply be getting targeted with 5G/radiation, which then interacts with the CDB/Qdots/whatever inside us and causes sudden death? We're all aware of how 'essential' it was to install IoT/IoB infrastructure (cell towers etc) during the initial phases of the pandemic.

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Many delivery systems.

I've just deleted my list because

might be easier to say what isn't poisoned.

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Exactly and many things of all sorts being delivered.

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Some Substacks on our topic don't seem to have a clue about all the microscopy being done.

I get a bit tired of trying to tell them as I suspect that I come across as a troll.

Waking from such drugged sleep takes people a while.

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I've read quite a few of your comments and never once did I think you came across as a troll.

I think of the bible story of the three boys who refused to kneel before the king when hundreds around them knelt and thought the boys were crazy because if they didn't kneel they would be thrown in the furnace. They didn't kneel.

God saved them from the fire and that's miraculous but the part I really like is that they didn't kneel even when they had no idea God would save them and were willing to be thrown into the furnace rather than compromise their beliefs.

Most people will kneel. But a few will stand and those are the ones the stories are written about.

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I appreciate greatly your comment.

Something that often preoccupies my mind is seeing myself through others' eyes.

Up town, on the train, at a function, in a meeting, even with my nearest and dearest.

That we become what we are seen as.

It's enough to make me not know what to dress in.

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I forgot to say you impress me as very intelligent and considered in your thoughts. You add to the threads with original thoughts.

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I think that's a wise practice. How others perceive us can tell us a lot about ourselves.

I've been surprised by the answers I've gotten as to how I come across to someone.

AND...I know what you mean about what to wear.

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Is that in Daniel? Or another Book of The Bible? Moral of story is never forsake our Christianity. There’s another, far, far better place waiting for us!

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The book of Daniel, 3rd chapter. That's right. Never lose your faith.

God Bless.

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Most geoengineering pilots are military. Apparently they believe they are blocking out the 'bad' sun. What they are spraying has horrid contaminants in it incl. Morgellans and plasma and who or WHO knows what. I suppose those military pilots are all jabbed up, and hopefully the jabs will prevent them from flying soon, or they will realize they are damaging all of us including their own families. Idiocy.

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Hi Jacquelyn,

while there certainly are some of those I believe the majority of what is now in our environment is in commercial jet fuel ,JP8, and its the only logical way they can greaphenate the planet as they have stated as their aim. This is backed up by looking into the JP8 control and distribution hlabally pus the patents for same.

Regards, matt.

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Hi Matt, just incredible new visions ! what on earth is causing those flashes of light when the fast-moving critters tap the stationary ones? do they "charge" each other up ! What are they tugging at?Extraordinary finding, creeps me out whether natural or bots or both.

Art work naming rights: "what Claus Schwaaaabbb sees when he looks in the mirror"

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Hi Kat,

I can only guess at this stage but optogenetic's at play?

First responders rights, now forever to be known as CAS. (claus anal swab)

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good call...wish those little intruders would JUST TELL US what they're up to !

"He" gets around...haahaa

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So what can we DO about this?

Even if EDTA Chelation works, we can't constantly do it to save ourselves, right?

The only long term solution I personally see is a coordinated GLOBAL effort to remove this threat from our environment.

How do we achieve that in the current environment where our governments clearly don't work for us, to put it mildly?

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Hi Michael,

The edta chelation may be helpful even if only done once to hep remove the metals that seem to be an important component f this tech. If chelation is out of reach them oral, anal or topical will still help. I like the topical or oral myself, thanks.

I can only agree that the only long term solution is to win this war as its a winner takes all situation, regardless of the details.

Mitigation is the only logical short term strategy currently as there is still so much unknown about all the interconnected mechanisms of what we are dealing with and hence no "cure" as such.

These scum seem to have infiltrated every level of the governments around the world successfully and also to be very confident that they have already succeeded and cannot be stopped. As far as the depopulation aspect is concerned they may well be correct from what I have and am seeing today.

Them winning may well be the case if the masses continue to believe the official narrative but the % of mainstream taking the new shots seems to be significantly down giving some hope that at least a small part of their brain is starting to function. There are many that we just have to say goodbye to though.

A coordinated global effort is a hard task as most opposition at that level already has gatekeepers at the ready, if not in place. If the good guys achieved victory, then a form of localism should be created afterwards that would disallow this ever happening again. A nice thought at least.

Your question of how to achieve this dream is worthy of a 100 page dissertation at least.

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I have many thoughts, ideas, theories and intuitions about this very question. Still formulating them but my own stack will launch soon. There's a reason the cabal spends so much money on fear-generation. Shifting that emotional resonance is the ticket out, I believe.

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Also…. I believe the nanotech you are finding in vaxxed and unvaxxed is from chemtrails, our water supply, and our food supply, etc etc.

these are sensors and nodes for the WBAN network. It’s beyond evil 🙏🙏🙏

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Matt! You deserve all my admiration and respect. Amazing material as always!

1st video - double distilled water

I never read that there could be any living organisms surviving a double distillation. They must be extremophiles… or aliens. Are they also present in commercial distilled water and alcohol ???

At 2:15, and elsewhere, the close encounter of two moving organisms produce a round light flash. Could you post a much slower speed version of this phenomenal video ?

3rd video - bots

Your best of the series, indeed!

Watch carefully the bots movements along the yellow « S » -those at the top are having to much fun and frenzies to be examined thoroughly.

Their awkward movements are those of multi-legged organisms. Or else, wouldn’t they glide or fly ?

8th picture from the bottom

You have rendered the fiber transparency perfectly, with the left side « floating » lines. :)

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Hi Danyele,

Here's hoping I dont see them when I try boiling some rainwater for an hour or so here, an experiment on my list. If so I will try cds, plus zapping to see what knocks them over. We need water.. Its taken a while just to find water that I can use to dissolve pills etc without caring about contamination.

Yes I have found the same movements in isopropl alcohol and don't use it any more. For a while now I have expressed an opinion that extremophiles are involved in some way. This largely due to seeing other researchers talk about the high temperatures some of this tech can cope with plus putting on my Dr evil hat.

I recall always being fascinated by the nature documentaries that showed them in deep undersea vents through to volcanic pools as well as their uses in industrial applications.

There is hours of video of those bots but I only managed to convert a couple of files to post. Some have dramatic examples of the light being dished out from one certain particle to others. In that video there was one constant that was always remained in place , while moving and most others came to visit at some stage like a light refilling unit.

The slow motion capture I took is now lost in my massive file collection. I still need a geek and someone who wants to spend hours poring through videos and pics before that comes to light.

Some of their movements reminded me of those big spiders that jump before they scuttle off with little jumps as they ran. Used to see that action occasionally in the rainforest. As they stay on surfaces where possible it does appear legs may be involved with some. Yesterday in someone's blood a large dark one appeared briefly that I haven't seen before. Did capture him on cam too. There is quite a variety and after seeing that clip on xenobots its starting to make sense why.

If I wasn't seeing so many tech injured people, I could probably enjoy the pure research aspect of all this but am constantly reminded of a need to go more macro now.

best regards, matt

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warrior matt, precious human

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Carnicom found this crap can survive extreme heat. It's in his research from quite a few years ago. carnicominstitute.org

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Hi Danyele, thanks for your comments to me... I watched through this set of Matt's posting first before I was going to tell you to look back at Matt's video of the "bots" vid #3 he posted awhile ago - and here it is again. We were talking about the "spider" bot in David's last post and I remembered Matt's teeny frenzied bots - how they are like spiderlings in nature and yes they all do have legs. The footage here..looking at them, their movements are absolutely insect like. I like what you explained about the "www" as in web-like and literally=Ai.

I can see in David's vids and Matt's a clear underlying background of thin lines all over that to me is clearly a webbing. Incredible that you noticed the same as I did. The sole "spider" bot in David's vid actually showed the webbing lines move inwards to the bot as it crawled over them=just as a web reacts when a spider crawls over it !! Time will tell all......

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Hello KoppyKat!

Very valuable comments are yours.

I couldn’t clearly see what was moving in Matt’s previous video on this subject. This one is astonishing and it definitely shows these bugs.

Sorry, but I just can’t find back my comment to you on my premonitory experience regarding the WWW. Seems it has disappeared, as much of my memory around these days. :) Among many unexplainable and weird experiences in my life, WWW was one of the weirdest. Glad you saw the allusion to AI and what’s happening right now.

Sometimes the lines are are only drying lines, as I often saw under the microscope. However, after having seen the QDs clover distribution, their sudden immobilization and many organized alignments in Karl’s, David’s and Matt’s dark field videos, they could well be webb strings. Thanks, I will take a closer and new look to David’s last videos, as per your advice.

Yes, you and I are like minded in our analytic approach of these phenomenons. And, as does Shimon, we have a knack for identifying forms. :) I will soon comment on David’s spiders (different ones in each of his two videos) and other reflexions on one of the next meetings.

Because of the degradation of my eyesight, I rarely read all the previous comments for there are far too many. The ones I publish are written spontaneously following the publications on Substack and my recent viewing. You see me sorry that they may often seem redundant and I beg you to forgive me.

Are you the cute cat with a foil hat Zoom participant?


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Hello Danyele, no I'm not the cute Kitty...I access the zooms via different gadgets and computers. Today all new desktop computers installed (library) and in everyone's opinion have gone backwards! all the tech staff are absent too, so I had no audio access except for loudest speaker volume that blasted so loud ppl could hear it outside the building and...we couldn't turn it off !!! it was hard trying to read the zoom captions and look at the images too.

Yes, the webbing is also as Karl and others are calling it like mycellium. So it is a genuine webbing. I've studied spiders a great deal in previous years and tiny dots/bots racing about mimics spiderlings activities in nature.

The video of the double distilled water with those bot-bugs racing about was quite sickening to watch! It's getting harder to keep up with all of the entities that are being seen everytime. But such good studies by all the microscope team.

Yeah your substack bio could also be mine exactly - so I get what you said about "how" we can see a different plane of view. I have quite rare visual acuity - and can see things others can't. Complexity has always fascinated me.

Your previous comments spoke of noticing numbers and patterns - is very real and purposeful. The enemy of "us" advertises their intended actions through numbers, symbols and trickery upon us - most ppl don't notice. If you're crazy, well so am I. Cool "crazy" wouldn't want to be any other way.

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Humm! Audio not working, Zoom comments neither. Ouuuuu! Are you sure someone is not trying to put you on « mute » mode? :) :) :)

Those bots really act as insects. One day I saw a doc. about a spider that carried its +100 offsprings on its back; viewing Matt’s video gave me the same impression. I wish Matt’s were offered at much lower speeds for it would be easier to observe the movements.

It is sad that we won’t have the opportunity to discuss this subject thoroughly, the guys being too busy with their new discovery. Sniff!

I always thought that digital money could virtually disappear, as well as data. This holds for chats compared to birthday cards. That is why I use cash and read books.

You will like this article:

Beyond Orwell’s 1984, 5G and the Launching of 6G: “Easy to Take Down a Society that Is Digital”.


Koppykat, we are not crazy. We are wonderfully different. :)


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yes we are for sure

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You've clearly been busy, sir! A couple thoughts after reading:

The filaments can indeed be incredibly translucent. I'm observing ghostly floating objects in rainwater that bear striking resemblance to developing filaments.

Your mast-like object looks nearly identical to an object D.Nixon recently captured in blood. It appeared to be slowly pulsing and was beset by all manner of busy bots.

The glowing syringes: That's under UV specifically?

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Hi Will, just a cheap black light so not sure if its true uv.

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Does anyone know if Chlorine Dioxide could help get rid of the nanotech? My son is type one diabetic so dependent on insulin, and our small family, like others, cannot afford much money to be spent. I know about EDTA, the triangle (which sounds great, but it’s out of our price range). Obviously he would need ongoing chelating therapy, which also is costly.

Ideas would be much appreciated. If anyone answers me now, I’ll be away from the computer until evening. I’m one east coast Australia.

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Hi Rod,

CDS is best understood by going to comusav english and Dr Kalker. A search should turn it up. All protocols and many testimonials are there. There is probably a diabetic protocol to wean off the pharma as well from my recollections.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/BiuF32QmiO1G/ Is the video to make a triangle yourself for well under $100 au if using 2nd hand parts except the wire..

Regards and good luck, matt.

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Thanks so much Matt-keep doing what you’re doing! People are taking notice!!

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I've had Morgellons/CDB for a long time (as we all have) and my body pushes it out of my skin, so I've seen it more than most.

I've tried many things, but what's working right now is nano silver (I also take nano gold and copper but am not sure about their effectiveness) which you can buy in a concentrated form from Terral03.com. Terral also has a substack. It's a lot cheaper buying it from him in concentrate and many people are vouching for his product. I have no idea about his ability to ship to Australia. He's here in the US. Terral gives you a weight chart for dosage and mixing instructions. It's mixed with distilled water and can be stored for a long time if stored properly.

I also use Borax, but not 20 Mule Team though many people have used it successfully. I use a Borax made by Pure on Amazon. It's cheap and you get a lot. I drink three pinches a day in water or herbal tea.

This being said, I haven't used chlorine dioxide though I have some and may try it. Though what works for one person does not always work for everyone, so it's hit and miss.

I can tell when something is working for me since my skin pushes it out even more aggressively as it's being killed. Also, I notice my urine and feces smells really bad and the feces looks weird as the stuff is dying and being eliminated.

I pray any of this helps you. God truly is the only answer to be relied upon 100%.

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Thanks Pirate, my dad had a Studebaker when I was very young. He used to buy a new/used car every 2 years, so one year a Studebaker appealed to him. He died when I was 9, but I well remember the Studebaker. It stood out a lot in suburban Melbourne. I don’t live there anymore, I think after Chairman/Dictator Dan Andrews, even though he’s “gone”, I think all the good people in Melbourne should be GIVEN nice places to live, well away from Melbourne, then that whole city should be nuked, with politicians, police, and all the doctors and other medical staff who aren’t telling the truth about what’s going on, MSM and any other “collaborators” in this disgusting covid psyop and associated health problems-they must stay and enjoy their gamma rays or whatever it is when a nuke is used. Then after many years, people can return and dance on the ashes of those who were complicit in all this. (Of course, get the hospital patients and the elderly/frail out too). Ah, such fanciful thinking. But I digress, a lot. I’ve got a lot to say, before “they” try to stop us saying stuff.

Yes, you’ve got lots of info, having morgellons/CDB. I’d never ever heard about Morgellons until maybe these last 2 years or such.

Nano Silver-thanks for that tip, and source, I will look into it, and the substack. So with the borax, does the brand even matter? But, as you say, hit and miss as to what works. So thanks for these tips. As I said below, to Sycamoria, we take 3mg Boron, which is meant to be good to get rid of nanotech. I think Boron is the element that’s used when using borax. Tell me if I’m wrong. I guess borax is a lot cheaper, but the Boron isn’t very expensive.

It’s good that you can tell what’s working. It’s just terrible that you indeed have it. How long have you had it? Like I said, I’d never even heard of Morgellons/CDB, until quite recently.

Thanks for your prayer-we indeed are trying to be a Christian family. I say trying, well, because Jesus Christ was perfect, died for OUR sins, all that time ago, in such a terrible way. And also, “trying”, because it’s impossible to not be angry at certain people in these times. I don’t know how I can love thy neighbour when they’re so horrible! You know whom I’m talking about. And there are a lot of puppets, collaborators etc to consider. I pray to God for guidance on these matters. We can’t even find a “good” church where we are-most of them are paid to go woke I believe. Even the CRC churches around us have agendas that don’t ring true to us. We’ve tried, but mission impossible.

So we have our own family church, and talk about what we’ve read in the Bible lately. I can’t think where it’s said, but it would have to be the gospels, at least one of them-Jesus said something like, if two or more people are gathered together in My name, I will sup with them. Nice-I like that!

May God bless you and your family Pirate, thank you so much for your advice. Yes, God 100%. I find that a high percentage of people who are awake to all this “stuff” are Christian. 😊😀🙏🙏🙏

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Sorry I didn't get back with you sooner. As far as I know boron is the active ingredient in borax. I took boron in capsule form but it didn't have the same effectiveness for me that the powdered stuff I use now is having. I used 20 Mule Team and it was too harsh for my system. But, like I said, it seems to me it's an individual process of discovery.

I agree about churches. I can't find one I think is actually following Jesus. Maybe this is part of God's plan. I know a lot of people feel the same way. It's great you have your own family church. I know Jesus loves us so whatever we have to do to follow Him is the way to go.

I have also found so many who are awake, truly awake, follow Jesus.

God Bless you and your family as well. I pray for everyone.

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Thanks for that Pirate-May God bless you and yours also. I’ll keep up the prayers also!

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Hello to Pirate ! and Rrodynmac - a little help If you'd like . I have awhile ago had a supply of Te rr al's n an o sil v er shipped to Sth Aussie - but there is no telling if they will let you express post it as they withdraw the means of posting options on and off without notice. So it's very iffey, and keep putting the pricing up to astronomical even for standard. NZ , Aust and Thailand are the most difficult to ship "to" for this reason. I got way too big a supply of it and I'd be happy to send you some - so's you could try it - if you would like it as a gift.

I'm still searching for research/results on it's outcomes. If you look on his substack, a Dr Deborah is doing research in-to this and has mentioned there are 25 or so published papers touting its claims of benefit. I'd see if you could obtain those. But what we need are trials and outcomes. So just going by available literature's benefits of the bo r o n + n a n o sil v er is lacking this. I sourced my natural b or o n from supplier on ebay in Victoria. Te rr al' s site has links to outline all the info about these components/weight to dose ratios/how to use.

The N sil v er is in small concentrate vials so easy to send, if you would like some let me know and I'll give you an email address that you can provide a mailing address to send it to you. koppykat

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ps. spaced wording prevents Ai being triggered

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Thanks for thinking of me koppy, we aren’t having symptoms (at least not yet), so I couldn’t take that from you-someone else probably needs it more. It is most appreciated though!

Thanks for the tip above-good thinking. I’m sure you’ll come across someone in more dire need.

May God bless you and your family, especially at this time of year. I just can’t thank you enuf!!!

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Hi there, I already have sent out all over Australia to family, etc, a good supply to use. So thankyou for being so thoughtful in this way. So it's here for you if you find after looking at what T e rr al has to say about its being the only thing which can eat off the arms and legs of the nanotech and disable it...(boron does that) (nano silver protects the cells) just let me know,. I dont have symptoms either, but it's what is showing up in everyone's blood - is the cause for concern. If you go onto his website, be sure to watch his recent live interview on Counter-Culture Moms where he explains the need to be taking this protocol to stop the nanotech being able to be in full control of us which could happen at any time. The need is there to foil the bots network being constructed inside of us all. You sound like lovely folks, nice to meet you.

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Mule Team borax in a bath has been effective at pulling it out as well as Arm and Hammer (or any other brand, like Pure) Washing Soda. Start with 1/2 c. In bath. Taking borax internally.

Not sure if chlorine dioxide does also detox nanotech, it seems to be beneficial in so many ways, always good to take. Methylene blue has been shown to remove it. Dr Ana Mihalcea says high dose vitamin c works if you can't do EDTA. Also food grade hydrogen peroxide has been shown to dissolve some things. Colloidal gold some say, I don't know about this one. All binders will help like zeolite and charcoal.

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Yes, thanks Syca! I get Dr Ana’s newsletter, but can’t afford to pay, but I can look at and “like” comments. I’ve seen about her high dose vit.C-and wow, it is high dose! And methylene blue, I’d better get some before we can’t! I didn’t know about food grade H. Peroxide. I do know about colloidal gold, and zeolite and charcoal.

The problem is needing to use the stuff regularly. I will look into these things, thank you!

We take Boron, 3 mg per day, it’s meant to help quite well to bind nano tech. No adverse reactions so far. Not too expensive. It’s the same as using borax isn’t it? Tell me if I’m wrong!

Thanks for all these suggestions, will have a good look!

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Dec 4, 2023
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We use NAC, so that helps glutathione production-Thanks! I should also have said that my boy doesn’t have any symptoms-yet!

We’ve been trying to look at our blood with microscope that only displays on computer monitor, but major problems with display, as camera keeps cutting out for some reason. It’s quite high magnification, I think high enuf, if only the camera stays on!

When I say my boy-he is 19 years old, but has autism, not too bad. Both diabetes & autism from childhood vaxes, I’d wager. Makes a parent feel guilty, but I didn’t know they were bad, until C19. None of us have had that abomination.

But lately his cognitive skills seem to have deteriorated a bit-but maybe I’m just noticing things a bit more. I know this stuff sheds of course, and there’s just the 3 of us, mum dad, and boy!

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With ALL that is being revealed how can this surprise us?

We ALL trusted to-an extent.

Took 4 needles in each arm 1 x a week for debilitating allergies almost entire adult life... no once did I ever request to have the contents checked,,Just imagine, flu shots, antibiotics... ( human, animal, fish, otc meds,

plastic particles, nano-particles..in the furthest northern parts of the earth?

Well the shizzle has accumulated for ages....

Now you have helped in our awareness...

Sadly it is unavoidable, but...

enzymes, probiotics, edt will help, more solutions to come....

If a person can eat and survive up to 700 lbs.

this is one kick-butt machine we have... it takes a lot to bring it down!

Positivity, work like yours and natural solutions...

Can help this amazing machine heal!

Thanks for the massive effort!!!

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I would try desperately to get this information to Emerald Robinson (fired Newsmax journalist who broke the Luciferase story then was banned by Twitter. She is back on) and she brought the topic up again today on Substack. She would definitely be a voice of truth to this horror.

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"The evidence is there to support a hypothesis that the jabs are also designed to mask what has been a global poisoning of humanity with Clifford Carnicoms cross domain bacteria, done over the last few decades." My thoughts as well. Yes, they were and are horrible (all jab types). But is it a successful distraction from the real bioweapons?

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