
So ive been having some issues for some time and doctors dont give me the time of time.

I find stuff in my hair. All over.. its attaches to skin n seems to like blood. So i suspect its in my blood.

Is there somehow i could send you samples of what im talking about and you could possibly finally have some kind of answer for me?

Its been years. And also torture. 😞



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Hi Matt, haven’t heard anything from you, hope you’re doing well. Merry Christmas, you inspired me to get the cheap scope, so far all live blood I’ve looked at has those fibers in it, at least one and up to 7 under just the slip area.

Most are the clear cellophane looking types and quite large as compared to RBCs. All 4 folks have been unjabbed .

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Mat you are big on the excretion through the skin. I wonder if you consider combining it with niacin intake to open up skin capillaries.

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Jan 8Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hello, I had a good look at what you have. The patents don’t mean much to me, but definitely the nanotech is important.

You offer many chelators, and other materials to break down the nano, get it out of our brains etc. I like your Bible references also. Thank you, I am trying to be Christian, learning how to be Christian.

The people here and other places mentioned in this substack do high magnification microscopy, and darkfield as well. It show the structures more clearly.

Your info sent me to Fritz’s Freud substack, which is very interesting.

I may apply to receive your newsletter, I receive many, too many, I spend too much time on the internet. Sorry it’s been a long time since you posted this, I just happened to come back here to check something. I will look for your substack, you are urgent to save humanity, and I agree with you!

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Pray/give for Dr. Reiner Füllmich:


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Watch Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby show eggs hatching Millions of tiny WHAT???....#Agentmidnightrider

xenobots? or xenomorphs ?...

#GotChestbusters ?



I hate it when I'm right... I told you the Graphene Oxide is the FOOD for the critters...

The Clathrin shuttle leaves code anywhere it finds Graphene Oxide (GO). The Clathrin feeds off GO leaving genetic code in it’s wake in order to further synthesize and consume your body. Imagine a spider web lattice of neural lace forming throughout your body as this foreign synthetic neural network is formed. 8 A parallel life form to your bodies natural neurons.

In time four things will happen:

This neuralace when connected to IoT allows for your body to be hacked.

The neuralace slowly replaces your bodies neurons.

The neuralace is the conduit for mind uploading for the Singularity.

When the mind is fully harvested, will act as the electric circuit for to remote operation of your corpse as a graphene zombie.


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Hi Rider,

Having been back down to the graveyard and still seeing the bt mac addresses there, and then last night seeing 2 unjabbed, untested people with the vakmacs out in the farm, not much will surprise me.

Setting up some tests to see if i am looking at xeno or microbots at present, could be interesting.

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Nice, I still think on the flip side I think I may have found the ANTIDOTE. Just don't have any way of testing it right now. Supposedly every Bioweapon is created with an Antidote in tandem, so the weapon doesn't boomerang and kill the perps. According to Dr. Zelenko Dr. Grier the same creator of AIDS created the Covid vaccine and the Antidote. Normally I wouldn't think it was such a big deal, until I was browsing through some military intelligence and found out Trump tweeted the EXACT antidote in March 0f 2020. And I don't believe in coincidences.... here, its the first protocol i have been collecting them all over two years.


also, Doctor Peter McCullough released the first peer reviewed detox procedure here. https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/14160


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this is the problem


how do you fight this?

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Hi Jan,

Sabrina sure is a big wakeup call for many. However many legs this beast has we just have to knock em down one by one. That starts with knowing how many there are. We still haven't got there yet but as more wake up the citizen research army is growing and I still have confidence.

Off the top o the head..

What anyone can do is not give up in this marathon. Work local and do the opposite of everything they want. Start saving information that is fast being deleted. Research and share quality finds and info. Ignore "laws" and "rules" that help to progress this global democide, as is our right and as we are morally and ethically obliged to.

They claim mind control, but other than propagandized sheep I don't really see it yet. Perhaps we only need to knock a few of those legs out to cripple it. Be prepared both physically and mentally as possible.

Be and remain human.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt. This article is about pcr. is this whats on the pcr and what it was about? chemistry-europe.online.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbic.202200521 reverse transcriptions- from discovery and applications TO zenobiology. engineered dna polymerases accepting modified nucleotide. reverse transcription and pcr. toread xna reverse transcriptions are needed that can handle these synthetic polymers and reverse transcribe them into dna. correction spelled xenobiology. [no typing skills]

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Hi Kaal,

It seems that link no longer works. If its been removed that usually is a sign in its own right. You didn't get a copy by chance?

Regards, matt

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it was just there for me when i clicked on some link this morning. but often links get blocked. try typing it in. [im a bad typer typing links is difficult} VERY important article.

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yes its still there. just checked. i typed in chemistry- europe and the rest filled in from previously viweing.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Author

Thanks, just used your advice and got it too. Bedtime reading for me as its 1 am here. m


As an example of saving this type of document I create a new folder, create a new rich text document within it and then copy and paste the contents of the info into the r t document then save. This means if its deleted from the net there is still a backup.

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ok thanks. hope u save it in case its taken down. thanks 4 replying. good night. btw im 2 tech illiterate.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Never heard about that trick! I'm happy that they don't bother me any longer. I'll keep using the triangle (when I get it back after repairs) it's all I can do for now.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt, just incredible new visions ! what on earth is causing those flashes of light when the fast-moving critters tap the stationary ones? do they "charge" each other up ! What are they tugging at?Extraordinary finding, creeps me out whether natural or bots or both.

Art work naming rights: "what Claus Schwaaaabbb sees when he looks in the mirror"

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Hi Kat,

I can only guess at this stage but optogenetic's at play?

First responders rights, now forever to be known as CAS. (claus anal swab)

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good call...wish those little intruders would JUST TELL US what they're up to !

"He" gets around...haahaa

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Well, I did use it regularly up until a month ago when it stopped working and I had to return it for repair, so I have been without it for some time now waiting for it to be returned after repairs. I have been hoping for some results for improving my arthritis, but I think that is a longer term project. I don't have any other conditions that would be noticeable. I do think that Morgellans episode was somewhat amazing though. It has never come back, not even a niggle, and I had it for years.

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Hi Marcia,

its great that your morgs have gone, if so. Have you tried a band aid with cds on it to see if they are fully gone?

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Bandaids and CDs? How do you do that?


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So what can we DO about this?

Even if EDTA Chelation works, we can't constantly do it to save ourselves, right?

The only long term solution I personally see is a coordinated GLOBAL effort to remove this threat from our environment.

How do we achieve that in the current environment where our governments clearly don't work for us, to put it mildly?

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I have many thoughts, ideas, theories and intuitions about this very question. Still formulating them but my own stack will launch soon. There's a reason the cabal spends so much money on fear-generation. Shifting that emotional resonance is the ticket out, I believe.

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Hi Michael,

The edta chelation may be helpful even if only done once to hep remove the metals that seem to be an important component f this tech. If chelation is out of reach them oral, anal or topical will still help. I like the topical or oral myself, thanks.

I can only agree that the only long term solution is to win this war as its a winner takes all situation, regardless of the details.

Mitigation is the only logical short term strategy currently as there is still so much unknown about all the interconnected mechanisms of what we are dealing with and hence no "cure" as such.

These scum seem to have infiltrated every level of the governments around the world successfully and also to be very confident that they have already succeeded and cannot be stopped. As far as the depopulation aspect is concerned they may well be correct from what I have and am seeing today.

Them winning may well be the case if the masses continue to believe the official narrative but the % of mainstream taking the new shots seems to be significantly down giving some hope that at least a small part of their brain is starting to function. There are many that we just have to say goodbye to though.

A coordinated global effort is a hard task as most opposition at that level already has gatekeepers at the ready, if not in place. If the good guys achieved victory, then a form of localism should be created afterwards that would disallow this ever happening again. A nice thought at least.

Your question of how to achieve this dream is worthy of a 100 page dissertation at least.

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Did I read this correctly - drinking alcohol helps?

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It felt good after the first few whiskeys chased with a bit of NZ Marlborough sav blanc. As per usual.

The end result was a clotting of a vein with released or dead fibres, so not recommended at the volume I tested.. It was enough to feel hung over as an indication. This indicated that alcohol as a solvent in the bloodstream can make the venous fibres release their hold as other solvents can.

While this may help in some way there is a lot of research and knowledge needed before recommending it as a treatment. The fibre loading each of us carry is going to be different for a starter, so too the total volume of our blood, body chemistry and microbiome etc.

A gentle process would be a far better approach to avoid potential clotting with fibers and common sense tells me that the benefit of a small amount of alcohol probably outweighs the risks at this point. That green ginger wine at 3 good sips a day as an example.

I am not a doc, so am happy to say smoking and drinking is probably not what's going to kill most of us today compared to the mass poisoning we all have..

My answer is yes, in moderation. Probably like the Italians with a glass of wine after a meal. My days of ever having a binge drink are over, even for science.

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Excellent encouragement.

Thank you for the life tips.


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Dec 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Does anyone know if Chlorine Dioxide could help get rid of the nanotech? My son is type one diabetic so dependent on insulin, and our small family, like others, cannot afford much money to be spent. I know about EDTA, the triangle (which sounds great, but it’s out of our price range). Obviously he would need ongoing chelating therapy, which also is costly.

Ideas would be much appreciated. If anyone answers me now, I’ll be away from the computer until evening. I’m one east coast Australia.

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Hi Rod,

CDS is best understood by going to comusav english and Dr Kalker. A search should turn it up. All protocols and many testimonials are there. There is probably a diabetic protocol to wean off the pharma as well from my recollections.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/BiuF32QmiO1G/ Is the video to make a triangle yourself for well under $100 au if using 2nd hand parts except the wire..

Regards and good luck, matt.

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Thanks so much Matt-keep doing what you’re doing! People are taking notice!!

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I've had Morgellons/CDB for a long time (as we all have) and my body pushes it out of my skin, so I've seen it more than most.

I've tried many things, but what's working right now is nano silver (I also take nano gold and copper but am not sure about their effectiveness) which you can buy in a concentrated form from Terral03.com. Terral also has a substack. It's a lot cheaper buying it from him in concentrate and many people are vouching for his product. I have no idea about his ability to ship to Australia. He's here in the US. Terral gives you a weight chart for dosage and mixing instructions. It's mixed with distilled water and can be stored for a long time if stored properly.

I also use Borax, but not 20 Mule Team though many people have used it successfully. I use a Borax made by Pure on Amazon. It's cheap and you get a lot. I drink three pinches a day in water or herbal tea.

This being said, I haven't used chlorine dioxide though I have some and may try it. Though what works for one person does not always work for everyone, so it's hit and miss.

I can tell when something is working for me since my skin pushes it out even more aggressively as it's being killed. Also, I notice my urine and feces smells really bad and the feces looks weird as the stuff is dying and being eliminated.

I pray any of this helps you. God truly is the only answer to be relied upon 100%.

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Thanks Pirate, my dad had a Studebaker when I was very young. He used to buy a new/used car every 2 years, so one year a Studebaker appealed to him. He died when I was 9, but I well remember the Studebaker. It stood out a lot in suburban Melbourne. I don’t live there anymore, I think after Chairman/Dictator Dan Andrews, even though he’s “gone”, I think all the good people in Melbourne should be GIVEN nice places to live, well away from Melbourne, then that whole city should be nuked, with politicians, police, and all the doctors and other medical staff who aren’t telling the truth about what’s going on, MSM and any other “collaborators” in this disgusting covid psyop and associated health problems-they must stay and enjoy their gamma rays or whatever it is when a nuke is used. Then after many years, people can return and dance on the ashes of those who were complicit in all this. (Of course, get the hospital patients and the elderly/frail out too). Ah, such fanciful thinking. But I digress, a lot. I’ve got a lot to say, before “they” try to stop us saying stuff.

Yes, you’ve got lots of info, having morgellons/CDB. I’d never ever heard about Morgellons until maybe these last 2 years or such.

Nano Silver-thanks for that tip, and source, I will look into it, and the substack. So with the borax, does the brand even matter? But, as you say, hit and miss as to what works. So thanks for these tips. As I said below, to Sycamoria, we take 3mg Boron, which is meant to be good to get rid of nanotech. I think Boron is the element that’s used when using borax. Tell me if I’m wrong. I guess borax is a lot cheaper, but the Boron isn’t very expensive.

It’s good that you can tell what’s working. It’s just terrible that you indeed have it. How long have you had it? Like I said, I’d never even heard of Morgellons/CDB, until quite recently.

Thanks for your prayer-we indeed are trying to be a Christian family. I say trying, well, because Jesus Christ was perfect, died for OUR sins, all that time ago, in such a terrible way. And also, “trying”, because it’s impossible to not be angry at certain people in these times. I don’t know how I can love thy neighbour when they’re so horrible! You know whom I’m talking about. And there are a lot of puppets, collaborators etc to consider. I pray to God for guidance on these matters. We can’t even find a “good” church where we are-most of them are paid to go woke I believe. Even the CRC churches around us have agendas that don’t ring true to us. We’ve tried, but mission impossible.

So we have our own family church, and talk about what we’ve read in the Bible lately. I can’t think where it’s said, but it would have to be the gospels, at least one of them-Jesus said something like, if two or more people are gathered together in My name, I will sup with them. Nice-I like that!

May God bless you and your family Pirate, thank you so much for your advice. Yes, God 100%. I find that a high percentage of people who are awake to all this “stuff” are Christian. 😊😀🙏🙏🙏

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Hello to Pirate ! and Rrodynmac - a little help If you'd like . I have awhile ago had a supply of Te rr al's n an o sil v er shipped to Sth Aussie - but there is no telling if they will let you express post it as they withdraw the means of posting options on and off without notice. So it's very iffey, and keep putting the pricing up to astronomical even for standard. NZ , Aust and Thailand are the most difficult to ship "to" for this reason. I got way too big a supply of it and I'd be happy to send you some - so's you could try it - if you would like it as a gift.

I'm still searching for research/results on it's outcomes. If you look on his substack, a Dr Deborah is doing research in-to this and has mentioned there are 25 or so published papers touting its claims of benefit. I'd see if you could obtain those. But what we need are trials and outcomes. So just going by available literature's benefits of the bo r o n + n a n o sil v er is lacking this. I sourced my natural b or o n from supplier on ebay in Victoria. Te rr al' s site has links to outline all the info about these components/weight to dose ratios/how to use.

The N sil v er is in small concentrate vials so easy to send, if you would like some let me know and I'll give you an email address that you can provide a mailing address to send it to you. koppykat

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ps. spaced wording prevents Ai being triggered

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Thanks for thinking of me koppy, we aren’t having symptoms (at least not yet), so I couldn’t take that from you-someone else probably needs it more. It is most appreciated though!

Thanks for the tip above-good thinking. I’m sure you’ll come across someone in more dire need.

May God bless you and your family, especially at this time of year. I just can’t thank you enuf!!!

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Hi there, I already have sent out all over Australia to family, etc, a good supply to use. So thankyou for being so thoughtful in this way. So it's here for you if you find after looking at what T e rr al has to say about its being the only thing which can eat off the arms and legs of the nanotech and disable it...(boron does that) (nano silver protects the cells) just let me know,. I dont have symptoms either, but it's what is showing up in everyone's blood - is the cause for concern. If you go onto his website, be sure to watch his recent live interview on Counter-Culture Moms where he explains the need to be taking this protocol to stop the nanotech being able to be in full control of us which could happen at any time. The need is there to foil the bots network being constructed inside of us all. You sound like lovely folks, nice to meet you.

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Sorry I didn't get back with you sooner. As far as I know boron is the active ingredient in borax. I took boron in capsule form but it didn't have the same effectiveness for me that the powdered stuff I use now is having. I used 20 Mule Team and it was too harsh for my system. But, like I said, it seems to me it's an individual process of discovery.

I agree about churches. I can't find one I think is actually following Jesus. Maybe this is part of God's plan. I know a lot of people feel the same way. It's great you have your own family church. I know Jesus loves us so whatever we have to do to follow Him is the way to go.

I have also found so many who are awake, truly awake, follow Jesus.

God Bless you and your family as well. I pray for everyone.

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Thanks for that Pirate-May God bless you and yours also. I’ll keep up the prayers also!

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Mule Team borax in a bath has been effective at pulling it out as well as Arm and Hammer (or any other brand, like Pure) Washing Soda. Start with 1/2 c. In bath. Taking borax internally.

Not sure if chlorine dioxide does also detox nanotech, it seems to be beneficial in so many ways, always good to take. Methylene blue has been shown to remove it. Dr Ana Mihalcea says high dose vitamin c works if you can't do EDTA. Also food grade hydrogen peroxide has been shown to dissolve some things. Colloidal gold some say, I don't know about this one. All binders will help like zeolite and charcoal.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Yes, thanks Syca! I get Dr Ana’s newsletter, but can’t afford to pay, but I can look at and “like” comments. I’ve seen about her high dose vit.C-and wow, it is high dose! And methylene blue, I’d better get some before we can’t! I didn’t know about food grade H. Peroxide. I do know about colloidal gold, and zeolite and charcoal.

The problem is needing to use the stuff regularly. I will look into these things, thank you!

We take Boron, 3 mg per day, it’s meant to help quite well to bind nano tech. No adverse reactions so far. Not too expensive. It’s the same as using borax isn’t it? Tell me if I’m wrong!

Thanks for all these suggestions, will have a good look!

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deletedDec 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b
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We use NAC, so that helps glutathione production-Thanks! I should also have said that my boy doesn’t have any symptoms-yet!

We’ve been trying to look at our blood with microscope that only displays on computer monitor, but major problems with display, as camera keeps cutting out for some reason. It’s quite high magnification, I think high enuf, if only the camera stays on!

When I say my boy-he is 19 years old, but has autism, not too bad. Both diabetes & autism from childhood vaxes, I’d wager. Makes a parent feel guilty, but I didn’t know they were bad, until C19. None of us have had that abomination.

But lately his cognitive skills seem to have deteriorated a bit-but maybe I’m just noticing things a bit more. I know this stuff sheds of course, and there’s just the 3 of us, mum dad, and boy!

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

With ALL that is being revealed how can this surprise us?

We ALL trusted to-an extent.

Took 4 needles in each arm 1 x a week for debilitating allergies almost entire adult life... no once did I ever request to have the contents checked,,Just imagine, flu shots, antibiotics... ( human, animal, fish, otc meds,

plastic particles, nano-particles..in the furthest northern parts of the earth?

Well the shizzle has accumulated for ages....

Now you have helped in our awareness...

Sadly it is unavoidable, but...

enzymes, probiotics, edt will help, more solutions to come....

If a person can eat and survive up to 700 lbs.

this is one kick-butt machine we have... it takes a lot to bring it down!

Positivity, work like yours and natural solutions...

Can help this amazing machine heal!

Thanks for the massive effort!!!

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I think this is interesting to have a look at. It’s about the mind control programs that they’ve been developing and talks about smart dust and connecting fibres forming in the bodies. 📸 Watch this video on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=262069646305571&id=100000966100369&mibextid=v7YzmG

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But I can’t watch on fakebook, as I’m not a member, and don’t intend to be. I’ve seen something like this though. I’ll be able to find it elsewhere, I’m sure. It IS very interesting. But horrible.

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Hi again, I'm not on fb either but I just clicked on play and it does..

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Oh, thanks Kat!

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