After being contacted by Dr Nixon and having this treated as a way for serious potential removal of this junk, i thought i should clarify the specific methodology and results i have got so far.
I agree fully regarding mrna, from a cost of $3,500 per shot to $2.75 in a couple of years never passed muster with me, plus being free with an added tad of coercion and huge propaganda.
Any of those denying the tech (particularly the BT vakmacs) that can easily be verified by anyone with a phone and basic knowledge or seen under the scope is now ignored by me.
There was a great video by one of the top gastro Drs who actually did an old school experiment on herself by killing off her entire gut microbiome to show how to re create it. She did this after seeing so many patients suddenly lose theirs since the poison rollout. I couldn't believe that there were still Drs that would have that level of commitment. heartwarming to say the least.
Your story has unfortunately become too common today and one of the reasons i keep looking for cheap methods to mitigate this stuff until more is known.
There is debate about using currents, but i will be doing it myself at a later stage. Eric at FM8 on telegram is experimenting with it and following up with evidential blood tests showing improvement.
The personal experiences of people such as yourself are critical to understanding. Please keep me informed.
Also, hugely appreciate your solid gesture of support for me to continue here. It came as I was deciding whether or not to do so and influenced my decision. Thank You Sir.
i see some good Drs describing the breakdown of the blood cells with resulting porcupine bits as spike proteins too. i have since seen a video of Dr Annas with the same things free swimming. that aint a spike either.
High costs, risks with any form of blood removal & reinsertion and lack of availability for the masses of people who need to remove this crap mean finding cheaper and easier methods is essential.
I had a melanoma that spread pain from my back down to my hips 5 odd years ago. never went to a Dr and treated myself. i managed to remove the pain in 5 days and shrunk the melanoma down to 50% then have treated it sporadically only when it annoys since. My dad had one similar went to onco etc, lasted 4 months. i will always be my own doc, thanks.
I am very glad you spoke to Dr. Nixon, that's great! Can you share any more of your conversation with him? Have you tried his Colloidal Gold solution yet? I am waiting on a shipment which should be here soon..
Seems to me that using the Peroxide with your feet submerged in Tony P.'s Anti-nano bucket would be a good thing to do, maybe while rubbing your calves. Also I am wondering about the Japanese Bamboo Vinegar Detox Footpads overnight and whether they might help.
I know what you mean about when people disagree on the usefulness of a solution to this. I am the same, it does not stop me either..
Do you have a Darkfield scope, Matt, or are you using only your phone? For some reason I thought you had DF.
the colloidal gold is good and am setting up to make my own.
the footpads work too. i have a friend that used it at the early stages on his wife and took good scope pics of what came out - clear pics of tech some of which had writing on it even.
yes , a biological scope with a darkfeild condensor. i just got a student scope, probably 30$ worth 2nd hand to try out to see if they are good emough for people to identify the morgs. i will take comparison pics with it next week to show. i use the ph camera as its better resolution that the current one on the scope.
Thank you Matt, for ALL your good efforts :-). I am SO glad you are out there doing this!
I am working on setting up to make my own CG too, but want to make it correctly from pure 24Kt. Thinking of using 24Kt edible Gold sheets which should arrive today.
Planning on using Energold until I get my own CG fabrication procedure worked out.
If you speak to David Nixon again, please ask him how he suggests we make it, since he knows what to look for exactly, and knows what works. There's a lot of junk out there for sale, as you must already know. I wish someone would do a vid on how to make the stuff..
I have seen Tony P.'s video on it, he uses the sheets.
i bought the 24k leaf but unfortunately its not suitable for that. there is one excellent presenter for making colloidal gold and i will put the link up.
the leaf is not wasted for me as i intended to use it to make electrical scope slides for unique observations and as it is so thin and conductive it should work well. these observations will also allow me to see the blood reaction live to colloidal gold as its created on the slide.
its a big list of unique tests i have thought up so i see my role as to invent the tests and then let the experts do it "proper".
hermes , reckons it makes him "limitless" like the movie. best ever concise recipe and methodology for home CG>
Hi Matt, Thank You for the link, that Hermes video is GREAT!
BTW, I saw a vid from Dr. Ana on Rumble which discussed using EDTA chelation as a way to get the stuff out of the blood. I have been ingesting EDTA orally, and I can tell it does good things, seems to clear out buildups and sedimentation in the legs and feet.
*Note* it needs to be taken with Vitamin C, *real* Vitamin C, not just Ascorbic Acid..
Linda, I saw Dr Ana, had the chelation, cleared my blood. She recommended Sara Barton Accelerated Gold. I’m taking that with Vitality C, EDTA cream + liposomal…and also doing boron / silver 4 days on/ 3 off. Question still remains whether I’m free of contamination 6 weeks later. Following Matt and will probably get skin scope, try peroxide / bandaid approach…have you looked at yours?
Hi, Matt; thank you for detailed explanation with pictures. I wanted to make/use Tony P.'s Anti-nano bucket, however Dr. Ana posted few times that ‘staff’ is activated to life when small current applied (or near source like WIFI). Tony recommends using bucket for about an hour, which is long time, so I concerned if it would activate ‘staff’. Could you comment on this? Thanks
first up, tony himself says do not use any current device if you took the shot. thats a good starting point. i know someone who is a lot smarter than i and he says no too. there is debate about it.
on the other hand if you look up fm8 on telegram, he has tested it on people and after blood tests there are good improvements. i can see both sides of this and do think that you get results but am unsure of its safety profile.
each one of us is different in many ways, our diet, chemical composition , fitness ,age , vax status etc and we should all be our own doctors in this present climate. to be otherwise is to be blind to the current events. the good doctors are the ones who are not allowed to practice as they havnt followed the agenda and have remembered to "first do no harm".
i myself will be using electrical current of some form at a later stage.
the reason for not using it now is that i believe this is adaptive technology and if we just keep trying different things willy nilly at it we wont have much in the arsenal for a full asasult when we have all the information required to completely eradicate it, prior to then having a tool at hand to maintain a healthy resistance for the foreseeable future.
this is also one of the reasons i have gone for the peroxide initially.
as this tech is now environmental i dont see how we will not be surrounded by it for the duration of our lifetimes. the genie is truly out of the bottle. unless the creators of this tech have an off switch. possible , my thoughts are the 5 g towers and satellites going up. these can be used for nefarious purposes, as today , or with the correct rife frequencies could be used to heal mankind that is left if the good guys win. we have real choice here. we have to win this battle.
Hi, Matt; I agree with you, we are different in our health level. I am un..ed. Just want to mention Dr. Ana said number of times: this year (2023) she doesn’t see the difference (using dark field microscopy) between blood of vaxed & not. However she also mentioned (based on her research with Clifford Carnicom) there is the difference in blood conductivity of vaxed & not.
i see the difference in the level of contamination. but we are catching up.
to me now i see the vak as a bit of a red herring to cover up all the other sources. none of us will ever really know where it came from to us as an individual.
this has been sprayed for decades , probably in less evolved forms tho. did i get in usa, china or any of the many countries i have been to. in the food, clothes air, meds and i think salt . when did you last eat food without salt. best place to hide it. look at the papers dr nixom found in his salt post. i tested ocean water salt and its not the same. if i was dr evil thats where i would hide it as we need salt like we need air, and it is difficult but not impossible to distinguish the 2.
Thanks for sharing. This is definitely one method to try. BTW, my hands had developed this "ache" like an arthritis (I guess, I have never had arthritis). I started using CD on my hands with drops of DMSO to drive it in. "Hand-ache" is now gone. The aches came after handling juice from fruit grown on our property -- which under magnification showed microscopic parasites. Who knows?? Said parasites took up residence in hands, causing "hand-ache"? Now I use gloves when handling any produce and wash directly after and follow up with CD/DMSO combination. No new hand-ache has occurred.
Be sure to have a comfortable working knowledge of them both, especially CD. I've been using it for years. I've been working with DMSO a little bit shorter amount of time, but still both of them require some experience. For CD and DMSO, as with water and all things, the poison is in the dosage. That being said, I make a 20-drop batch of CD and pour some in the palm of my hand and work it into both hands. Then I use a couple of drops of DMSO and rub thoroughly into both hands. No pain has returned. :)
The first search for any product is always interesting, below an opinion that gives them their first big tick .
Detoxification foot baths
Pseudoscientific alternative medicine
Detoxification foot baths, also known as foot detox, ionic cleansing, ionic foot bath and aqua/water detox are pseudoscientific alternative medical devices marketed as being able to remove toxins from the human body. They work by providing an electric current to an electrode array immersed in a salt water solution. When switched on, the electrodes rapidly rust in…+
Wikipedia ( oh yes , those spouters of truth.)
For me and what i would base an opinion on is seeing the microscopy of what is coming out of people these days when they use them. there are plenty of examples of that and i for one will be adding one to my assault on this crap.
Eric at FM8 is one of the few sites on tg that is maintained to a clean standard with a lot of good info and interviews and he is another good honest Man whose work i value highly. The bloodwork and microscopy he has had done on people and objects before and after speaks for itself.
Tony P.'s Anti-nano bucket the Hydrogen Skin Purge- I’d love to see the quick view of these two “protocols”. Is it just SPRAY from a spray bottle Food grade HPeroxide 6% (or possibly stronger) then rub it in- vigorously- for say 6 minutes. Then leave it. ?? Then?!??! Peel stuff off after it dries!!!? Investigate? Repeat the next day- do this every day for 6 weeks?!!? Start on the legs??
I’d love some people to offer the bullet point details of action.
“”so in period of 3 < 4 minutes you may repeat the process 4 or 6 times. in this pic i did it about 6 or 7 times, the sensation gets more intense each time. just put something underneath to catch the rubbings for view or disposal.“”
I see the repeating too- just wondering about any other specifics? Also- did you do this on areas of the body where there was something of a “neutral” reaction? Just to explain away any thoughts of this being something related to a “ normal” reaction to putting a high % HP which is normally advised to be reduced — on the skin then rubbing?!?
Cause it probably hard to find someone who we could call a “control subject” someone who has no tech in them?
Also- are you basically saying that the amount of the stuff showing up NOW- after (how many) —- some amount of cycles, has decreased by about 90%?? Thanks so much for your work and your follow up assistance and responses!!
Hi Gordon,
I agree fully regarding mrna, from a cost of $3,500 per shot to $2.75 in a couple of years never passed muster with me, plus being free with an added tad of coercion and huge propaganda.
Any of those denying the tech (particularly the BT vakmacs) that can easily be verified by anyone with a phone and basic knowledge or seen under the scope is now ignored by me.
There was a great video by one of the top gastro Drs who actually did an old school experiment on herself by killing off her entire gut microbiome to show how to re create it. She did this after seeing so many patients suddenly lose theirs since the poison rollout. I couldn't believe that there were still Drs that would have that level of commitment. heartwarming to say the least.
Your story has unfortunately become too common today and one of the reasons i keep looking for cheap methods to mitigate this stuff until more is known.
There is debate about using currents, but i will be doing it myself at a later stage. Eric at FM8 on telegram is experimenting with it and following up with evidential blood tests showing improvement.
The personal experiences of people such as yourself are critical to understanding. Please keep me informed.
Also, hugely appreciate your solid gesture of support for me to continue here. It came as I was deciding whether or not to do so and influenced my decision. Thank You Sir.
You and I both Gordon,
i see some good Drs describing the breakdown of the blood cells with resulting porcupine bits as spike proteins too. i have since seen a video of Dr Annas with the same things free swimming. that aint a spike either.
High costs, risks with any form of blood removal & reinsertion and lack of availability for the masses of people who need to remove this crap mean finding cheaper and easier methods is essential.
I had a melanoma that spread pain from my back down to my hips 5 odd years ago. never went to a Dr and treated myself. i managed to remove the pain in 5 days and shrunk the melanoma down to 50% then have treated it sporadically only when it annoys since. My dad had one similar went to onco etc, lasted 4 months. i will always be my own doc, thanks.
Great information, Dr Campra is a good and brave man, glad he hasn't been removed.
Please let us know your results.
Could you provide a link for all?
Matt, Thank you for this detailed post.
I am very glad you spoke to Dr. Nixon, that's great! Can you share any more of your conversation with him? Have you tried his Colloidal Gold solution yet? I am waiting on a shipment which should be here soon..
Seems to me that using the Peroxide with your feet submerged in Tony P.'s Anti-nano bucket would be a good thing to do, maybe while rubbing your calves. Also I am wondering about the Japanese Bamboo Vinegar Detox Footpads overnight and whether they might help.
I know what you mean about when people disagree on the usefulness of a solution to this. I am the same, it does not stop me either..
Do you have a Darkfield scope, Matt, or are you using only your phone? For some reason I thought you had DF.
Stay Strong, Matt.
God Bless the Good.
the colloidal gold is good and am setting up to make my own.
the footpads work too. i have a friend that used it at the early stages on his wife and took good scope pics of what came out - clear pics of tech some of which had writing on it even.
yes , a biological scope with a darkfeild condensor. i just got a student scope, probably 30$ worth 2nd hand to try out to see if they are good emough for people to identify the morgs. i will take comparison pics with it next week to show. i use the ph camera as its better resolution that the current one on the scope.
Thanks, matt.
Thank you Matt, for ALL your good efforts :-). I am SO glad you are out there doing this!
I am working on setting up to make my own CG too, but want to make it correctly from pure 24Kt. Thinking of using 24Kt edible Gold sheets which should arrive today.
Planning on using Energold until I get my own CG fabrication procedure worked out.
If you speak to David Nixon again, please ask him how he suggests we make it, since he knows what to look for exactly, and knows what works. There's a lot of junk out there for sale, as you must already know. I wish someone would do a vid on how to make the stuff..
I have seen Tony P.'s video on it, he uses the sheets.
Stay strong Matt.
God Bless the Good.
Hi Linda,
i bought the 24k leaf but unfortunately its not suitable for that. there is one excellent presenter for making colloidal gold and i will put the link up.
the leaf is not wasted for me as i intended to use it to make electrical scope slides for unique observations and as it is so thin and conductive it should work well. these observations will also allow me to see the blood reaction live to colloidal gold as its created on the slide.
its a big list of unique tests i have thought up so i see my role as to invent the tests and then let the experts do it "proper".
hermes , reckons it makes him "limitless" like the movie. best ever concise recipe and methodology for home CG>
Hi Matt, Thank You for the link, that Hermes video is GREAT!
BTW, I saw a vid from Dr. Ana on Rumble which discussed using EDTA chelation as a way to get the stuff out of the blood. I have been ingesting EDTA orally, and I can tell it does good things, seems to clear out buildups and sedimentation in the legs and feet.
*Note* it needs to be taken with Vitamin C, *real* Vitamin C, not just Ascorbic Acid..
God Bless the Good.
Linda, I saw Dr Ana, had the chelation, cleared my blood. She recommended Sara Barton Accelerated Gold. I’m taking that with Vitality C, EDTA cream + liposomal…and also doing boron / silver 4 days on/ 3 off. Question still remains whether I’m free of contamination 6 weeks later. Following Matt and will probably get skin scope, try peroxide / bandaid approach…have you looked at yours?
Thanks for being brave enough to have a look . please let me know how you get on. i would like to hear of someone who is not contaminated too.
what a great idea...the sheets
Hi, Matt; thank you for detailed explanation with pictures. I wanted to make/use Tony P.'s Anti-nano bucket, however Dr. Ana posted few times that ‘staff’ is activated to life when small current applied (or near source like WIFI). Tony recommends using bucket for about an hour, which is long time, so I concerned if it would activate ‘staff’. Could you comment on this? Thanks
first up, tony himself says do not use any current device if you took the shot. thats a good starting point. i know someone who is a lot smarter than i and he says no too. there is debate about it.
on the other hand if you look up fm8 on telegram, he has tested it on people and after blood tests there are good improvements. i can see both sides of this and do think that you get results but am unsure of its safety profile.
each one of us is different in many ways, our diet, chemical composition , fitness ,age , vax status etc and we should all be our own doctors in this present climate. to be otherwise is to be blind to the current events. the good doctors are the ones who are not allowed to practice as they havnt followed the agenda and have remembered to "first do no harm".
i myself will be using electrical current of some form at a later stage.
the reason for not using it now is that i believe this is adaptive technology and if we just keep trying different things willy nilly at it we wont have much in the arsenal for a full asasult when we have all the information required to completely eradicate it, prior to then having a tool at hand to maintain a healthy resistance for the foreseeable future.
this is also one of the reasons i have gone for the peroxide initially.
as this tech is now environmental i dont see how we will not be surrounded by it for the duration of our lifetimes. the genie is truly out of the bottle. unless the creators of this tech have an off switch. possible , my thoughts are the 5 g towers and satellites going up. these can be used for nefarious purposes, as today , or with the correct rife frequencies could be used to heal mankind that is left if the good guys win. we have real choice here. we have to win this battle.
Hi, Matt; I agree with you, we are different in our health level. I am un..ed. Just want to mention Dr. Ana said number of times: this year (2023) she doesn’t see the difference (using dark field microscopy) between blood of vaxed & not. However she also mentioned (based on her research with Clifford Carnicom) there is the difference in blood conductivity of vaxed & not.
i see the difference in the level of contamination. but we are catching up.
to me now i see the vak as a bit of a red herring to cover up all the other sources. none of us will ever really know where it came from to us as an individual.
this has been sprayed for decades , probably in less evolved forms tho. did i get in usa, china or any of the many countries i have been to. in the food, clothes air, meds and i think salt . when did you last eat food without salt. best place to hide it. look at the papers dr nixom found in his salt post. i tested ocean water salt and its not the same. if i was dr evil thats where i would hide it as we need salt like we need air, and it is difficult but not impossible to distinguish the 2.
Thanks for sharing. This is definitely one method to try. BTW, my hands had developed this "ache" like an arthritis (I guess, I have never had arthritis). I started using CD on my hands with drops of DMSO to drive it in. "Hand-ache" is now gone. The aches came after handling juice from fruit grown on our property -- which under magnification showed microscopic parasites. Who knows?? Said parasites took up residence in hands, causing "hand-ache"? Now I use gloves when handling any produce and wash directly after and follow up with CD/DMSO combination. No new hand-ache has occurred.
Lisa this is amazing info, thank you. I just bought CD, and researching DMSO…may I ask how many drops you used of each?
Be sure to have a comfortable working knowledge of them both, especially CD. I've been using it for years. I've been working with DMSO a little bit shorter amount of time, but still both of them require some experience. For CD and DMSO, as with water and all things, the poison is in the dosage. That being said, I make a 20-drop batch of CD and pour some in the palm of my hand and work it into both hands. Then I use a couple of drops of DMSO and rub thoroughly into both hands. No pain has returned. :)
Check out dirt road discussions (telegram) Danny was a great guy & took no money for his advice that helped thousands.
The first search for any product is always interesting, below an opinion that gives them their first big tick .
Detoxification foot baths
Pseudoscientific alternative medicine
Detoxification foot baths, also known as foot detox, ionic cleansing, ionic foot bath and aqua/water detox are pseudoscientific alternative medical devices marketed as being able to remove toxins from the human body. They work by providing an electric current to an electrode array immersed in a salt water solution. When switched on, the electrodes rapidly rust in…+
Wikipedia ( oh yes , those spouters of truth.)
For me and what i would base an opinion on is seeing the microscopy of what is coming out of people these days when they use them. there are plenty of examples of that and i for one will be adding one to my assault on this crap.
Eric at FM8 is one of the few sites on tg that is maintained to a clean standard with a lot of good info and interviews and he is another good honest Man whose work i value highly. The bloodwork and microscopy he has had done on people and objects before and after speaks for itself.
good choice.
I searched for Eric at FM8 and just FM8– didn’t feel me either
I searched Telegram? Are they somewhere else?? Thanka
Castor Oil has interesting properties. I wonder what would happen if you put some Castor Oil on it?
Thanks Mike its on my list of experiments to do.
Tony P.'s Anti-nano bucket the Hydrogen Skin Purge- I’d love to see the quick view of these two “protocols”. Is it just SPRAY from a spray bottle Food grade HPeroxide 6% (or possibly stronger) then rub it in- vigorously- for say 6 minutes. Then leave it. ?? Then?!??! Peel stuff off after it dries!!!? Investigate? Repeat the next day- do this every day for 6 weeks?!!? Start on the legs??
I’d love some people to offer the bullet point details of action.
Also for the bucket one!? Or a link?? Okay thanks
“”so in period of 3 < 4 minutes you may repeat the process 4 or 6 times. in this pic i did it about 6 or 7 times, the sensation gets more intense each time. just put something underneath to catch the rubbings for view or disposal.“”
I see the repeating too- just wondering about any other specifics? Also- did you do this on areas of the body where there was something of a “neutral” reaction? Just to explain away any thoughts of this being something related to a “ normal” reaction to putting a high % HP which is normally advised to be reduced — on the skin then rubbing?!?
Cause it probably hard to find someone who we could call a “control subject” someone who has no tech in them?
Also- are you basically saying that the amount of the stuff showing up NOW- after (how many) —- some amount of cycles, has decreased by about 90%?? Thanks so much for your work and your follow up assistance and responses!!
God Bless!