Apr 23Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Ted Talk with pics Robotic Nanotech to heal the body. The vid's only been up a day but it's from 2013 and actually explains what we're seeing - which bots are for what purpose and how they interact with each other. Just stunning.


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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by matt. j.a.o.b


On Coffee and COVID Jeff Childers writes about young people now tending to have old blood and hence they are experiencing turbo (my term) aging.

"In this study, researchers surveyed 150,000 bloodwork reports from the British Biobank database for patients under 55 years old. They estimated each patient’s “biological age” using nine blood biomarkers — then compared the calculated biological age to the patients’ actual chronological age.

In other words, the concept of blood-based “biological age” is a descriptor for a patient’s internal biochemical health. If “aging” biomarkers appear, the patient’s blood resembles someone older and less healthy."

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Nice post mate. You're correct, you cannot help but be inspired by those videos.

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Apr 7Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hello Matt!

Thank you for this link. Clifford seems to be such a kind and generous man, a « preacher in the desert » working for the good of Humanity. Dedicated people like him lift our spirit.

Wish I were 30 years healthier... I’d kick a few butts, slap a few stupid wide young climato-anguished mouths covered with black masks! :((((((

Citing Lucy Neo on ValkrieScotDottir SS, April 4:

« …Fascinating how humans will believe in a nonexistent virus they can't see but won't believe in the extraordinary poisons being sprayed in the sky and the blocking of the sun that is right in their face daily now. … »

Warm wishes.

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Hardware synthetic biology can be isolated and contained when it is not linked to an "engineered seed crystal system"

Wetware synthetic biology self-replicating can be isolated and contained when it is linked up to "an engineered seed crystal system" that transmits information from the vacuum and back into space and time.

Brandon Iglesias electrostasis.substack.com

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I'm so thankful to all of the pioneers saving humanity. Most of all thank you Jesus for leading me Here and and annoitong these heros.

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So glad you posted this, Matt. The Man, indeed. Cheers, Rod

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Apr 6Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Talking about when they started? In the 80s my parent's friend once mentioned that he's working on creating computers using live cells. I thought something like a mainframe computer, having battery or memory from cells. I never even imagined that he might be talking about computers using human cells, inside the body of a human. However I never forgotten that conversation, as it appeared radical idea to me at the time.

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Thank you, matt. All eyes on Carnicom. And the prize. God Bless.

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The on-average natural abundance of this material not only suggests biblical context, bu through a critical scientific eye (The whole national security complex 5 eyes, 7 eyes, etc. that can be deceived through ChinaCCP Nueurostrike. God bless all.

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Apr 5Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Is this picture a computer rendering or a real picture of blood under some kind of microscope? Because if we could look at the things we are finding in the blood at this magnitude wouldn’t that be amazing!

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Hi Tami, its a rendering but as you say it would be great if we could see this clearly, as I believe it is possible using the tech we have today, just in ways no o0ne has thought of yet..

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Thank you for the link Matt. I will be listening while making hubby some food. I am looking forward to listening and learning about Clifford Carnicom.

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Apr 5Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Very much appreciated Matt . . . I didn't think I could feel any more respect for this man, but he deserves more than I can offer. A model being to emulate.

And very insightful few hours of viewing.

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Apr 5Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thanks so much Matt, Clifford Carnicom is one of the best examples of what it means - to me - to be a real human with humanity and humankind at heart + a true uncorruptable focused researcher

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Thanks so much for this...it is so amazing to see him, he is brilliant, heroic, and so ahead of the curve. A courageous warrior, and such a gift to mankind.

Love these statements...quotable...

"You can't fight, if you're sick. You can't perform, you can't object, you can't do anything...if you're sick"

"We need to fight for our survival."

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You can still fight if you're sick. You can fight the most important battle.

The Spiritual War.

You can fight it from your sick bed. Don't give up. I speak from experience.

Endure until the end. And you have won. - Jesus Christ

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