Wonderful work again Matt! I’m hypercurious to set up my own rig to identify jabbed via Bluetooth signals. Please direct me to the most efficient method, very much obliged. I need a new phone too, want to get rid of my Apple, I heard they are the most harmful of all the brands. Cheers 🥂

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10 hrs agoLiked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hey Matt, a word search on the 'herbals' comment brings up various Sources:

Radioprotective Potential of Plants and Herbs against the Effects of Ionizing Radiation

2006 - https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jcbn/40/2/40_2_74/_pdf

2007 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2127223/

Role of phytochemicals as potential radioprotectants

2022 - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358998326_Role_of_phytochemicals_as_potential_radioprotectants

Another tunnel to explore !

2022 - https://bnrc.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s42269-022-00735-x

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Seeing pics like those clouds from all over North America right now since a day or two before the full moon. Pretty interesting formations

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I'm afraid that the countermeasures are also manufactured by the same pharmaceuticals and/or their subsidiaries.

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14 hrs agoLiked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hello Matt! My wife goes in for a local anaesthetic shoulder procedure later this week, I'll do a before & after test for bt address. I'll see if I can get the name of the product used. Well, if she does get a bt address, it'll make playing hide n seek easier 😅

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"By 2030, Smartphones Will Not Exist, Technology ‘Built Directly Into Our Bodies’"

-- Pekka Lundmark, Nokia CEO, Davos 2022.

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16 hrs agoLiked by matt. j.a.o.b

Great experiments you're doing - it's definitely a complex, grey area that needs to be explored and try to get some much needed clarification. I have a total of 8 different bluetooth scanning apps on my phone. One of them, that I have not used for a while, doesn't even scan properly anymore when I opened it this morning and a several of the others just do not pick up all the macs around. I'm pleased to report that I tried the developer mode and no extra macs were detected (when compared with developer mode, 3 of my more regularly used apps still appear reliable, for now at least) from my unvaccinated household. Also drove to a known remote 'dead spot' to verify. I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life - to confirm that myself and my sons are not yet chipped like dogs! Crazy reality we now live in.

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What apps do you recommend for those of us wanting to try this?

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Hi Kamil,

The apps never worked as good as my phone in developer mode. Many phones wont pick these up the same. I bought a motog3 a few years ago just for this and never updated it. It might be hard to replicate the same today. I also downloaded many pc programs but dont use them.

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16 hrs agoLiked by matt. j.a.o.b

sad but amazing images.....i think 'angry bird' looks more like 'super sad bird'; bird who cannot believe they effing did this. 50-100 years in the making, I suppose. And all to wipe the books clean and line pockets. Will the people coalesce to make it stop?

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18 hrs agoLiked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hello Matt

I’ve run lidocaine and mericane I think it’s called. It’s been a while back


Lidocaine has the most disturbing anomalies.

I’ve found hydra vulgaris and a nematode looking 🪱 as well

The vulgaris I found can be seen on one video that I know of online.

All of Dr young’s microscopy that he uses is mine.

The chip in the HG capsid he always has on his backdrop is mine.

Chips from my fluids .

And microscopy is mine.

He copyrights it and tells the world it’s his.

Then he greatly misrepresents the findings on what analytical equipment was used and what type of samples were used. Then he lies and misinterprets the shit outta it

It also has amplified assembly of orthogonal structures than I normally see.

The micro bubbles 🫧 are also interesting.

I do have the circuit cities 🌆 forming as well

I mixed with blood as well and couldn’t generate a Mac.

I only used a drop of blood though on the slide.

Thank you for your diligence

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HI Neo,

The experiment I saw used a full tube of fresh blood. I will try that next. Others have found putting them next to a router helps generate the macs. I don't have one.

Copying is just a form of flattery but copywriting others works is not on.



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Geez, Matt, your Blood looks BAD!

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The serum and blood pics are not mine thankfully. Keep up the good works, Thanks, Matt.

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21 hrs agoLiked by matt. j.a.o.b

Nice hash pipe in the 3rd picture.

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Jacinda Arderns crack pipe

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Well, those images sure look like AI art!!! Literally. Humans are becoming AI "masterpieces".

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Stunning stuff Matt, thanks so much for posting, will send pm.

~~ j ~~

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What can you do if needs are dental?

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Some dentists still use old school laughing gas. You may have to travel.

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Be well prepared to detox after.

EDTA,hi dose vitamin c, activated charcoal, all the proteases (Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, serapeptase), NAC etc

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There are No clean Anesthetics that we can find out of at least 30 investigated so far, sadly.

And None are better than the others. We are suggesting to people to just ask your Dentist to use as little anesthetic as possible, and detox with activated charcoal afterwards. I have not found a clean EDTA or Vitamin C, but you may want to take your chances with those as well. I am not a Doctor, but I am in this discussion with others. Sorry : (

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22 hrs agoLiked by matt. j.a.o.b

Nice test. Maybe you can increase the ambient or background levels of RF EMF, perhaps infrared heat/light levels, you might be able to assess if this technology is using a backscatter EMF powered device to propagate its own BLE MAC signals, ie. no battery needed, it uses the already out there EMF to create its programmed BLE signals. If the background ambient EMF level is able to cross that threshold level the BLE signals would start to be observed at that point. Then you can monitor the time period for which the MAC addresses change. Perhaps a 10-20 minute period of static anonymous BLE MAC advertisements, then does it change to a new random MAC address for the next period, etc.

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Why the fixation on dental anesthetics? Has anyone looked into the anesthetics that are used in doctors’ offices for minor procedures?

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Yes, Dr. David Nixon has also looked at Lidocaine/Lignocaine, etc, that are used for skin surgeries and they are sadly contaminated as well : (

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Yes and vet lidocaine distributed in NZ is contaminated too as were 4 human dental anaesthetics I looked at.

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Thank you for doing that! We should post a Master List somewhere. The real question is What Year did it all start? 1980’s? 1970’s?

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Yes. A master list of what has been tested and the results would be great. I am new to your substack so still getting up to speed. I have been following Dr Nixon's work for over a year.

I was not ware of local anesthetic being contaminated so I am fearful I have been chipped now as I hada few stitches with a local sometime last year. Do you have any articles that discuss how to get rid of it?

Then again if they've been doing this since the 70s I guess most people would already be chipped long long ago...

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