I appreciate your theory on the capillaries. I am sensitive to shedding and can feel where the nano lands in my body. It seems to congregate (maybe by reason of gravity?) in the small capillaries of my hands but especially in the feet. You're the first person I've heard express that. If I don't detox daily, my feet will hurt and turn purple.
It also makes sense as to the microclotting in the small vessels of the eyes where people are having sudden retinal tears and all kinds of eye issues. Then there's the brain clotting in the tiny capillaries there- decreased brain function, weird behavior, increase in car accidents, strokes, etc. I saw a presentation by a doctor who was studying vaccines several years ago before these death shots and he found that everyone who received shots had microclotting in the brain. I believe this doctor was killed for his work.
The highest visible concentration I can see with a skin scope is in the back of the heels where you get micro cracking and that's probably due to being unable to put the scope between the toes where we produce the most jam... The skin is definitely targeted along with reproductive organs, the heart and brain with this tech and there are varied reasons for this. Its easy to program certain tech to head for the more electrical parts ie the heart and brain.
The reproductive areas are obviously part of depopulation. Outside body communications probably just one of the considerations with the skin. Another would be it being more hidden from traditional blood tests as it would be harder to keep a lid on it if the true scale was seen by so many.
The variety of symptoms by targeting capillaries is another way to mask the effects.
I have read many papers and theories and its only when you take that macro view of all the differing tech components together that their individual roles can fit together. Most is documented in one patent or another.
Is the claim that with titanium dioxide in the skin we are even trackable vis facial biometrics via satellite?- its getting harder to be surprised by the sophistication of this stuff..
Thanks for the info - i will def try that out. My bro used to save his up for his girlfriend. Must have been something kinky involved there but will have to ask.
I will just pull it out and look under the big scope tho.
Also, I have been using the "spike" from Tony P and my blood has cleared up a lot. My friend has been using that and also the triangle from Tony, and he had a foot condition (foot all red and itchy) that he had tried to fix for around 3 years, and immediately, as he started using it, the itchiness was gone, and within three days his foot was clear. His wife called it a miracle. And yesterday he told me that he had a cyst that was developing and now it's gone. His sleep has improved a lot also, and he feels years younger he says. And that's the only new thing he's done.
Eric has done such a good job with this channel that any time I talk to a semi-normi and I want to help them, but save time, I simply tell them to go to that channel.
I have a triangle. How frequently does your friend use it? How long does he sit in the bath? Does he add anything to his bath water (borax, epsom, bicarbonate?)
An hour a day, and also he uses the spike for another hour. And yes, he adds borax Epsom by An hour a day, and also he uses the spike for another hour. And yes, he adds borax Epsom bycarbonate and STS
I was told I could use the anti nano triangle (in the bath) even though I’m vaxxed. I’ve been using it for a few months now. However, I’m not doing it every day. More like 1 time a week, 45 minutes.
I know that Tony P says not to use it if you're Vaxxed but I believe I have heard Yannis, the guy who sells the devices in Europe, say it was OK, but don't quote me on that. I'm actually really looking for an answer to that because it would be great if we could help VAX people with those. I personally to do with at least one hour a day. Mostly with the spike. But tell me about your results with it please. And why do you use it only once a week? I know there are people use it three hours a day sometimes. And if you don't mind me asking, who told you it was OK to use it?
Thanks for all your work Matt. Regardless of which way this all goes, what you are doing is vitally important and greatly appreciated. Are you linked with Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, and her microscopy/research work?
Are you aware of the work of John Lukach? If not, see his "Exposing the Bio-API" series of articles" & others here - Website: www.EstateArtistry.com/blog His research goes quite a way towards explaining what you're seeing under microscope. He also cites the work of Dr Nixon/other microscopists. I know Dr Nixon has shared his work. Strangely, Mihalcea has banned Lukach from commenting on her site. I am not a fan of this woman. She is there to fearmonger, tell us we're all in same boat (so we might as well all get jabbed), probably makes a fortune from her chelation therapy which can be dangerous, is very expensive and only provides temporary relief. She's also a member of a weird cult whose name I've forgotten, associates with scammers like Sasha Stone, a lesbian and follows a weird religion which is apparently compatible with christianity. She also never bothers to reply to her readers unless they are famous and/or have a PhD after their name. At best, she's a limited hangout.
Hi Kerrlyn, I have been in contact with John recently and have a very high opinion of his intellectual capacity. The depth of his research is always par none and he is my favorite read. An honest man.
Thanks for noticing and mentioning. I had visited John's site maybe a year ago and meant to return but lost track of the accurate name. Just clicked on your link and read his Nov. 1 blog post. Love it! He seems sooo real hits the nail on the head in everything I've read so far. Thanks so much for defending him and sharing. I've followed La Quinta Columna since the beginning of their analyzing the vials. Outside of them and Andreas Noack most have something or other that is questionable.
Hey also, last time we communicated you mentionned you were getting together free ressources to help us all better understand live blood microscopy. That would be amazing if you could share what you got. I have accumulated around 400 pics of my live and dry blood and i will start a substack soon. I would also love to know if there is a list of the specific names of all the weird stuff we see so I could make more quality posts. Let me know, please, and again, thanks for the great work you're doing, much appreciated :)
I was sent this by a friend recently. The best compendium I have seen so far. Pleomorphism is its own field of study and the blood pics are taken from a large sample of people as I have not seen many of these forms yet.
Look forward to reposting your work when you get it up.
WOW!!! That is a stunning collection! Thanks. I see that no one has liked this post with this link. Maybe you want to repost that at the beginning of your next post so that everyone can see this? I appreciate these pictures, but what I am hoping for is to get some kind of PDF guide Like a "Live blood/dry blood microscopy for dummies". Not Nanotech related but more like classical live blood microscopy diagnostics materiel.
For example, in my own blood, a huge proportion of my red blood cells had spikes on them. In classical live blood microscopy I read it meant too much oxidation so I added a lot of antioxidants in various forms. It seems to have helped and now I see almost none of those anymore. (and since I do the spike daily, even less, and half my slide looks like perfectly healthy blood now, the red blood cells totally separated and round.) But I am still full of polymer, that's the next thing I am getting to work on. Thank you very much again for your great work Matt. :-)
Thank you for showing sharing all your research. Really appreciate it. Have you shared with Ricardo Delgado of LaQuinta Columna? They are always asking people to look at you blood under a microscope and share with them.
Keeping the blood sample next to an active iPad charger is a catalyst for growing these fibres. They crawl out of the blood to the edge of the slip after about a week.
HI Mateo, 25 Gr?! How much blood? I had 190 mg with a 10ml seringe doing the 24h resting at room temp without centrifuge. Do you get so much more with the centrifuge???
Reporting the results of the band-aid test. I fully saturated the band-aid with 3% hydrogen peroxide, applied band-aid to lower calf, and left for 24 hours. Removed it and found a clean band-aid, nothing on it.
Does anyone have a list of dental anesthetics, found to have nano? Is Marcaine contaminated? Any clean anesthetic? Matt, how long have these anesthetics been contaminated, would you guess?
On the band aid test. Thats great news and I hope it stays that way for you. I have since realised that the best area to test is probably 1' above the outside ankle bone knob.
Hi Julie, maybe you should try to soak some paper towel (fold it up a few times) and cover with bandaid and then cover that area with tape to prevent evaporation? I have not done this or any test of this type, but am starting to feel brave to try.
Where did you read about it if you remember? I thought I read some comments the other day and this guys hand went “spongy” or something. Ok thanks
According to La Quinta Columna, at least from 2012 (for some of them at least) . I am sure I ma sick from them (big dental work in 2021) I I am done... when I see Matt's blood, I doubt something can be done !
I've had fillings too...often. So far, no visible nano (3 Darkfield blood analyses). We have a scalar device. Can that be the reason? Working on frequency and disallowing negative thoughts is something we can do.
Thank you, John. I discussed cocaine and contaminated anesthetics with my holistic dentist. He can't obtain cocaine, which was widely used before synthetic anesthetics. He has Prolocaine, a very early synthetic anesthetic which isn't commonly used and he stated that it's clean. I have a sample of Prolocaine and will ask my Darkfield microscopist to examine it. Results will be posted here.
Lol dude your humor 😂 thanks for that, in this sci fi madness. That very first pic reminds me of an aerial view of a remote landscape out of a National Geographic book. Would be interesting to know the weight of the blood in total and compare to the expected textbook dried weight vs actual. And then observe that ratio keep growing with time if what you say about there being more plastic with time and to see by how much. Another interesting point I see is the amorphous drying. It’s as if even in it’s dried state it preserves its inherent ability to transport (zombies... 🤢) as the blood still is moving in other samples I’ve seen online by others. The fact it snaps after drying and some of the other things mentioned... Way to go to initial that 😂 probably first in history lol
Some may not appreciate my humor in all this madness but that's a them problem for me. I look for it every day and recommend J Lees substack from Texas specifically for that.
I fail (or pass, in my view) the "rorshats" test every time. I saw a female form in the first pic. Blokes huh..
It’s so refreshing to be able to laugh at this stuff. At the end of the day if we can even have a sense of humor if not even sympathy for this synthetic “life”/massacre of matter itself then we can help in some small way our fear of them. After seeing your post today I actually felt like I had the courage to try the hydrogen peroxide experiment. And lol only a guy would see a boobie there loooool... can always leave it up to the men to see that!! 😂. But seriously dude you putting your initials on the scary icky thing, that was awesome I needed that 👏🏼
Hey Matt! Could send this polymer to someone can perform an IR spectroscopy? It's a fast and reliable method to detect the functional groups of this macromolecular structure.
My issue with such testing is it depends on what component of the structure is tested. As an example there are some fibres in there and also dots. If they were included in the tested part they would show a plethora of findings that are not being disclosed by most at present.
Also observational testing needs to be done somehow to show what role this plays in the larger context of this tech. With the time frames involved and the rapidly closing down of information relating to this I am dubious of ever seeing the entire picture, but dont need it for now either. For now the focus is on removal to avoid sudden deaths and the more painful slower ones that are occurring more frequently by the day.
I will have to find the results you’re speaking of. But I was referring to Mike Adam’s mass (I think is the name of the machine?) spectrometer Analysis of the dried long clots pulled out of cadavers which on second thought wasn’t your focus here but I figured I’d suggest it since I figured they might be made of the same elements. I should’ve mentioned the distinction. By the way, thanks for the link in your other reply, much appreciated.
I wish I could laugh, but after decades of developing an understand of this prior to the Plannedemic, I can’t. Seriously, for almost a year now I keep saying that I feel like I’m the very last human on earth, like the very end scene in the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers; where I’d like to be able to trust someone, anyone, but I don’t any longer.
If you know anyone within your circle of friends or family who’s still in denial or has just begun to wake up, but still thinks it’s nothing to worry about or lining up for their next round of boosters, have them watch this first by Nixon Lab. He’s finally starting to get it, almost. You won’t laugh, though some do in the audience, even David, probably out of fear or nervousness: https://substack.com/@jeffreyplubina/note/c-41776952?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=1qpmjb
Thanks for spreading the truth from David, Jeffrey.
David has no fear that I have seen and the fact that he presented that talk shows that for me in spades. Sometimes we do laugh as we are human still and the alternative is a bit soul destroying.
I see from the survey I did that over 80% believe we can still win this battle. I am with them 100%. " If good men do something" David being a perfect example.
This is a marathon, not a sprint, as Sir Clifford Carnicom shows in the best evidence based manner provided to date.
Having now seen the reaction of hundreds of people when they realise they too have been infected with this technology has done nothing but give me greater hope in and for humanity. The saddest part is seeing parents reactions when confronted by the reality of their children being infected too. This is our fight for the future generations without a doubt.
I appreciate your theory on the capillaries. I am sensitive to shedding and can feel where the nano lands in my body. It seems to congregate (maybe by reason of gravity?) in the small capillaries of my hands but especially in the feet. You're the first person I've heard express that. If I don't detox daily, my feet will hurt and turn purple.
It also makes sense as to the microclotting in the small vessels of the eyes where people are having sudden retinal tears and all kinds of eye issues. Then there's the brain clotting in the tiny capillaries there- decreased brain function, weird behavior, increase in car accidents, strokes, etc. I saw a presentation by a doctor who was studying vaccines several years ago before these death shots and he found that everyone who received shots had microclotting in the brain. I believe this doctor was killed for his work.
Hi Tina,
The highest visible concentration I can see with a skin scope is in the back of the heels where you get micro cracking and that's probably due to being unable to put the scope between the toes where we produce the most jam... The skin is definitely targeted along with reproductive organs, the heart and brain with this tech and there are varied reasons for this. Its easy to program certain tech to head for the more electrical parts ie the heart and brain.
The reproductive areas are obviously part of depopulation. Outside body communications probably just one of the considerations with the skin. Another would be it being more hidden from traditional blood tests as it would be harder to keep a lid on it if the true scale was seen by so many.
The variety of symptoms by targeting capillaries is another way to mask the effects.
I have read many papers and theories and its only when you take that macro view of all the differing tech components together that their individual roles can fit together. Most is documented in one patent or another.
Is the claim that with titanium dioxide in the skin we are even trackable vis facial biometrics via satellite?- its getting harder to be surprised by the sophistication of this stuff..
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your insight.❤️ Titanium dioxide seems to be in everything now. Nothing is safe anymore.
Check your belly button with the hand scope for a good crop of fibers, fyi
Hi Rlap,
Thanks for the info - i will def try that out. My bro used to save his up for his girlfriend. Must have been something kinky involved there but will have to ask.
I will just pull it out and look under the big scope tho.
Also, I have been using the "spike" from Tony P and my blood has cleared up a lot. My friend has been using that and also the triangle from Tony, and he had a foot condition (foot all red and itchy) that he had tried to fix for around 3 years, and immediately, as he started using it, the itchiness was gone, and within three days his foot was clear. His wife called it a miracle. And yesterday he told me that he had a cyst that was developing and now it's gone. His sleep has improved a lot also, and he feels years younger he says. And that's the only new thing he's done.
The best scientific testing of the triangle is done by Eric at FM8. He is in my recommended list on the front page.
The radiation test he did on the excreted stuff in the bath was a big eye opener for me...
Eric has done such a good job with this channel that any time I talk to a semi-normi and I want to help them, but save time, I simply tell them to go to that channel.
Fully agree, Eric and Carnicom. Evidence based and testing.
What is "the spike" from Tony?
I’m interested too..
I have a triangle. How frequently does your friend use it? How long does he sit in the bath? Does he add anything to his bath water (borax, epsom, bicarbonate?)
An hour a day, and also he uses the spike for another hour. And yes, he adds borax Epsom by An hour a day, and also he uses the spike for another hour. And yes, he adds borax Epsom bycarbonate and STS
What’s STS?
I was told to not do the bucket if you’re vaxxed. (Please no judgement…I learned the hard way).
Yes, don't do any anti-nano electrical things if you're Vaxxed! Sorry, I meant STP. Sodium triphosphate.
I was told I could use the anti nano triangle (in the bath) even though I’m vaxxed. I’ve been using it for a few months now. However, I’m not doing it every day. More like 1 time a week, 45 minutes.
I know that Tony P says not to use it if you're Vaxxed but I believe I have heard Yannis, the guy who sells the devices in Europe, say it was OK, but don't quote me on that. I'm actually really looking for an answer to that because it would be great if we could help VAX people with those. I personally to do with at least one hour a day. Mostly with the spike. But tell me about your results with it please. And why do you use it only once a week? I know there are people use it three hours a day sometimes. And if you don't mind me asking, who told you it was OK to use it?
Thanks for all your work Matt. Regardless of which way this all goes, what you are doing is vitally important and greatly appreciated. Are you linked with Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, and her microscopy/research work?
I'm a big fan of Dr Anna and the only link is via my work with Sir David and his group.
Appreciate the sentiment greatly.
Thanks, WVM.
Are you aware of the work of John Lukach? If not, see his "Exposing the Bio-API" series of articles" & others here - Website: www.EstateArtistry.com/blog His research goes quite a way towards explaining what you're seeing under microscope. He also cites the work of Dr Nixon/other microscopists. I know Dr Nixon has shared his work. Strangely, Mihalcea has banned Lukach from commenting on her site. I am not a fan of this woman. She is there to fearmonger, tell us we're all in same boat (so we might as well all get jabbed), probably makes a fortune from her chelation therapy which can be dangerous, is very expensive and only provides temporary relief. She's also a member of a weird cult whose name I've forgotten, associates with scammers like Sasha Stone, a lesbian and follows a weird religion which is apparently compatible with christianity. She also never bothers to reply to her readers unless they are famous and/or have a PhD after their name. At best, she's a limited hangout.
Hi Kerrlyn, I have been in contact with John recently and have a very high opinion of his intellectual capacity. The depth of his research is always par none and he is my favorite read. An honest man.
I have my own questions about many others.
Regards, matt.
Thanks for noticing and mentioning. I had visited John's site maybe a year ago and meant to return but lost track of the accurate name. Just clicked on your link and read his Nov. 1 blog post. Love it! He seems sooo real hits the nail on the head in everything I've read so far. Thanks so much for defending him and sharing. I've followed La Quinta Columna since the beginning of their analyzing the vials. Outside of them and Andreas Noack most have something or other that is questionable.
Hey also, last time we communicated you mentionned you were getting together free ressources to help us all better understand live blood microscopy. That would be amazing if you could share what you got. I have accumulated around 400 pics of my live and dry blood and i will start a substack soon. I would also love to know if there is a list of the specific names of all the weird stuff we see so I could make more quality posts. Let me know, please, and again, thanks for the great work you're doing, much appreciated :)
I was sent this by a friend recently. The best compendium I have seen so far. Pleomorphism is its own field of study and the blood pics are taken from a large sample of people as I have not seen many of these forms yet.
Look forward to reposting your work when you get it up.
WOW!!! That is a stunning collection! Thanks. I see that no one has liked this post with this link. Maybe you want to repost that at the beginning of your next post so that everyone can see this? I appreciate these pictures, but what I am hoping for is to get some kind of PDF guide Like a "Live blood/dry blood microscopy for dummies". Not Nanotech related but more like classical live blood microscopy diagnostics materiel.
For example, in my own blood, a huge proportion of my red blood cells had spikes on them. In classical live blood microscopy I read it meant too much oxidation so I added a lot of antioxidants in various forms. It seems to have helped and now I see almost none of those anymore. (and since I do the spike daily, even less, and half my slide looks like perfectly healthy blood now, the red blood cells totally separated and round.) But I am still full of polymer, that's the next thing I am getting to work on. Thank you very much again for your great work Matt. :-)
Thank you for showing sharing all your research. Really appreciate it. Have you shared with Ricardo Delgado of LaQuinta Columna? They are always asking people to look at you blood under a microscope and share with them.
Hi Peggy, I used to quite a while ago. Thanks, matt
Keeping the blood sample next to an active iPad charger is a catalyst for growing these fibres. They crawl out of the blood to the edge of the slip after about a week.
HI Mateo, 25 Gr?! How much blood? I had 190 mg with a 10ml seringe doing the 24h resting at room temp without centrifuge. Do you get so much more with the centrifuge???
Not sure yet. Still in play mode and finding out.
Matt, let us be clear, this kind of "condom" comes from your blood ?
Hi Christian,
How can we prevent them from transforming into fibers ?
Oh mon dieu ! What you write is so amazing that I sometimes think I do nut (sic) understand your language...
Reporting the results of the band-aid test. I fully saturated the band-aid with 3% hydrogen peroxide, applied band-aid to lower calf, and left for 24 hours. Removed it and found a clean band-aid, nothing on it.
Does anyone have a list of dental anesthetics, found to have nano? Is Marcaine contaminated? Any clean anesthetic? Matt, how long have these anesthetics been contaminated, would you guess?
I will let you know on monday...
On the band aid test. Thats great news and I hope it stays that way for you. I have since realised that the best area to test is probably 1' above the outside ankle bone knob.
Hi Julie, maybe you should try to soak some paper towel (fold it up a few times) and cover with bandaid and then cover that area with tape to prevent evaporation? I have not done this or any test of this type, but am starting to feel brave to try.
Where did you read about it if you remember? I thought I read some comments the other day and this guys hand went “spongy” or something. Ok thanks
According to La Quinta Columna, at least from 2012 (for some of them at least) . I am sure I ma sick from them (big dental work in 2021) I I am done... when I see Matt's blood, I doubt something can be done !
There is always something that can be done, even if just to mitigate symptons for now.
What are your symptoms ?
I've had fillings too...often. So far, no visible nano (3 Darkfield blood analyses). We have a scalar device. Can that be the reason? Working on frequency and disallowing negative thoughts is something we can do.
I try to understand, but I am not sure I do...Good girl !
Would Oxycodone, powdered into a little water and applied to the area, numb locally like Cocaine does?
Thank you, John. I discussed cocaine and contaminated anesthetics with my holistic dentist. He can't obtain cocaine, which was widely used before synthetic anesthetics. He has Prolocaine, a very early synthetic anesthetic which isn't commonly used and he stated that it's clean. I have a sample of Prolocaine and will ask my Darkfield microscopist to examine it. Results will be posted here.
Would love to know your findings!
Thank you, John. I would try it if I had access to cocaine. Also, I would need a driver afterwards. Interesting website too.
Lol dude your humor 😂 thanks for that, in this sci fi madness. That very first pic reminds me of an aerial view of a remote landscape out of a National Geographic book. Would be interesting to know the weight of the blood in total and compare to the expected textbook dried weight vs actual. And then observe that ratio keep growing with time if what you say about there being more plastic with time and to see by how much. Another interesting point I see is the amorphous drying. It’s as if even in it’s dried state it preserves its inherent ability to transport (zombies... 🤢) as the blood still is moving in other samples I’ve seen online by others. The fact it snaps after drying and some of the other things mentioned... Way to go to initial that 😂 probably first in history lol
Some may not appreciate my humor in all this madness but that's a them problem for me. I look for it every day and recommend J Lees substack from Texas specifically for that.
I fail (or pass, in my view) the "rorshats" test every time. I saw a female form in the first pic. Blokes huh..
It’s so refreshing to be able to laugh at this stuff. At the end of the day if we can even have a sense of humor if not even sympathy for this synthetic “life”/massacre of matter itself then we can help in some small way our fear of them. After seeing your post today I actually felt like I had the courage to try the hydrogen peroxide experiment. And lol only a guy would see a boobie there loooool... can always leave it up to the men to see that!! 😂. But seriously dude you putting your initials on the scary icky thing, that was awesome I needed that 👏🏼
Hey Matt! Could send this polymer to someone can perform an IR spectroscopy? It's a fast and reliable method to detect the functional groups of this macromolecular structure.
Hi Okisuke,
My issue with such testing is it depends on what component of the structure is tested. As an example there are some fibres in there and also dots. If they were included in the tested part they would show a plethora of findings that are not being disclosed by most at present.
Also observational testing needs to be done somehow to show what role this plays in the larger context of this tech. With the time frames involved and the rapidly closing down of information relating to this I am dubious of ever seeing the entire picture, but dont need it for now either. For now the focus is on removal to avoid sudden deaths and the more painful slower ones that are occurring more frequently by the day.
Morning, Mike Adam’s from Brighteon did one fyi
Hi Natalie,
Its posted in my notes for all.
Was that test on a few grains of sand though, as referred to in this post? I believe it was or the results would be a lot more complex.
Thanks, matt
The full analysis was performed with ICP-MS and it can be seen here: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-17-elemental-analysis-results-released-vaccine-clot-composition-not-blood-clots.html
I will have to find the results you’re speaking of. But I was referring to Mike Adam’s mass (I think is the name of the machine?) spectrometer Analysis of the dried long clots pulled out of cadavers which on second thought wasn’t your focus here but I figured I’d suggest it since I figured they might be made of the same elements. I should’ve mentioned the distinction. By the way, thanks for the link in your other reply, much appreciated.
See my response to Matt.
If everything is “electrical” has anyone tried a tens unit? Not sure if it will make it grow or maybe it will fry it from functioning
I wish I could laugh, but after decades of developing an understand of this prior to the Plannedemic, I can’t. Seriously, for almost a year now I keep saying that I feel like I’m the very last human on earth, like the very end scene in the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers; where I’d like to be able to trust someone, anyone, but I don’t any longer.
If you know anyone within your circle of friends or family who’s still in denial or has just begun to wake up, but still thinks it’s nothing to worry about or lining up for their next round of boosters, have them watch this first by Nixon Lab. He’s finally starting to get it, almost. You won’t laugh, though some do in the audience, even David, probably out of fear or nervousness: https://substack.com/@jeffreyplubina/note/c-41776952?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=1qpmjb
Thanks for spreading the truth from David, Jeffrey.
David has no fear that I have seen and the fact that he presented that talk shows that for me in spades. Sometimes we do laugh as we are human still and the alternative is a bit soul destroying.
I see from the survey I did that over 80% believe we can still win this battle. I am with them 100%. " If good men do something" David being a perfect example.
This is a marathon, not a sprint, as Sir Clifford Carnicom shows in the best evidence based manner provided to date.
Having now seen the reaction of hundreds of people when they realise they too have been infected with this technology has done nothing but give me greater hope in and for humanity. The saddest part is seeing parents reactions when confronted by the reality of their children being infected too. This is our fight for the future generations without a doubt.
Great work Matt. Keep it up.
"snapped with a dry twig snapping sound".....oh hell....what have those people done.....
Nothing for our benefit that I can identify yet.
Very interesting but evil