Ah, I just referred to Andrew G in correspondence with a colleague today at the nexus of decrying vax mania and e-smog dangers. (I was saying how AG disabused my simple reference to mw ovens as examples of unmodulated, but he corrected to say if there is draw fom the grid, 50/60 hz and probably harmonics 'd be found.) I had AG invited to testify at Canadian parliamentary hearings on the dangers of wireless in Apr 2010. Good to see his word still getting around. (Altho' I for various reasons contest the use of the term 'electrohypersensitivity' and the like, even as it prevails in wide use among advocates for the very real e-smog induced suffering.)
I arrive here via a route our host can appreciate. When I saw the Hughes paper compendium of findings within shot vials, I noticed the two engineers of the 26 were the ones to recognize antenna structures. This jived with my own theory of what was going on with my own synmtpoms, resolutely uninjected (as we'd raised all children from early 80s uninjected, after research), after coming even within 15 ft of injectees, and also via some 2nd hand exposures. The effect does not take however if I am moving target, only if i tarry to e.g. say hello for even a second.
S Yanowitz was of particular interest and I followed his interviews around (and obtained a phone # many months ago from a contact in his country involved in covi-dissidence, but did not call, or yet) until I was led to A Milhalcea's substack, where for months I have been a not infrequent commenter. And thus here.
Did I hear at one point some time back that our host is ex-pat Canadian?
My particular interest, considering that aformentioned nexus, would regard use of spectrum analysis to find what is being emitted from injectees. My symptoms are clot-throbs. I after much self-experimentation concluded that the effect must be electromagnetic.
Some experiments:
1) 1st verification > 1 yr ago I asked on pretext an all-in injectee naturalist friend to help identify a fungal specimen that I drew close to her for under a minute. Clot/throb in the arm that was held close.
2) In laundromat short of certain coinage, i asked a fellow there if he had some, he did and we exchanged, could not tell if he was injectee, but he put coins on a table as did I, i picked them (4 quarters) up and held for under a minute before placing into washing machine. Most painful clot/throb I have yet felt (of a great many!) in the hand that held the coins.
3) Uninjected spouse, who has been an efficient transferor 2nd hand after contact with injies, I asked once upon her return from a visit with an injie to hold a metallic wrench in her hand for a time, place it on a wooden table, then I picked it up - again, clot/throb (milder) in the holding hand. This was repeated another day, same effect.
4) Once after her visit to a particularly affected vaxee, I was seriously affected with multiple clot/throbs as never before. I tried separating our space with a 1/4 plywood board - it worked.
5) As today, since mad vax campaign began whenever a passing pick up truck & driver stops to chat, an injie, I suffer the symptom in one foot. Is the vehicle metal coming low to the ground the conductor to my foot?
These are but a few examples, but give some idea. We live relatively isolated in central Ontario. Off grid, minimal e-usage. No running water. Rather low population in these parts. Now finally we are experimenting with Dr Ana's recommended edta cream. Very reticent with taking in synthetic materials, thus the long wait to try. My wife is trying first for various reasons. After 40 days use 1/2 the time, some days on consecutively some off, mineral supplementation. Result so far: The 2nd hand effect in myself has been attenuated.( Her sleep is better, too.) No longer sharper at times rhythmic throbs in a point-like manner, but rather a more diffuse slight pain for a few seconds, then gone.
Except where there has been direct contact, as in some of the above, it is my view that the e-effect is entering via low resistance skin areas that are around acupuncture "points", and then travel within and along low resistance pathways. My throbs seem to be bloodstream affccet near meridians. Commonly, GB, UB, LI, but others as well.
Now I noted early on in covidiana (which btw I knew to call out from the "get-go" March 2020, but alas all I said re vax part of scheme back then was warning my mass email recipients about "dubious" and "possibly dangerous" vaccines; vax aspect I refer to as integral but secondary to main hegemonic game, maybe I can share parts of that initial mass email another time & explain); early on several apparent assassinations took place. Heart symptoms. in people who would be possible irritants for covi-perps. Thus I wonder whether a particular range of frequencies and/or moduation patterns researched to have bloodstream effect (cf B Trower working years ago for u.k. navy on this), applied with highest intensity for assassinations, relates also to bloodstream effects in vaxed and to an extent 2nd hand. Thus my wish to see spectrum analysis, controlling for e-exposures before and during, difficult as this can be to arrange with ubiquitous e-smog and usage. The only thing apart from re bluetooth and mac addresses I've seen, is the Carnicom via Mihalcea prelim. report of 4 hz from vaxee blood (but not unvaxed). Relating to slow wave brain pattern, for instance, to induce what?
I've run on aplenty, hard to hold back on so much more related, i hope some of this is of interest for now. Much to say on food supplementation...
Every personal experience is of interest to me in regard to what we are all going through at present. Its my most trusted source of information because its the least likely to come from some form of vested interest , or Worse, A.i.
we ignore these personal observations at our peril. I have just finished a long discussion with someone a lot smarter than i who has been working on how to read properly what is being emitted. also the appropriate response. Like him i believe the final answer will include frequency of some description
I also love the "injies" and may pinch that at a later stage.
Can you elaborate on your discussion re injie output?
Re my own symptoms, which to be honest i am not in a hurry to rid myself of if that would occur applying edta cream for a time, since i have this possibly very useful built-in detector, as it were; re me, while i think i must have a toxic load that is responsive to prompting from injies and 2nd hand as mentioned, it is not impossible that my physical make-up alone is sufficient to lead to reaction to the particular frequencies coming at me, and/or particular modulation.
Now I am moderately "electrosensitive" (yes, the term I decried). For instance, if i do not wear some protective covering (eg silver-lined cotton head cloth) when in lengthy enough proximity to, eg, cordless phones, i suffer quick cognitive symptoms shown in language mix-up. Another "feature" is ongoing chronic tinnitus, clearly e-smog induced, in particular by "smart" meters (which i think have very sharp "spikes", cf Frey's work some 60 years ago) - we (wife suffers worse in her ways than I) know when there is an area outage of the grid when both our tinnitus goes away, returns when grid fixed. Thus we off-gridders welcome blackouts at neighbours!
So what I am getting at is that when exposed as over the past decades in ambient e-smog (very much attenuated where we live for 10 years, if encroaching), throb /clot symptoms never occurred. So:
What contribution is made by ambient e-smog itself to injies' load, which may rebroadcast back (1000x per Stuckelberger, allowing penetration through the body "noise" if not irrardiating from skin-level, the latter as I recall Yanowitz suggesting in one interview some months back) in diff. frequencies & patterns?
Is it plausible that my own possible corresponding toxic load is not what is responsive causing the symptoms, rather a peculiarity of my bloodstream?
Is the body blockage factor not operative, since low resistance skin-level portals along acupuncture meridians offer entry and propagation (my throbs are almost always identifiable near particular meridians)?
I read that bluetooth signals were being adapted for higher frequencies - has anyone at all read the frequency these come off injies or injie corpses at? (When I was engaged in leading contestation against smart meter e-pollution > a decade ago, our Ontario being early adopters, I provoked pro dosimetry as my two utilities knew not what their devices were putting out, I was vindicated in my claims, but they used equipment that I think costed some $50K while I had only a handheld $250 but effective mw detector device - anyone in your circles have access to such fancy equipment that can scan the spectrum and be set to exquisite sensitivity? Electrical engineers?
Might terahertz be involved? I read these surprisingly were not necessarily blocked by intervening water.
Lots more comes to mind to ask etc, but there's for follow up starters.
Yes others have measured the frequencies being given off by vakd people and this has been done in faraday cages to provide proof. While i can accept this as a new fact i cant recall specifics.
This is something that needs to be replicated and published but is another red flag area that's probably not conducive to a long life. I understand why we are not seeing it done.
i too have a new constant tinnitus that goes away when i go somewhere where there is no e smog. There was a good presentation in an interview by Len Ber that explained why the brain fog is being done to us. I like the hypotheses as its logical to me and fits my jigsaw puzzle.
the reasoning is that our brains have to be slowed down for this new programming / AI and brain linkage to be able to keep up with the volume of input and output.
haiarp and scalar are also possibly having an effect along with the severe anomalies being observed in our schumann .
Thanks for the shout-out, Matt. You are doing a phenomenal job with these self experiments and also remind us to always question what we are being told. Years of conditioning in school, university, work, family made us less connected to the "truth". Instead of truth I rather use being less wrong.
I'm glad to be a guy, because according to the Pf1zer confidential trial study and data from other safety reports on EUDRAVigilance it seems that women are 3 times more likely to suffer from a adverse reaction after the shot.
hi there, ..originally it was deffinitely males who were tabulated as the group suffering the most adversity esp myocarditis. A changing landscape it is for sure
For the symptom myocarditis it's definitely the males. That's correct. It's even more sinister that in the study called "5.3.6-postmarketing-experience" by P1zer, they may have used a shot with a different formula. The shots used for the general public caused way more heart problems than this report is mentioning, which is very concerning. And apparently for issues regarding menstrual cycle women are more affected.
I am so sorry for your suffering. What you have experienced as a result of the contamination of the Vax they gave you...sounds exactly like the micro razor blades that Prof Andreas Noack (Germany) had described re Graphene - in his horror - if (?) it'd ever been put into a human body.. would be like micro razor blades = Graphene Hydroxide!
Dr David Nixon who you may already know...is studying phenomena related to contaminations found from vaxes and what results once in the human body/blood, etc. He may be interested to study your samples (if you wanted to). davidnixon.substack.com
Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you! So they were capturing travellers returning home to Australia, putting them into isolation and injecting them with the V prior to rolling them out? Horrific. How amazing you are here to tell your story! Bar the castor oil and getting away from 5g etc - was there anything else that helped you detox this graphene etc out of your body?
Ah, I just referred to Andrew G in correspondence with a colleague today at the nexus of decrying vax mania and e-smog dangers. (I was saying how AG disabused my simple reference to mw ovens as examples of unmodulated, but he corrected to say if there is draw fom the grid, 50/60 hz and probably harmonics 'd be found.) I had AG invited to testify at Canadian parliamentary hearings on the dangers of wireless in Apr 2010. Good to see his word still getting around. (Altho' I for various reasons contest the use of the term 'electrohypersensitivity' and the like, even as it prevails in wide use among advocates for the very real e-smog induced suffering.)
I arrive here via a route our host can appreciate. When I saw the Hughes paper compendium of findings within shot vials, I noticed the two engineers of the 26 were the ones to recognize antenna structures. This jived with my own theory of what was going on with my own synmtpoms, resolutely uninjected (as we'd raised all children from early 80s uninjected, after research), after coming even within 15 ft of injectees, and also via some 2nd hand exposures. The effect does not take however if I am moving target, only if i tarry to e.g. say hello for even a second.
S Yanowitz was of particular interest and I followed his interviews around (and obtained a phone # many months ago from a contact in his country involved in covi-dissidence, but did not call, or yet) until I was led to A Milhalcea's substack, where for months I have been a not infrequent commenter. And thus here.
Did I hear at one point some time back that our host is ex-pat Canadian?
My particular interest, considering that aformentioned nexus, would regard use of spectrum analysis to find what is being emitted from injectees. My symptoms are clot-throbs. I after much self-experimentation concluded that the effect must be electromagnetic.
Some experiments:
1) 1st verification > 1 yr ago I asked on pretext an all-in injectee naturalist friend to help identify a fungal specimen that I drew close to her for under a minute. Clot/throb in the arm that was held close.
2) In laundromat short of certain coinage, i asked a fellow there if he had some, he did and we exchanged, could not tell if he was injectee, but he put coins on a table as did I, i picked them (4 quarters) up and held for under a minute before placing into washing machine. Most painful clot/throb I have yet felt (of a great many!) in the hand that held the coins.
3) Uninjected spouse, who has been an efficient transferor 2nd hand after contact with injies, I asked once upon her return from a visit with an injie to hold a metallic wrench in her hand for a time, place it on a wooden table, then I picked it up - again, clot/throb (milder) in the holding hand. This was repeated another day, same effect.
4) Once after her visit to a particularly affected vaxee, I was seriously affected with multiple clot/throbs as never before. I tried separating our space with a 1/4 plywood board - it worked.
5) As today, since mad vax campaign began whenever a passing pick up truck & driver stops to chat, an injie, I suffer the symptom in one foot. Is the vehicle metal coming low to the ground the conductor to my foot?
These are but a few examples, but give some idea. We live relatively isolated in central Ontario. Off grid, minimal e-usage. No running water. Rather low population in these parts. Now finally we are experimenting with Dr Ana's recommended edta cream. Very reticent with taking in synthetic materials, thus the long wait to try. My wife is trying first for various reasons. After 40 days use 1/2 the time, some days on consecutively some off, mineral supplementation. Result so far: The 2nd hand effect in myself has been attenuated.( Her sleep is better, too.) No longer sharper at times rhythmic throbs in a point-like manner, but rather a more diffuse slight pain for a few seconds, then gone.
Except where there has been direct contact, as in some of the above, it is my view that the e-effect is entering via low resistance skin areas that are around acupuncture "points", and then travel within and along low resistance pathways. My throbs seem to be bloodstream affccet near meridians. Commonly, GB, UB, LI, but others as well.
Now I noted early on in covidiana (which btw I knew to call out from the "get-go" March 2020, but alas all I said re vax part of scheme back then was warning my mass email recipients about "dubious" and "possibly dangerous" vaccines; vax aspect I refer to as integral but secondary to main hegemonic game, maybe I can share parts of that initial mass email another time & explain); early on several apparent assassinations took place. Heart symptoms. in people who would be possible irritants for covi-perps. Thus I wonder whether a particular range of frequencies and/or moduation patterns researched to have bloodstream effect (cf B Trower working years ago for u.k. navy on this), applied with highest intensity for assassinations, relates also to bloodstream effects in vaxed and to an extent 2nd hand. Thus my wish to see spectrum analysis, controlling for e-exposures before and during, difficult as this can be to arrange with ubiquitous e-smog and usage. The only thing apart from re bluetooth and mac addresses I've seen, is the Carnicom via Mihalcea prelim. report of 4 hz from vaxee blood (but not unvaxed). Relating to slow wave brain pattern, for instance, to induce what?
I've run on aplenty, hard to hold back on so much more related, i hope some of this is of interest for now. Much to say on food supplementation...
Hi Dyr, Welcome aboard.
Every personal experience is of interest to me in regard to what we are all going through at present. Its my most trusted source of information because its the least likely to come from some form of vested interest , or Worse, A.i.
we ignore these personal observations at our peril. I have just finished a long discussion with someone a lot smarter than i who has been working on how to read properly what is being emitted. also the appropriate response. Like him i believe the final answer will include frequency of some description
I also love the "injies" and may pinch that at a later stage.
Can you elaborate on your discussion re injie output?
Re my own symptoms, which to be honest i am not in a hurry to rid myself of if that would occur applying edta cream for a time, since i have this possibly very useful built-in detector, as it were; re me, while i think i must have a toxic load that is responsive to prompting from injies and 2nd hand as mentioned, it is not impossible that my physical make-up alone is sufficient to lead to reaction to the particular frequencies coming at me, and/or particular modulation.
Now I am moderately "electrosensitive" (yes, the term I decried). For instance, if i do not wear some protective covering (eg silver-lined cotton head cloth) when in lengthy enough proximity to, eg, cordless phones, i suffer quick cognitive symptoms shown in language mix-up. Another "feature" is ongoing chronic tinnitus, clearly e-smog induced, in particular by "smart" meters (which i think have very sharp "spikes", cf Frey's work some 60 years ago) - we (wife suffers worse in her ways than I) know when there is an area outage of the grid when both our tinnitus goes away, returns when grid fixed. Thus we off-gridders welcome blackouts at neighbours!
So what I am getting at is that when exposed as over the past decades in ambient e-smog (very much attenuated where we live for 10 years, if encroaching), throb /clot symptoms never occurred. So:
What contribution is made by ambient e-smog itself to injies' load, which may rebroadcast back (1000x per Stuckelberger, allowing penetration through the body "noise" if not irrardiating from skin-level, the latter as I recall Yanowitz suggesting in one interview some months back) in diff. frequencies & patterns?
Is it plausible that my own possible corresponding toxic load is not what is responsive causing the symptoms, rather a peculiarity of my bloodstream?
Is the body blockage factor not operative, since low resistance skin-level portals along acupuncture meridians offer entry and propagation (my throbs are almost always identifiable near particular meridians)?
I read that bluetooth signals were being adapted for higher frequencies - has anyone at all read the frequency these come off injies or injie corpses at? (When I was engaged in leading contestation against smart meter e-pollution > a decade ago, our Ontario being early adopters, I provoked pro dosimetry as my two utilities knew not what their devices were putting out, I was vindicated in my claims, but they used equipment that I think costed some $50K while I had only a handheld $250 but effective mw detector device - anyone in your circles have access to such fancy equipment that can scan the spectrum and be set to exquisite sensitivity? Electrical engineers?
Might terahertz be involved? I read these surprisingly were not necessarily blocked by intervening water.
Lots more comes to mind to ask etc, but there's for follow up starters.
Yes others have measured the frequencies being given off by vakd people and this has been done in faraday cages to provide proof. While i can accept this as a new fact i cant recall specifics.
This is something that needs to be replicated and published but is another red flag area that's probably not conducive to a long life. I understand why we are not seeing it done.
i too have a new constant tinnitus that goes away when i go somewhere where there is no e smog. There was a good presentation in an interview by Len Ber that explained why the brain fog is being done to us. I like the hypotheses as its logical to me and fits my jigsaw puzzle.
the reasoning is that our brains have to be slowed down for this new programming / AI and brain linkage to be able to keep up with the volume of input and output.
haiarp and scalar are also possibly having an effect along with the severe anomalies being observed in our schumann .
From Quinta Columnards early on I saw speculation that internal body
signalling (DNA) might be what is inducing further mediated emissions
out of bodies. Now earlier on still in covidiana I noticed a character
I suspect is a perp-circle-connected "limited hangout" kind of guy,
mention apparently gratuitously the late Martin Blank's study from
around a decade ago finding DNA to be a fractal antenna. I recognized
the study right away, having been involved as said in advocacy
anti-e-smog. Blank also in communication with myself mentioned that
one researcher (N Leitgeb) found 100-fold difference in skin-level
conductivity among subjects tested. I do not think that took into
account the various low resistance areas as I mentioned as possible
entry points for what's coming off injies and others similarly
afflicted (acu-"points", leading to my clot/throbs and to 2nd-handers
ability to rebroadcast the perversity). Also note eg German-Chinese
physicist Changlin Zhang's talk (his book Invisible Rainbow,
coincidentally the same title at same time as Arthur Firstenberg's
important book on health effects of manmade electricity going way
back, Zhang's book is not so good qua book but important for what it
says, maybe I'll dig up a quote or two to put later) about our three
resonating cavities, skull, chest, pelvis. Anyway it and more all add
up to critical internal signalling that may indeed be marshalled
through injected material, esp. if it is in part intended for
It would be important to monitor test subjects & their e-ambience some
time before entry into a Faraday cage situation. Also they should be
provoked within the cage to see what comes off. I remember that fellow
in Israel i mentioned who gave phone contact with your colleague
there, said those he knew were unable in a protected situation to
find any bluetooth signals they were looking for. The speculation was
that external signalling was necessary to provoke that from within
When you said "brains have to be slowed down for this new
programming", this recalls the Carnicom preliminary finding via
Mihalcea about 4 hz coming off injie blood but not non-injie, atho'
visually similarly afflicted. That beat is slow sleepy time brain wave
- might there be that, a provocation to receptivity to programming as
in a sleepy state? What are brain beats like under hypnosis, I wonder?
Thanks for the shout-out, Matt. You are doing a phenomenal job with these self experiments and also remind us to always question what we are being told. Years of conditioning in school, university, work, family made us less connected to the "truth". Instead of truth I rather use being less wrong.
I'm glad to be a guy, because according to the Pf1zer confidential trial study and data from other safety reports on EUDRAVigilance it seems that women are 3 times more likely to suffer from a adverse reaction after the shot.
"Less Wrong" That's something to aim for. i like it.
hi there, ..originally it was deffinitely males who were tabulated as the group suffering the most adversity esp myocarditis. A changing landscape it is for sure
For the symptom myocarditis it's definitely the males. That's correct. It's even more sinister that in the study called "5.3.6-postmarketing-experience" by P1zer, they may have used a shot with a different formula. The shots used for the general public caused way more heart problems than this report is mentioning, which is very concerning. And apparently for issues regarding menstrual cycle women are more affected.
Nice thoughts...well stated.
A humbly appreciated comment. Thank you Sir.
I am so sorry for your suffering. What you have experienced as a result of the contamination of the Vax they gave you...sounds exactly like the micro razor blades that Prof Andreas Noack (Germany) had described re Graphene - in his horror - if (?) it'd ever been put into a human body.. would be like micro razor blades = Graphene Hydroxide!
Dr David Nixon who you may already know...is studying phenomena related to contaminations found from vaxes and what results once in the human body/blood, etc. He may be interested to study your samples (if you wanted to). davidnixon.substack.com
Best of luck in all you do, Shianne
Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you! So they were capturing travellers returning home to Australia, putting them into isolation and injecting them with the V prior to rolling them out? Horrific. How amazing you are here to tell your story! Bar the castor oil and getting away from 5g etc - was there anything else that helped you detox this graphene etc out of your body?