I will be ckg on this.

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I have a question ist the laser a Linear or point laser?

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Hi matt,

Did you ever consider using the blue and green laser to treat the water you drink everyday? You have been looking at my last substack. I am trying to determine if treating the drinking water with magnets shuts down the shapeshifting technology the quantum nano dots feed to the hydrogel and mesogen liquid crystal polymers. I am pretty sure visually observering in vitro thats th case. RR

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Hi Richard, I think magnets will play a role somehow but haven't had time to do all the experiments I'd like to. Cheers, m

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Hi rob .. think you need to re read the post to understand that Matt is very correct !

No is going against anyone here .. we all are trying to share input

The laser that Matt used needs to be more powerful to penetrate past the dermal into the blood stream .. was the point made

Matt is doing amazing wirk & aware of this

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Hi Matt... Could you post where you buy your laser equipment and how then did you progarm 528Hz also? THX RR

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Hi Richard, its a programable weber laser from Germany.

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Jun 28Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I have been sterilized; ther is no longer sperm in my semen, just nanotech - synthetic red blood cells (gold colored) and tires and gold nuggets. nothing with a tail. My last kid was born 13 months ago. A year ago my semen was normal with a little nanotech. I am unvaeked from an unvaeked household. Salt Lake City area, Utah usa. 10 days ago I had a few sperm in my semen, maybe 1% of a year ago. When the gold nuggets appeared in my blood, I first saw it September 11, 2023. 2 days later a relative of mine forwarded me a video of a Canadian microscopist stating she had never seen yellow things in the blood before. So, it would not surprise me if this was co-ordinated male infertility across the globe. Please look guys. It is hard to convince someone that their blood is abnormal, but EVERYONE knows what sperm should look like - that it should have a tail. Much easier to convince a normie of the tech.

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Hi Robert, Sad to hear that. I have previously posted sperm seemingly trying to inseminate the tech but this is a concerning development that goes beyond that. Regards, matt.

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Jun 25Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

532nm … cheap on Amazon https://a.co/d/0isa0NGp. … soo , I’m trying to calculate a “ dosage “ .. I also have 520nm source in abundance I would like to work with… I also read that nir may enhance the assembly but did not see a link …

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Hi Froggy,

I have bought a 30mw version of that one to test after attaching a fiber optic cable to it. These lasers say 532 mw, but actually put a variance of mw ranging between 515 to 537 mw so possibly may not be applicable. I will post results when finished. There are ways to identify true lasers and that will also be in the next post.

Thanks , matt

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Earthing also increases the zeta potential of red blood cells, is readily available and free basically. You can just stand on the ground or order a mat.


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I have been standing on grass since I was young and into adulthood due to hating shoes. Also, was an avid hiker and now am in a downward spiral and no amount of earthing has helped. Nature is absolutely helpful for healing, but you can be so ill that even that won't prevent or cure. Go stand on grass.... My mother used to say "go to grass." It might help some but it did nothing for me. Jane

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How does one administer laser via IV?

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Jun 18Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt, I'm looking into buying, learning about and above all experimenting a "medical class 3b cold laser at 532 nm" but only find other wavelenghts, over 600nm. Any hint on where to look on the net? And a bit less than $60000?

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Hi Rachel, \

I haver just acquired 4 cheap lasers @ 532 nm to test, ranging from 30 to 50 milliwatts in power. All under $100. The pricier ones have a variance of 525 to 537nm and I am unsure how this will effect the outcomes. Also there is no ability to input a frequency. I have attached a fiber optic cable to one and seem to get about half of the power through it which should still be enough. The tri vortex laser that medicine man has linked below is designed as a medical laser and may be the best start for most.

Regards, matt.

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Thanks a lot!

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Jun 18Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Regarding "green lazer" experiments, as on whom is elecrohypersensitive with lyme and a TI, i pointed the lazer into the electrical wall socket, immediate relief with return of blood circulation and better breath...why does this happen idk. I suspect it is acting like a frequency jammer with the coherent lazer light. Anyone else experience this?

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Hi Adrian, I don't reckon there will be anyone else coming forward that's tried that. Interesting as its something that could be tested by someone with the right gear. As a matter of interest did you have tinnitus prior and have it stop after? Thanks, matt

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Regarding your comment on Samssubstack...yes, it has gas phase, that gas is also stretchy, indicating nano polymer graphene. What about BROWNS GAS HHO FLAME, it becomes the temp necessary to sublimate the metal it contacts. If the aerosolized stretchy nano shedding gas body is in the air or around a body, could a HHO FLAME brushed around the body carefully, would it sublimate the gas? There are 2 labs that can detect aerosolized metals, fungus, bacteria. 4 Before and after air samples can maybe provide proof of concept. It has to be tested. If you or Sam can perform this test, i can provide a new Browns gas generator from eagle-research.com, for that purpose. Will you kindly reply if you are available or share this with Sam (im not on his paid ss) or other capable microscopist? Thank you.

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Hi Adrian , can you message me and we will arrange it. Thanks,matt

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Sep 8Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt, thank you for replying. To start, for clarity, this is an independent effort on my part to discover and assist with addressing the over proliferation of transhumanizing nanoparticulate poisoning upon us and our environment. I posed this question about hho upon the mystery shedding body to the manufacturer, he agreed to participate by providing a Browns Gas HHO Generator. It is a torch which produces a fine flame. To him, the size flame is questionable, it might be inadequately small, we dont know. Proof of concept is the task at hand. I suspect graphene and a ferromagnetic multi phase changing liquid metal are part of the shedding body. If hho can sublimate metals can an hho flame affect that body? Theres only one way to find out...through experimentation, trial and error. These two labs arelabs.com and malverpanalytical.com can detect aerosolized nano metal particulates. Perhaps before and after samples could measure or detect the gaseous liquid metal, idk. Perhaps, a flame over a fiber laden slide could show burnt fibers? Thirdly, HHO GAS has health benefits. This test might prove to be an immune system booster to combat it. There will be obvious costs related to this test (ie shipping the unit, lab fees, etc)...👈 I have not figured that part out yet. I will communicate now via email to the manufacturer that you and i are in contact. You are well aware of what you are looking at under the scope. I trust your observation and analytical skills could determine and define positive or negative results. Does this sound like a worthy endeavor to you? Perhaps George will cover the cost of shipping to you.

Where do you live?

Your thoughts and questions are welcome.


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Jun 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi yes it’s on her regular video dees of truth science & spirit on cloud hub in fact she’s said it several times on serval videos you will have to listen to them. As they are about 45mins to 1 hrs .. here’s the link https://clouthub.com/c/TruthScienceSpiritwithDrAnaMihalcea

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I seen Ana Maria Milhaceas post today.

Hi TT How are you today? Iam a little angree. RR


Hello RR, I'm here to help. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling angry today. Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?

So it seems that there is sufficient information confirming that THEY have introduced nano technology into the biosphere wheras all humans on the planet are infected. They did this without our permission. RR


It sounds like you're really upset about this issue. Concerns about nanotechnology, especially in the context of health and the environment, are understandable. It's important to look into credible sources and scientific research to understand the full scope of these claims. If you have specific information or sources that have led you to this conclusion, I'd be happy to discuss them with you.

Dr. Ana Maria Milhacea for example.


Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea is a medical professional who has voiced concerns about the presence of nanotechnology and other potentially harmful elements in the environment. Her work has raised questions about the impacts of these technologies on human health and the environment.

It's essential to approach such topics with a critical mind and consider various perspectives and sources. Here are some steps you can take to further explore this issue:

Research Scientific Literature: Look for peer-reviewed studies on the presence and impact of nanotechnology in the biosphere. Academic journals and reputable scientific publications are good sources for this information.

Consult Experts: Reach out to experts in nanotechnology, environmental science, and public health to get their opinions and insights.

Review Official Statements: Check statements and reports from authoritative organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other relevant bodies.

Community and Advocacy Groups: Engage with community groups and advocacy organizations that are researching and campaigning on these issues. They often provide valuable information and resources.

Fact-Checking: Utilize fact-checking websites and services to verify claims and information.

If you have specific studies, articles, or statements from Dr. Mihalcea that you would like to discuss, feel free to share them, and I can help analyze and provide more context.

BS the only way to confirm anything is do it yourself. The EPA turned down Clifford Carnicoms request to look into this 25 years ago. RR

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Hi Richard, I agree that's total bs. Chat gpt ( cgpt ) I think is an abbreviation of "conformist giggle propaganda tool " or similar. Regards, matt.

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Jun 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt your picture with the blue hydrogel object has rbcs that have lost their normal negative electrical charge (zeta potential) and have flipped their charges to positive. I attended a Dr's think tank meeting last weekend and learned that potassium citrate restores the zeta potential of the clumped cells back to a negative charge. Looks like the person who donated the sample could use some potassium citrate!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

Hi Patti, I was also told by a double PhD medical chemistry genius that we should always include potassium citrate and magnesium citrate if taking sodium citrate in order to balance our salt intake. Its making more sense now, Thanks, m

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Jun 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I agree Matt! I just purchased a combo potassium/magnesium citrate combo capsule that should help balance things out with the sodium citrate. P

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Jun 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt (et al), I'd love to invite you to a FB group I recently started about detoxing nanotech:


Naturally, I posted this article in the group. :-)

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Hi Penelope, I have never been on fb but if i did I'd join you. m

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Jun 13Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt thanks for that

Matt my research has shown that 50 mw 532nm laser cannot penetrate into the blood stream as 50mw is 0.05 of a watt

It show that we need

A 1000 mw =1 watt laser to reach 1 cm deep past the dermal into the blood sublingually

And 1 watt lasers are quite expensive for most people

Although it’s a superb idea as is holding EDTA .. under the tongue until dissolved too

I will try to source where we can purchase 1 watt 532nm & with your permission post the link here .

Thank you again for your amazing work we all so appreciate you & many many people are watching you shine

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So your findings go against Matt’s?

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Hi JD, Please do post all the beneficial info you have here, Thanks, matt.

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