Just a thought about the injectable, etc. I haven't been on for a while and don't know if anyone mentioned it before or if you've considered and/or have been tracking where the drugs were made. The manufacture of the majority of drugs and supplements has been given over to China and India with little to no actual oversight by the FDA or other countries' oversight agencies. Dr. Yoho did a pretty good segment recently...I can't find the link or the book reference, but the fraud and shenanigans boggle the mind.
i've been following you for a while now and what comes to my mind is the following
i know that a.l. maruzlli https://lamarzulli.net/ many years ago also came across implants that were not human. at that time an implant was to be removed. and during the surgery the implant disappeared ...it was no longer visible. They then prayed to God (from the Bible) for it and then it became visible again and could be removed.
I don't know if Muruzlli has figured out what the implant consists of.
Call him I feel strongly that you will get further.
also i think you will find more in the infrared and/or ultraviolet spectrum
i think right now we only see a little bit of what is really there.
i hope you get some use out of this information, for team humanity
Funny you should ask, since I just sent it back yesterday. Not up to my standards, but my wife says I am spoiled from using top of the line Nikons for so many years. She's usually right! Back to the drawing board I reckon. A friend sent me a link to an auction site I am going to try ... directbids I think.
Re: Texit, some folks are getting signatures in Galveston today, but I may be too old for all the biker madness over there. It's the Lone Star Biker Rally going on ... usually a pretty loud and crazy scene.
I'm wanting for you to visualize your body as being unscewed. And take heart. Pernicious anaemia might possibly be just another word for mineral imbalance and for some preliminary guidance, you might want to look into RPC123 or read Cu-re Your Fatigue by Morley Robbins.
But what I can tell you (this is not medical advice) is iron isn't properly regulated, because we are all overloaded with it, it could be stored in tissues or there is not enough copper to keep the iron in circulation, so your body stores it, then the tests show that you are anaemic. I'm not specifically honed into pernicious anaemia enough to make a call on it. Do your own research, but there's always a reason we keep showing up so "deficient".
I'm aligning with you to find something that could help you, we're learning that we haven't known we are overloaded with iron and other heavy metals enough that other minerals are dysregulated because of it.
Have you any access to B-12 from Sacred Purity? This may be something to look at under a microscope, perhaps this can be a source you can find and check it.
In the mean time, there is a small trick I heard about/ it is cocoa powder with maple syrup called the "cobalamin tonic" I heard Atom Bergstrom say that helped people get B12. It might help bide some time.
I'm not a scientist or a doctor or a nurse. Just a concerned human for all to win our lives back.
Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that the diagnosis is solid. I don't produce intrinsic factor, which is essential to make B12 in your own body, coupled with more intestinal surgery than I care to remember.
Without the B12 (thank you early covid insane rules), it's hard to breathe and I faint a lot. You may be correct, of course, but giving myself an injection every fortnight keeps me on an even keel.
Hi! I'm new. Alternative roots has videos of RBC that disappear...
Wondering if spun down blood of people who's RBCs are disappearing yields red serum/plasma. And if RBCs are popping, are their hematology results showing anemia, tiredness? I'm out of work, pathology was my thing, not hematology. Loving this substack!
Very nice crystal work. Also matt is that your blood? That might not be fungus. I've seen stuff like that before. Some has been fungus some has been crazy fiber production of unusual representation. Nice work as usual sir!
I wanted someone with a good knowledge of all this to answer a few questions I have
Is it safe to take Colloidal Gold or Silver if your unvaxxed with the shedding & this bizarre weird stuff growing in the blood that you Karl C, David Morris, Dr Anna Mihalcea, Len Ber et al have uncovered?
My 2nd question which has really been playing on my mind & nagging me lately is
Has anyone anywhere been able to photograph Vaxxed Blood or the contents of Vaxx Vials using Kirlian photography - after all, the stupid virus was called Corona & Krilian Photography photographs the electrical Coronal discharges - see below from wikipedia
'Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939, accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate.[1] The technique has been variously known as "electrography",[2] "electrophotography",[3] "corona discharge photography" (CDP),[4] "bioelectrography",[5] "gas discharge visualization (GDV)",[6] "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)",[7] and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography".
I would really like to know what this would show up - perhaps nothing but it should be tested to check it out - I always thought it showed the life force in living things, so what would it make of all that strange tech in the blood
Its always great to have well thought out questions along with new perspectives and I do appreciate yours. I will respond in kind and include a minor rant as the mood presently takes me.
My personal opinion on the gold and silver is we just don't know enough yet. Even if there is temporary relief of certain symptoms with any method we still don't know if it benefits another part of this bs tech longer term on the stuff we know about, let alone the unknowns. Even the short term effects on some unknown aspect may be more detrimental than the alleviation of what we are trying to fix, for all any of us know. Just my blunt and honest personal opinion for sure.
I had the same question re Kirlian a while back. Karlc had done some work on that and you should ask him directly. Find him in my recommended list. My recollection is that he had other priorities come up after starting to build one.
A rough idea of what we know we are up against today..
Clifford Carnicoms 10 forms of cross domain bacteria. Including artificial human blood cells.... etc
The "graphenation" of our entire planet.
The "Hydrogelation" of our planet. ( And people still stick it in their eyes every day, even if its clearly labelled as that! - Included in the next post)
The bigger tech invasion of humanity and our environment.
Multiple frequency attacks from many methodologies. Worst one being Phones that people are addicted to, then Towers, haarp, satellites, LED's, Smart dumb stuff, unknowns etc.
The poisoning of our air , food, clothing, soaps, water etc, etc.
Propaganda that is only intensifying.
Brainwashing techniques via various media.
New "laws" and "rules" on bits of paper that we are expected to believe and respect, while knowing that the social contract is entirely broken and even the rules of war are not being adhered to in this "silent weapons for quiet wars" war.. The 10 Nuremburg codes as an example and starter. How apt that Germany is one of the few countries I think that allows patients to choose their treatments today.
"Truth" doctors still in the old allopathic paradigm peddling supplements and meds that are poisoned, and not willing to acknowledge what can be easily seen by anyone who wants to make the effort to look for themselves.
To top all that off I would include dealing with the ( Self edited _ fill this ...... ...... in yourselves) that think the best contribution they can make is to attack the few people who are actually working on finding solutions as best they can. Perhaps they just want to distract us or waste our time in responding - I don't care.
The apathy of so many, including some who used to be our friends, and family.
The large majority who thought it Ok to discriminate against those who wanted to research for themselves and choose freely what was put in their bodies. Or worse, those who know and wont stand up to save the kids..
Regardless of all that I remain an optimist for a few reasons.
Humanity has survived 100 plus years of them poisoning us so far. We can probably learn to live with this somehow too.
I get to meet many good honest people ( including some allopathic Doctors) working diligently on solutions and while no one has the whole answer I have confidence in the intellect, drive and perseverance of most of them.
The citizen scientists and researchers like John Lucach who are capable of putting the macro perspective in front of us.
In summary its about deciding where to best put the limited time and resources we independents have for maximum results while always keeping in mind that its all a form of triage at best.
Once we have found and told everyone most injectables are poisoned, is our time best spent seeking more evidence or looking at more? or should nearly all our time be spent looking for the more immediate solutions to the wee problems of the dying suddenly or the turbo cancers etc? Its a question I ask myself often considering the wave of health issues that seem to be looming at a rapid rate.
Some even think solutions are best to be fully tested and put out in peer reviewed papers prior to releasing knowledge to the wider public. My question is: will that even be possible soon with all the new rules and laws being put in place? "misdisinfo" laws etc.. Just a layman's thoughts and perspective though.
Your suggestion falls into the latter category as it could possibly be a rapid identification tool for foreign objects and such in us that we need to find a way to remove. This objective should be a very high priority. Unfortunately its a matter of allocation of resources and most of us have a plethora of things we would like to try out, experiment with and test but don't have the resources so stick to the lower cost or quick items.
Nobody should refrain from making suggestions like yours on anyone's platform, and also to suggest what they consider are the priority issues at hand today.
We are at War with pure evil & (IMHO) it's caught everyone - inc those who were never stupid enough to have ever had faith or trust in the state, completely off guard & now those few honest warriors with soul & spirit are either trying to catch up, as you say with limited time & resources or like those who are subscribers, desperately looking for answers.
Colloidal Gold & Silver will be avoided as I agree, not enough is known & as they contain metals, probably not the wisest materials to injest & feed the Nano beasts growing in the blood.
I'm glad you pointed out that we have withstood a barrage of assaults by the deep state apparatus for 100yrs & we will probably continue on in some shape or form, but if you got jabbed, you need to make peace with the Lord because nothing might be able to save you, as tragic as that is.
I've been looking at some videos on YouTube recently - stuff like the hideous Matt Hancock lying during a Govt hearing & other similar Vaxx & Convid stuff & there are thousands of furious comments demanding these ppl be arrested, jailed, hung - shot, you name it, I was surprised & heartened to see the public finally waking up & going mad in such large numbers - hopefully these ppl will rise up when needed.
We need some global body to counteract them - counter organisations to the WHO, UN, SAGE NIH, CDC, Bank Of Settlements etc to resist & demolish these demons once & for all - from the comments I read & they were on all the multiple videos I looked at, the ppl will be right on board with getting rid of this tyranny & it's shocking how quickly they've destroyed economies & countries of Europe & US with Lockdowns, death jabs & mass immigration.
I will have to wait until the Kirlian mystery of the blood & vials is revealed, I'm just a little person & it had occurred to me to wonder what would be seen & you say you also wondered, so someone somewhere must also be wondering & possibly looking so we may have answers soon
I saw a 10 minute clip of an interview today on youtube. Cut out from a longer 2 hour interview from a year ago. Those tiny things in Matt's video look identical to what this guy frankenzombied together. Below is what pops up when you type his name in google.
Michael Levin is an American developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University, where he is the Vannevar Bush Distinguished Professor. Wikipedia
Video link at end of post. IT IS WILD. He used nanotech to map and illustrate the voltage of a frog embryo. They literally saw a frog head on the embryo using the variant in voltage (BEFORE there was a head). They then measured the voltage of the eye, applied that voltage to where the gut would form, and boom, frog eyeball where the gut should have been. Super nuts. It seems extremely relevant given everybody's body voltage is like 20 freakin X higher than it should be!
We are all rats in a cage for their massive experiment. They want to live forever and they are going to bleed us dry while they perfect this technology to ensure it works for themselves... ugh. what to do. They must know how to avoid it.
Also check this guys work on EQORIA, how they intend to create digital twins out of the lucky 1% of idiots who sign up to be turned into data & have their physical bodies destroyed, I mean 'decontaminated' because in the sick twisted realm of EQORIA, your physical body is filth that must be disposed of
I had also been wondering about the Kirlian photography for quite a while now. I got married a little over a year ago. I hired a kirlian photographer as part of the entertainmemt for the guests. I was curious how the vaxxed peoples' auras would look.. lol. Surprisingly they all still had them. My hypothesis was they would not. It was a big hit nevertheless.
Your commemt regarding this being offworld tech is most certainly correct (I think extra-dimensional tech is probably more accurate). In the full interview with Michael Levin, he casually used the term "exobiological." It was a term he used within a string of other terms, so most people probably paid very little attention. To me though, i thought ding ding ding. This guy is an insider in the black project genetic research. I was already highly suspicious. His use of that term was confirmation.
Send me an email. Very, very few people are tying all this together. We can compare notes. Bt900133@gmail.com.
Substack cut the most interesting part of my comment off - guess the algorithm doesn't like me comparing Project Looking Glass, always undertaken by 3 ppl to the tank of 3 empaths in Tom Cruise pre- crime film 'Minority Report'
or mentioning coincidence in the same line as CERN
I'll keep a note of your email - thanks for that BT
I never consciously go looking for any of this stuff - it always comes to find me which is why I am so incredulous regarding all the obedient, mindless drones who ran to get their death jab, when at the same time I stumbled across numerous warnings from multiple sources, from ppl I'd never heard of at the time like Dr Rashid Buttar (who they recently murdered) warning the jabs were death, reading that letter from the Elite French Soldiers who refused to take part in the global cull & many others got the message to not get the jab from God as well (not an auditory hallucination, more like a hunch that the jab was not good, but really, really bad), so why did so many ppl go willingly, I know loads of ppl who got it & I even got slated by my family when I tried to warn them, they're such idiots, I've ditched them, I just cant tolerate their ignorance & aggression anymore & it's best for us all really because I don't intend to go quietly - I will investigate the best I can & listen to others who are doing the same because I believe in us, we're better than those who'd kill us off & God is with us or we'd have got the death jab as well.
What I'm getting at is the universe is doing it again, bringing enquiring minds into sync, I have always believed we will find the way to reverse this & I wrote it on other substack posts.
I said 'off world' entities as I was mainly referring to the accounts given by the numerous Super Soldier's, Space Force, Project Phoenix at Montauk & Project Looking Glass ppl - also mentioned by Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor Jesse Czebator who was one of a trio participating in Looking Glass sessions (she said Elon was at these SRA rituals in the Vanderbilt mansion) & the fact that there always has to be 3 looking into the future at once is very reminiscent of 3 empaths in the tank in the Tom Cruise pre crime film 'Minority Report', they all talk about 'Off World' but I've heard many others talk about the inter-dimentionals as well.
How strange the Krilian photography didn't pick anything up off your vaxxed guests, I didn't even know you could hire a Krilian photographer for parties, thats news to me. I guess it's good it didn't, as that suggests the filth they've injected into ppl isint altering their energy field, which is strange coz that shit kills ppl so I would have imagined more showing up.
I know Dr Anita Baxas had written a book about all the health therapists who noticed a definite change in their clients energy field after they'd got the death jab. They recounted ppls Auras were dark & heavy, that massueurs felt thick, dark, heavy energy coming off ppl they were treating - makes sense to me, maybe it's ppls Auras that should be investigated - as I wrote before, the atheric, energy & light bodies are of great interest suddenly.
As an aside, things I've been searching for online etc, for decades have all suddenly appeared, this has happened a number of times in recent months - somethings going down as I dont just think it's me or a coincidence that these long lost things suddenly manifest into reality after me almost giving up looking for them after so long & they're all different, items & info, I'm usually quite good at finding things, information whatever online, but these items & info had eluded me for years - strange.
Maybe it's CERN
Of course they're building a mega CERN, the first small facilitiy was just a trial - how is this madness permitted to continue?
Thanks for the email, will drop you a line for sure
Super Soldier Talk James Rink's page on Satanic Rituals at Vanderbilt mansion
I've recently been listening to a number of interviews hosted by James Rink who goes under the moniker Super Soldier Talk & what you've described sounds exactly like something either one of his guests or those of Michael Salla (Exopoltics) would say.
I'm growing more & more convinced that this nanotech, quantum dot, crystals, weird wires in the blood etc is off world tech they've gotten from Project Looking Glass or Project Phoenix & your correct that ppls bodily electrical readings are super high now when they shouldn't be (putting huge stress on the body) that could be the 5G, maybe their blasting ppl with electricity to grow this gunk inside them, I suspect energy plays a huge role in all this somehow.
I've asked multiple scientists & researchers on substack if they've found or conducted any tests on vaxxed blood, vials of vaxx or a vaxxed person using Krilian Photography but only one person replied that they had been thinking the exact same thing but thus far had no info, somewhat disappointing as I don't think many of the posters read their own subscribers comments which made me think about unsubscribing from them because why else do they bother being on substack if they're not going to engage with ppl.
Recently I saw an interview with Rink & SS David Lotherington (Rumble or YT), if you think the stuff with the frog was wild, you should hear some of the things these guys were talking about. Interestingly SS Lotherington said
'Changes Have To Be Made Energetically Before Their Made Physically '
he mentioned Monsanto Corn, said it's reverting genetically back to it's original state in a few generations because it hasn't been changed in the energetic realm. This has spiked my interest in the Astral, Etheric & Energy body & it's connection to source - so much to try to keep up with & the Super Soldier stuff is so out there you wouldn't know what to make of most of it but multiple different subjects keep repeating the same or similar info in their interviews so there must be some truth to it or it's a gigantic well rehearsed psy-op meant to distract & misdirect.
Thanks for your comment, I've heard a lot about the mystery of how the body's cells know what they should & shouldn't grow into so what that creepy guy did to that poor frog is very interesting & then there are all the Bill Gates Crypto Patents, how he intends to harvest ppls energy to generate crypto for him, that vile creature is lurking behind every dirty scam, all scams seem to lead right back to him without fail.
They seem to be broadcasting that after you've been jabbed, you become their property & are no longer human, you can be used for whatever they wish as your DNA has been altered & you've now become a product. Ppl really should have thought more deeply before they got those hideous death jabs.
The diagnosis is solid. But, here is something to keep in mind.
Preeclampsia took many lives of expectant mothers. The doctors were baffled until some "fringe" doctors began to observe when the mother ate meat, she didn't get preeclampsia. Instead of embracing what worked, the doctors chose to remain baffled. They wanted to understand preeclampsia instead of just do what works. And many lives are lost because of this error in judgement.
So, whiskeys, it is a sobering thought to know that you indeed have a problem. I hope you can find what works and get on with living life without the hardships you've had to endure. For that, I'm truly sorry and I hope to check in with you if I find something else that could help you. I'll be looking.
This is off the topic of microscopy, so why am I throwing this out? Because Matt is the most curious about things I've shared. I know we have a pool of thoughtful people here who are willing to investigate, thank you ahead for reading this.
So, I just read a paragraph in Morley Robbin's book-Cure Your Fatigue. It popped out at me. I'm going to put it into my own words to spark our thought process. Wouldn't it be nice to solve this challenge so can all get on with our lives? If we can learn from this experience and share our ideas. Here goes...
A weakened bioenergetic field changes the frequency of the tissue that affects all metabolism.
The nucleus of the cell is weak. The mitochondrial DNA is affected by the loss of energy production. There are 16X's more defects in the mitochondrial DNA from the frequency change. The capacity for the cell to produce healthy mitochondria thereby produce optimal levels of energy are lowered.
"Proper mineral balance is essential... "
Can you see what I see? Repair enzymes and balanced minerals are required materials to make up an activated network for correction. Good news, I think, to know the body can correct itself when balanced mineralization along with enzymes. But, how about those enzymes...
Here's what I'm testing out, what I think we can do to stay alive. This is the goal.
First, I've decided that nano can fight nano. I've chosen nano copper with silver, the sodium borate goes along with it. This would suffice our deficiency, via almost in a homeopathic way and provides ultraviolet (provided by the nano silver) to do some kill'in.
Secondly, a urine enema collected throughout the night that is shown to be alive, full of stem cells and Urokinase-high in enzyme potential and yes, granted, it would be contaminated with whatever, but it might be your very best medicine from your own body. (I think we can give it a pass since God made it.) Years ago, Tony P. said you can blenderize your juice with oil, then decant it to get the nano out. I don't know if he still does it, but I do with hydrogenated coconut oil with a tinch of castor oil. Some castor oil residue remains in the urine after blenderized but it is valued as a carrier oil that can be absorbed into the lymphatics and hepatic vein. A hold for 8 min. is said to get throughout the circulatory system. (You've heard of castor oil packs, think of internal castor oil pack).
Tony P. would disagree with using any nano, I know. The nano copper. that is available, I'll bet does not have the lethal payload that is loaded in both ends of the nano, that which is the sprayed weaponized nano. Fighting nano with nano here. Besides, there is a dire need for copper that our bodies are compatible with, nano copper might be the way in, to support our coherence.
Thirdly, and the last, there is the tuning forks. Frequency can be put into motion to fortify ourselves. Fibonacci and Schumann forks are good to tune your biofield, Fibonacci for direct contact for physical order, Schumann for the electrical field coherence. We already have a crystalline form, it's a given so we can potentiate what we have and then our field, exteriorly.
An interesting detail to take note. Did you know they used tuning forks to calibrate radar guns?
Given you now have the minerals that are needed and valuable to keep ceruloplasmin balanced, and you now have enzymes that are perfect for you, here is a possibility. Your body tissues can now hold the frequency. Apply it often, look for your own signs and symptoms to put your body back into ease. Keep it, maintain it, you are precious to our earth.
We must find the remedy. We must learn to survive. This might be something we can all do about what we may have to put up with, long term, until we can get these Enemies of Life back into the hole they came out of.
There is a good reason to use pairs of forks. I found more to support this. For later.
But considering this, if the overhead drones coordinate with the giant magnet under the earth, to deliver "health-dare" the copper in our system may energize us cellularly. This clue comes from this one section found in submitted podcast. https://www.bitchute.com/video/CRPcUQgP9uW8/ at around 43 min.
Nice work Matt! As far as a possible answer to the jigsaw puzzle, the gel/polymer pic has fibrils (ribbons)? In the following article, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsnano.1c10658# it shows a connection between spike and hydrogel and amyloid fibrils. In summary spike can be cut up into amyloid fibrils (ribbons) and can form hydrogel at specific acid pH conditions. Look at their ribbon pics compared to yours. The nanometer ribbons are as much as 100 nm width (0.1 micron). If a red blood cell is 7 microns in diameter then you should be able to see 1/7 of that (1 micron). Can you see a tenth of that which is 0.1 micron which is 100 nm? You are more the expert with scopes. The literature says light microscopes can resolve down to 250 nm ( so can't tell two points from 1 point, if closer than this distance). It still seems to me you could still see a fiber with your scope that is 100 nm? Anyway maybe that is what you see as a ribbon in that gel/polymer?
One day I hope to have the time to learn how to scale all my pics. I have the tools but lack the time.
I received an interesting reply from Kiwi in the crowd who has samples of this that has been growing from the head and will be sending them for inspection. The natural products seem to stay a certain size but this new stuff I suspect will keep growing in scale. Some observational work on these fibres when they arrive may help to establish scale.
What objective were you using when you zoomed in on the vit b12 injectable? I have now examined 9 ppl, 4 of which were vaccinated for c19 and I couldn't find any tech that resembled anything seen by others. I go up to 400x. I guess that's a blessing I don't see any but just trying to confirm others findings of QD and nanotech. Thanks.
20x objective , 15 x eyepiece and about <10 x on the phone. it was an unusual one as i had added more of the same liquid B12 and all the others melted but not that one so had a clear view inside.
I don't know how many blood slides i have looked at recently but its in the hundreds and i have only seen 5 odd fully identifiable chips. Many forming ones tho. The small ones are very easy to miss and I'm sure I have scanned past way more than i have seen.
Hi Matt, I wonder if you post-process your images in Photoshop or similar, which is quite visibile in picture 3 and 6. Notice how they have the aquarel painting look.
Tweaking pictures is important and can add much value in clarity and so on.
However, when one overdoes it, it's not a good thing.
I'm guessing the cause is noise reduction. It smooths things out but yields the aquarel phenomenon when pushed too far, at least in my experience.
I like your microscopy pictures a lot and this is intended as positive criticism.
Photoshop? Never used it in my life. Wouldn't know how. I just want to learn the layering that's in the scope software . It doesn't change anything except to take the differing focus levels and stitch them together. The a queer el phenomena may be the phone camera tho. Don't know what that is either.
Will take all the positive criticism i can get. Thanks.
Just a thought about the injectable, etc. I haven't been on for a while and don't know if anyone mentioned it before or if you've considered and/or have been tracking where the drugs were made. The manufacture of the majority of drugs and supplements has been given over to China and India with little to no actual oversight by the FDA or other countries' oversight agencies. Dr. Yoho did a pretty good segment recently...I can't find the link or the book reference, but the fraud and shenanigans boggle the mind.
I was able to find the article - also a podcast - it begins with Amazon's food fraud and segues into the drug fraud.
This is why Trump said we need to be manufacturing our own prescription drugs right here at home.
hello Matt,
i've been following you for a while now and what comes to my mind is the following
i know that a.l. maruzlli https://lamarzulli.net/ many years ago also came across implants that were not human. at that time an implant was to be removed. and during the surgery the implant disappeared ...it was no longer visible. They then prayed to God (from the Bible) for it and then it became visible again and could be removed.
I don't know if Muruzlli has figured out what the implant consists of.
Call him I feel strongly that you will get further.
also i think you will find more in the infrared and/or ultraviolet spectrum
i think right now we only see a little bit of what is really there.
i hope you get some use out of this information, for team humanity
God's bless Matt great work!!
Hi Jan,
Hildegard Stanninger did a lot of good work with far infrared.
Thanks, matt.
Funny you should ask, since I just sent it back yesterday. Not up to my standards, but my wife says I am spoiled from using top of the line Nikons for so many years. She's usually right! Back to the drawing board I reckon. A friend sent me a link to an auction site I am going to try ... directbids I think.
Re: Texit, some folks are getting signatures in Galveston today, but I may be too old for all the biker madness over there. It's the Lone Star Biker Rally going on ... usually a pretty loud and crazy scene.
I have pernicious anaemia. Just how screwed am I? Yes, I have to inject myself with B12. You know...or die.
We all have to learn how to mitigate this stuff as its everywhere now. The food is contaminated too and we have to eat.
I'm wanting for you to visualize your body as being unscewed. And take heart. Pernicious anaemia might possibly be just another word for mineral imbalance and for some preliminary guidance, you might want to look into RPC123 or read Cu-re Your Fatigue by Morley Robbins.
But what I can tell you (this is not medical advice) is iron isn't properly regulated, because we are all overloaded with it, it could be stored in tissues or there is not enough copper to keep the iron in circulation, so your body stores it, then the tests show that you are anaemic. I'm not specifically honed into pernicious anaemia enough to make a call on it. Do your own research, but there's always a reason we keep showing up so "deficient".
I'm aligning with you to find something that could help you, we're learning that we haven't known we are overloaded with iron and other heavy metals enough that other minerals are dysregulated because of it.
Have you any access to B-12 from Sacred Purity? This may be something to look at under a microscope, perhaps this can be a source you can find and check it.
In the mean time, there is a small trick I heard about/ it is cocoa powder with maple syrup called the "cobalamin tonic" I heard Atom Bergstrom say that helped people get B12. It might help bide some time.
I'm not a scientist or a doctor or a nurse. Just a concerned human for all to win our lives back.
Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that the diagnosis is solid. I don't produce intrinsic factor, which is essential to make B12 in your own body, coupled with more intestinal surgery than I care to remember.
Without the B12 (thank you early covid insane rules), it's hard to breathe and I faint a lot. You may be correct, of course, but giving myself an injection every fortnight keeps me on an even keel.
I will look into what you've said - thanks.
Stick to your hydroxycobalamin injections
Very nice crystals! Could the fungus be the mushy result of crushed RBCs?
Possibly hemolysis causing it, is one theory.
Hi! I'm new. Alternative roots has videos of RBC that disappear...
Wondering if spun down blood of people who's RBCs are disappearing yields red serum/plasma. And if RBCs are popping, are their hematology results showing anemia, tiredness? I'm out of work, pathology was my thing, not hematology. Loving this substack!
Good stuff Matt, thanks so much for taking the time!
~~ j ~~
Hi J,
How's that scope coming on there? Looking forward to some images now.
Go Texas!
Very nice crystal work. Also matt is that your blood? That might not be fungus. I've seen stuff like that before. Some has been fungus some has been crazy fiber production of unusual representation. Nice work as usual sir!
Can I get in touch with you? I have some pictures I want to send but privately, if possible. TY!
Will mail after dinner if you are a subscriber. Thank
Mr Matt
I wanted someone with a good knowledge of all this to answer a few questions I have
Is it safe to take Colloidal Gold or Silver if your unvaxxed with the shedding & this bizarre weird stuff growing in the blood that you Karl C, David Morris, Dr Anna Mihalcea, Len Ber et al have uncovered?
My 2nd question which has really been playing on my mind & nagging me lately is
Has anyone anywhere been able to photograph Vaxxed Blood or the contents of Vaxx Vials using Kirlian photography - after all, the stupid virus was called Corona & Krilian Photography photographs the electrical Coronal discharges - see below from wikipedia
'Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939, accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate.[1] The technique has been variously known as "electrography",[2] "electrophotography",[3] "corona discharge photography" (CDP),[4] "bioelectrography",[5] "gas discharge visualization (GDV)",[6] "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)",[7] and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography".
I would really like to know what this would show up - perhaps nothing but it should be tested to check it out - I always thought it showed the life force in living things, so what would it make of all that strange tech in the blood
thanks & hope you don't mind me asking
Hi Odessa,
Its always great to have well thought out questions along with new perspectives and I do appreciate yours. I will respond in kind and include a minor rant as the mood presently takes me.
My personal opinion on the gold and silver is we just don't know enough yet. Even if there is temporary relief of certain symptoms with any method we still don't know if it benefits another part of this bs tech longer term on the stuff we know about, let alone the unknowns. Even the short term effects on some unknown aspect may be more detrimental than the alleviation of what we are trying to fix, for all any of us know. Just my blunt and honest personal opinion for sure.
I had the same question re Kirlian a while back. Karlc had done some work on that and you should ask him directly. Find him in my recommended list. My recollection is that he had other priorities come up after starting to build one.
A rough idea of what we know we are up against today..
Clifford Carnicoms 10 forms of cross domain bacteria. Including artificial human blood cells.... etc
The "graphenation" of our entire planet.
The "Hydrogelation" of our planet. ( And people still stick it in their eyes every day, even if its clearly labelled as that! - Included in the next post)
The bigger tech invasion of humanity and our environment.
Multiple frequency attacks from many methodologies. Worst one being Phones that people are addicted to, then Towers, haarp, satellites, LED's, Smart dumb stuff, unknowns etc.
The poisoning of our air , food, clothing, soaps, water etc, etc.
Propaganda that is only intensifying.
Brainwashing techniques via various media.
New "laws" and "rules" on bits of paper that we are expected to believe and respect, while knowing that the social contract is entirely broken and even the rules of war are not being adhered to in this "silent weapons for quiet wars" war.. The 10 Nuremburg codes as an example and starter. How apt that Germany is one of the few countries I think that allows patients to choose their treatments today.
"Truth" doctors still in the old allopathic paradigm peddling supplements and meds that are poisoned, and not willing to acknowledge what can be easily seen by anyone who wants to make the effort to look for themselves.
To top all that off I would include dealing with the ( Self edited _ fill this ...... ...... in yourselves) that think the best contribution they can make is to attack the few people who are actually working on finding solutions as best they can. Perhaps they just want to distract us or waste our time in responding - I don't care.
The apathy of so many, including some who used to be our friends, and family.
The large majority who thought it Ok to discriminate against those who wanted to research for themselves and choose freely what was put in their bodies. Or worse, those who know and wont stand up to save the kids..
Regardless of all that I remain an optimist for a few reasons.
Humanity has survived 100 plus years of them poisoning us so far. We can probably learn to live with this somehow too.
I get to meet many good honest people ( including some allopathic Doctors) working diligently on solutions and while no one has the whole answer I have confidence in the intellect, drive and perseverance of most of them.
The citizen scientists and researchers like John Lucach who are capable of putting the macro perspective in front of us.
In summary its about deciding where to best put the limited time and resources we independents have for maximum results while always keeping in mind that its all a form of triage at best.
Once we have found and told everyone most injectables are poisoned, is our time best spent seeking more evidence or looking at more? or should nearly all our time be spent looking for the more immediate solutions to the wee problems of the dying suddenly or the turbo cancers etc? Its a question I ask myself often considering the wave of health issues that seem to be looming at a rapid rate.
Some even think solutions are best to be fully tested and put out in peer reviewed papers prior to releasing knowledge to the wider public. My question is: will that even be possible soon with all the new rules and laws being put in place? "misdisinfo" laws etc.. Just a layman's thoughts and perspective though.
Your suggestion falls into the latter category as it could possibly be a rapid identification tool for foreign objects and such in us that we need to find a way to remove. This objective should be a very high priority. Unfortunately its a matter of allocation of resources and most of us have a plethora of things we would like to try out, experiment with and test but don't have the resources so stick to the lower cost or quick items.
Nobody should refrain from making suggestions like yours on anyone's platform, and also to suggest what they consider are the priority issues at hand today.
Thank you for your input, Best Regards,
Thank you Mr Matt for your epic reply
I agree with you 100%
We are at War with pure evil & (IMHO) it's caught everyone - inc those who were never stupid enough to have ever had faith or trust in the state, completely off guard & now those few honest warriors with soul & spirit are either trying to catch up, as you say with limited time & resources or like those who are subscribers, desperately looking for answers.
Colloidal Gold & Silver will be avoided as I agree, not enough is known & as they contain metals, probably not the wisest materials to injest & feed the Nano beasts growing in the blood.
I'm glad you pointed out that we have withstood a barrage of assaults by the deep state apparatus for 100yrs & we will probably continue on in some shape or form, but if you got jabbed, you need to make peace with the Lord because nothing might be able to save you, as tragic as that is.
I've been looking at some videos on YouTube recently - stuff like the hideous Matt Hancock lying during a Govt hearing & other similar Vaxx & Convid stuff & there are thousands of furious comments demanding these ppl be arrested, jailed, hung - shot, you name it, I was surprised & heartened to see the public finally waking up & going mad in such large numbers - hopefully these ppl will rise up when needed.
We need some global body to counteract them - counter organisations to the WHO, UN, SAGE NIH, CDC, Bank Of Settlements etc to resist & demolish these demons once & for all - from the comments I read & they were on all the multiple videos I looked at, the ppl will be right on board with getting rid of this tyranny & it's shocking how quickly they've destroyed economies & countries of Europe & US with Lockdowns, death jabs & mass immigration.
I will have to wait until the Kirlian mystery of the blood & vials is revealed, I'm just a little person & it had occurred to me to wonder what would be seen & you say you also wondered, so someone somewhere must also be wondering & possibly looking so we may have answers soon
thank you so much & keep keeping on 👍
I saw a 10 minute clip of an interview today on youtube. Cut out from a longer 2 hour interview from a year ago. Those tiny things in Matt's video look identical to what this guy frankenzombied together. Below is what pops up when you type his name in google.
Michael Levin
Michael Levin is an American developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University, where he is the Vannevar Bush Distinguished Professor. Wikipedia
Video link at end of post. IT IS WILD. He used nanotech to map and illustrate the voltage of a frog embryo. They literally saw a frog head on the embryo using the variant in voltage (BEFORE there was a head). They then measured the voltage of the eye, applied that voltage to where the gut would form, and boom, frog eyeball where the gut should have been. Super nuts. It seems extremely relevant given everybody's body voltage is like 20 freakin X higher than it should be!
We are all rats in a cage for their massive experiment. They want to live forever and they are going to bleed us dry while they perfect this technology to ensure it works for themselves... ugh. what to do. They must know how to avoid it.
Also check this guys work on EQORIA, how they intend to create digital twins out of the lucky 1% of idiots who sign up to be turned into data & have their physical bodies destroyed, I mean 'decontaminated' because in the sick twisted realm of EQORIA, your physical body is filth that must be disposed of
I had also been wondering about the Kirlian photography for quite a while now. I got married a little over a year ago. I hired a kirlian photographer as part of the entertainmemt for the guests. I was curious how the vaxxed peoples' auras would look.. lol. Surprisingly they all still had them. My hypothesis was they would not. It was a big hit nevertheless.
Your commemt regarding this being offworld tech is most certainly correct (I think extra-dimensional tech is probably more accurate). In the full interview with Michael Levin, he casually used the term "exobiological." It was a term he used within a string of other terms, so most people probably paid very little attention. To me though, i thought ding ding ding. This guy is an insider in the black project genetic research. I was already highly suspicious. His use of that term was confirmation.
Send me an email. Very, very few people are tying all this together. We can compare notes. Bt900133@gmail.com.
Substack cut the most interesting part of my comment off - guess the algorithm doesn't like me comparing Project Looking Glass, always undertaken by 3 ppl to the tank of 3 empaths in Tom Cruise pre- crime film 'Minority Report'
or mentioning coincidence in the same line as CERN
I'll keep a note of your email - thanks for that BT
Look if you dare
I never consciously go looking for any of this stuff - it always comes to find me which is why I am so incredulous regarding all the obedient, mindless drones who ran to get their death jab, when at the same time I stumbled across numerous warnings from multiple sources, from ppl I'd never heard of at the time like Dr Rashid Buttar (who they recently murdered) warning the jabs were death, reading that letter from the Elite French Soldiers who refused to take part in the global cull & many others got the message to not get the jab from God as well (not an auditory hallucination, more like a hunch that the jab was not good, but really, really bad), so why did so many ppl go willingly, I know loads of ppl who got it & I even got slated by my family when I tried to warn them, they're such idiots, I've ditched them, I just cant tolerate their ignorance & aggression anymore & it's best for us all really because I don't intend to go quietly - I will investigate the best I can & listen to others who are doing the same because I believe in us, we're better than those who'd kill us off & God is with us or we'd have got the death jab as well.
What I'm getting at is the universe is doing it again, bringing enquiring minds into sync, I have always believed we will find the way to reverse this & I wrote it on other substack posts.
I said 'off world' entities as I was mainly referring to the accounts given by the numerous Super Soldier's, Space Force, Project Phoenix at Montauk & Project Looking Glass ppl - also mentioned by Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor Jesse Czebator who was one of a trio participating in Looking Glass sessions (she said Elon was at these SRA rituals in the Vanderbilt mansion) & the fact that there always has to be 3 looking into the future at once is very reminiscent of 3 empaths in the tank in the Tom Cruise pre crime film 'Minority Report', they all talk about 'Off World' but I've heard many others talk about the inter-dimentionals as well.
How strange the Krilian photography didn't pick anything up off your vaxxed guests, I didn't even know you could hire a Krilian photographer for parties, thats news to me. I guess it's good it didn't, as that suggests the filth they've injected into ppl isint altering their energy field, which is strange coz that shit kills ppl so I would have imagined more showing up.
I know Dr Anita Baxas had written a book about all the health therapists who noticed a definite change in their clients energy field after they'd got the death jab. They recounted ppls Auras were dark & heavy, that massueurs felt thick, dark, heavy energy coming off ppl they were treating - makes sense to me, maybe it's ppls Auras that should be investigated - as I wrote before, the atheric, energy & light bodies are of great interest suddenly.
As an aside, things I've been searching for online etc, for decades have all suddenly appeared, this has happened a number of times in recent months - somethings going down as I dont just think it's me or a coincidence that these long lost things suddenly manifest into reality after me almost giving up looking for them after so long & they're all different, items & info, I'm usually quite good at finding things, information whatever online, but these items & info had eluded me for years - strange.
Maybe it's CERN
Of course they're building a mega CERN, the first small facilitiy was just a trial - how is this madness permitted to continue?
Thanks for the email, will drop you a line for sure
Super Soldier Talk James Rink's page on Satanic Rituals at Vanderbilt mansion
I'll look into this, most interesting
I've recently been listening to a number of interviews hosted by James Rink who goes under the moniker Super Soldier Talk & what you've described sounds exactly like something either one of his guests or those of Michael Salla (Exopoltics) would say.
I'm growing more & more convinced that this nanotech, quantum dot, crystals, weird wires in the blood etc is off world tech they've gotten from Project Looking Glass or Project Phoenix & your correct that ppls bodily electrical readings are super high now when they shouldn't be (putting huge stress on the body) that could be the 5G, maybe their blasting ppl with electricity to grow this gunk inside them, I suspect energy plays a huge role in all this somehow.
I've asked multiple scientists & researchers on substack if they've found or conducted any tests on vaxxed blood, vials of vaxx or a vaxxed person using Krilian Photography but only one person replied that they had been thinking the exact same thing but thus far had no info, somewhat disappointing as I don't think many of the posters read their own subscribers comments which made me think about unsubscribing from them because why else do they bother being on substack if they're not going to engage with ppl.
Recently I saw an interview with Rink & SS David Lotherington (Rumble or YT), if you think the stuff with the frog was wild, you should hear some of the things these guys were talking about. Interestingly SS Lotherington said
'Changes Have To Be Made Energetically Before Their Made Physically '
he mentioned Monsanto Corn, said it's reverting genetically back to it's original state in a few generations because it hasn't been changed in the energetic realm. This has spiked my interest in the Astral, Etheric & Energy body & it's connection to source - so much to try to keep up with & the Super Soldier stuff is so out there you wouldn't know what to make of most of it but multiple different subjects keep repeating the same or similar info in their interviews so there must be some truth to it or it's a gigantic well rehearsed psy-op meant to distract & misdirect.
Thanks for your comment, I've heard a lot about the mystery of how the body's cells know what they should & shouldn't grow into so what that creepy guy did to that poor frog is very interesting & then there are all the Bill Gates Crypto Patents, how he intends to harvest ppls energy to generate crypto for him, that vile creature is lurking behind every dirty scam, all scams seem to lead right back to him without fail.
They seem to be broadcasting that after you've been jabbed, you become their property & are no longer human, you can be used for whatever they wish as your DNA has been altered & you've now become a product. Ppl really should have thought more deeply before they got those hideous death jabs.
The diagnosis is solid. But, here is something to keep in mind.
Preeclampsia took many lives of expectant mothers. The doctors were baffled until some "fringe" doctors began to observe when the mother ate meat, she didn't get preeclampsia. Instead of embracing what worked, the doctors chose to remain baffled. They wanted to understand preeclampsia instead of just do what works. And many lives are lost because of this error in judgement.
So, whiskeys, it is a sobering thought to know that you indeed have a problem. I hope you can find what works and get on with living life without the hardships you've had to endure. For that, I'm truly sorry and I hope to check in with you if I find something else that could help you. I'll be looking.
This is off the topic of microscopy, so why am I throwing this out? Because Matt is the most curious about things I've shared. I know we have a pool of thoughtful people here who are willing to investigate, thank you ahead for reading this.
So, I just read a paragraph in Morley Robbin's book-Cure Your Fatigue. It popped out at me. I'm going to put it into my own words to spark our thought process. Wouldn't it be nice to solve this challenge so can all get on with our lives? If we can learn from this experience and share our ideas. Here goes...
A weakened bioenergetic field changes the frequency of the tissue that affects all metabolism.
The nucleus of the cell is weak. The mitochondrial DNA is affected by the loss of energy production. There are 16X's more defects in the mitochondrial DNA from the frequency change. The capacity for the cell to produce healthy mitochondria thereby produce optimal levels of energy are lowered.
"Proper mineral balance is essential... "
Can you see what I see? Repair enzymes and balanced minerals are required materials to make up an activated network for correction. Good news, I think, to know the body can correct itself when balanced mineralization along with enzymes. But, how about those enzymes...
Here's what I'm testing out, what I think we can do to stay alive. This is the goal.
First, I've decided that nano can fight nano. I've chosen nano copper with silver, the sodium borate goes along with it. This would suffice our deficiency, via almost in a homeopathic way and provides ultraviolet (provided by the nano silver) to do some kill'in.
Secondly, a urine enema collected throughout the night that is shown to be alive, full of stem cells and Urokinase-high in enzyme potential and yes, granted, it would be contaminated with whatever, but it might be your very best medicine from your own body. (I think we can give it a pass since God made it.) Years ago, Tony P. said you can blenderize your juice with oil, then decant it to get the nano out. I don't know if he still does it, but I do with hydrogenated coconut oil with a tinch of castor oil. Some castor oil residue remains in the urine after blenderized but it is valued as a carrier oil that can be absorbed into the lymphatics and hepatic vein. A hold for 8 min. is said to get throughout the circulatory system. (You've heard of castor oil packs, think of internal castor oil pack).
Tony P. would disagree with using any nano, I know. The nano copper. that is available, I'll bet does not have the lethal payload that is loaded in both ends of the nano, that which is the sprayed weaponized nano. Fighting nano with nano here. Besides, there is a dire need for copper that our bodies are compatible with, nano copper might be the way in, to support our coherence.
Thirdly, and the last, there is the tuning forks. Frequency can be put into motion to fortify ourselves. Fibonacci and Schumann forks are good to tune your biofield, Fibonacci for direct contact for physical order, Schumann for the electrical field coherence. We already have a crystalline form, it's a given so we can potentiate what we have and then our field, exteriorly.
An interesting detail to take note. Did you know they used tuning forks to calibrate radar guns?
Given you now have the minerals that are needed and valuable to keep ceruloplasmin balanced, and you now have enzymes that are perfect for you, here is a possibility. Your body tissues can now hold the frequency. Apply it often, look for your own signs and symptoms to put your body back into ease. Keep it, maintain it, you are precious to our earth.
We must find the remedy. We must learn to survive. This might be something we can all do about what we may have to put up with, long term, until we can get these Enemies of Life back into the hole they came out of.
Appreciate the thinking that went into this, Fibonacci and Schumann are 2 of my favorites too. Thanks.
There is a good reason to use pairs of forks. I found more to support this. For later.
But considering this, if the overhead drones coordinate with the giant magnet under the earth, to deliver "health-dare" the copper in our system may energize us cellularly. This clue comes from this one section found in submitted podcast. https://www.bitchute.com/video/CRPcUQgP9uW8/ at around 43 min.
the eyes...omg
Nice work Matt! As far as a possible answer to the jigsaw puzzle, the gel/polymer pic has fibrils (ribbons)? In the following article, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsnano.1c10658# it shows a connection between spike and hydrogel and amyloid fibrils. In summary spike can be cut up into amyloid fibrils (ribbons) and can form hydrogel at specific acid pH conditions. Look at their ribbon pics compared to yours. The nanometer ribbons are as much as 100 nm width (0.1 micron). If a red blood cell is 7 microns in diameter then you should be able to see 1/7 of that (1 micron). Can you see a tenth of that which is 0.1 micron which is 100 nm? You are more the expert with scopes. The literature says light microscopes can resolve down to 250 nm ( so can't tell two points from 1 point, if closer than this distance). It still seems to me you could still see a fiber with your scope that is 100 nm? Anyway maybe that is what you see as a ribbon in that gel/polymer?
Hi Ron,
One day I hope to have the time to learn how to scale all my pics. I have the tools but lack the time.
I received an interesting reply from Kiwi in the crowd who has samples of this that has been growing from the head and will be sending them for inspection. The natural products seem to stay a certain size but this new stuff I suspect will keep growing in scale. Some observational work on these fibres when they arrive may help to establish scale.
Best Regards, matt.
US to Feed Troops Japanese Radioactive Seafood Amid Fukushima Fears
China and Russia Ban Poisons and the US Buys them for Its Soldiers!!!
What objective were you using when you zoomed in on the vit b12 injectable? I have now examined 9 ppl, 4 of which were vaccinated for c19 and I couldn't find any tech that resembled anything seen by others. I go up to 400x. I guess that's a blessing I don't see any but just trying to confirm others findings of QD and nanotech. Thanks.
20x objective , 15 x eyepiece and about <10 x on the phone. it was an unusual one as i had added more of the same liquid B12 and all the others melted but not that one so had a clear view inside.
I don't know how many blood slides i have looked at recently but its in the hundreds and i have only seen 5 odd fully identifiable chips. Many forming ones tho. The small ones are very easy to miss and I'm sure I have scanned past way more than i have seen.
We are under attack.
Hi Matt, I wonder if you post-process your images in Photoshop or similar, which is quite visibile in picture 3 and 6. Notice how they have the aquarel painting look.
Tweaking pictures is important and can add much value in clarity and so on.
However, when one overdoes it, it's not a good thing.
I'm guessing the cause is noise reduction. It smooths things out but yields the aquarel phenomenon when pushed too far, at least in my experience.
I like your microscopy pictures a lot and this is intended as positive criticism.
Thank you for your work Matt.
Hi Wicked.
Photoshop? Never used it in my life. Wouldn't know how. I just want to learn the layering that's in the scope software . It doesn't change anything except to take the differing focus levels and stitch them together. The a queer el phenomena may be the phone camera tho. Don't know what that is either.
Will take all the positive criticism i can get. Thanks.
Picture 9 is an example of a sharp, clear image that doesn't have the aquarel effect at all.