Hi Matt, do you know where these people got the laser treatments, in a clinic, or they bought the machines?

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Such horrifying but necessary information. Thank you Matt

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Green lasers are definitely the greatest option.

This would be the simplest and fastest method to get rid of killer tech .

Chelation works many wonders, great improvements even apart wrecking the tech, but is not for everyone. It needs a disciplined life, with intermittent fasting, if done properly, difficult to observe for many.

Would the green light in a room, or sauna, everywhere, many bulbs of just green, will have the same effect like the laser, with much longer exposure of course-we can spend our day in this ambience, maybe?

And adding some frequencies, mass homeopathic protocols-Banerji style? That’s for we need talented homeopathic docs to come together, maybe Banerji’s clinic too, we don’t have time for personalized homeopathy for all beings on the planet.

Joette Calabrese is a great homeopath, specializing in Banerji aproach.

Again about green bulbs, if workable, autistic children, other anxious people won’t panic during treatment sessions, it might be funny for them to be in a green chamber, maybe, instead having something pointed in their mouth or belly for tens of minutes?

Thank you for your invaluable work!

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Hi Monica,

The green doesn't get rid of all the tech, its mainly the polymer clots. I think small amounts may be more effective than large amounts but this needs to be quantified via trial and error. Regards, Matt.

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What if we’d use the green Weber laser method, exposed by yourself and doing the belly button position, suggested by Medicman, each day , maybe more than once a day and then finding a seasoned homeopathic doc or more🙏 to work around how to efficiently eliminate the polymer gunk resulted after laser sessions? The only way with homeopathy might be Banerji like approach , my hobbyist -only guess here, we may not have time to go the Hahnemann route, for all the planet…

Thank you for all this invaluable work!

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thank you!

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thankyou for sharing. I miss looking down the mic...

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thanks for all the work you are doing and sharing with us tentative solutions. The fractal antennae from the lung sample is very large, well developed. We probably all have something like that in us. Again, thankful for you, Matt!

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Hi Matt- Have you ever tested to see if Borax works?

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I put it in my water But am not spending money on live blood analysis. Lost my lab job to the jab!

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Bonnie I'm not Matt but can speak to Borax in the water. Good for you as it will stop the progression of arthritis and osteoporosis. See Dr George Flechas MD, PHD on YouTube. Watch his videos on his 30 or so years of research on this topic.

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Not yet.

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Sep 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt, many thanks for your diligent efforts on behalf of humanity. We appreciate any information that can be used to keep us healthy and alive.

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I too appreciate the feedback and info people send me here. It all helps, Thanks.

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This is good news Matt! What do you think of this kind of Weber, the watch?


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Hi Proton,

Weber has a long history of medical trials and experience but I have not tested those so cannot say. We did test a red watch (not a Weber) and the blood looked worse. This could have been temporary with longer term benefits but we don't know.

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At least these kinds of investigations are possibly leading to something. Great kind of post Matt!

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Sep 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Very interesting upload Matt.

I'll have to look at a lung oyster under my chinoscope this evening just for the heck of it.

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Let us know , Cheers.

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Hi Matt, Can you confirm the Weber device was set to the blue-green laser diode output (512-535nm) for these results and were other laser light colors used, (red, infrared, etc. the longer wavelengths) shown to be ineffective? Thanks for your updates!

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Its a tricky question as there could be a short term degradation and a long term advantage to some wavelengths. Hesitant on red and blue due to immediate effects on blood, but I also hear people having relief from other symptoms with them. UV trials on now.

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You may remember Trump talking about disinfectant (Borax) and UV light for Covid, could he have been giving some message to us or his minions, or even taunting us? Strange to say the least upon reading the info in these comments:


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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt I can speak to UV effects directly from my years of working with it IV. IT WORKS!

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Hi Danyelle, Hope you are keeping well up there, M

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hey Matt!

Substack has flushed my former text! %&#$,+(=]

Keeping good here up North and hoping you are too, despite the current situation.

At least, more and more of the criminals’ malfeasances are now exposed in broad daylight, thanks to good doers like you and many other concerned individuals.

Nonetheless, and even if the laser TX seemed to work well, your morning posts just made me cry on all these horrors humans are submitted against their will. Sniff!

Will send an email soon.

Hugs & Love. D.

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I just want to say thank you for your posts.

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Sep 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Great work! Raising the body pH/cellular voltage and oxygenating the body can counteract many diseases. Our bodies are electrical and magnetic before chemical and biological. The electrons are distributed through 13 circuits that connect our major organs, teeth and brain. Our cells require -25mv/7.45 pH to operate properly. Our cells are 70% water and as voltage drops less oxygen is absorbed by the cell and disease begins. Oxygenate, increase pH and increase electrons. Assuming the nanotech is self assembling it needs energy/electrons from our body.

Some info:

Healing is Voltage , by Dr Jerry Tennant

Sodium Bicarbonate, Dr Simoncini, Dr Mark Circus

Vitamin C IV, Dr Levy


Ozone IR IV blood therapy


Chlorine dioxide, Dr Andreas Kalcker, www.comusav.com www.theuniversalantidote.com

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Great, we have found the same resources. Have you ruled out the UV-C blood irradiation method mentioned by Dr. Levy for cleaning the blood?

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Hi Art, Its looking like the UV followed by the green is good, but more work to do.

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I am not aware of that one from Dr Levy. I’ll check it out. The ones I mention above may reduce symptoms. There are a few out there may reduce nano tech; Dr A Mihalcea, Dr Robert Young. Maybe others.

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Sep 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Here is the article about using UV-C blood irradiation. https://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v19n39.shtml

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Sep 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thank-you. Another tool in our tool box. Although when I see spike protein I assume it's nanotechnology.

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Sep 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt can you share any more about "One was a lady that had an old wooden potentiator and made a homeopathic concoction" - did she make the remedy from the jab vial or some other source?

The homeopath Ton Jansen in Holland is helping people with jab and shedding issues using a combination of all 4 manufacturers mutiple jabs + boosters together - 2 weeks on each of these potencies 30c, 200c, 1M and 10M in sequence. He's an expert in helping autistic kids detox vaccine injuries...

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I wonder if the unjabbed would be helped by this. Only under the supervision of an experienced homeopath.....

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Lisa, yes as it seems that almost everyone is now contaminated, we all need a breakthrough with treatments that work, both the jabbed and unjabbed.

My hope is to find and test with the blood a remedy or set of remedies that will undo the synthetic biology and return the blood to normal. I believe that homeopathy and other frequency medicines have great potential for this. I'm thinking of a homeopathic detox of the poisons used, but it needs to be wider than this to address the electronic control system being installed.

I have seen some successes reported for homeopathy, Rife frequencies, healing sounds and the green laser already being explored. I'm sure there are other modalities too.

Homeopathy is IMO extremely safe, so once a solution has been found I wouldn't worry too much about homeopathic supervision, a lot of folk can't afford that and advice can be given in case of aggravation. It's also a very affordable medicine so that everyone can have access to it.

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I have heard that using nosodes without having the particular infection may put one at risk for getting the infection from the nosode. I'm just a student, though and not a trained homeopath. I will be starting a course soon, though. I want to learn more and use more of it.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I think of it this way Lisa - homeopathy is energy medicine - the nosodes are highly diluted and potentised, for example a 30c potency of syphilis will first be triturated for 2 hours (ground in a mortar and pestle with milk sugar) and then diluted and succused (energised) in alchohol to 10⁶⁰. At this dilution there is no possibility of a living infection! Secondly, the 'terrain debate' has I believe firmly established that there is no scientific evidence proving infectious diseases either bacterial or viral (virus in old medical books means poison). Instead, I believe we have poisoning from chemicals and toxic tissue and the 'gain of function' bioweapons ...

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Excellent explanation. Thank you!

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Sep 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Maybe, 1M and 10M , one and only one dose per week/ month ? The highest dilutions don’t repeat too often but this is an unusual, never seen before situation…

Homeopathy may be the way to treat the babies, the small children, pets and farm animals, even wildlife, by putting it in their water…I pray for the awakening of talented homeopathic doctors already!

We are running out of time, children and young people die in droves, each day.

Thank you for telling us about Ton Jansen’s work!

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Sep 15Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Ton Jansen has found a quicker method to detox vaxine damaged autistic kids. Generally he gives each potency of the jab twice a week for 2 weeks - running through all 4 potencies in 8 weeks. He's been doing this for over 20 years and worked closely with Tinus Smits (CEASE therapy) until his death in 2010.

He's having success with CV jabs. it would be good to have homeopaths who can test the blood to be see what the remedies are doing. That's why Matt mentioning the blood of the lady with the homeopathic concoction is interesting. Presumably she's using some kind of radionics machine.?

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Is it the same like homeopathic potentizer machine?

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Sep 16Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I feel that those with normal blood right now can offer vital information on what they are doing right that's protecting them. I would love to have a chat with the lady you mention if that is possible.

Paulette Coates reported in March that she's cleared her blood using Spooky 2 rife frequencies. A week ago (6 months later) she said "My blood remains clear. Believing is seeing😊" others have shared similar successes.


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Hi Greg, I did watch the process but am unsure, so will ask for accuracy plus what is ok to share here.

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Thank you Matt that would be very helpful.

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Sep 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt, it will be interesting to have at least a homeopathic doctor acknowledging what is really happening- I’ve long sent links from Dr Ana’s and others, the people who can join the quest for solutions are still oblivious.

I am not a homeopath , other than for my family. Looking into homeopathy for my pleasure and personal use.

If I had your microscope and expertise, thiosinaminum 200C would be my choice, for adult humans. It eliminates scares and fibroids from had to toe, with emphasis on reproductive systems.

So people with prosthetics inside should really consult a seasoned homeopath before going there because this thing pushes things out.

We take thiosinaminum in our family without any problems, along with Dr Ana’s protocol. Even the dog had it, a few months after being neutered. The frequency of use is variable but nobody had problems with it so far.

Please look into it, it fits even the present universal mood:anxious.

A talented group of homeopathic doctors could even think about one or more nosodes, maybe…Where are they?

Thank you.

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The universal antidote for any inconvenience from any homeopathic product is camphore, 30C is a good option .

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Sep 14Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Awesome work Matt, leading the charge globally in this emerging field. Great to see such a significant change from the Pre Laser & Post Laser blood samples. PhotoBioModulation I feel will be a key to healing and eliminating and excreting this hydrogel / polymer.

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Thanks Chris.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

I am not recommending anything here as these are not medical devices and can have a variance of approx 517 to 535 nm depending on temperature etc. Maybe only 5 or 10 minutes per session is enough. But something like these 2 components can be put together easily. A 2' cable will probably reduce the 50 mw down to 40 mw or so. Don't shine them in any eyes or at planes obviously.

There is no guarantee these will work and they probably wont produce the results seen in the post. As we are still researching more info will will be put out over time.



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