Please see my page... I have restacked this with a long comment. I have so much evidence to share..... We need to collaborate and get our information out to everyone. There is much more involved that simply nano tech in our bodies and brain tissue... Much more.
Matt-- GREAT images of the intrabodynanohardware. Those rectangle/squares in your slide 1 and 2, those manifest in my skin when my intrabody nano circuitry/hardware gets triggered /activated. Once it's fully incubated in a person's system, the individual doesnt need a microscope, because all of those nanohardwares that all of the microscope researchers see in their magnified slides, are at 100% regular visible to the naked eye scale/size, visible. In the skin system. So yup, 100% real and true and ACCURATE images of the intrabody nano circuitry hardware. Just to give you confirmation. (It's also populated in my foreward on the left side (my weak side / my more heavilyl nano'd side).
I’ve noticed the same.. no microscope needed all the same crap coming from skin! My left side also feels more heavily affected.. but there is junk all throughout the right side of my body too that I didn’t feel grow.
Kim HI, yup, exactly. Thank you so much for sharing. Makes me feel less alone in this experience. The thing that's been freaking me out most recently is how my legs / arms / hands/ feet-- have become more "tight / stiff" with numbness/tingles, as if the "vice" is tightening on my internal endothelial system being overtaken/bodysnatched/overgrown-like-ivyvines by the intrabodynanocircuity/hardware. As if I'm hitting a tipping point on the internal plasticization / cyborgification. And my footpads (bottom of my feet), when I walk now, seem to be more uncomfortable lately, as if they've become even more populated with structures/hardware. I just reordered all the protease-enzyme supplements and am gonna get back into the tackling protocols (get back to throwing the kitchen sink at it again, from a sabbatical). Well Kim, I'm gonna join your substack and I'm sure we'll exchange thoughts / stories / updates again. Really great to meet you. Total fellow feelilng.
Goodness! The fire hose of information is gushing! Have my scope set up, barely. Haven’t seen fibers, yet, gels, and a few of the bright colored specs that glow ‘nicely’ with dark field. Camera to computer hook up is lame and very pixilated, much better looking through the binoculars. Finger prick is all I’ve tried but have leaned to focus and navigate the wee world. Now for the crash course in phlebotomy.
Thanks Matt for all the info and links of late! Discovering the wave frequencies that clear this crap may be the key! How else do the monsters keep themselves safe?
Clifford Carnicom and Dr. Ana Mihalcea performed some studies with frequencies. I think you can find links on Dr. Ana's substack. I'm sure they are published on
One comment Carnicom made was he found no frequencies that worked on the invaders that didn't have very detrimental effects on the healthy biological or natural cells. Some frequencies actually stimulated activity of the invaders. So, study up if you plan to experiment on yourself with frequencies.
The magnification is usually a bit of a scam where they give you high magnification eyepieces that dont give good clarity but you can ignore that part. If the optics are good and the 40x especially you will see plenty.
I have a structural integration studio (pilates, Redcord, Rolfing, vibrational sound therapy) and am not surprisingly seeing a FUCK TON of symptoms. I have multiple clients recently diagnosed with cancer, many non specific rashes, sleep disturbance, kidney issues, and A LOT of vertigo issues. I am done recommending things... and hoping they speak to their doctor...who won't do shit....
I want to start looking for myself. I have a small apothecary....I mix various things for people using DMSO, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, etc. I think a microscope is my next step.
Optimally Organics just sent me an email about red pine needle oil and how it dissolves plastic in the body. Thought about calling them and asking if it dissolves hydrogel.More effective when combined with Fulvic ionic minerals.Already been taking fulvic acid with grape juice late nights usually and saw biofilm the next morning when I first used it.Just got a shungite orgone pyramid from fix the world Morocco adding to the reich style pyramid I already had and sleep close to both of them as there is evidence orgone energy is blood beneficial.I also sleep on a grounding sheet,would like to get a bigger one and wear both an Elite shungite and orgone pendants.Had to spend some time with a vaxxed person and was having weird breathing sensations,CDS stopped it so an inexpensive electron donor.Been drinking essential oils for the last 5 yrs,Essential oils have a very high frequency.Whatever you do expect it to work
The optics look great using the 40x with the 10x eye pieces- scale of RBC’s is similar to what I see in your amazing photos- I’ve zoomed in and can view pretty good with the 100x but depth of field sucks - but there is a nice fine focus adjustment. The link to the computer is very pixelated, so I haven’t used it much. A gizmo is included that is supposed to hold one’s phone up to one of the eye pieces- it holds the phone okay but I can’t figure out how it connects to the scope to steady it.
I’m learning though! Wish for more time- soon I hope.
Yes they are good value for the $ and enough for most people. Dont buy the cameras as the phones are better. also if you can get them to sell it without any oil objectives or oil condensers is better too. get the dry dark field condenser and a 60 or 80 x dry objective instead of the 100.
Will do...I imagine I’ll be around here a lot as I find my way...thank you for all you are doing. And for abundantly sharing your knowledge on how to get started. Many thanks...
Thank you, Susan. I have been chomping at the bit to get one, but am going in blind. My dad was a dermatologist and I spent countless hours looking at slides with him, but never knew what kind of scope he was using. He passed 10 years ago, long before I had any inclination to look at my own blood - and my kiddos'. Thank you for the info :)
I’m just feeling my way here too! Good luck with all. So many things I want to check out- first look at my own blood - just a finger prick- no fibers, a few glowing small dots here and there, and overall looked okay- no stacking flat shaped ones, but appeared clumpy compared to some of the nice separated round shapes I’ve seen.
The dark field thing is built in, just above the light- I had to look up ‘dark field’ on web- ha ha- the scope had very minimal instructions- there is a leaver below the viewing table to engage and adjust it .
Invited of course. I’m picking up a lot from you all. I want to understand what’s going on and you all have knowledge superior to mine, esp in this area. But I have a good brain willing to expand. So true - the more you know - the more there is to know!!
That micro mini mobile phone - that’s a first I’ve seen. Perfectly formed.
Matt I love your pictures. I have been seeing many of the ribbon structures since 2021 along with multiple other anomalies that don't belong in blood. Some of what I call graphene ribbons actually unfold in the plasma under the red blood cell layers.
But before I do, I want to thank you ahead for your time, indulging me and my thoughts on frequency and if we can really know if they are going to help us. Here is something to think about, I hope we won't dismiss them too quickly as part of a bigger solution just because they didn't show, under the viewing of a microscope, that they were beneficial.
This is a quote from Eileen McKusick, Electric Body, Electric Health pg 49.
"Our bodies are electrical waves informed by geometry. The human ear mirrors the spiral found at every scale of creation, from galaxies to seashells. The human body is built on what Renaissance artists called the divine proportion-also known as phi or the golden ratio. On a subtler level, our electromagnetic bodies are also geometric in nature. I recently created a set of weighted tuning forks that are tuned to the eleventh (89 Hz) and twelfth (144 Hz) positions in the Fibonacci sequence. When you divide these numbers, you get the phi ratio. I use these particular frequencies to induce the geometric information of the natural harmonics of the unfolding of nature, in perfect proportion. The effect is one of being able to rest more in the ordered geometry that underlies the composition of the human body. The way I understand it is that these frequencies help bring order to our etheric bodies-our geometric templates. On user described them as creating a sense of a "brighter inner order.""
From my experience, I've witnessed remarkable help using tuning forks. How can this be accurately measured with a microscope with the material on a slide, it isn't a fair assessment, I'm sharing my opinion. If we look at an image under a microscope, how do we know if it is part of the orchestra if it is found outside of the orchestra? It wouldn't be the same, and don't you think "they" know we'd all be looking under microscopes for the answer? These tools work for certain things but you can't test life or how life interacts with things in a living body. The test doesn't seem fair to me.
Wiser to invest in ideas, to look where they think we wouldn't. I truly appreciate the hard work done so far, looking at a band-aid, medications ect. Obviously, they've contaminated everything to try to croak us.
The clock running, so I want to share something I recently experienced, perhaps it'll help shed light on this. I truly hope it helps us in our observation to learn about this because this is a bad situation.
I know I've got the beacon system in me, no doubt, since 2007. Long story, long road. And now, who doesn't?
But just recently, there was a positive effect when I took a week of nano silver and borate, lower than suggested dosage. My symptoms went away, I was amazed so I went off, they came back. I took a minimum dose, once in the a.m., first thing on an empty stomach., again in the p.m., before bed.
Now, I've got a working theory. My energy requirements were met, my internal system was satisfied enough to give me a positive effect. I felt different, better, symptoms gone. When I'm healthy and feel good, my natural shield and defenses are up. So, if my coherence is up, interference might be harder for them. Still, just a theory.
There's a lot of details to unravel, I've got the triangle, I do CDS, I watch and try everything to see... but nothing has spun my dials until this interesting experience.
To cut to the chase, I had studied all that I could find out about heavy metals with particular interest in copper. I took a lot of copper, at first very little, later more, then more. No change. Was the copper I took too big to serve the purpose I needed? It was not nano. So, in listening to this Navy Whistleblower, particularly when he talks about aluminum, how in the ionic form with water, copper can oppose it, it clears up cancer. This idea has sparked me. The "copper is toxic!" is proven to be a misdirect and a big fat lie. Of course, they don't want us to know this. My ears perked, I got a piloerection. This discussion could be a very important detail the brave navy guy is exposing. Listening is hard, it is complex, but there may be a nugget here.
I know nano is a dirty word but, I did hear Morley Robbins, who has been researching copper for a long time, had said that the nano copper might be able to get into the mitochondria and cells better in some ways, kind of squeeze in, so to speak. He wasn't real exacting, and I can't really repeat what he said as a quote, but I know there is something here.
So, I found a farm-grade nano copper, it has a little silver along with it.
I'll check in later to tell you what I learn from my own experimentation, but it will be a little time to see. I hope my sharing this inspires someone's imagination and brings us to understand how we can thrive in this "tight" situation, looking forward to more, because there's always more. Time's ticking away...
No, thank You Rauwolfia, thats all interesting stuff for me. I have always been a copper fan for unknown reasons. It would make sense for them to lie about anything that could help, in advance too.
I am a small test sample, a short period of time to see it, but I do know what I know.
I share to those who are open, to the possibility that we "fight nano with nano". I've chosen Sovereign Silver that has a ratio of copper to silver that I'm comfortable with, is available---for now, clean enough to take the smallest amount needed.
Coherence is key to our ability to stay healthy and function against stress. Copper complements the smallest engine of life, the mitochondria. So, it has intentionally been taken away from us, all verified, and iron has been substituted to hamper us.
The form of copper may be a detail that the devil has a hand in. In our plight, we're just getting past the "copper is toxic" and now we have the "nano is toxic" to deal with.
But here's a tell, that the word "nano" has been weaponized. Remember, it was the first word "out there" when we realized the coyid crisis was planned to croak us.
This may be one of the most necessary ingredients to surviving this, hidden in plain sight. They're playing hard ball, but this just might be a possibility, a small element that makes the difference.
I'm reaching, I know, but there isn't anything left to lose, so, I'm throwing this in.
Again, thank you for being a thoughtful person, someone to bounce this off of.
It gets exciting when I think about after all this, there is The Beauty to Come.
If anyone had been curious about the outcome of trying the nano copper, I'll say, I had a saturation event. After approximately 2 mo., my muscles felt stiff, this told me enough. When I stopped, the flexibility came back in one day. Going to tonp to see if he can tell me more about this idea. For now, avoiding iron as much as possible, (washing red meat in salt water does knock it down).
I'll be pursuing the copper but in what form is the question. The disk supplied for my new Radiac protocol is made of copper, can the element energetically be absorbed? But it's only 30 min treatment, and circulates a gold solution to remedy joint inflammation. Being a retire masseuse, wear and tear caught up with me. I thought it useful to follow up and report my response. Still seeing the Beauty.
don't wear masks they will make you ill. Stand your ground. You are left breathing back in - toxins your body is breathing out. You can create pneumonia like this and or asphyxiate from the carbon monoxide you breathe out. The science is on your side in this case - to NOT wear them.
It wasn't that long ago that we were still debating if those were air bubbles. Now its too obvious they are gel to bother debating that. The growth has been seen to more than double in a few weeks in my own blood. .
Yes we are up against it to say the least and I suspect the frequencies are setting the pace driven by an ai schedule. Just my thoughts though and happy to be proven wrong.
To me there should be no other focus than finding a rapid answer to the gel issue as its probable that it represents the amount of calamari in the blood vessels. This is not proven yet as there is 3 stages to get there. Showing the gel on the slide represents the % gel from the veins, and then showing that the gel in the veins represents the % amount of calamari. While it makes sense and is the only logical answer I can think of, it may still be incorrect.
Do we have time to fart around proving it? That I am not sure about at all. Am I scare mongering for saying what I am seeing today? People can take it or leave it, but I would suggest they get ready for problems if they don't mitigate it somehow.
Ron Norris is the only person in the world today who can legitimately claim success against this and my suggestion is to follow his works until there is something else that works.
I am hoping to hear of experimental work from the states next week that may suggest another method to try and will update as soon as I do. Also I would like to hear from anyone who has results using any other methodologies or knows of same.
There is no time for pussyfooting around. If people can't handle your discoveries and those of others, they need to walk away. It won't help them, but it won't hinder anyone else.
I've been using Lumbrokinase for almost two months and though I don't have a microscope, I can attest the amazing amount of stuff coming out my rear end. It's unlike anything I've experienced and I know it's some kind of die off of very strange and toxic stuff.
I'm adding Serrapeptase and Nattokinase this month to see what happens. Also Fenbendazole this month. I'm also on a slew of other supplements in a scatter shot approach to killing this stuff.
The effects have been interesting. I have a few hours per day when I feel sickened. That leaves and then I am exhausted. I am sleeping a great deal. Not from depression or anything mental, but my body just wants sleep and a lot of it. Then when I wake, I have several hours where I feel so healthy and alive. It's great. Though it doesn't last, but it's very hopeful. I haven't felt that great in years.
I also have Morgellons/CDB so that complicates my experiences a little. Though Clifford Carnicom says Morgellons/CDB is in everyone so maybe my condition is on par.
Unfortunately if there was good info there i wont see it as his site wouldnt let me get past the adverts. A bit peeved at that waste of time. Not your fault.
If I see information that is blocked by an add I exit asap.
Aside from that its very relevant in another aspect as there has been a major breakthrough involving a different application of CDS. Coming very soon.
That's what I was afraid of. We have no live blood analysis where we live and though I got a micrscope, it doesn't work well and I cannot see very well using it. It's safe to assume we are all in the same boat. BTW, I don't think you are fear mongering. This is the #1 important issue. They want 90% of us dead. They will accomplish it however they can. You live in a remote, pristine area with little to no wifi??? And eat clean, pristine food and water, right? If your blood is increasingly contaminated, imagine the rest of the world. Thanks so much for your work. It's so important.
Wondering .. we've got not just chips and weird fractal antennas in us, but what synthetics and chimera's are we all shedding into the wild, environmentally?
Yes had this question from someone thoughtful enough to worry about the environment. This is being sprayed on us like bugs. Fibres especially. The environment is as contaminated as we are. I used to dispose of them carefully and now I just sweep them out the door.
The Jabbed are still getting sick and dying faster than the unjabbed. The Doctors, coroners, pathologists, undertakers and embalmers that are not on board or too scared to talk are verifying this.
Regarding the blood in the living it appears more to do with diet and lifestyles as to the health of the blood. As an example anyone still drinking a lot of energy drinks and junk food compared to the ladies eating out of their gardens, regardless of jab status the latter will have better blood separation and less rouleaux or gel.
There are a few ladies that I have seen trying a herbal tonic that has made a significant difference in their fibre and gel levels. More on that after further testing. Tai chi seems to help too. Energy.
To me jabbed or nasal torture tested is not much different. Also we can probably add dental anesthetics or any other injectable to "jabbed " status at this stage.
MRI, I wouldnt go near that either.
Its time we got over the stigma of jabbed I think.
Yes, Yes, Yes. The diet is vitally important. A high sugar diet seems to feed this shit and causes health issues faster . We have been brain-trained to think that all health issues are being caused by a high fat , high carb sugar filled diet...chocolate, sweets, cakes, biscuits etc. BUT, though true to a certain extent, our food industry’s have all been geared up for decades to put vast amounts of sugar into everything we eat and drink. It feeds the shit in our bodies as an energy source, exacerbating the problems encountered with weight gain, poor metabolism, bad skin, blood circulation, diabetes, all these health issues are being controlled and intensified by the tech inside our bodies.
Mental health issues have gone through the roof... it’s all to do with the tech controlling our hormonal systems and neural pathways via the towers that are now every few hundred metres apart all over the world! See for yourself... huge tetra towers atop every town and city, with smaller versions loaded with aerials all triangulated and just a few hundred metres apart... everyone inside those triangulated areas is being fucked over 24/7. Drink issues, depression , massive amounts of people suddenly diagnosed with ADHD, schizophrenia, paranoia, delusions, bi-polar, personality disorder, Asperger’s, autism, epilepsy is a huge one now, all caused by this tech connecting us all to the towers and then to the grid.
The electrical wiring systems in every building connected to the grid and to the tech inside us. I have had this confirmed by an army major, police officers, doctors, scientists, an ex GCHQ IT specialist.... the towers are a BIG part of this.
Every conceivable aspect of human bodily function has been taken over and can be mangled with this tech and those towers. We are basically at the mercy of men who are sub-human monsters making millions from websites depicting us and our children in our home environments.... this is a side-line multi million pound business to the original program. We all know how corrupt government is and how many peadophiles are at the top of every power chain... church, government, police, military, education.
Next time to pass a primary school look for the nearer tower... often they are right next to them. And colleges too. ! Open your eyes.... it’s not just what’s in our blood... it’s what it’s communicating with.
I agree sugar is extremely damaging. But I also believe it is a Trojan Horse. They get people addicted to sugar and then load up those foods with the worst, damaging chemicals, oxidized fats, preservatives, colors, etc. One hundred years ago, sugar was eaten in extreme moderation in foods created at home and it didn't cause problems.
Yes yes and YES! Preach Christine! I can feel so much more energy without sunglasses, no? Sunglasses are a prescription for depression. What do you do for lighting?
I have blue eyes that WERE extremely sensitive but I stopped sunglasses all summer, all day in the direct sun. My eyes are no longer severely sensitive. I can sungaze in the early morning or evening. Just like when I was a kid.
I use specialty incandescent bulbs, mostly yellow hue. I’m winter I’ll use infared ruby lux for lovely spa like heat/light therapy. I don’t use it in summer because I’m hot blooded and I can just sit in the sunshine all day before work. My tan gets so much attention because people worry about cancer but even if it happens I have to have my happy sun time!
To clarify my comment. There are many ways I look at information received.
Bits I know are true based on my experience.
Bits I believe are probably correct, that fit my understanding.
Bits that I know are not true based on my experience.
Bits that I believe are not correct, but am unsure.
Bits I don't understand that if important I will research.
The logic of the information and how it fits into the macro view.
A self assigned credibility ranking that I assign to the information provider based on multiple criteria.
References to material that can fit any of the above.
That's some of the thought processes that we all probably run through automatically as we look at and assess different information received.
Each of us will have differing methodologies and world views that influence these factors.
This is an off the top of the head response, but indicative of some of my thought processes when researching.
So my most basic answer would be that there are the bits I agree with and the rest falls into other categories as above. I don't recall anything I specifically disagreed with off hand
It is hard to know whom to trust these days. If focus and thoughts create experience, then taking supplements will help us if we think that they are beneficial.
Having followed Erics journey for a while starting in telegram and concluded he is an honorable man and doing his best for us all. We dont all have to agree on everything to recognise the good people in this battle. We still have differing opinions on some things and respect each others right to do so. Answers and progress do not come via everyone thinking the same.
I have a very short list of people whose I trust to be entirely honest about what they are finding through different methodologies and Eric is one of those at the top of the List.
Good to hear your opinion; I have also started following Eric's output, and also looking at Tony P's electromagnetism devices - not sure what to make of those yet, do you have any experience with them?
Please see my page... I have restacked this with a long comment. I have so much evidence to share..... We need to collaborate and get our information out to everyone. There is much more involved that simply nano tech in our bodies and brain tissue... Much more.
Matt-- GREAT images of the intrabodynanohardware. Those rectangle/squares in your slide 1 and 2, those manifest in my skin when my intrabody nano circuitry/hardware gets triggered /activated. Once it's fully incubated in a person's system, the individual doesnt need a microscope, because all of those nanohardwares that all of the microscope researchers see in their magnified slides, are at 100% regular visible to the naked eye scale/size, visible. In the skin system. So yup, 100% real and true and ACCURATE images of the intrabody nano circuitry hardware. Just to give you confirmation. (It's also populated in my foreward on the left side (my weak side / my more heavilyl nano'd side).
I’ve noticed the same.. no microscope needed all the same crap coming from skin! My left side also feels more heavily affected.. but there is junk all throughout the right side of my body too that I didn’t feel grow.
Kim HI, yup, exactly. Thank you so much for sharing. Makes me feel less alone in this experience. The thing that's been freaking me out most recently is how my legs / arms / hands/ feet-- have become more "tight / stiff" with numbness/tingles, as if the "vice" is tightening on my internal endothelial system being overtaken/bodysnatched/overgrown-like-ivyvines by the intrabodynanocircuity/hardware. As if I'm hitting a tipping point on the internal plasticization / cyborgification. And my footpads (bottom of my feet), when I walk now, seem to be more uncomfortable lately, as if they've become even more populated with structures/hardware. I just reordered all the protease-enzyme supplements and am gonna get back into the tackling protocols (get back to throwing the kitchen sink at it again, from a sabbatical). Well Kim, I'm gonna join your substack and I'm sure we'll exchange thoughts / stories / updates again. Really great to meet you. Total fellow feelilng.
Spectacular testimony….thankyou
Goodness! The fire hose of information is gushing! Have my scope set up, barely. Haven’t seen fibers, yet, gels, and a few of the bright colored specs that glow ‘nicely’ with dark field. Camera to computer hook up is lame and very pixilated, much better looking through the binoculars. Finger prick is all I’ve tried but have leaned to focus and navigate the wee world. Now for the crash course in phlebotomy.
Thanks Matt for all the info and links of late! Discovering the wave frequencies that clear this crap may be the key! How else do the monsters keep themselves safe?
Clifford Carnicom and Dr. Ana Mihalcea performed some studies with frequencies. I think you can find links on Dr. Ana's substack. I'm sure they are published on
One comment Carnicom made was he found no frequencies that worked on the invaders that didn't have very detrimental effects on the healthy biological or natural cells. Some frequencies actually stimulated activity of the invaders. So, study up if you plan to experiment on yourself with frequencies.
Thank you for the cautionary warning! Will look for what has been tried. For now, optimization of own being and environment is lots of work! Hugs
What scope did you get, if you Tony mind sharing?
Item #CX1004-F
Goes up to 5k mag. Tri-optical
Just under 300$. Has lots of goodies to get ya started- slides, slips etc
Hi Susan,
The magnification is usually a bit of a scam where they give you high magnification eyepieces that dont give good clarity but you can ignore that part. If the optics are good and the 40x especially you will see plenty.
Sounds like very good value. Good for you.
I have a structural integration studio (pilates, Redcord, Rolfing, vibrational sound therapy) and am not surprisingly seeing a FUCK TON of symptoms. I have multiple clients recently diagnosed with cancer, many non specific rashes, sleep disturbance, kidney issues, and A LOT of vertigo issues. I am done recommending things... and hoping they speak to their doctor...who won't do shit....
I want to start looking for myself. I have a small apothecary....I mix various things for people using DMSO, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, etc. I think a microscope is my next step.
Hi Sarah, you have exactly the right things in your tool kit there. A microscope is the next one for confirmation.
Optimally Organics just sent me an email about red pine needle oil and how it dissolves plastic in the body. Thought about calling them and asking if it dissolves hydrogel.More effective when combined with Fulvic ionic minerals.Already been taking fulvic acid with grape juice late nights usually and saw biofilm the next morning when I first used it.Just got a shungite orgone pyramid from fix the world Morocco adding to the reich style pyramid I already had and sleep close to both of them as there is evidence orgone energy is blood beneficial.I also sleep on a grounding sheet,would like to get a bigger one and wear both an Elite shungite and orgone pendants.Had to spend some time with a vaxxed person and was having weird breathing sensations,CDS stopped it so an inexpensive electron donor.Been drinking essential oils for the last 5 yrs,Essential oils have a very high frequency.Whatever you do expect it to work
🎯 💯
The optics look great using the 40x with the 10x eye pieces- scale of RBC’s is similar to what I see in your amazing photos- I’ve zoomed in and can view pretty good with the 100x but depth of field sucks - but there is a nice fine focus adjustment. The link to the computer is very pixelated, so I haven’t used it much. A gizmo is included that is supposed to hold one’s phone up to one of the eye pieces- it holds the phone okay but I can’t figure out how it connects to the scope to steady it.
I’m learning though! Wish for more time- soon I hope.
You put an eyepiece in the phone holder and it works fine.
Thanks! I’ll try, I was having too much fun just looking ! You’re so sweet to give help. Bed time on this side of the planet 🌎
Matt, what microscope would you recommend for starting out? I went back and looked through your you still like the OMAX?
Yes they are good value for the $ and enough for most people. Dont buy the cameras as the phones are better. also if you can get them to sell it without any oil objectives or oil condensers is better too. get the dry dark field condenser and a 60 or 80 x dry objective instead of the 100.
Will do...I imagine I’ll be around here a lot as I find my way...thank you for all you are doing. And for abundantly sharing your knowledge on how to get started. Many thanks...
Thank you, Susan. I have been chomping at the bit to get one, but am going in blind. My dad was a dermatologist and I spent countless hours looking at slides with him, but never knew what kind of scope he was using. He passed 10 years ago, long before I had any inclination to look at my own blood - and my kiddos'. Thank you for the info :)
I’m just feeling my way here too! Good luck with all. So many things I want to check out- first look at my own blood - just a finger prick- no fibers, a few glowing small dots here and there, and overall looked okay- no stacking flat shaped ones, but appeared clumpy compared to some of the nice separated round shapes I’ve seen.
The dark field thing is built in, just above the light- I had to look up ‘dark field’ on web- ha ha- the scope had very minimal instructions- there is a leaver below the viewing table to engage and adjust it .
I think someone ate their phone...and it wasn't the dog !
Hi Koppykat,
We just have to keep our sense of humor in all this madness and it probably has all the functionality of a phone, thanks.
That was you in the Dr N chat the other day? If so a big Hi. m
It was ! Hello to you too…I was the spy.
Invited of course. I’m picking up a lot from you all. I want to understand what’s going on and you all have knowledge superior to mine, esp in this area. But I have a good brain willing to expand. So true - the more you know - the more there is to know!!
That micro mini mobile phone - that’s a first I’ve seen. Perfectly formed.
Crap spy, we all know you.
“Loanable Device” to you…
Matt I love your pictures. I have been seeing many of the ribbon structures since 2021 along with multiple other anomalies that don't belong in blood. Some of what I call graphene ribbons actually unfold in the plasma under the red blood cell layers.
I'll have to show some of those in the future.
Ionized water with copper kills cancer. Min. 43. Can someone brainstorm on this? Does anyone see something here? I certainly do.
But before I do, I want to thank you ahead for your time, indulging me and my thoughts on frequency and if we can really know if they are going to help us. Here is something to think about, I hope we won't dismiss them too quickly as part of a bigger solution just because they didn't show, under the viewing of a microscope, that they were beneficial.
This is a quote from Eileen McKusick, Electric Body, Electric Health pg 49.
"Our bodies are electrical waves informed by geometry. The human ear mirrors the spiral found at every scale of creation, from galaxies to seashells. The human body is built on what Renaissance artists called the divine proportion-also known as phi or the golden ratio. On a subtler level, our electromagnetic bodies are also geometric in nature. I recently created a set of weighted tuning forks that are tuned to the eleventh (89 Hz) and twelfth (144 Hz) positions in the Fibonacci sequence. When you divide these numbers, you get the phi ratio. I use these particular frequencies to induce the geometric information of the natural harmonics of the unfolding of nature, in perfect proportion. The effect is one of being able to rest more in the ordered geometry that underlies the composition of the human body. The way I understand it is that these frequencies help bring order to our etheric bodies-our geometric templates. On user described them as creating a sense of a "brighter inner order.""
From my experience, I've witnessed remarkable help using tuning forks. How can this be accurately measured with a microscope with the material on a slide, it isn't a fair assessment, I'm sharing my opinion. If we look at an image under a microscope, how do we know if it is part of the orchestra if it is found outside of the orchestra? It wouldn't be the same, and don't you think "they" know we'd all be looking under microscopes for the answer? These tools work for certain things but you can't test life or how life interacts with things in a living body. The test doesn't seem fair to me.
Wiser to invest in ideas, to look where they think we wouldn't. I truly appreciate the hard work done so far, looking at a band-aid, medications ect. Obviously, they've contaminated everything to try to croak us.
The clock running, so I want to share something I recently experienced, perhaps it'll help shed light on this. I truly hope it helps us in our observation to learn about this because this is a bad situation.
I know I've got the beacon system in me, no doubt, since 2007. Long story, long road. And now, who doesn't?
But just recently, there was a positive effect when I took a week of nano silver and borate, lower than suggested dosage. My symptoms went away, I was amazed so I went off, they came back. I took a minimum dose, once in the a.m., first thing on an empty stomach., again in the p.m., before bed.
Now, I've got a working theory. My energy requirements were met, my internal system was satisfied enough to give me a positive effect. I felt different, better, symptoms gone. When I'm healthy and feel good, my natural shield and defenses are up. So, if my coherence is up, interference might be harder for them. Still, just a theory.
There's a lot of details to unravel, I've got the triangle, I do CDS, I watch and try everything to see... but nothing has spun my dials until this interesting experience.
To cut to the chase, I had studied all that I could find out about heavy metals with particular interest in copper. I took a lot of copper, at first very little, later more, then more. No change. Was the copper I took too big to serve the purpose I needed? It was not nano. So, in listening to this Navy Whistleblower, particularly when he talks about aluminum, how in the ionic form with water, copper can oppose it, it clears up cancer. This idea has sparked me. The "copper is toxic!" is proven to be a misdirect and a big fat lie. Of course, they don't want us to know this. My ears perked, I got a piloerection. This discussion could be a very important detail the brave navy guy is exposing. Listening is hard, it is complex, but there may be a nugget here.
I know nano is a dirty word but, I did hear Morley Robbins, who has been researching copper for a long time, had said that the nano copper might be able to get into the mitochondria and cells better in some ways, kind of squeeze in, so to speak. He wasn't real exacting, and I can't really repeat what he said as a quote, but I know there is something here.
So, I found a farm-grade nano copper, it has a little silver along with it.
I'll check in later to tell you what I learn from my own experimentation, but it will be a little time to see. I hope my sharing this inspires someone's imagination and brings us to understand how we can thrive in this "tight" situation, looking forward to more, because there's always more. Time's ticking away...
Matt, thank you.
No, thank You Rauwolfia, thats all interesting stuff for me. I have always been a copper fan for unknown reasons. It would make sense for them to lie about anything that could help, in advance too.
My experience of this to date, is Positive!
I am a small test sample, a short period of time to see it, but I do know what I know.
I share to those who are open, to the possibility that we "fight nano with nano". I've chosen Sovereign Silver that has a ratio of copper to silver that I'm comfortable with, is available---for now, clean enough to take the smallest amount needed.
Coherence is key to our ability to stay healthy and function against stress. Copper complements the smallest engine of life, the mitochondria. So, it has intentionally been taken away from us, all verified, and iron has been substituted to hamper us.
The form of copper may be a detail that the devil has a hand in. In our plight, we're just getting past the "copper is toxic" and now we have the "nano is toxic" to deal with.
But here's a tell, that the word "nano" has been weaponized. Remember, it was the first word "out there" when we realized the coyid crisis was planned to croak us.
This may be one of the most necessary ingredients to surviving this, hidden in plain sight. They're playing hard ball, but this just might be a possibility, a small element that makes the difference.
I'm reaching, I know, but there isn't anything left to lose, so, I'm throwing this in.
Again, thank you for being a thoughtful person, someone to bounce this off of.
It gets exciting when I think about after all this, there is The Beauty to Come.
If anyone had been curious about the outcome of trying the nano copper, I'll say, I had a saturation event. After approximately 2 mo., my muscles felt stiff, this told me enough. When I stopped, the flexibility came back in one day. Going to tonp to see if he can tell me more about this idea. For now, avoiding iron as much as possible, (washing red meat in salt water does knock it down).
I'll be pursuing the copper but in what form is the question. The disk supplied for my new Radiac protocol is made of copper, can the element energetically be absorbed? But it's only 30 min treatment, and circulates a gold solution to remedy joint inflammation. Being a retire masseuse, wear and tear caught up with me. I thought it useful to follow up and report my response. Still seeing the Beauty.
Phizer anounced last year at the WEF they will reduce the population by 50% this year.
Many have saw this.
don't wear masks they will make you ill. Stand your ground. You are left breathing back in - toxins your body is breathing out. You can create pneumonia like this and or asphyxiate from the carbon monoxide you breathe out. The science is on your side in this case - to NOT wear them.
This is definitely horrifying. It's getting worse, no?
Hi Lisa,
Its getting worse at an increasing rate.
It wasn't that long ago that we were still debating if those were air bubbles. Now its too obvious they are gel to bother debating that. The growth has been seen to more than double in a few weeks in my own blood. .
Yes we are up against it to say the least and I suspect the frequencies are setting the pace driven by an ai schedule. Just my thoughts though and happy to be proven wrong.
To me there should be no other focus than finding a rapid answer to the gel issue as its probable that it represents the amount of calamari in the blood vessels. This is not proven yet as there is 3 stages to get there. Showing the gel on the slide represents the % gel from the veins, and then showing that the gel in the veins represents the % amount of calamari. While it makes sense and is the only logical answer I can think of, it may still be incorrect.
Do we have time to fart around proving it? That I am not sure about at all. Am I scare mongering for saying what I am seeing today? People can take it or leave it, but I would suggest they get ready for problems if they don't mitigate it somehow.
Ron Norris is the only person in the world today who can legitimately claim success against this and my suggestion is to follow his works until there is something else that works.
I am hoping to hear of experimental work from the states next week that may suggest another method to try and will update as soon as I do. Also I would like to hear from anyone who has results using any other methodologies or knows of same.
There is no time for pussyfooting around. If people can't handle your discoveries and those of others, they need to walk away. It won't help them, but it won't hinder anyone else.
I've been using Lumbrokinase for almost two months and though I don't have a microscope, I can attest the amazing amount of stuff coming out my rear end. It's unlike anything I've experienced and I know it's some kind of die off of very strange and toxic stuff.
I'm adding Serrapeptase and Nattokinase this month to see what happens. Also Fenbendazole this month. I'm also on a slew of other supplements in a scatter shot approach to killing this stuff.
The effects have been interesting. I have a few hours per day when I feel sickened. That leaves and then I am exhausted. I am sleeping a great deal. Not from depression or anything mental, but my body just wants sleep and a lot of it. Then when I wake, I have several hours where I feel so healthy and alive. It's great. Though it doesn't last, but it's very hopeful. I haven't felt that great in years.
I also have Morgellons/CDB so that complicates my experiences a little. Though Clifford Carnicom says Morgellons/CDB is in everyone so maybe my condition is on par.
I would be curious to see what happens to your blood if you take EDTA and Chlorine Dioxide (MMS). Read lower on the page:
Hi Katherine,
Unfortunately if there was good info there i wont see it as his site wouldnt let me get past the adverts. A bit peeved at that waste of time. Not your fault.
If I see information that is blocked by an add I exit asap.
Aside from that its very relevant in another aspect as there has been a major breakthrough involving a different application of CDS. Coming very soon.
Regards, matt.
That's what I was afraid of. We have no live blood analysis where we live and though I got a micrscope, it doesn't work well and I cannot see very well using it. It's safe to assume we are all in the same boat. BTW, I don't think you are fear mongering. This is the #1 important issue. They want 90% of us dead. They will accomplish it however they can. You live in a remote, pristine area with little to no wifi??? And eat clean, pristine food and water, right? If your blood is increasingly contaminated, imagine the rest of the world. Thanks so much for your work. It's so important.
Whoa.. that is a big sucker in the photo (??!!)
Wondering .. we've got not just chips and weird fractal antennas in us, but what synthetics and chimera's are we all shedding into the wild, environmentally?
Yes had this question from someone thoughtful enough to worry about the environment. This is being sprayed on us like bugs. Fibres especially. The environment is as contaminated as we are. I used to dispose of them carefully and now I just sweep them out the door.
Matt what kind of lense are you using on your microscope? Is it Apochromatic?
Hi Lori, There is many components to this and no single answer that I can think of. We know of at least 10 now as per C. Carnicoms research....
The Jabbed are still getting sick and dying faster than the unjabbed. The Doctors, coroners, pathologists, undertakers and embalmers that are not on board or too scared to talk are verifying this.
Regarding the blood in the living it appears more to do with diet and lifestyles as to the health of the blood. As an example anyone still drinking a lot of energy drinks and junk food compared to the ladies eating out of their gardens, regardless of jab status the latter will have better blood separation and less rouleaux or gel.
There are a few ladies that I have seen trying a herbal tonic that has made a significant difference in their fibre and gel levels. More on that after further testing. Tai chi seems to help too. Energy.
To me jabbed or nasal torture tested is not much different. Also we can probably add dental anesthetics or any other injectable to "jabbed " status at this stage.
MRI, I wouldnt go near that either.
Its time we got over the stigma of jabbed I think.
Yes, Yes, Yes. The diet is vitally important. A high sugar diet seems to feed this shit and causes health issues faster . We have been brain-trained to think that all health issues are being caused by a high fat , high carb sugar filled diet...chocolate, sweets, cakes, biscuits etc. BUT, though true to a certain extent, our food industry’s have all been geared up for decades to put vast amounts of sugar into everything we eat and drink. It feeds the shit in our bodies as an energy source, exacerbating the problems encountered with weight gain, poor metabolism, bad skin, blood circulation, diabetes, all these health issues are being controlled and intensified by the tech inside our bodies.
Mental health issues have gone through the roof... it’s all to do with the tech controlling our hormonal systems and neural pathways via the towers that are now every few hundred metres apart all over the world! See for yourself... huge tetra towers atop every town and city, with smaller versions loaded with aerials all triangulated and just a few hundred metres apart... everyone inside those triangulated areas is being fucked over 24/7. Drink issues, depression , massive amounts of people suddenly diagnosed with ADHD, schizophrenia, paranoia, delusions, bi-polar, personality disorder, Asperger’s, autism, epilepsy is a huge one now, all caused by this tech connecting us all to the towers and then to the grid.
The electrical wiring systems in every building connected to the grid and to the tech inside us. I have had this confirmed by an army major, police officers, doctors, scientists, an ex GCHQ IT specialist.... the towers are a BIG part of this.
Every conceivable aspect of human bodily function has been taken over and can be mangled with this tech and those towers. We are basically at the mercy of men who are sub-human monsters making millions from websites depicting us and our children in our home environments.... this is a side-line multi million pound business to the original program. We all know how corrupt government is and how many peadophiles are at the top of every power chain... church, government, police, military, education.
Next time to pass a primary school look for the nearer tower... often they are right next to them. And colleges too. ! Open your eyes.... it’s not just what’s in our blood... it’s what it’s communicating with.
I agree sugar is extremely damaging. But I also believe it is a Trojan Horse. They get people addicted to sugar and then load up those foods with the worst, damaging chemicals, oxidized fats, preservatives, colors, etc. One hundred years ago, sugar was eaten in extreme moderation in foods created at home and it didn't cause problems.
Spot on!!!
Thanks Matt so much. Would love to hear about that herbal tonic. I like straight up nettle tea as daily support it helps our kidneys flush things out.
Good to hear about tai chi- my wife and I do it daily, or try to at least, at the Sunrise.
I've found that UV light is the key to healthy, sustainable, affordable detox as it builds melanin, which can help us get rid of heavy metals.
Take care,
I will be getting their full recipe next week and looking at their blood to see longer term results. will let you know. Thanks, matt.
And never wear sunglasses in the sunshine. Every bit of sun in the eyes is needed for melatonin. Get rid of led bulbs too.
Yes yes and YES! Preach Christine! I can feel so much more energy without sunglasses, no? Sunglasses are a prescription for depression. What do you do for lighting?
I am too blinded by sunlight, have rare visual acuity. It’s a matter of aperture for me
I have blue eyes that WERE extremely sensitive but I stopped sunglasses all summer, all day in the direct sun. My eyes are no longer severely sensitive. I can sungaze in the early morning or evening. Just like when I was a kid.
No sunscreen either which I rarely put on anyway.
I use specialty incandescent bulbs, mostly yellow hue. I’m winter I’ll use infared ruby lux for lovely spa like heat/light therapy. I don’t use it in summer because I’m hot blooded and I can just sit in the sunshine all day before work. My tan gets so much attention because people worry about cancer but even if it happens I have to have my happy sun time!
Yes the sun is our power source.
Hi this best made naturally from the herb - or are health-food products a good version as well ? Do you make it from natural source?
I just learned that herb Robert is a very good “weed” to eat or make tea from. Easy to a weed.
Yes! Or wouldn't raw dandelion root be more potent?
Agreed we are all equally being poisoned. They would not have stopped the mandates otherwise.
Hoi Matt. What do you think of this ?
Shawn does some great research and there is much in there i agree with. Thanks.
You say much Matt. Whitch part you do not agree?
Hi Ed,
Bits and bites..
To clarify my comment. There are many ways I look at information received.
Bits I know are true based on my experience.
Bits I believe are probably correct, that fit my understanding.
Bits that I know are not true based on my experience.
Bits that I believe are not correct, but am unsure.
Bits I don't understand that if important I will research.
The logic of the information and how it fits into the macro view.
A self assigned credibility ranking that I assign to the information provider based on multiple criteria.
References to material that can fit any of the above.
That's some of the thought processes that we all probably run through automatically as we look at and assess different information received.
Each of us will have differing methodologies and world views that influence these factors.
This is an off the top of the head response, but indicative of some of my thought processes when researching.
So my most basic answer would be that there are the bits I agree with and the rest falls into other categories as above. I don't recall anything I specifically disagreed with off hand
Regards, matt.
well said are correct, it's critical thinking
Hoi Matt. Thanks again, but can you identify which parts are incorrect in Shawn,s research? Greetings, Ed.
Thank you very much,Matt.
It is hard to know whom to trust these days. If focus and thoughts create experience, then taking supplements will help us if we think that they are beneficial.
that's the power of positive thinking ! it's undeniable and it's free
I look forward to your sharing the herbal remedy when the time comes.
Hi ASN, not the destruction of the blood one? I was looking for something hopeful in there but didn't see it.
Ah yes. Kelly has also posted some good news with the WBC's chomping through a fibre. Its in my notes .
Hi Matt-
Do you follow FM8? Do
you know of his work?
Having followed Erics journey for a while starting in telegram and concluded he is an honorable man and doing his best for us all. We dont all have to agree on everything to recognise the good people in this battle. We still have differing opinions on some things and respect each others right to do so. Answers and progress do not come via everyone thinking the same.
I have a very short list of people whose I trust to be entirely honest about what they are finding through different methodologies and Eric is one of those at the top of the List.
Good to hear your opinion; I have also started following Eric's output, and also looking at Tony P's electromagnetism devices - not sure what to make of those yet, do you have any experience with them?
I have stated my opinion and questions regarding it in previous posts here recently. I wont recommend it until they are answered.
Oh sorry!! I’m exhausted, maybe that’s why!! Do you have FM8’s triangle or believe it works as it says it does?