The unanswered questions re zeolites I see today are :

1/. Is it possible that any / all of the zeolites can assist the nano technology to develop? Theory / opinions versus practical testing of some sort. How do we test for this especially as the nano tech is denied?

2/. Do the cdb / morgellons fibers appear in the products after they has been put on the slide under a cover slip, as seen by some microscopists?

3/, Do zeolites cause the hydrogels to agglomerate in the blood in a denser form? If so, can it assist linking of cross linked hydrogels to help form calamari?

4/. Theory says a low amount can be a problem due to the swapping capacity of zeolites. Is the dose people are taking high enough to ensure this does not happen? You would have to know what metal contaminants you had and their respective levels to be sure of the required dose.

These questions need answers before I would imbibe any zeolite today. Perhaps in a bath and used externally would be better for now.

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Dr Pedro Chavez in Mexico has treated over 6,000 vax injured patients with chlorine dioxide, hypertonic sea water and Zeolite. He was interviewed by Dr Ana. It is getting messy trying to figure out the controlled opposition and what level.

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Some things are not so messy


get the free trial and read about Anunaki and Interdimensional beings in that post. Then think if you want to buy EDTA thru her.

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Yes I know her belief system seems odd, but the more I learn about scalar energy and the electric universe I wonder.

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Hi Stuart,

We have been lied to about so much including energy, history and such that retaining an open mind is the only answer today. I have seen scalar in action and concur.

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Isn't it interesting that now that the vaxxine deaths and damage are being more widely reported in the MAM, that the Cabal shills are attempting to discredit those who are showing the self-assembling nanotech, like Mihalcea.

Its like we can talk about vaxxine deaths and damage, but not the self-assembling nanotech.

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Most everyone has quirky ideas and fantasies, me too, but I know better than to write them on a SS post aimed at trying to impart serious info to people to help and protect them against death and destruction. If I thought spider legs coming thru a Masonic ceiling and interdimensional beings had important meaning I would have some info/data to back that up, before telling the world what shots put into them or promoting treatments for vax poisoned people.

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Hi Proton,

For me interdimensional is still a theoretical possibility only. On the other hand I saw a craft back in the 60's that defied all our current laws of physics. Ours / theirs, I have no idea, only that they exist as I saw it. It has no bearing on what we are dealing with today, unless Dr Greer is correct.

I will allow for that possibility until proven otherwise, but wouldn't promote that as it has no bearing on finding the answers we need today that i can identify.

Best Regards,


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Hey Matt, In 1963 I went to the NY world’s fair and was on a video chat there. Imagine what the elites had even then. In 2001 there were very good volumetric projections shown to the world on Sept 11, objects defying the physics of what can be done near sea level atmospheric pressure because they were not objects. Not to mention they just “melted” into the buildings with no action-reaction breakage of plane and bldg on entry. Of course I don’t know what you saw, but be sure, “seeing something” does not mean it is a physical object.

If “interdimensional” here means something between “nothing” and “an object” then I heartily agree that volumetric projections and probably transient particles made in beam colliders are in between in some way.

The feeling state for the word “interdimensional object” in physics is very different than “interdimensional beings” and it seems we both agree we would never use that phrase, or spider legs coming thru a Masonic checkerboard roof on a serious SS post aimed at giving health related information to the public.

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For fun I found holograms were invented in 1947 (the CIA's first year) and took off in 1968 with lasers


This is the info for public consumption, I suspect there is more to the story.



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LOL. She is from Europe.

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The lady from ramtha's school...I wouldn' t buy anything from her.

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Yes, clearly interdimensional

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In an old post she also lied something about her native country, the situation there, (But she is the niece of an army communist general so is understandable ) which is my country too and I knew she is a liar, I sent a comment telling her about this and imediately she transformed her public post in a paid one. Very convenient. She is looking for attention and people like this are not credible. Unsubscribed since then.

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Why ? Is Ramrha still Alice?

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Agree - confusion by design.

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We are speaking with him because we are doing a documentary called the BlueProof documentary which will build upon his work and also provide a proven solutionw high we will have videoed woth 3 separate camera angles and published in medical and scientific journals.

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On the MasterPeace elemental analysis, what testing was done? do you have a summary? Was EDS (energy dispersion) spectroscopy done? These are a sample of some major elements thought needed to be checked for Covid shots, dental anesthetics, and injected bloods, are these checked?

iridium, indium, rhodium, tin, platinum, paladium, chromium, arsenic, nickel, cobalt, copper, boron, titanium, aluminum, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium, hafnium.

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MasterPeace is manufactured in a GMP-FDA regulated manufacturing fqcikity in the USA. As is 100% standard procedures all incoming manufacturing ingredients and final formulas before shipped all have rigorous certificates of analysis proving no contamination of any detectable heavy metals, mycotoxons, or harmful microbials. If this were untrue, anyone anywhere could simply call the fda or gmp and have us shut down. We are the onky product on Earth fully analyzed with a HRTEM high resolution scanning transmission electron microscope with various attachments to be able to see infrared flourescent analysis at a nanometer range. Unfortunately people have been highly misled by our competitors seeking to tale us out by watching their videos of dfm or dark field microscopy or bright field done with a compound microscope. These are 5,000 microscopes that don't see much smaller than red blood cell which is 7,000 to 8,000 nanometers large. So these compound microscopes can not see MasterPeace as 99% of MasterPeace is 100 nanometers and smaller as confirmed by our HRTEM.

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I have previously posted the paper showing that the people working on quantum dots are using the same microscopy methods I use.

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I wasn't speaking on methodology or practices by Matt or anyone fir that matter rn.

I was speaking solely on the ability/capability of you or anyone's high grade compound dark field or bright field microscopes that you purchased new for 5k to 30k. They all see microscopic, down to 1,600 magnification without losing resolution, correct? Which simply means you can see 1,000 nanometers and larger things. Which 1,000 nanometers is again 1 micrometer. Well, every video about MasterPeace was done with that same quality of equipment with that ability. But 99% of MasterPeace is particle sizes of conjoined super structured sea minerals and nanometer sized natural clinoptilolite zeolite. Particle sizes all 9f MasterPeace that are 100 nanometers and smaller. So which equals 1/10 of a micrometer. We are invisible to your equipment or the people who made these videos. As is very clear when you see high resolution transmission electron microscope images of MasterPeace, as its quite the MasterPeace! Only the few large undissolved pieces of MasterPeace is what you can see with your equipment, no more than that. Mihalcea lied brutally against Robert O. Young's education. Human Consciousness Support was attacked with fabricated evidence by our direct competitors on a show where they were bringing out their 'miracle molecule' which coincidentally has only 1 study ever done on it that we can find. So all the studies they spoke about having on placueX were full bald face lies also. There is no credibility of any kind coning from that side.

FDA seized our 70k in purified nanofiltered marine plasma right after we publsihed our initial pilot study resukts against graphene oxide, Health Canada shut us down, and a huge choreographed smear campaign on our MasterPeace product which had legitly completed a level 1 Human clinical studies and people can't see the pattern or that this must be signs that there is something special about MasterPeace they want you to miss? We have all the proof and tests and human study results that we published on and we keep doing the research and true work that no other place is doing. See most of the study results by either going to MasterPeacebyHCS.com and go to the research tab or go to drrobertyoung.com and tyoe MasterPeace into the search key to confirm everything I just explained.

Consider why we are programmed in following allopathic indoctrinated know it alls, and look how unhealthy they are acting, and look and see how they don't have a line up of healthy people feeling and living and looking better from their information or services, they only have people who feel good right after a treatment for a week or 2 and then they are worse off than before, and all the EDTA practicioners and peddlers know that fact and ignore it, just like allopathic doctors have for several decades since the Rockefeller Medical industrial complex takeover.

We have a little more than 5,000 incredible testimonies in our 1st year that we didn't pay anyone a dime or a bottle of MasterPeace to give us. Im proud of the what we accomplished. MasterPeace is represented and stewardess by the most incredible humanitarians that all worked for many months for absolutely free all for humnaity and to see competitors with synthetic products maliciously fabricating choreographed smear campaign against us is an attack against all of us, not just against some MasterPeace product. Safe natural solutions can not be destroyed from our world anymore. Enough is enough of the system trying to normalize synthetic unnatural pharmaceutical made grade health products and labeling safe natural ones as alternative and contaminated and unsafe.

Thank you everyone for hearing MasterPeace's side of this debate. I have several little kids and an exponentially exploding MasterPeace company that needs my best thinking, my best vision in order to succeed in such a lost world. This will be my last post here. Please feel free to go to rumble.com and look up Human Consciousness Support to see about 190 short videos explaining and showing everything you can imagine including majestic high resolution transmission electron microscope images that are subatomic and sub nanometer sized of MasterPeace and it grabbing absorbing adsorbing a plethora of graphene oxide nanobots displaying how well we remove the components of the graphene biosysten. Which correlate to our quantifiable 3rdpart y verified level 1 human clinical trial results showing lowering the lifelong accumulation of intracellular levels of graphene oxide and hydragel by over 70% in our 3 initial study participants! A first and only ever done in the world, and just think, the study was pulled off amd completed by a very small group of everyday do-gooders. A group called Human Consciousness Support who made an affordable game changing solution to the pollution appropriately named Master Peace. Because it will help us all to master peace which our world desperately needs for everything to trun around. A gigantic authetic genuine labor of love for humanity simply because someone had to, for our kid's futures sake. Peace and Love everybody. And never give up because our beautiful world and all sentient beings living here are worth fighting for and saving.

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Thanks Matthew, this is great. BUT, can you put your GMP data, incl your chem analytic data on line with the letterhead of the analytic labs and give use links?

☞Sorry but your words naturally need data to back them. Remember, the FDA is completely corrupted and the CDC’s, “safe and effective” is as trustworthy as swimming in a cesspool of arsenic. You need to be COMPLETELY transparent with all your data and sources if you want to sell something.

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I will not take the time to have my manufacturing rep dig those up, highlight them and then post them here. BTW, idk how to post anything on substack yet or I would of posted many records and pictures so far😇. Testing is done from 2 different labs. 1 is new bloom labs in Tennessee. The other is out of Georgia and I can't remember their name off hand. All certifications of analysis have pristine results fir MasterPeace. None have ever had even detectable amounts of heavy metals, or mycotoxins, or harmful microbials. It's completely nonpricedure for any company to prodice CIAs to regula individuals who ask. But if anyone is ever worried about Human Consciousness Support products or any inherent manufacturer then I suggest calling the fda or gmp and tell them the company and if the manufacturer is gmp compliant then they will locate the product and company's manufacturer in their system and verify that they are compliant with a clean product. I back all my statements prideful whenever I can😄 so no worries about the questioning😊

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It's really about your credibility. Here with Matt's Microscopy you have a great chance to bolster it. Unfortunately not having your analyt data sets and certs scanned on your PC, at least in a folder in your office is not helping. It is very simple to upload image scans any file sharing platform. People won't call the FDA to buy Zeolite unless they are really nerdy. Even my SS has >20k views every 30 days and many writers in this space share each other's work. This is your chance to really shine, you get your docs together and I will even make a post on them.

☞Neither Dr. Young writing articles nor Dr. Chavez "treating" people with Zeolite is proof of efficacy, and certainly not safety. The FDA allows Covid shots with lots of crap in them that have led to terrible death and destruction, and you want us to call the FDA about Zeolite?

☞ Now about credibility, I see your new SS recommends Ana M. You saw in this post that she says very strange things on her posts about interdimensional beings and Annunaki and spider leg symbols and her HP is full of Occult symbols. Here, seems proof she was (still is?) in a strange cult


I would re-think your position on these things so that the public can actually understand your product's safety, and efficacy if you actually have any data on that.

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Thank you Proton for your remarkable patients with this gentleman, you're doing better than I would have!

By the way the fact that Ama is in a spiritual path which seems strange to you is not a legitimate reason to question her sanity, integrity morality, or professional competence. If she is professionally incompetent then let the judgment rest on that and not her personal life.

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Yes Rollo, you are right about a number of things and very kind worded. On Ana the problem is multifaceted.

On her info:

☞Nothing she puts out is an experiment with objectively defined dependent and independent variables, subject data, blinding, NOR does she present a clinical trial with double blinding, statistical power on subject number, no well-defined endpoints, no short or long term safety, within a large population, etc. Her post on vit c, nicotine, and the specific EDTA she was promoting, had none of these, nor any CMC, stability, animal studies with any of these etc.

☞ She puts out more info than any one person can possibly, in addition to a busy practice, so she is more than one person writing her SS and she is not open about that. That begs credibility.

On her personal life:

☞Occult symbols and dialog are closely related to the world power control pyramid she places on a post and the secret societies obvious on the page I linked above that we know are involved with the current attack on humanity. This begs credibility.

So "for her personal life", yes, lets ignore it, for the moment and just focus on the "her info" part. Sorry but that is completely incongruent with any conclusions one can make as I have explained. Any 3rd party referencing her presentations needs to think twice about their own credibility if they will make a connection to her info, irrespective of her personal life. That's all I'm saying, maybe she is a wonderful person outside of these, sure!

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I would take take time to reread my comment. I explained how every health product is regulated in America for noncontamination of heavy metals etc. I explained how every product is tested. If you go to drrobertyoung.com and type into the search key MasterPeace it will pull up peer reviewed published papers on MasterPeace's safety and efficacy. These processes of publishing peer reviewed papers must be better understood by the public. They are our gold standard for truth in science. They all must have several verified references, passing the most rigorous criteria in all ways and signed off by 3 blinded peers. My competitors produce no forms of proof of anything, nor do any human studies ever, amd have several years ahead of us to do such work. Their pee tests had no names on them although they were supposedly Anita Baxas, no lab names or anything, yall didnt even look that close probably at them. They were created/fabricated.

I need an order date or order# for whatever bottle the purported contamination happened on and then I will take the time, 1 single time, to get all the COAs together on that exact batch and make it available for everyone.

Quick question... how do you put cyanide, formaldehyde, and synthetic acid together and it become healthy for the inside of a living human being? You can't. And anything an MD swears on that gives you great initial relief but the longer you take it the worse your health is should be a sign it aint working and it aint putting your body in a position to heal itself.

And to listen to MasterPeace's direct competitors sling arrows about MasterPeace's highly sourced ingredients being contaminated brings my manufacturer 100% into it as they are solely responsibky for if MasterPeace was manufactured and contaminated. Dr. Ana Mihalcea was proven on the Sarah Westall show to be way off by lying on Robert O Young's education. Mihalcea, Ria, Baxas coordinate together amd they attorneys have thise text messages as proof of conspiring to harm a company's reputation. Pretty dumb for Rua to text me all that after putting together an armada of hit piece videos over the last half year should be a sign that maybe this all natural MasterPeace detox is a huge threat to these companies and the EDTA protocol amd inherent detox protocols. Again, look at me and my entire team, all of them. We all do an alkalizing lifestyle, take MasterPeace, and stay away from synthetic unnatural anything in the world, not just edta. The whole team role models great health and vitality and energy amd mental states of being. What we do is working. What they are doing clearly isn't, amd it's synthetic. Wake up everyone, the answer is right in front of you. We are natural beings that need well put together natural solutions to thrive in today's toxic filled world. We've proven in level 1 3rd party tested human studies as seen on our website research page at MasterPeacebyHCS.com to significantly reduce microplastics, hydragel, graphene oxide, heavy metals, glyohosate, flouride, chlorine, atrazine the gender dysphoria chemical. We've proven to show NO negative harmful side effects that is blind peer reviewed amd published through ACTA Medical and Scientific journal

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“I would take take time to reread my comment. I explained how every health product is regulated in America for noncontamination of heavy metals etc. I explained how every product is tested.”

☞ Great! Show us the specs and result of these tests for your product. Since I’ve asked you publicly a few times, this will be my last time.

“If you go to drrobertyoung.com and type into the search key MasterPeace it will pull up peer reviewed published papers on MasterPeace's safety and efficacy. These processes of publishing peer reviewed papers must be better understood by the public. They are our gold standard for truth in science. They all must have several verified references, passing the most rigorous criteria in all ways and signed off by 3 blinded peers.”

☞ Why you don’t have one pivotal clinical trial link to paste to me/us here? You need to have a GCP compliant clinical trial, with objective endpoints, subject no powered, double blinding. Where is that paper?. You’ve come on this post to prove your product to us, none of us knocked at your door. Your making us run around the internet searching is very strange.

“My competitors produce no forms of proof of anything, nor do any human studies ever, amd have several years ahead of us to do such work."

“We all do an alkalizing lifestyle, take MasterPeace, and stay away from synthetic unnatural anything in the world”

☞ What your competitors or you and your staff do or don’t do is of no concern for us to evaluate your product, neither is what others doing private non clinical trials do.

“We've proven to show NO negative harmful side effects that is blind peer reviewed amd published through ACTA Medical and Scientific journal”

☞ Great, don’t you have links at your fingertips or on your company’s HP? This page you linked: https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/ does not have any preclinical pharmacology, animal studies, or toxicology preclin or clinical trial publication on it. If you don’t have links or a HP with all your product data, well….I think we are at the end of our discussion rope.

I will not reply to your next long reply, I'll only look at one study link if you have one.

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I have no certifications and I'm not a live blood analysis practitioner I bought my microscope and built it 3 years ago a bh2 Olympus oil immersion Iris objective, oil immersion darkfield condenser face contrast condenser clear view, 100 white lighting, with an old Max camera, with different oils I'm able to see deep into the dark plasma, I have tested masterpiece zeolite, ardist lab EDTA, med five EDTA, and found nanobots in all products, after being confused I'm why and how I was not getting rid of these structures in my blood, I studied all the best ways of using oral EDTA suppository and skin with no results, so I purchased EDTA CaNa2 and mixed up 10o g to 500 ml of saline solution I prepared myself and give myself a IV chilation treatment using vitamin c as an extra treatment, and found the structures and nanobots were gone from my blood just the rolo formations remained, up on that I would take EDTA med five and wait a few days test my blood and found structures, I then mixed up 10 g of EDTA 20 ml of saline solution I prepared myself and injected it and the structures were removed, I would repeat the process on the masterpiece zeolite and the ardist lab EDTA, and all would perform with the same outcome of structures and nanobots in my plasma. I have noticed it in the meat supply the wild animals around my neighborhood that were killed by cars Budweiser Pepsi Coke vinegar chlorine dioxide prepared bottles so these products are being tampered with and there is no way that Robert Young Brian ardist and Dr Anna has not taken the time to insure this products are safe she keeps pushing EDTA orally knowing that it does not work because you only get 3% into your bloodstream is not enough to do nothing they are scammers and are complicit in the evil agenda that is plaguing the world today.

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And no I'm not taking time to correct my spelling society is f, people are hooked up to the Internet of bio nano things and it is doing the thinking for them the world is a lost cause game over.

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Yes, AI is doing our typing for us. I hate it!

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I have come to the same conclusions, Lauron. It seems that there are many “false prophets”

Thanks for sharing your testing, says it all. I’m just going to stick with natural chelates.

Nanotech is now everywhere and in everything. I felt depressed about that, yesterday. But, today I’m accepting this reality (no choice)…

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The option you have is to detox your body daily by using EDTA NaCa2 injections in order to keep the nanotechnology from forming into a pattern that requires the nanoplastic polymers to join these technologies together to harvest the plasma of that protects your spirit from being absorbed into the cloud to the matter verse where they have prepared your avatar body to be joined together and appear to be reality.

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Do you have any input about focusing on removing the nano-plastic (polystyrene) foundation required by nanotech to form the circuitry? Dr Hulda Clark wrote a deep dive review paper regarding nanoplastics in our food that included mention of using essential oils i.e. oregano oil (and i think orange oil) and a few others to disolve polystyrene in lab tests but I havent seen any test results invitro. It seems removing the nanotech foundation would be an effective tactic to prevent circuitry forming, of course, removing the nano particles would still be favorable. I'm reading alot of contradicting info regarding detox using zeolite due to its potential aluminum content. I'm still confused & haven't found an exact answer to its risk in aiding nanotech circuitry formation. Any input or resource direction regarding these two concerns would be greatly appreciated.

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This really does my head in! I s’pose that’s the least of my worries!

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Every government has an online military psywar brigade and they usually show up without an invitation. I have a few articles, screenshots and video's in my mind control post about these pubescent-mentality creatures: https://shonaduncan.substack.com/p/mind-control

You just keep on keeping on and don't feel compelled to respond to all and sundry! Not everyone is On The Page.

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Hi Shona,

A good compilation there, thanks.

I never feel compelled as I know we are on the right track with our research. From your post I take this:

"What is “debunkery?” Essentially it is the attempt to debunk (invalidate) new fields of discovery by substituting scientistic rhetoric for scientific inquiry."


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I've got that article! I have put it pride of place on my Facebook wall under a meme of putting 1984 into my non-fiction section of my library and the quote “There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”

~ George Orwell, 1984

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Yes, I copied it from your link as I said. "From your post I take this:"

Much appreciated as its how I feel when some are saying they will do a debunk of our work but without replicating what we are doing. If they replicate they will see the same things we do.

50 mw, 532 nm medical laser and fiber with 528 hz input, otherwise its irrelevant to me.

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I tried to follow your SS link Shona but it keeps crashing!

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I'm not sure what happened there! Click on my photo or name, it should take you to my Substack. You will find the link to my mind control post in either my archives or in my pinned Index post. Let me know if you still can't find it. It is great to have all that information, all those links and screenshots in one place. Cheers x

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Thanks Shona - I’ve now subscribed.

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Brave man. These times call for brave men and women.

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Which Matt? this could get confusing. We shall refer to Matt H or Matt J for clarity. I will give him the bravery title for being willing to answer the questions put.

If no one else has any I will start with an easy one.

Q - Matt H - are you really going to try and sue Dr Anna for $200m? Now that's brave.

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Hmmm...not sure if "brave" is the word I would have chosen, without a question mark following it? But if you mean that Ana is a mighty force to go to the "matts" with, then...yes. Is he going after Baxas too, I wonder.

Litigation is always a problem for me. It's up to the product itself and those involved to weather any scrutiny and criticism, IMO.

I too fell for the MP rush, but the initial claims that the company made about it were not convincing, and I decided to wait until it shook out and I had looked into it further. I think we've all rushed out for the latest greatest antidote that now sits on our shelves.

I have several substacks on MP, knowing that some of my subscribers had also purchased it and I regret even posting about it so early on. I tried to get a refund from the company on a second unopened bottle and the response was a cold and dismissive NO.

I had many comms with Dr. Ana when this covid hoax first began, and I feel confident that she would not have tackled this controversy without serious consideration and doubt, and that her concerns should at least be considered. Maybe an interview with both of them would be a good idea?

Of course, everyone is selling something, and,at this point, I have reservations about all detox products, no matter who is selling them...even supplements, because the orchestrated contamination of everything we need to survive is full-on.

The ghoulz moved their poison Op into the food and supplement industry long ago - The Quell Project, revealed in 2014, was a tell for me, and the contamination is on steroids now. Nothing is safe. I barely trust my herbs and holistic drops now and have to consider every single source and use sparingly, just to be sure. It's hideous...we're in deep trouble...

But we know that, and we're all doing our best to navigate and be of some help if we can...

Thx Matt j for all you do...we'll just have to continue to look for answers and rely on our intuition...

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Hi Pasheen,

I agree with all above and my opinion on the product has not been hidden.

No, I would not take any zeolite product today even though I was previously a huge fan of the many applications it had. Medical applications being only one of them.

The elephant in the room is what effect it has in relation to the nanotech and this has still not been answered to my satisfaction and will probably remain that way.

That doesn't mean that we should not be able to have a cultured and honest debate about it here.

The censorship has been a huge component of this agenda and I am pleased that I still have not been forced to use any since coming to stack. Without censorship I don't believe they could have pulled the mass poisoning off so its a major issue for me.

Dr Anna does not even respond to her own subs so would be very unlikely to lower herself to my wee site unfortunately. I have a lot of respect for Dr Anita's work.

Thanks for your input here, m

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I have no doubt that Ana is seriously busy these days - and about to get busier with litigation..ugh... and I can't keep up with responding to my subs either, with so few by comparison, so I can just imagine her inbox. And she just recently joined the board of Targeted Justice...that's a full-time job for all of us hanging around over there.

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To be clear. We have had several huge influencers and mybstaff contact them and ask for a recorded or private call and they emphatically say no and won't. I wish they wpuld so that things could get clearer for everyone but they put out alot of hit pieces and accusations and don't want to get pinned down to answer about any of it and they block and censor and ban any one of us that try and have discourse with them. They are purely on a rampage to try and destroy their competition, which is MasterPeace

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My name is Matthew Hazen. I am the founder of MasterPeace ZeoliteZ, a truly all natural nanocolloidal formula with no preservatives which is producing unorecedented results as proven by 3rd oarty testing and peer reviewed and published in the ACTA medical and scientific journal. Our competitors don't like us because we prove that our bodies are great at healing themsleves when we truly get the toxic junk incluuing graphene oxide, microplastics, heavy metals like aluminum lead and mercury out of our bodies. We make many health supplements and protocols obsolete at a very affordable cost of $53USD which lasts you 45 days. We have over 5,000 testimonies that anyone can read or watch as well as go through our completed human studies on graphenr oxide, hydragel which is polyethylene glycol on our research oage at our website


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Matt H., hello, does MP get the toxic junk out of the brain?

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In America a competitor can not simply accuse and make false allegations against another which harms the company. I am currently been told that what I can say is that Human Consciousness Support is aware a the fabrications and attacks made against us and we are pursuing all our rights. Every ingredient of MasterPeace has strict certificates of analysis for the 2 ingredients which are natural clinoptilolite and sea plasma before they are admitted into the production facility. Then once the MasterPeace is completed it has a final Certificate of Analysis all showing perfect nontrqceabke amounts of any heavy metals or various toxins. I simply need to know the date soneone purchased MasterPeace or the order# amd I could present 3 or 4 COAs proving no contamination. Also everyone here should watch the first 10 minutes if this interview rebutal to the allegations against MasterPeace and dr. Robert O Young who is my mentor and the 1 responsible for the final formula of MasterPeace


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Matt H, what is sea plasma?

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That’s the million dollar question lol

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Matt, it may be an obvious question, but I wanted to make sure it doesn’t slip through the cracks as it’s just too important: Obviously there have been heavy metals testing done on MP’s zeolite products—but Have there been ANY tests done on the inside of the BOTTLES the product is put in during manufacturing?? On either the inside of the bottles themselves or the zeolite/product AFTER being inside of these distributor bottles? This seems to me to be the biggest culprit of where to look for the mass-contamination (especially by formerly well-known and well-trusted sources)—where the BOTTLING MANUFACTURERS may be contaminating various multiple companies’ products EN MASSE.

I don’t believe that *most* of the holistic and wellness companies are “in” on the subterfuge of this mass-contamination of products, and they may very well be victims to the ‘heist’ of the health industry themselves. I pray (and believe) we are getting closer to finding the truth every day, and thereby closer to exposing and ultimately eradicating this Source of most of the contamination 🙏🏼

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Hi Brandy,

Best question so far as I have seen products contaminated via the bottles. See the Lugols iodine post.

Thanks, matt.

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Very interesting question. When MasterPeace is completed and dispensed into the bottles and labeled they are put into their area where the compliance officer comes and pulls 2 random bottles for testing. So the final Certificate of Analysis is MasterPeace that has been inside its 30ml bottle. I know other countri3s have different regulations. In America, all health and nutraceutical supplements have stringent certifications of Analysis on all ingredients and final formulas.

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Woah…this is a head-scratcher. So, to your knowledge, is this how all U.S. manufacturing compliance and certificates of analysis of ‘final formulas’ are tested—randomly selected *AFTER* final bottling/packaging?? I would say I’m really glad to know that, however, now I’m just perplexed as to how these compliance officers aren’t seeing under the scope what so many other scientists and researchers *are* seeing in these products under magnification! 👀 😬

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Hi Brandy,

They would be seeing the same things we do if they look. Its also possible that they only do a quick look and don't give the samples time to fully assemble like some of us do.

Sometimes I see fibers and other assemblies only after a few weeks on the slide.

Most analysis is probably done by methods other than scoping though. this would allow these modern contaminants through.

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99% of MasterPeace is 100 nanoneters and smaller or rather 1/10 of a micrometer. How are all these people making all these video claims of MasterPeace with dark field microscopes which are meant to qualitatively observe micrometer sized red blood cells? And they are my direct competitor. Rheyve made several videos for several months as a grpup together. I gave all the proof in text messages between Ria where she openly brag about how they meet up and plot on how to "destroy" MasterPeace. Don't belive or follow what someone says just because they professional to know. How do we still wanna belive highly indoctrinated allopathic practicioners who's ideologies have led our current health state off a cliff.

Everyone drinking high quality structured mineral water. Ph their liquids and alkalize them above 8, amd infrared sauna along with taking MasterPeace has the greatest health out there. Look at my whole team. They are all extremely healthy in everyway. We all glow amd look and feel great even though we are constantly barrage either fabricated attacks. The people you are listening to who are anti-aging experts all look terrible, don't you guys see how theur protocol doesn't work in the long term at all. Only short term feeling better

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Matt H, do you know that the “peace” symbol on your bottles is a satanic, anti Christian (obviously) symbol?

Also, I’ve asked you a few questions, if you reply to me, give me some time to get back to you as I have a lot of “stuff” on my plate, like most people these days (people who know what’s going on, especially).

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I was thinking the same, that could explain why they aren’t ‘seeing’ much in the way of the self-assembling nanoparticles/tech, which from what all we’ve seen is pretty hard to miss! But maybe bc the activity is mostly only seen after some time…as well as analyses done by other methods, as you mention. Whew, hard to wrap one’s head around all that has gone into the duping of humanity 🫥

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The specific production facility MasterPeace is made at is a 800,000 square foot 4 level tall facility which has 3,000 plus people per shift. This is how they do their testing, which is to my knowledge standard across America. No 1 in the production facility likes the compliance officer lol because her job isn't to make product company ceo's like me happy. Its to protect and safeguard the public. Anyone can call the FDA or GMP and tell them whatever product there is that they are worried about in America. If they aren't in compliance in a certifed facility then me or anyone else would immediately be shut down with the whole force of the regulatory bodies as they should be at that point.

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The fda approved the jab and all the pharma that's doing so much damage... Unfortunately not the most trusted entity worldwide today.

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FDA sucks to the fullest. They confiscated $70,000 of our marine plasma at the New York city harbor and then kept it because they deemed the absolute healthiest ocean waters on Earth which were cold nanofiktered were a "drug". As fda let's in jabs and prescription pills but confiscated my marine plasma. 3 big pallets of it 10 months ago.

Do you wonder if there's a reason why MasterPeace gets so heavily attacked and has the most amazing testimonies to ever read on our 3 fukl sites of over 5,000 of them in 1 year. An all natural with no preservatives detoxifier woth extra millivolt energy to help hyper alkalize our bodies. A never before seen phenomenon producing never before seen results. For a dollar a day.

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Unfortunately, it’s the government and the FDA specifically that no one trusts anymore—and with good reason. How can we possibly trust the very government-sanctioned health “experts” at the Food AND Drug Administration after everything that they’ve done? Promoting the “safe and effective” lie of the toxic and deadly injections, destroying the food paradigm resulting in millions and millions of obese kids, teens and adults…*knowingly* allowing literal POISONS in virtually all foods made in America (but not allowed in EU countries!); shutting down access to Pulitzer prize-winning cheap drugs during a ‘pandemic’?! No one trusts an administration like this to police itself when they are the very ones committing these schemes and atrocities. Anyway, I certainly do feel empathy for anyone trying to make an honest living during these times, particularly in the holistic/wellness industry. Sadly, no one’s safe! My most sincere prayers and hope that RFK Jr gets in there and GUTS the old guard, cleaning house with regard to ALL our food, air, water, natural medicines and even allopathic drugs swiftly. He seems to be the man who can do it! 🙏🏼🥲💚

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We can hope indeed.

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Seems a fair way forward

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Thanks Nick,

There will be something to learn from it regardless.

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I respect the way you've asked for peace and transparency between all parties here Matt. I totally believe that all products must be scrutinized and I'm happy I get to say the actual correct information and provide references ad proof every step of the way for MasterPeace ZeoliteZ(tm).

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I am not surprised that the people here are willing to enter into any discussion without rancor as seen elsewhere.

There are some that have questions, but are uncomfortable asking as the USA is so litigious compared to elsewhere, so I will ask those plus a few of my own.

Thanks for turning up.

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Matt and Shona, I appreciate your discussion. It is teaching me better ways of interpreting the reality I perceive. Thank you. I also appreciate what others have stated here.

I have no bad feelings for Dr. Young. He argues for veganism to preserve pH balance and fails to address plant poisons and sugar addiction. Others argue for carnivore to preserve pH balance, which produces health in their bodies. I know there are pros and cons to both, because I've practiced both modalities. I seek the sliding scale balance point in the middle. At the moment on carnivore, I appreciate not being addicted to and controlled by sugar. I get enough carbs from fermented dairy to maintain my balance. I've found my middle ground for today. I think it all depends on what we want to experience at any given moment in time. I'm here to experiment.

My question to both Matts and the MDs is this: what type of diet do your subjects eat? Are they predominantly carnivore or plant based? Where are they on the sliding scale between 100% carnivore and 100% plants?

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Hi Robin,

Speaking for myself I am a Carnivore with the odd bit of vege, one meal a day and some fruit in the daytime. Todays a good example. Finished at 1 am yesterday, back up at 6.30 feeling good.

Each of us is different and should do what works - there is no one size fits all.

Seems I am my own experiment these days and I enjoy it mostly but would prefer if we were not all under attack.

Great balanced comment of yours and thanks for being here.



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Ditto. :))

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Dr. Robert o Young has always addressed amd spoke out against sugars as they are apart of what he calls the decomposition or fermentation stage of life amd thus don't positively affect the body. He also states as a fun fact for all of us that all sugar cravings are sodium cravings. Sodium worldwide is the biggest demonized thing for dieting. Although sodium is about 450 grams of your total body weight, making it 2nd only to water in your body.

I want to body state this as what appears to be a certain fact. My whole team does the same diet, and all of us are the healthiest people and team anywhere, anywhere. We are all super healthy looking and healthy feeling and what we are all doing has improved our healths drastically this last year. We all have a superior amount of energy compared to everyone else. I feel like we've cracked the health code. Coincidentally our competition look far worse this year than last year. Anyone taking EDTA looks and feels worse now than before. You onkybfeel better momentarily just like antibiotics, or ivermectin, or prescription drugs.

For me, I prefer to take advice from people when I see that their advice is working for themselves and for others.

Here is what works, as our health is our wealth and we all deserve to feel great and make it through these nefariously driven crazy toxic filled times we are in the midst of. 1st know that you have trillion of cells, and millions or billions of molecules inside each cell. We are all 99.9% structured water and minerals. So drink plenty of distilled or reverse osmosis water with added in trace minerals amd structure it either with a water vortex magnetizer or use an analemma wand. That will purify our bodies with what we are made of, structured mineral water.

2nd thing is get the broad spectrum of forever chemicals, heavy metals, and yes graphene oxide out faster than it comes in which we have proven in our 3rd party tested and published human clinical studies to do by taking all natural MasterPeace ZeoliteZ. 10 drops a day gets the unnatural biohazardous forever chemicals which continually bombard and transfect our world and our air. We show to get the intracellular levels of toxin lakes down in the blood about 60% to 80% as done by IEC intracellular electrical capacity tests done at IGL labs in Germany. Imagine if you woke up amd had 70% less mercury, aluminum, lead, uranium, microplastics, graphene oxide. How good would you feel?

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We are all different and should not be swayed by group think when our experience tells us we are not in that group. We each have a different affinity for carbohydrates, whether simple sugars, flour, alcohol, or starches. Most of us are down right addicted as per the rise in all types of diabetes in our society. Others not so much.

My experience says that my sugar cravings come from a lack of saturated fat. If I eat only fatty meats, cream, butter and high fat fermented dairy, my sugar cravings are nil. I've also stopped salting my food and taking electrolyte formulas. I was deficient in potassium (but not sodium) when I was vegan, but that deficiency is finally diminishing ... especially after six months of carnivore and two years of potassium supplementation.

As a result of eating carnivore, I now get to manage oxalate dumping. There are lots of strategies to manage it, but for me, I stay hydrated and take potassium, thiamine (B1), B3 and biotin... and sulfur and magnesium. That's the price I have to pay for health after seven decades of eating plants and their anti-nutrients.

For 30 yrs, I've been consciously detoxing heavy metals. I started with IV Vit-C chelation therapy and followed up with oral supplements and avoiding environmental poisons. Vit-C works well for me. I purged rope worms too, which are heavy metals scavengers. And now we're addressing nanobots. Sigh. This is why I have multiple strategies to maintain my health. Sunshine is very important too. There is no one simple answer to address these complex interrelated issues. If possible, my preferred remedies are sunshine, clean air, clean water, clean food and clean natural EMF.

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Hi Matthew,

I have done the sodium bicarb, EDTA and high dose vitamin C and felt the benefits so don't agree with that . The protocol we are using here works and is still being refined in order to deal with all the new issues people are having since 2020.

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I can't put a picture showing how to make it to observe from my android device. I'm new to substack still. I would say this. You feel bad, you take antibiotics and you feel much better. If you are depressed, you take a pill and in the short term you feel better. You feel bad, you take ivermectin and you feel better. But 5h3 problem is exacerbated. Amd when you take something which has the sole ingredients of sodium cyanide, formaldehyde, and acid. Initially you feel great as the poisons are dissolved down into nano making them invisible to cheap compound microscopes yet the problem hasn't gone away. It's pushed into the interstitial fluid where you feel great in the short term. But in the long term your health hasn't improved. No 1s does from taking EDTA. When you bind trap amd purge the toxins safely out of your body with MasterPeace. Your actual quantifiable tests show the amazing drastic reductions. Thats the proof. Not how you feel in the short term.

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You may knock compound darkfield microscopes all day but have you noticed that is what Dr young uses in all his videos ? the same scope setup we all use. This line of attack is unjustified and not favorable to your cause.

The CDB fibers are easily seen with these - do you acknowledge this fact?

Also as you can see by the videos in this post we can also see the majority of the zeolite and its actions.

This is a similar argument to us not being able to see graphene. I have proven that we can by buying some research grade RGO and putting it under the scope.

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I'll add that CDB fibers are composed of nanoparticles. The self assembled bots/ chips are made up of nanoparticles. We can see the results of nanos under low magnification once they assemble into larger units. Those with Morgellons visually see the fibers with no magnification.

I've been detoxing environmental toxins for decades. I believe that cleaning up the terrain is primary and that drugs mask the symptoms and imo are poisons. Can't detox poisons with more poisons. Got that.

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I don't knock dark field microscopy. It has its place in quantifying a red blood cell which is 7,000 to 8,000 nanometers in size. We are talking about MasterPeace which is 100 nanometers and smaller and to small for a 5k to 30k compound microscope which sees micrometers. We are talking nano world. Nanometers amd it takes a million dollar high resolution transmission electron microscope.

We are the only place on Earth whos tested and oublished on graphene oxide levels in human study particolarmente which weve proven to reduce in excess of 90% in human study participant 1 with a baseline level of graphene oxide of 510 and ended with 50 at 35 days. Intracellular tested through blood! Amazing hope for mankind!

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This SEM scoping @ 10k Magnification was paid for by yours truly for $500. There is no profit from it, and a business can take it as an expense off taxes.


It resolves particles near 10-20 nm.

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Matthew, Please put aside the generalized marketing hype. Have you run before and after clinical tests showing that MasterPeace "removes broad spectrum forever chemicals, heavy metals and graphene oxide out of the body"? I found this study on Dr. Young's website: https://actascientific.com/ASMS/pdf/ASMS-08-1913.pdf "MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ Pilot Study Found to be Safe and Effective in Removing

Nano and Micro Toxic Forever Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Micro Plastics and

Graphene and Aluminum Found in the Human Body Cells and Fluids" Trouble is that there are only three test subjects in this pilot study. n=3 is too small of a sample to be statistically significant. I'm glad to hear Dr. Young say that a larger clinical study is planned.

What bothers me the most about MasterPeace is the ongoing cost of using it. It's expensive at $57 per ounce, which is a 1-2 month supply. And it's a purified substance, which is drug quality, imo. I really don't want to be dependent on something that I can't provide for myself. Sigh. What if I can't get it anymore? That leads to the next question: How long does the one month treatment last until it has to be repeated? Where are your studies on treatment duration? Dr. Young says they are coming.

12/15 update: I've watched most of your videos on A Warrior Calls website. Therefore, I'm ready for my tests. My heavy metal tests show that I've got elevated mercury and lead. Let's see if MasterPeace will lower those numbers over the next few months. The others are already in normal range. I started myself, my dog, and my oldest horse on MasterPeace due to a friend pointing me to your interviews by Crrow777. I'm looking forward to an improvement in my quality of life.

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You are correct, it is not a clinical trial. There are no toxicology, animal studies, pre-clinical pharmacology, drug interaction studies, formulation studies, no dose-response testing, no adequate patient numbers for short term-safety and no long term safety was done. I have asked Matthew for documents on these, and any GMP or CCP documents or certs, but he/his staff doesn't have the time to dig them up.

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Matt look at the blood slide I sent you private message. I used ziolite 8 months ago not today. RR

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Dr. Robert O Young is considered and known by any certified and known live blood analysis as the Goat or Dpn of our era in microscopy.

If anyone loves to find a place where you can read the highest level of truth concerning health ir science then I highly suggest using the library if truth found at drrobertyoung.com

Robert Young has publsihed over 600 medical and science articles. He has eritten iver 3,500 medical articles. He is not indoctrinated woth western medicine pronciples amd has been the most targeted person in the heakth field for 3 deacdes now. He was aware of the nonexistent of viruses amd has spoken against the virus lie since the 80s, decades ahead of everyone else. He publsihed on the human biofield in the 90s. Authored over 100 books including the 10million selling phMiracle. He mentored Tony Robbins and Toby's wife Sage was a microscopy student of Robert's back in the 90s. Robert Young is probably the only university or private research lab that has a HRTEM and uses it to qualitatively prove his quantifiable research and analysis which uses noninvasive thermal imaging of various sorts. Dr. Robert O Young is responsible for the formula of MasterPeace and deserves credit for it, not me because it has imporved so much since he got involved 1 year ago

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Hi Matthew,

The past questions that have been asked about MP I will ask here in numbered order so that we can address them clearly. Please respond in order.

1/. What is your response to the question of zeolites enhancing self assembly of the technology which has been shown in some research papers?

2/. Some of the other microscopists have seen CDB (cross domain bacteria ) fibers appear in MP ( masterpeace ) after it has been left on the slide under a cover slip to mature - what is your response to this?

3/. Is the only study you refer to the one that has only 3 participants?

More to come.

Comment - While some may disparage what we can see with dark field scopes its been established that even the people working on quantum dots use the same technique that I use to see them and that paper has been posted by myself previously.


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3. The 3 study level 1 human clinical trial was our initial pilot study. From the results there were formulated our 2nd study of 24 participants which has concluded and qljave stellar results that we will be publishing and speaking about in a few short weeks publicly. We are a small 1 year old company who spent over $200,000 on our 2nd completed study. Why hasn't any of these naysayers competitira who have been in business with the8r products for several years not done 1 study with 1 participant? Yet they scoff and laugh at us pulling off studies.

We also have a hair test kit and ongoing study which we have iver 30 participants in it currently and will have over 1,000 ongoing study participants by the end of January 2025. Amd we have a 500 pepple 2 arm gold standard company which we've already had to pay for which will be completed by 2026 which will have 250 placebo and 250 MasterPeace users testing all cognition, sleep, and enerfy levels.

How bout that? My competitors know all this and never seem to mention these things to you guys? Weird and wrong right?

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Who do you perceive to be your competitors?

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Synthetic manmade unnatural zeolites don't help with self assembly and they should also never ever be ingested as there is tons of research on pubmed providing horrific toxicity results from synthetic zeolite releasing their aluminum molecule. MasterPeace ZeoliteZ is natural clinoptilolite which has an impeccable track record for being safe to consume in humans and never showing how the aluminumbond can break. Our website at MasterPeacebyHCS.com go to the research page and see our publsihed himna studies on aluminum levels in people that we tested and peer reviewed and published in a legit peer reviewed scientific journal proving how well we reduce the levels of aluminum and other heavy metals.

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Hi Matthew,

Could you please put the study link here as most wont go searching but will check out a link direct to the papers. Thanks.

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2. Our competitors have never done any human studies they've published on, they only speak of what they supposedly have done. We have done our initial pilot study which was the normal size group of 3 for a beginning initial study. There is no way for a harmful organism to grow inside sea minerals and nanometer sized clinoptilolite at a ph of 8.365 and orp of -90 millivolts. Again all ingredients have been thoroughly cold nanofiltered and tested before shipping. No 1 without proper certification should make observations claiming what something is without verifying it with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy or direct energy x-ray spectroscopy as well as testing the substance and dialoguing things properly. People making videos claiming they put MasterPeace on a slide by holding up a bottle that use microwcopes incapable of seeing 99% of MasterPeace. 2 all natural highly abundant resources of natural clinoptilolite and sea minerals water. If the 2 natural ingreidents in MasterPeace are bad then our world is already over right?

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The "organisms" most are concerned with today may well be able to live in unusual environments. Some CDB fibers are able to withstand temperatures over 700 degrees as an example ( evidenced by a police forensics lab in the USA in the early days).

There has also been the incorporation of extremophiles from Yellowstone into the food chain as another example.

Some of todays human contamination is still to be identified eg nanobots, microrobots, xenobots, photogenes etc. There is the chance of unknown reactions but we do have to try detoxing without full knowledge, regardless.

There are many natural products that used to be good for us, but the major concern is if they assist the technology to grow today. This is the guts of the matter.

Are you claiming that the fibers are not produced in MP?

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How come some of you are not saying the same things about other personal belief systems like Buddhism or Judaism or Catholicism or Hari Krishina, and people who have other religious belief's????? So Dr. Ana's beliefs are no different than any of the above. You criticize what doesn't fit your paradigm. Shows how you have put your own brain behind bars!!!

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You have a point that society has normalized some beliefs that are hard to reconcile with reality, but Ana's statement and affiliations are on a level of concern well above these.

Comment from Eris above 12.12

The lady from ramtha's school...I wouldn' t buy anything from her.




Redacted from: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/declaration-of-spiritual-independence

"This is believed so by the highest Satanic Governance in this dimension and the extra dimensional overlords, including Satan, the Reptilians, Greys, Archons and Dark Artificial Intelligence. The human worshippers of Satan use their bodies as conduits for extradimensional evil because of this law, hence they become the portal during their sacrificial satanic ceremonies. The Annunaki and other advanced races have contributed to the DNA of the human embodiment. Annunaki have created human bodies to serve them by mixing their DNA with the humanoids on earth. This plaform of life, has created even the fallen angels, every advanced being in other civilizations and other starsystems."

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Goodness! I don’t care if I sound biased-I have some serious issues to do with satan!

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Nothing you have presented here including material taken out of context speaks to Dr. Ana being evil or otherwise unacceptable. Your bias is showing.

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I guess we just don't agree on evaluation of the topic, I fully stand by my opinion that also agreed with Eris. Calling me biased is impolite and unnecessary.

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Many here on this platform express biases. Bias is not a bad name and it it not impolite. It's an expression denoting the direction ypu express yourself with. Just saying!

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Dr. Robert O Young uses high resolution transmission electron microscope which can go down as far as a standard compound microscope or much much farther.

I don't put down dark field microscopes but I identify their true inability to see things in the size range of any nanocolloidal formula or nanotechnology of amy kind because they can only see down to 1,000 nanometers without losing resolution and focus.

Let's all be very honest as it's okay. No 5k to 30k dark field microscope on Earth can see live slides better than 1,600 magnification which sees 7,000 nanometer sized red blood cells great but could never see MasterPeace or its mechanism of action at 100 nakmeters and less

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I can only answer any few questions per post please.

1. We have our initial piloy study which had a standard study size of 3 participants in which we were the 1st and still only company to test intracellular levels of graphene oxide and hydragel in blood. The resukrs showed significant reductions in excess of 90% for reduction of graphene oxide in study participant 1 from baseline to 35 days!

Each bottle costs $52.99 with no tax, not $75 amd each bottle lasts 50 days, not 30 when taking 10 drops per day which is the recommended dose we also used for our studies.

We are doing a documentary and study on MAC addresses emitting from people amd the solution and it will be recorded with 3 separate angles making all findings completely ironclad.

Hope this helps! Peace and Love

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Maybe it’s $75 in N.Z. and AU? That makes it pricey for us!

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Any orders pytside of the USA recieve a free bottles of MasterPeace to offset any duties or tariffs or taxes. So you get 2 for 1 or 3 for 2 but either way it's cheaper for you guys than folks in the USA. Have an awesome day!

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I believe many of the allegations against Dr R Young are untrue. I have read a number of his books and he did my live blood analysis. He is not an MD of course, but to disparage his education and knowledge is not correct. He probably knows more about the human body and what it needs compared to most MD's. Sarah Westall posted an interview with Dr Young today. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.


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I've read a couple of Dr. Young's books too and read most of this website articles and then followed his advice. I value his view point. But even the best minds, don't know about all the pieces. i.e. I only learned about oxalate poisoning three months ago, and it should have been mentioned to me by my holistic practitioners and nutrition teachers. They probably didn't realize all the disease symptoms oxalates can cause. Same goes with recognizing gastrointestinal beriberi symptoms due to a thiamine deficiency. If someone doesn't bring it to my attention, I don't learn about it.

As Sarah Westall points out, Dr. Young's outstanding credentials are posted on his website. It's worth my time to listen to her complete interview of him. I hope you all listen to it too.

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I agree that we need to listen to more than one voice. I agree with many of Dr Young’s approaches but I don’t understand some. After I read Dr Jerry Tennant’s book Healing is Voltage-The Handbook, then Dr Young’s approach made more sense. Dr Tennant explains how our bodies are electric, magnetic and frequencies. He then goes on to explain most chronic diseases and the truth is not what he was taught in medical school. I follow some MD’s that have left allopathic medicine, naturopaths, homeopaths and PhD’s.

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I myself have been taking 5 g of vitamin c twice a day and dry my blood every month and not experience any plastic polymer build up. I have read a couple studies on sodium citrate taking 3.5 g in a 500 mL of distilled water twice a day have been positive and removing the nanoplastic and plastic polymers that bind these technologies to go throughout the body.

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