Great work. I have been using Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) for a number of years topically for skin cancer, infections, bug bites; orally, and prostate flush. Have you added CLO2 to a live blood sample of infected blood? I have seen what CLO2 does with changing rouleaux blood to healthy blood (Dr Andreas Kalcker).
Thank-you. I don’t know why others on Substack are not as interested in CD/CDS. I realize others have their protocols like EDTA, vitamin C IV high dose and a few others. These protocols coast between $130 to $250 per visit. I know it may be not much for many but most people can’t afford it. CDS you can make from basic chemicals (sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid at the proper concentrations for pennies per dose. Maybe I answered my question.
As a side note EDTA has been found to have aluminum in the vials of 10 and 20 ml between 50 to 250 mcg. Dr Christopher Exley has been doing research on Aluminum for 40 years and he published his findings a few years ago. Aluminum seems to be in everything.
"I used to hear about these issues when I started my research, though I never observed them directly. The symptoms seemed to decrease with an electrical diet. , I only had one volunteer who believes electromagnetic fields (EMF) are causing the problem, they are in effect viruses like mold.
Is there significant presence of these issues in one particular country?
Regarding microscopy, I'm wondering if LED microscopes might cause reproducibility issues due to EMF. Could we:
Test microscopes for EMF emissions
Conduct an experiment comparing mold growth under high vs low EMF conditions, with 12-hour off periods"
Hi! Thanks for sharing your findings! Depending on climate where you are, if you can get your hands on some Juglans, you will be delighted by the effect!
I make what I call ‘Magic Paste’ from the skin and fruit or hull of the Black Walnut fruit, muddled with very high quality Zinc Oxide topical paste. Another product is Green Hull Water which when added to a bath renders the bather resolutely opposed to exiting the tub and the exodus of sub-dermal crawlers remarkable. Juglans is a mess and a half, staining everything it touches and when mixed with the zinc oxide, tends to touch everything! (The Romans did call the stone fruit ‘Jupiter’s Nuts’ and every part of the tree is useful in some way.)
I can be reached at (1)850/524-6435 if you have any questions. You be well!
To make walnut water, I get immature walnuts and soak them in water for 10 days changing the water twice a day. I save the water and use it for all manner of things including offering it free choice to my animals.
Making the paste is just a real pain in the ass but I made enough this year to offer it for sale. So far, I have reports of skin moles diminishing in size, skin cancer wounds sealing themselves by scabbing over, fever blisters stopping their progression and healing in just 2 to 5 days and chronic acne clearing up. I do have photo evidence of these stories - I DO NOT CLAIM THESE RESULTS WILL HAPPEN FOR EVERYONE! I’m merely sharing testimonials. I also have walnut water for sale too.
Have seen black fibers out of my skin with my 10x lupe, usually surrounded with white blood cell elements. Fibers way blacker than any of my hair. My body surrounds it and tries to expel it. Sauna seems to help. Witch Hazel tincture applied topically seems to help the skin as well.
Seeing is always believing when it comes from out own skin and it takes very little magnification to do so. those $20 digital cameras are a great present to give those who don't think they have it.
Wife and I have been sticky lint rolling our bed sheets everyday for the past two yrs. It's been interesting to see what is coming out of our skin pores. We've also used a steam sauna (pop up one) for about 6 months and noticed a huge difference. A turmeric/coconut oil paste applied to lesions also helped us (although kind of messy) .
Ecdysone is used in adulticides in Sacramento for “west Nile” control. I think ecdysone hormone is used to feed these chimera gmo biological weapons. Makes the bugs/bacteria/fungi want to seek out flesh to lay their eggs into where morgues contain more ingredients necessary to flourish. I’m not a scientist but I’m getting the picture that the mad scientists are twilight zone sickos. Also, I found an interesting YT channel (strange that it’s still on YT) skizit gesture. It’s pretty old and pretty detailed about morgs and how they work. I think a commenter accused him of being one of the scientists since he was so knowledgeable.
A Skizit Gesture as far as I can determine is a hand gesture indicating you're in trouble and need help though some say it's a handler's gesture to signal someone under mind kontrol.
Skizit is a woman or so she told me. I was in contact with her directly around twelve years ago for about a year and after much exchange of life information, found myself questioning many things about Skizit.
None of the questions were answered and I dropped contact.
For most this is all new and its great to have some that have been aware and researching for as long as you. Its going to be interesting when most of the other side get identified, though some may end up sitting in the unknown / dubious pile for ever.
As someone who has never liked false accusations I am happy to hold my piece until some solid evidence drops, if ever.
I think of Karl and Ray calling each other paid ops and have had a good chuckle over that. I know Karl well enough to know that's not the case with him even though we have different opinions and he can be a bit ? sometimes - but he is a good guy driven by the right reasons. I don't believe Ray is paid ops either, even though he called me that once. That really cracked me up and I always appreciate a good laugh. He puts out some good logical arguments and info about all this and I enjoy his writing and unique perspective. Its led me to look in other areas that I wouldn't have considered otherwise and that's always valuable.
Recently there was a claim 10k papers have been withdrawn in the last few years due to to them being bs. Most probably were ( or were true and its censorship) and relying on papers today is certainly not the way to go.
As to skizit, I also remember learning some stuff that led me to other areas of research back then so even if op, it was worth the time looking.
So far I have been accused of being a 12 year old in the basement, A fizzer employee and more recently an op Dr amongst other things. I take any laugh I can get these days.
Olay, I feel too mysterious not telling the tale of my experience with Skizit G. , so here goes.
This was over a decade ago, so I'm remembering as best I can....
Skizit and I began a private online correspondence from her YT Channel. The same one that's up today. She told me she had been a suburban school teacher and mother. She witnessed some nefarious activity in her neighborhood involving drug dealers on her block and reported them to local law enforcement.
The drug dealers were part of a powerful cartel and they attacked Skizit and her family in revenge. It seems law enforcement was part of it. Skizit's house was burned and her daughter was killed in the fire under mysterious circumstances.
Skizit went on the run. Losing everything and hid out in a cheap motel where she caught Morgellons and became a TI.
She continued running, making videos and gathering information (?) about the origins of Morgellons along the way which she published in her videos.
There's more, but that's the gist. As the story unfolded, she wanted my story in that ol' "Quid pro quo, Clarice" kinda way and I divulged mine and my history with Morgellons.
But I also began questioning how she was able to acquire such detailed info about Morgellons. How her daughter's murder was covered up and so many things I couldn't piece together. It all seemed a little like a TV Show. But maybe it was real.
Finally she claimed she was rescued by a wealthy man and she began making (what I found to be) bizarre videos of a nest of mockingbirds that she was driving to hysteria on a daily basis with her camera and intrusions.
I had told her TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD was my favorite movie. I told her I did not like what she was doing to the baby birds and then I just dropped the entire relationship. The end.
All this being said, though we may feel we have nothing to hide that doesn't mean we have nothing valuable to harvest.
Hence my statement never underestimate counter or straightforward psyops.
I thought skizit was a guy, at least he speaks in most of the vids I watched. Sometimes a woman speaks. I thought it was strange that the vids are still available to watch considering censorship being on steroids of late.
That's concerning I live In sac, heavily targeted. I also have morgellons I cannot get rid of it. It's on shins and feet. Vibrating all the time now and I did the hot salt baths for months and months it seems to almost soak in infection further. ..
Some are having improvements using the anti nano triangle. It’s a small EMP to shut off the nanos operating system which then allows your body to recognize the nano and your body can treat it, purge, like the foreign invaders they are. The operating system has many functions, cloaking itself is one.
I got mine from FM8 on substack and he knows the inventor, Tony P. There are some vids that can teach you to build your own, too.
I have been testing and using one too. started using it dry over the lower intestines first after reading about what others expelled post that. It had noticeable positive effects.
I hate admitting that I accepted 2 c19 pHarm bites, but being a nurse in a nursing home and not knowing my rights or about conspiracies, in the beginning 12/20 and 1/21. The second nearly killed me so I’ve woken up to the scam and have said no to everything since. Not even Tylenol or a vitamin for me thanks.
However, Tony said that I shouldn’t be using it because of my v status. I was using it wet/dry for over a year without noticeable effects. My theory is that because I’m still working with heavily vaxxed coworkers and residents as well as surrounded by a lot of WiFi tech, lasers, and who knows what else that I’m constantly contaminated and am not able to get ahead. But, I believe in the triangles function.
Eric at FM8 has over 100 jabbed people using the triangle without issues and is happy to discuss this with anyone. you can find FM8 on substack or better telegram to make contact.
I have looked at what comes out in a bath under the scope after using the triangle and its a large volume. We know a lot more about the mechanisms of action today than what was known back then.
I bought mine from Eric and have spoken with him many times. I’m just saying what Tony P advised me in a comment on his stack. Also, unfortunately, I have not seen resolution of my problems while using it but I’m not blaming the triangle. I’m blaming the fact that I’m not able to quit my job.
I'm vaxed too. I had no idea at the time. I already had all Thia tech in me from aersol attacks in 2016. I've read Tony said he doesn't know the tech in the vax. My abuse def changed after 2021. But I still feel it's all the same tech. I've wondered about his caution warning
Please see above comment. Eric also has a lot of medical knowledge and experience that Tony did not. His testing procedures to identify what works involve graphic proof similar to mine.
As always, a wild ride into your microscope images. Thank you for making sense of some of these seemingly senseless, murdering and sickening agents being used against us.
Happy to hear about the peroxide. I use 35% hydrogen peroxide in my hot tub. I'm sure this has helped us to detox these black fibres. Hoping anyhow! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Can you say what proportions you use? I have 12% food grade peroxide but not sure how to use it. Plus, I don’t trust tap water and believe soaking in hot tap water increases your absorption of everything in it.
I don’t have a good microscope but do have a hand held one that’s frustrating to use but sometimes I can see weirdness if it’s big enough..
At 35% peroxide, I use about 1 cup every 3 days. I 'm on well water. Before, when I was on a water conditioning system (salt), my peroxide was more stable and I didn't need to use as much. Using city chlorinated water, the peroxide is more stable. therefore you will not need to add as much. I do add sea salt once in a while and that seems to maintain the level of peroxide. Please note that your water needs to be at a proper ph (alkaline vs acid) to help maintain the level of peroxide. If I had no choice but to use city water, I would rather use peroxide over using the toxic chemicals they sell you. Bromine depletes our iodine (thyroid issues). Also sodium bisulfate will lower your PH and and baking soda will raise your PH. Also, I have been reading about chlorine dioxide as another option in the water, but I haven't tried this option yet.
The Covid-era franken-nanoware, it goes through several 'stages' of development in a body (if an individual is being successfully mutanted / hybridized / cyborgified by it - like how a tadpole goes through different stages until the final full fledged frog-in-tact finale), and in one of the stages of my experience, those "lattice/battik/mosaic-pattern"-type 'designs' (even 'plantlife-type designs like 'leaves" which I think may be from the nano-'origami'-technology-- exactly like in the background of your electrified chicken blood orangey colored slide pic--- manifested in my upper thighs to lower butt skin area. The lattice markings designs / graphic design patterns, were in a dark-dried maroonish-bruising coloration. Kind of as if, illustratively, a henna tattoo artist had stenciled or 'stamped' those design patterns onto those areas of skin. So, just corroborating that back-scatter lattice design that showed up in your chicken blood electrificatio slide. yup.
Great pictures and thoughts! I love the idea of using different substances on the same leg to see what happens. Our sputum seems to have a not of manmade spheres in it these days. Liposomes, or other nanocarriers.
Is it impossible to imagine that because we all have millions of these inside us that with the right trigger / signal they could all behave like that simultaneously? How many doing that would it take to drop us instantly (& humanely, like they have stated?) and cleanly. When I first posted it I wondered why it was largely ignored as the more times I observed it the potential ramifications and possible pre planning grew.
I have since seen the same happen once in human blood on a slide but as I knew there wouldn't be time to record it I simply observed at a higher magnification.
The ideal depopulation tool and methodolgy has already been promoted and as they have stated "its far better for the human animal to come to a sudden stop".
This was partly the reason I also have stated many times that its possible and logical the jab is partly a red herring to cover up the deaths from this first stage of a weapon that I believe ( and have shown) every person has today. The jab may have been an upgrade to this or the second phase of a multiphase depopulation tool.
Cliffords work showing the fibers producing the polymers when cultured only adds to this possibility.
The final phase could then be as simple as a signal from 5g, a phone, scalar, haarp or other unknown signal depending on your current ai driven social credit score, and then implemented by ai.
Or have I just put on the Dr evil hat one time too many to try and second guess them? It was nice to see the 532 laser effecting them though and this leads to another avenue of testing.
Captivating pics and video as always Matt, thanks! Your thoughts on the final phase align with what i’m thinking too. The energy release of the fibre in the video gives food for thought. Massive energy release = compromised body system overload 🤔
Great work. I have been using Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) for a number of years topically for skin cancer, infections, bug bites; orally, and prostate flush. Have you added CLO2 to a live blood sample of infected blood? I have seen what CLO2 does with changing rouleaux blood to healthy blood (Dr Andreas Kalcker).
Hi Stuart,
Yes and at the right dilution saw positive effects.
Thank-you. I don’t know why others on Substack are not as interested in CD/CDS. I realize others have their protocols like EDTA, vitamin C IV high dose and a few others. These protocols coast between $130 to $250 per visit. I know it may be not much for many but most people can’t afford it. CDS you can make from basic chemicals (sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid at the proper concentrations for pennies per dose. Maybe I answered my question.
As a side note EDTA has been found to have aluminum in the vials of 10 and 20 ml between 50 to 250 mcg. Dr Christopher Exley has been doing research on Aluminum for 40 years and he published his findings a few years ago. Aluminum seems to be in everything.
"I used to hear about these issues when I started my research, though I never observed them directly. The symptoms seemed to decrease with an electrical diet. , I only had one volunteer who believes electromagnetic fields (EMF) are causing the problem, they are in effect viruses like mold.
Is there significant presence of these issues in one particular country?
Regarding microscopy, I'm wondering if LED microscopes might cause reproducibility issues due to EMF. Could we:
Test microscopes for EMF emissions
Conduct an experiment comparing mold growth under high vs low EMF conditions, with 12-hour off periods"
Great point on the LEDs. I'd be curious to see if anything different happens under an incandescent bulb.
remember my logo, the physics sum
Hi! Thanks for sharing your findings! Depending on climate where you are, if you can get your hands on some Juglans, you will be delighted by the effect!
I make what I call ‘Magic Paste’ from the skin and fruit or hull of the Black Walnut fruit, muddled with very high quality Zinc Oxide topical paste. Another product is Green Hull Water which when added to a bath renders the bather resolutely opposed to exiting the tub and the exodus of sub-dermal crawlers remarkable. Juglans is a mess and a half, staining everything it touches and when mixed with the zinc oxide, tends to touch everything! (The Romans did call the stone fruit ‘Jupiter’s Nuts’ and every part of the tree is useful in some way.)
I can be reached at (1)850/524-6435 if you have any questions. You be well!
Always great to see suggestions as to what helps with symptoms, Thanks.
Sounds good. Can you please provide more detail as to how these things are made? Thanks 🙏
To make walnut water, I get immature walnuts and soak them in water for 10 days changing the water twice a day. I save the water and use it for all manner of things including offering it free choice to my animals.
Making the paste is just a real pain in the ass but I made enough this year to offer it for sale. So far, I have reports of skin moles diminishing in size, skin cancer wounds sealing themselves by scabbing over, fever blisters stopping their progression and healing in just 2 to 5 days and chronic acne clearing up. I do have photo evidence of these stories - I DO NOT CLAIM THESE RESULTS WILL HAPPEN FOR EVERYONE! I’m merely sharing testimonials. I also have walnut water for sale too.
Have seen black fibers out of my skin with my 10x lupe, usually surrounded with white blood cell elements. Fibers way blacker than any of my hair. My body surrounds it and tries to expel it. Sauna seems to help. Witch Hazel tincture applied topically seems to help the skin as well.
Seeing is always believing when it comes from out own skin and it takes very little magnification to do so. those $20 digital cameras are a great present to give those who don't think they have it.
Wife and I have been sticky lint rolling our bed sheets everyday for the past two yrs. It's been interesting to see what is coming out of our skin pores. We've also used a steam sauna (pop up one) for about 6 months and noticed a huge difference. A turmeric/coconut oil paste applied to lesions also helped us (although kind of messy) .
Ecdysone is used in adulticides in Sacramento for “west Nile” control. I think ecdysone hormone is used to feed these chimera gmo biological weapons. Makes the bugs/bacteria/fungi want to seek out flesh to lay their eggs into where morgues contain more ingredients necessary to flourish. I’m not a scientist but I’m getting the picture that the mad scientists are twilight zone sickos. Also, I found an interesting YT channel (strange that it’s still on YT) skizit gesture. It’s pretty old and pretty detailed about morgs and how they work. I think a commenter accused him of being one of the scientists since he was so knowledgeable.
Hi Christine,
Yes i thought it odd when I first saw skizit as many containing less information were deleted earlier on.
Cheers, m
Did you find his info helpful? True? Misleading? I only recently found skizit channel. Wondering what his name means, too. Beeeeezzzzaaarrreee!
A Skizit Gesture as far as I can determine is a hand gesture indicating you're in trouble and need help though some say it's a handler's gesture to signal someone under mind kontrol.
Scary 😬
I just left the story of my experience with Skizit under matt's comment below if you like scary stories. Or at least eerie ones...
Well - Halloween is coming up....
Skizit is a woman or so she told me. I was in contact with her directly around twelve years ago for about a year and after much exchange of life information, found myself questioning many things about Skizit.
None of the questions were answered and I dropped contact.
We can never underestimate the counter-psyops.
Thanks Pirate.
For most this is all new and its great to have some that have been aware and researching for as long as you. Its going to be interesting when most of the other side get identified, though some may end up sitting in the unknown / dubious pile for ever.
As someone who has never liked false accusations I am happy to hold my piece until some solid evidence drops, if ever.
I think of Karl and Ray calling each other paid ops and have had a good chuckle over that. I know Karl well enough to know that's not the case with him even though we have different opinions and he can be a bit ? sometimes - but he is a good guy driven by the right reasons. I don't believe Ray is paid ops either, even though he called me that once. That really cracked me up and I always appreciate a good laugh. He puts out some good logical arguments and info about all this and I enjoy his writing and unique perspective. Its led me to look in other areas that I wouldn't have considered otherwise and that's always valuable.
Recently there was a claim 10k papers have been withdrawn in the last few years due to to them being bs. Most probably were ( or were true and its censorship) and relying on papers today is certainly not the way to go.
As to skizit, I also remember learning some stuff that led me to other areas of research back then so even if op, it was worth the time looking.
So far I have been accused of being a 12 year old in the basement, A fizzer employee and more recently an op Dr amongst other things. I take any laugh I can get these days.
As always much appreciate your presence.
Best Regards,
Olay, I feel too mysterious not telling the tale of my experience with Skizit G. , so here goes.
This was over a decade ago, so I'm remembering as best I can....
Skizit and I began a private online correspondence from her YT Channel. The same one that's up today. She told me she had been a suburban school teacher and mother. She witnessed some nefarious activity in her neighborhood involving drug dealers on her block and reported them to local law enforcement.
The drug dealers were part of a powerful cartel and they attacked Skizit and her family in revenge. It seems law enforcement was part of it. Skizit's house was burned and her daughter was killed in the fire under mysterious circumstances.
Skizit went on the run. Losing everything and hid out in a cheap motel where she caught Morgellons and became a TI.
She continued running, making videos and gathering information (?) about the origins of Morgellons along the way which she published in her videos.
There's more, but that's the gist. As the story unfolded, she wanted my story in that ol' "Quid pro quo, Clarice" kinda way and I divulged mine and my history with Morgellons.
But I also began questioning how she was able to acquire such detailed info about Morgellons. How her daughter's murder was covered up and so many things I couldn't piece together. It all seemed a little like a TV Show. But maybe it was real.
Finally she claimed she was rescued by a wealthy man and she began making (what I found to be) bizarre videos of a nest of mockingbirds that she was driving to hysteria on a daily basis with her camera and intrusions.
I had told her TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD was my favorite movie. I told her I did not like what she was doing to the baby birds and then I just dropped the entire relationship. The end.
All this being said, though we may feel we have nothing to hide that doesn't mean we have nothing valuable to harvest.
Hence my statement never underestimate counter or straightforward psyops.
I thought skizit was a guy, at least he speaks in most of the vids I watched. Sometimes a woman speaks. I thought it was strange that the vids are still available to watch considering censorship being on steroids of late.
Glad to be here. Great article. Thanks.
Here’s a nasa strategy plan -not even trying to hide what they do)
That's concerning I live In sac, heavily targeted. I also have morgellons I cannot get rid of it. It's on shins and feet. Vibrating all the time now and I did the hot salt baths for months and months it seems to almost soak in infection further. ..
Some are having improvements using the anti nano triangle. It’s a small EMP to shut off the nanos operating system which then allows your body to recognize the nano and your body can treat it, purge, like the foreign invaders they are. The operating system has many functions, cloaking itself is one.
I got mine from FM8 on substack and he knows the inventor, Tony P. There are some vids that can teach you to build your own, too.
Hi Christine,
I have been testing and using one too. started using it dry over the lower intestines first after reading about what others expelled post that. It had noticeable positive effects.
Thanks, matt.
I hate admitting that I accepted 2 c19 pHarm bites, but being a nurse in a nursing home and not knowing my rights or about conspiracies, in the beginning 12/20 and 1/21. The second nearly killed me so I’ve woken up to the scam and have said no to everything since. Not even Tylenol or a vitamin for me thanks.
However, Tony said that I shouldn’t be using it because of my v status. I was using it wet/dry for over a year without noticeable effects. My theory is that because I’m still working with heavily vaxxed coworkers and residents as well as surrounded by a lot of WiFi tech, lasers, and who knows what else that I’m constantly contaminated and am not able to get ahead. But, I believe in the triangles function.
Eric at FM8 has over 100 jabbed people using the triangle without issues and is happy to discuss this with anyone. you can find FM8 on substack or better telegram to make contact.
I have looked at what comes out in a bath under the scope after using the triangle and its a large volume. We know a lot more about the mechanisms of action today than what was known back then.
I bought mine from Eric and have spoken with him many times. I’m just saying what Tony P advised me in a comment on his stack. Also, unfortunately, I have not seen resolution of my problems while using it but I’m not blaming the triangle. I’m blaming the fact that I’m not able to quit my job.
I'm vaxed too. I had no idea at the time. I already had all Thia tech in me from aersol attacks in 2016. I've read Tony said he doesn't know the tech in the vax. My abuse def changed after 2021. But I still feel it's all the same tech. I've wondered about his caution warning
Hi Elizabeth,
Please see above comment. Eric also has a lot of medical knowledge and experience that Tony did not. His testing procedures to identify what works involve graphic proof similar to mine.
Thanks, Matt.
I'm going to purchase the triangle at some point 👍
I like the band-aid experiment. Amazing pictures you've got, Matt!
As always, a wild ride into your microscope images. Thank you for making sense of some of these seemingly senseless, murdering and sickening agents being used against us.
This one
"The macro picture and one I like most of the roosters blood".
would make a great Coat of Arms as your SS icon.
Happy to hear about the peroxide. I use 35% hydrogen peroxide in my hot tub. I'm sure this has helped us to detox these black fibres. Hoping anyhow! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Can you say what proportions you use? I have 12% food grade peroxide but not sure how to use it. Plus, I don’t trust tap water and believe soaking in hot tap water increases your absorption of everything in it.
I don’t have a good microscope but do have a hand held one that’s frustrating to use but sometimes I can see weirdness if it’s big enough..
At 35% peroxide, I use about 1 cup every 3 days. I 'm on well water. Before, when I was on a water conditioning system (salt), my peroxide was more stable and I didn't need to use as much. Using city chlorinated water, the peroxide is more stable. therefore you will not need to add as much. I do add sea salt once in a while and that seems to maintain the level of peroxide. Please note that your water needs to be at a proper ph (alkaline vs acid) to help maintain the level of peroxide. If I had no choice but to use city water, I would rather use peroxide over using the toxic chemicals they sell you. Bromine depletes our iodine (thyroid issues). Also sodium bisulfate will lower your PH and and baking soda will raise your PH. Also, I have been reading about chlorine dioxide as another option in the water, but I haven't tried this option yet.
What a great post Matt. Thanks! No fear....
Great report...thx Matt. UFOs...? I would not be inside...
The Covid-era franken-nanoware, it goes through several 'stages' of development in a body (if an individual is being successfully mutanted / hybridized / cyborgified by it - like how a tadpole goes through different stages until the final full fledged frog-in-tact finale), and in one of the stages of my experience, those "lattice/battik/mosaic-pattern"-type 'designs' (even 'plantlife-type designs like 'leaves" which I think may be from the nano-'origami'-technology-- exactly like in the background of your electrified chicken blood orangey colored slide pic--- manifested in my upper thighs to lower butt skin area. The lattice markings designs / graphic design patterns, were in a dark-dried maroonish-bruising coloration. Kind of as if, illustratively, a henna tattoo artist had stenciled or 'stamped' those design patterns onto those areas of skin. So, just corroborating that back-scatter lattice design that showed up in your chicken blood electrificatio slide. yup.
Came across this today. He discusses how they are poisoning us
Great pictures and thoughts! I love the idea of using different substances on the same leg to see what happens. Our sputum seems to have a not of manmade spheres in it these days. Liposomes, or other nanocarriers.
You sure got that right! 'They' keep evolving'- Thanks for keeping an eye on it. 🧐Here's to the micronauts!! 🍻
That video!!!! 😳😮🤬😪
Amazing capture 👏👏👏
Hi Delina,
Is it impossible to imagine that because we all have millions of these inside us that with the right trigger / signal they could all behave like that simultaneously? How many doing that would it take to drop us instantly (& humanely, like they have stated?) and cleanly. When I first posted it I wondered why it was largely ignored as the more times I observed it the potential ramifications and possible pre planning grew.
I have since seen the same happen once in human blood on a slide but as I knew there wouldn't be time to record it I simply observed at a higher magnification.
The ideal depopulation tool and methodolgy has already been promoted and as they have stated "its far better for the human animal to come to a sudden stop".
This was partly the reason I also have stated many times that its possible and logical the jab is partly a red herring to cover up the deaths from this first stage of a weapon that I believe ( and have shown) every person has today. The jab may have been an upgrade to this or the second phase of a multiphase depopulation tool.
Cliffords work showing the fibers producing the polymers when cultured only adds to this possibility.
The final phase could then be as simple as a signal from 5g, a phone, scalar, haarp or other unknown signal depending on your current ai driven social credit score, and then implemented by ai.
Or have I just put on the Dr evil hat one time too many to try and second guess them? It was nice to see the 532 laser effecting them though and this leads to another avenue of testing.
Best regards,
Captivating pics and video as always Matt, thanks! Your thoughts on the final phase align with what i’m thinking too. The energy release of the fibre in the video gives food for thought. Massive energy release = compromised body system overload 🤔