Respectfully, you can read every single one of those papers... and then look, really look at what you are witnessing. Once you're through with all those papers, you will realise there is no research or experiment to explain the multifaceted interdisciplinary suite of abominations we are facing. No scientist can explain what we're looking at, nor can a paper.

I love these papers because they are the closest thing we have... they can give us an idea, they can nudge us in the right direction... and we SHOULD study them... but also while studying them, I believe we need to acknowledge that the complexity of what we're faced with is highly inexplicable.

Some parts can be explained, some parts we can make very good guesses, but then we need to remove ourselves from the restrictions of the 'science', and look at what's in front of us. Your friend Eric (FM8) is the one that helped me see this.

I always say that having done tons of research on BLE, 802.15.4 and .6 and having read endless papers regarding WBAN communication, MAC protocols for intra-body nano networks etc... there is no paper for the signal we're seeing in the injectable... there is no paper for this technology self-assembling into a micro-scale structure and emitting up to 2.4 GHz.

Are there papers on microscale 2.4 GHz-emitting chips? Yes. Are there papers on nanoscale self-assembly? Yes.

But this technology far exceeds the scientific knowledge and ability the public is told about.

People will respond by saying 'just check out Sabrina Wallaces channel, she has it figured out'. Which is hilarious given the fact that despite her endless supply of fascinating and certainly important papers... there is no paper she can provide, no experiment she can provide on the use of technology on this level... beyond hearsay and claims.

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Hi Matt,

To date, this is the most important discovery I have ever made and I'm compelled to share. I think we don't have much time. Your feed is one of the most important ones, and the compilation you provide here shows we are active. We know what's going on.

What we can do about being cellularly taken over. The verification, nonvaxxer420's notes, we recognize their intentions to intrude on our cellular matrix, embed us, integrating GQD into our cell membrane. Radio waves do the rest. We, as free-range humans are over, as we once knew ourselves.

Consider, our energy is harvested, how to fortify ourselves? Since they are using radio waves, we can sequester our own inherent biofield. There is a solution. We recharge before they can discharge it for their own use. We can strengthen and harness our own biofield.

Here is what most people say. When you get sick, they say that grounding is important. Why, it is said to restore our body energy. But here is a problem. Where is the ground not contaminated with their intrusion of ground current that is contaminated with errant waves? Radio waves are everywhere and they've designed them to our detriment.

To date, the Radiac, as prescribed by Edgar Caycee, who had recognized our era as being challenged with abnormal frequency bombardment. He designed a way that we can maintain our own coherence. He gifted us with a way to survive this. I have deduced, from first-hand experience, that this is a battery of sorts, that, when applied to the body, can sequester innate life force, facilitate the movement of toroidal vortexing, potentiating it with the temperature of 40 degrees. It builds upon itself, this is the scalar action, the filaments votex and it makes a small field larger. Here, we feed it back to the body, nourishing our field, to strengthen our own inherent field, making it larger. It is ours to nourish, the bio field. We've all come to realize this is the main component they are harnessing and take from us. We can potentiate it and feed our biofield back to ourselves.

I feel this is my only way, to leave a message in a bottle. Thank you for being that vessel. I hope those who recognize this will read this and hear it.

We can win, we can take back what is inherently ours, our biofield.

I must add, so that all are comfortable with this, I have no financial interest in the Radiac. I had an epiphany, on how it all works, I must share this realization of what is going on and my profound experience. I can't ignore what is going to happen, the things they've put in place are threatening to our self integrity. It is the state of things. But we can find remedy, we must.

We've got a lot of work to do to get through this. Our strength to press on can be regained, it's there.

No fear, only Beauty to Come.

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Boo Ya❣️😇🍎

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I’m enthusiastically going to read through all this on the weekend, but for now am re-stacking . 🥰

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I just don't know how we can measure it ourselves, the zeta potential. But to take home made silver isn't what I feel comfortable with, believe me, I was on it at one time. The webinar Terral03 provided inspired me to give it another try (I had some one the shelf to start, then I ordered a bunch from him. I did well, I got a favorable response, however, as I am trying to maximize health that the nano seems to provide, I theorize I get a sort of internal integrity or coherence and it might not get hijacked by the cloud, as symbiotic energy would work to sheild me. I decided that since nano copper is available, I'd give it a try. To confirm, when I muscle test, it shows to be better for me than the nano silver. But, I thought it was auspicious that animals are supported with nano silver and not copper. Why, I don't know just now. But, in the nano copper literature that is all I can find, to date.

Expensive, but I don't need much because I've ditched many other supplements I thought I needed. It's turning out to be a real exploration and answers are there, if we ask, we'll find we can survive if we concentrate our efforts to get down to what's really taking our life force. We'll only know if we try for ourselves, then share.

Beauty to Come

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this is astonishing...overwhelming...enraging...and soul-crushing - but thank you for sharing this -

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I was just resting in the apartment and when my eye lashes are half closed and looking at the sunlight coming through the glazed windows, I can see small particles moving.

They pop in and out of existence. I was thinking that you could look in a tear because the tear would contain the dots.

There is a scarlet light associated with it. I considered that is could be responsible for the tinitus because they are moving and making sound in the ears.

The dots moving could be responsible for the nervous system damage.

Can you test eyes?

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Hello Matt...thought you were up to something big...so, you found the way down the rabbit hole .

Mind boggling isn't it? I only wish the evil-onion would stop peelin'. It's too much

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Thank you for all your doing Nonvaxer420 🙏❤

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Thanks for the paper trail, Matt. Cheers, Rod

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Excellent presentation by nonvaxxer420, thanks Matt, and totally on the truth path.

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The soap bubble looks like a demon staring back with holes for eyes. He has a short time and will run amok. Sheep from the goats. Wheat from the tares. Thanks, matt. Gorgeous photo. Demon or no.

Spiritual War manifesting (tip of the spear) on the physical plane.

Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Think about it.

All things work to the glory of God.

I went back to look at the soap bubble again and saw a large single eye with horns and a corona rising behind the "demon". Wow.

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Here is my experience.

I cut most things out that I was taking. I just used Terral's nano silver. My head pain started to diminish. I was encouraged by that to keep taking it. I then decided to invest in my health and from my independent research, things that I learned, I switched to nano copper because I'm convinced that ceruloplasmin can be supported by it, but it is more expensive. I cut the borax out, that is my decision that I made from Sean Paul Melville's work that I think could be right, but so many take it. Does it make it right? Terral makes it a point that it should be taken so, there is where we need to feel our own bodies and instincts, while we still have them. I then decided to use the nano silver as a body wash with some copper sulfate added in distilled water. I'm suspicious of tap water, it's something I remembered from Dr. Jennifer Daniels, and "Watch the Water" stuff.

This isn't only what I did, to date... Most of what I'm learning is from trial and error. So far, so good.

I don't blame you from being shy about trying things but Dr. Howard Loomis, an enzyme specialist once said to me about an experience I had with a client many years back, "No guts, no glory". I'll never forget it. So, I try stuff. I even drank my own urine, I'm glad I'm past that phase.

That is my insight for today, I may change it, I'm always inspired here.

I'm glad to be of service to those who care and dare to learn and then teach as you go. We can gain real traction this way.

Beauty to Come.

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Interestingly, IEEE (which is actually called NTC) and ITU are two organizations created to integrate Vitaliano Clathrin GQD’s as the single global neural interface system.

Also interestingly, Ian Akyilid developed the GQD technology to interface at the Quantum level through photons.

It is curious that Vitaliano's technology is never mentioned by this group. Considering Vitaliano invented the internet, you might want to investigate deeper than a giant list of Google searches.


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