As I see it, these are the same processes that I was able to film in the leukocytes at the beginning. The black rectangles were also produced there. If this now spreads to the entire blood cells... we have a problem. You solve one and the next one is just around the corner.
These rectangles have dissolved after days and released this entire black substance into the blood. Does the same thing happen with these structures? A question that could be investigated. Good work Matt!
I have morgellans and i get black dots that come out of my scalp, plus this evil thing has turned some hairs black. It's definitely trying to change me. I have also got metals coming out of my scalp. Bern suffering this for over 2 years and it hit when Covid hit. I have vids of the fungi white hair like things grabbing my earring and moving it.
I love your work Matt! I am a wee bit uncomfortable with the words alive when referring to this technology. The word before electronics implied natural life, in my opinion. Until Frankenstein, "It's alive!"; and nature was still involved in that old tail. I know the word is used for electronics and other uses. The people in their Graves with these active MAC Addresses are certainly not alive. But technology inside of those poor deceased people is still active. On a Spiritual level (which to me is another form of communication implying mystery because I still have questions about Rencarnation and the Afterlife, Angels and UFOs), Words are so different from any other animals communication. I love words and nature and human history. And I see patterns in language. The word active holds a cross to bare. I love the film Ever After, the Drew Berrymore Cinderella story, that had a line in it, that the wicked Step Mother said, "The simplest statement can have a thousand meanings!".
I agree and while reluctant to use that descriptor its the only logical conclusion when observing cell lights coming back on. When the cell lights go out that is death hence the opposite being life or reanimation. The fibers also behave as a living entity.
Thank you for your comment. And I gather by your words that it can be held as a kind of jargon. I like the word reanimated! For me the word life I apply to nature. I guess I'm just an old fashioned gal. I watched a very cool video this morning about Dao/ Tao. It seems to imply a live and let live Philosophy. I may post it in my Notes.
This is all. THROUGH THE STRATOSPHERE.... WAKE UP WORLD.... David Nixon - Maria ZEEE interview....DAVID has Colloidal Gold KILLING this stuff off in REAL TIME...on MICROSCOPY VIDEO...
I am not sure of the benefits of the gold outweighing any as yet unidentified risks and it is still being researched is my current understanding. There is debate about this in relation to gold, silver , zeolites and other things that used to be of benefit. This is due to not knowing if the tech can utilize it. Its the same as vitamin c can be used in the process of making green graphene but we still need it every day. So much to learn still. m
Nixon is either controlled opposition or something. I brought up the face-tagging and he just banned me for talking about it. He has no interest in solving the problem.
David is uncontrolled and certainly on our side. I don't know the details of your issue with him but he did speak directly to you about it, didn't he.?
I'm not sure about Sabrina though. Some mighty strange things there and I don't mean personal presentation or anything like that. I'm talking basic misunderstandings about some very basic things.
I think its like this, what she talks about is largely true, but she sprinkles being weird (to me she is acting weird on purpose) on her presentation and that discredits the topic. This is how they can turn the masses of people off to the truth (their target isn't us-the minority), and to all Covid/injection conspiracy truths. Standard propaganda tactic.
Agreed. Also, there are some very basic knowledge issues I have with what she purports as truths. She seems to know little about Morgellons which is the beta test for at least some of what is seen in people's blood today and the tech being used both internally and externally. She seems to have a basic misunderstanding of what a body organ is and how if one of the body's other organs (other than the biofield or sensor or whatevers she calls it...) was "stolen", the body would rapidly cease to live w/o continual medical intervention and that's only for some organs. Anyway, there's more, but I leave that up to individuals to make up their own minds. All of what I've seen supports a psyop. Perhaps an unawares psyop being fed with faulty info, but that matters little to me. Moving on.
Nice post Matt. "M for mason bees" looks like a devil head with eyes and a big mouth to suck everything in-like those huge occult devil mouth gates you see at some events.
About CO, I dont know about DN, but telling people "nano eclectronics are in the shots" turns off 90% of normies to any further discussion on any other stuff like govt docs showing "covid-19" test kit patents or imports years before 2020, or that no research has found a sars virus, or that the next pandemic this or next year will kill off many with shots, etc. And some of the big name nano tech scopers can take up all of ones reading time so TPTB are happy to let them go on with it.
For me its about showing what I see without a filter. if some are turned off by that they can go back to TV land as there are plenty of filtered sites to find if they don't want to see what a light shined on reality shows.
Yes, it's all good work! We can get it, the masses will think we are crazy so TPTB are happy to have us talk about it. Personally I saw and posted sharp edged RBCs in a vaxed guy myself.
One other WARNING. We have intel from Harold Vella that they genetically programmed into the vaccine Mind Control instructions for vaccinated people to HATE the unvaccinated WORSE than Nazis Hate Jews. This would explain why all your friends' co-workers, and even life family members CUT US OFF when we bring up anything negative about their PSY-OP BIOWEAPON.... Sounds Crazy Until You here how he explains it. Listen for yourself.....>
Early in the COVID Game Dr . Nixon And Dr. Ana put out an ALL POINTS BULLITEN for Microscopy Experts around the world to help them identify the contents of the vaccine. I contacted BOTH of them and offered the help from Doctor Young who is top microscopy expert in the world. They BOTH declined the help without explanation and this was BEFORE either of them had even purchased a Microscope. THATS HOW I KNOW, and I still got the email chains. OH yeah and Dr. ANA ONLY treats UNVACCINATED patients.... But she fails to TELL People that as she IS SELLING her PATENTED DEXTOX process.
Yeah, there has been a INTELIGENCE COMMUNITY smear campaign on Dr. Young. The SAME SCRIPT from Everybody He stole some god damn pictures. So, what if he did? Does that NEGATE his entire career and all the work he has put into alternative healing INCLUDING peer reviewed documentation of curing CANCER.??? You guys need to STOP falling for EVERY PSY-OP thrown at you. Jesus Christ. The reason they ATTACKED Dr Young was because he discovered a CURE to their PRIMARY BIOWEAPON..... PARASITES.
At first, we thought they were tripping out over HCQ and IVERMETIN because they were trying to protect their depopulation bioweapon. Thats not why. They use PARASITES for MIND CONTROL that's why. The Parasites are the Cause of not only CANCER but almost EVERY OTHER DISEASE.. .. You cure the PARASITES with CHEAP DEWORMING MEDICINE, what happens to BIG PHARMA???? BEYOND BIBLICAL....... WE HAVE IT ALL See. and for an EXTRA CHERRY on top, we believe this is also the KEY to humans living AS LONG AS THEY WANT.... Bing Operation Young Blood.
When I brought up the face-tagging on a conference, your military asset [or mindless fool] McNinch lost her mind over it, desperate to prevent dissemination of the information to the public. Nixon, who I believed had good intentions at the time came to her rescue even though it was obvious even to many on the call that my findings were relevant and should be discussed. Neither seemed interested in asking any questions, and Nixon barked at me... when I had not lost my temper as she had, I had not denigrated anyone as she had (ironic as she is a graduate of CULINARY SCHOOL yet believes herself an expert on UV diagnostics), nor had I any intention but to discuss the findings.
Nixon banned me without cause or discussion and only sent an email saying that I was banned because I gave some morgellon fibers and images to Dr. Mihalcea instead of "researching".
That is precisely what research is -- presenting evidence to those who might be interested and/or more capable in the effort to identify and isolate more ideas on it.
Ask yourself: Is open discussion more or less likely to come to a resolution?
Be honest with yourself and answer that question. Then consider the actions that Mr. Nixon has taken and continues to take. From that, you should know that Nixon is indeed the intentional or unintentional enemy of the people. Anyone who is not openly a part of the solution is absolutely a part of the problem.
If you are sincerely trying to help humanity, you should question this yourself. Those who truly care seek absolutely ZERO notoriety or financial gain. Recognition should be given and received -- but never sought. Anyone that does that is not working for others but for themselves.
Your comment opens with "I don't know the details of your issue..."
You don't know the details because you were not told about anything. I was given no chance to speak my position or plead my case. I was instantly banned and silenced just for sharing my findings with someone else.... not to mention the fact that I attempted to warn you and others on the call that you had been infiltrated by military intelligence. He claimed that my comment while unmuted (which was intentional and NOT accidental) of, "I found a spook" was meant to accomplish two tasks -- warn those of you who are being surveilled [including him at the time] but mostly to tell the asset that she had been identified as such. Tell me, why would he - upon being notified that the group has a suspected asset surveilling it - not even ask a SINGLE question about who it might be, why the assertion was made, or if there were any evidence?
Is it possible that he didn't ask because he Already Knew?
I am already a dead man walking -- my reward for loving humanity, and I embrace it with great melancholy. My only regret is that I did not read the bible sooner because then I would have known what the vaccines do sooner, as God already told us about them and what they will do to us.
I am having a bit of a laugh here as when you said "I found a spook" during that meeting I thought you were referring to me.
See my reply to Rider above for my personal opinion on unfounded accusations and censorship.
Its easy to start getting a bit paranoid as there are many genuine spies and opposition players out there, but I think they will all be identified as the agenda progresses.
I am as sure as its possible to be that neither David nor Karl are playing for the other side, whatever you may think. I don't know about anyone else. While I have a different view of censorship and banning, everyone is different and I do understand why some do even though I may think its counter productive.
Hi, obviously I don’t have first hand knowledge of what’s happened here, as I wasn’t there! But some people have a paywall because they really need the money-to live, or to buy equipment.
I don’t see anything wrong with Dr Nixon having a paywall. But I can’t afford to pay, consequently I can’t sit in on meetings. I probably would be too impatient to follow what’s going on anyway.
The injFections [and transfection] cause morgellons to move through your body and mark those who have been infected.
You know what? I think it is about time I do a video on what took place with Mr. Nixon. It is about time he is called out.
Keep in mind that he also banned Dr. Mihalcea, an incredible advocate for humanity who puts herself in the front lines of danger every day.
I also found out that Nixon banned someone else who posted my images in Nixon's chat before I even put them on substack (I originally had them in Rumble, Telegram, and Twitter). Someone in Nixon's chat called him a fraud or whatever and Nixon banned him. Some Chinese guy sent me an email about it. (The Chinese guy was watching his stream; I guess he was multicasting his stream or something) The Chinese guy tried to join and HE was banned too -- because he didn't have a webcam. Imagine that!
I don't know about you, but Nixon doesn't strike me as someone who is seeking truth or resolution.
That was my discovery. I am the one that told her about it and showed it to her. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask. It is spread by morgellons that move through your body and distribute the face tag.
I wonder if there’s a way to time reverse our bodies back to a pristine condition. It would have to be a continuous process.
I’ve heard there’s a process whereby a physical photo of yourself is shone through by a coherent laser to an object called an electret, that then continuously radiates that perfect template (your baby photo) back to you.
Irene Caesar of Wave Genome & Peter Garaiev have done and are doing this kind of advanced work.
Here’s another now deceased fellow named Tom Beardon who has very interesting ideas about time reversal of health with scalar physics. Forbidden tech.
I agree he's controlled because he is with #AgentCovidCatPissLady , aka Dr Ana , and they BOTH popped out of nowhere and had all the attention pointed to THEM. AndI already caught her in a MAJOR lie saying there are no parasites in the vaccine...THATS THE BIG SECRET....PARASITES.....particulary MIND CONTROL PARASITES and if you think that sounds crazy take a gander here......
We have CRACKED THE ENTIRE MATRIX. We know it ALL now... they have been doing this shit to humans for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.
HUGE CLUE...... Another way to tell if they monitor all their social media chats and block any comments they don't like especially when they have hundreds of thousands of followers. That tells you they have A TEAM. Because shouldn't their ass be busy finding the god damn cure instead of reading comments???
The only ones to date that have checked out for me are the ones regarding Dr Youngs claiming others works as his own. He took Dr Nixon's work and claimed it as his own. Blatant plagiarizing is unacceptable and shows that he is not being entirely honest..
His backing up and working with that crazy attacker lady is questionable too. I know of examples where she has given seriously bad advice to people who were injured and when they bought it up they were banned and attacked. Pots and kettles bro. I know you feel the same about that.
Dr Anna bought Clifford Carnicom back to the worlds attention and for that I will be forever grateful. As an independent player in this new battle for our descendants I don't profess to know everyone's motives but am happy to talk and work with anyone who genuinely seeks answers. All players for the opposing side will be shown for what they are in time.
What I do feel strongly about is censorship and logical open debate. This is why I will allow any comments and have never banned anyone nor deleted any comments (with the sole exception of a duplicate comment).
If you have found the magic answer please feel free to post it here with the before and after microscopy references so we can replicate the results for all.
There is no propaganda nor parasite that will make me want to hump a man, of that I am certain.
You know bro, I will have to agree with you on some aspects of Dr. Young. He may have been captured by the deep state, He is UNDER current INDITEMENT and is facing time in prison for bogus charges but that's how they do it. Take you down with LAWFARE. I have been through it myself. He could have been flipped. But I don't BUY that argument that he purposely copied Dr. Nixon work because EVERYBODY says that same exact thing about Dr. Young and they latter end up being controlled op it's like a SCRIPT or something. Why would Dr. Young Need to plagiarize from a AMETUER in microscopy? When he ALREADY was worth over 100 million dollars from selling 10 million copies of his book PH MIRACLE DIET?? He also has Peer reviewed cure for cancer. Why would he put his 100 million dollar fortune at risk to steal some shitty pictures from people who NOBODY HEARD of until COVID came around and then ALL OF A SUDDEN, all the eyes are focused on ONLY THEM????
Remember how after the Vegas Shooting #AgentBigBloomersLoomer POPPED out of no where and the entire investigation was focused on her??? Those are AGENTS guaranteed. Dr Young use to have 2 million followers alone on Facebook before Covid now his tweets barely get 1 like.
Don't you find it ODD that out of millions of doctors on the planet, that only LESS THAN 10 are Publically trying to find a cure for the worse BIOWEAPON in human history???? Their lives and their children's lives are at just as much risk as the rest of our, but they ARE ALL SILENT??? How is it possible within the last three years with ALL THE EVIDENCE shown that the vaccine is a bioweapon that TO THIS DAY they are still injecting it into babies.??? That shit use to drive me NUTS, but now we finally know the ANSWER. At first, we thought they were all blackmailed Epstein PEDO type, but it is WAY BIGGER than you imagine.
Early in the COVID Game Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon BOUGHT Microscopes for the first time; they cannot touch the expertise of Dr. Young on the subject. Thats just my opinion from observaton.....
I have recently come across some intelligence that will change humanity forever. It is way bigger than you can possibly imagine. We are 99 percent sure we know what the KILL SWITCH is for the technology because it came directly from the Creator of the BIOWEPON Dr. Ralph Baric. I am currently on the east coast and do not have access to Microscopy equipment. But here is PARTIAL PROOF for you to analyze with your little antennas.
This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine, and its even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.” The logic is SIMPLE. Every Bioweapon is developed with an ANITDOTE in case the elite catch it. I Weapon that has SELF REPLICTION technology could end up eating up the entire planet. Make sense??? So, the genetically programmed into the Vaccine a KILL SWITCH FIRST. Now here is the BIG KAHUNA. The real cause of the cancer is PARASITES, but not only do they use Parasites on us for Population Control, they use it on us for MIND CONTROL. This is the very reason they went ape shit on IVERMECTIN. Well HCQ has been used to treat MALIARA which is a BLOOD PARASITE disease for over 40 years. Again, READ this first.
This is MILITARY GRADE INTELLIGENCE ....hint hint hint
And if you want to get into CATASTROPHIC disclosure follow the links to my site. End the END this was all about ALIEN DISCLOSURE and the Slavery of Mankind. This is the BIG ONE trust me on that.... Agent Midnight Rider
We now know ALL the answers. We have Cracked the Matrix.... Welcome to Ascension.
I like this post because you are at least being a bit more open minded on some subjects. I obviously don't agree with it all though.
Nobody knows all the answers for sure what we are dealing with . While some obvious aspects are there for any who are willing to look, like the BT mac addresses coming from inside humans today, those who still deny this and attack anyone who wants to discuss it may as well be on the other side even if they are not. Its so easy and cost free to check.
This obviously cannot happen without the required technology having been implanted or grown inside via infection of some description. The fact that untested and unjabbed also have it today proves this as a new reality.
Claims that someone has all the knowledge or answers gets discounted by anyone with more than a few brain cells to rub together. Moderation in claims is more likely to be taken seriously.
The exchange between Len Ber and Sasha in my latest notes is a good example of some of the above.
On the parasites I did a lot of research a while ago into ropeworms and found that they are indeed a relatively new phenomena that is deserving of more research. Back then it was alleged that nearly 80% of the population was thought to be infected with these buggers. This was heavily censored work by a couple of well credentialed European scientists some time ago.
It was Dr Anna that bought this to light again recently with the microscopy showing skin and what looks very much like a snake spine to me. Also some of the things being expelled by people who use the triangles dry over their lower intestines are also worth looking into with a more open mind than many are willing to show today.
Here is the BIG SURPRISE so prepare your brains for it now. These MFS elites are NOT HUMAN. Thats why they are TERRAFORMING the entire planet via Chemtrails, They DONT need to PROTECT their Children from the POISONS, they are trying to make it MORE COMFORTABLE for them while at the same time turning the HUMANS into BORG SLAVES.... Well until next time friends!!!! Agent Q MIB
I watched this, I believe it was Jan 2023. Check if that’s not the correct address just search zeeemedia I believe Maria Zeee keeps all her videos there.
Agreed. What you see is what others are seeing as well and documenting. Thank you for your work! Now we need to find the perfect way to 100% dismantle the syn-biology.
"Our bio labs security measures were botched. The constructor defrauded us, the poor government, and they are to blame for nano thingies escaping into public. Sorry, that is that. Btw, our SOYentists have designed them to leech off every energy source found in your bodies, ooooops."
But they will not tell you how these nano thingies also emit/exist on a frequency that make them seem like they are "alive", but they are actually dead!?
And here we come to the issue at hand. What is actually embodied/manifested in this human body nano network?
Thanks to Max here is a great site for Sabrina's work. My opinion is that every one of us should be open to questioning and that includes her. Troubling indicators for me personally are censorship, blocking and attacking the messenger instead of debating the points raised. I haven't seen that yet there but I think others may have had short shift with her.
Regardless of that, her presentation of what we are dealing with today is probably the best synopsis I am aware of in relation to the wban etc..
Yes thanks to Max + you Matt for the link. I just do occasional fly-bys of her work so have no awareness of the drama in the background, other than her comments of frustration with the deniers/controlled op agents. I agree her presentation of what we're dealing with is cutting-edge. It has got to be very difficult to be the messenger , especially these days.
In music terms, with tuning of A4 to 440Hz, 15 kHz is the note of A#9/Bb9. Here is a link where you can play around with music frequencies - and 'listen' to them. Note: the A#/Bb at 15 kHz is in the 9th octave. This is interesting because it is unlikely to be generated by accident as no musical instruments I am aware of generate this note in the 9th octave - see list of instruments and their octave range - highest is piano at C8 -
Here is a recording of 15 kHz specifically (I have no way to test if it is accurate - so hopefully it is). A lot of people cannot hear this frequency - based on comments, those that can find it annoying And dogs don't like it so you may want to make sure animals are not within earshot when you play it.
This frequency may need different amplification to work but the reason I post this information here is that it might work and I should think it would be easy enough to test on your blood/fluid samples.
Good results from the gong bath; the sound treatment appears to have re-harmonized/structured the body fluids. From what I've been reading, sound(oscillation) is intrinsically linked to our state of health. Thank you for sharing the video :)
Hi Matt... A trick I use is load the pics or videos to a telegram buddy and copy the pics to paste on the substack... I never have a problem... I could be wrong your pics are high resolution ...Real good info on your substack and on my next substack ... Shedding is real...All the vaxed are breathing in your face exosomes and you inhale it... It doesnt effect me but not everybody does what I do. RR
Perhaps you/we are interpreting what you are seeing incorrectly? I just watched a movie about the life and research of Wilhelm Reich and in covering his work on what he called "Bions" your pictures look a lot like his Bions. Instead of viewing them as something sinister, he observed them as healing structures that are formed from decaying biology. Just a thought.
Thank you very much. That explains 3 of the 20 odd aberrations in one sample. Fantastic microscopy but I do wonder at the fact its fairly new. I was hoping for something showing this aberration historically. Regardless of that all information like this is gratefully received.
If there is some genuine older footage of similar it would be great to see as we could then discount it as a new phenomena.
It's worth renting the movie. Reich was ahead of his time and his discoveries definitely pissed people off. He was summarily blacklisted and persecuted. His theories provide a unified theory for the Universe that is very hopeful. He was a student of Freud's who broke from him when he realized psychoanalysis wasn't helping anyone. Freud is the reason why we don't recognize radiation sickness as a physical disease and call it psychological, leading the way for pharma and psychotropic drugs.
As I see it, these are the same processes that I was able to film in the leukocytes at the beginning. The black rectangles were also produced there. If this now spreads to the entire blood cells... we have a problem. You solve one and the next one is just around the corner.
These rectangles have dissolved after days and released this entire black substance into the blood. Does the same thing happen with these structures? A question that could be investigated. Good work Matt!
Hi Sam , Thanks, I will have to look more to see.
Regards, matt
I have morgellans and i get black dots that come out of my scalp, plus this evil thing has turned some hairs black. It's definitely trying to change me. I have also got metals coming out of my scalp. Bern suffering this for over 2 years and it hit when Covid hit. I have vids of the fungi white hair like things grabbing my earring and moving it.
I love your work Matt! I am a wee bit uncomfortable with the words alive when referring to this technology. The word before electronics implied natural life, in my opinion. Until Frankenstein, "It's alive!"; and nature was still involved in that old tail. I know the word is used for electronics and other uses. The people in their Graves with these active MAC Addresses are certainly not alive. But technology inside of those poor deceased people is still active. On a Spiritual level (which to me is another form of communication implying mystery because I still have questions about Rencarnation and the Afterlife, Angels and UFOs), Words are so different from any other animals communication. I love words and nature and human history. And I see patterns in language. The word active holds a cross to bare. I love the film Ever After, the Drew Berrymore Cinderella story, that had a line in it, that the wicked Step Mother said, "The simplest statement can have a thousand meanings!".
I agree and while reluctant to use that descriptor its the only logical conclusion when observing cell lights coming back on. When the cell lights go out that is death hence the opposite being life or reanimation. The fibers also behave as a living entity.
Perhaps The Undead. Like vampires.
They have been indoctrinating us with zombie shows for a decade.
Thank you for your comment. And I gather by your words that it can be held as a kind of jargon. I like the word reanimated! For me the word life I apply to nature. I guess I'm just an old fashioned gal. I watched a very cool video this morning about Dao/ Tao. It seems to imply a live and let live Philosophy. I may post it in my Notes.
This is all. THROUGH THE STRATOSPHERE.... WAKE UP WORLD.... David Nixon - Maria ZEEE interview....DAVID has Colloidal Gold KILLING this stuff off in REAL TIME...on MICROSCOPY VIDEO...
Hi Tom,
I am not sure of the benefits of the gold outweighing any as yet unidentified risks and it is still being researched is my current understanding. There is debate about this in relation to gold, silver , zeolites and other things that used to be of benefit. This is due to not knowing if the tech can utilize it. Its the same as vitamin c can be used in the process of making green graphene but we still need it every day. So much to learn still. m
Thank you for info and response. This obviously is all so important. Thank you....and thank you for all your mind boggling work...
Was this recently?
Nixon is either controlled opposition or something. I brought up the face-tagging and he just banned me for talking about it. He has no interest in solving the problem.
David is uncontrolled and certainly on our side. I don't know the details of your issue with him but he did speak directly to you about it, didn't he.?
I'm not sure about Sabrina though. Some mighty strange things there and I don't mean personal presentation or anything like that. I'm talking basic misunderstandings about some very basic things.
Of course time will tell all.
I think its like this, what she talks about is largely true, but she sprinkles being weird (to me she is acting weird on purpose) on her presentation and that discredits the topic. This is how they can turn the masses of people off to the truth (their target isn't us-the minority), and to all Covid/injection conspiracy truths. Standard propaganda tactic.
Agreed. Also, there are some very basic knowledge issues I have with what she purports as truths. She seems to know little about Morgellons which is the beta test for at least some of what is seen in people's blood today and the tech being used both internally and externally. She seems to have a basic misunderstanding of what a body organ is and how if one of the body's other organs (other than the biofield or sensor or whatevers she calls it...) was "stolen", the body would rapidly cease to live w/o continual medical intervention and that's only for some organs. Anyway, there's more, but I leave that up to individuals to make up their own minds. All of what I've seen supports a psyop. Perhaps an unawares psyop being fed with faulty info, but that matters little to me. Moving on.
Nice post Matt. "M for mason bees" looks like a devil head with eyes and a big mouth to suck everything in-like those huge occult devil mouth gates you see at some events.
About CO, I dont know about DN, but telling people "nano eclectronics are in the shots" turns off 90% of normies to any further discussion on any other stuff like govt docs showing "covid-19" test kit patents or imports years before 2020, or that no research has found a sars virus, or that the next pandemic this or next year will kill off many with shots, etc. And some of the big name nano tech scopers can take up all of ones reading time so TPTB are happy to let them go on with it.
Hi Proton,
Bugger, I post the nano stuff too.
For me its about showing what I see without a filter. if some are turned off by that they can go back to TV land as there are plenty of filtered sites to find if they don't want to see what a light shined on reality shows.
Keep up the good works my friend, m
Yes, it's all good work! We can get it, the masses will think we are crazy so TPTB are happy to have us talk about it. Personally I saw and posted sharp edged RBCs in a vaxed guy myself.
One other WARNING. We have intel from Harold Vella that they genetically programmed into the vaccine Mind Control instructions for vaccinated people to HATE the unvaccinated WORSE than Nazis Hate Jews. This would explain why all your friends' co-workers, and even life family members CUT US OFF when we bring up anything negative about their PSY-OP BIOWEAPON.... Sounds Crazy Until You here how he explains it. Listen for yourself.....>
Early in the COVID Game Dr . Nixon And Dr. Ana put out an ALL POINTS BULLITEN for Microscopy Experts around the world to help them identify the contents of the vaccine. I contacted BOTH of them and offered the help from Doctor Young who is top microscopy expert in the world. They BOTH declined the help without explanation and this was BEFORE either of them had even purchased a Microscope. THATS HOW I KNOW, and I still got the email chains. OH yeah and Dr. ANA ONLY treats UNVACCINATED patients.... But she fails to TELL People that as she IS SELLING her PATENTED DEXTOX process.
Is that Dr O. Young? I’ve heard he’s not to be trusted because he’s done plagiarism.
And Dr Ana, when that EDTA liquid came out, she said somebody else invented it, another doctor, but I can’t remember who.
I’ve unsubbed from Dr Ana, for various reasons. Sorry I can’t be more specific.
Yeah, there has been a INTELIGENCE COMMUNITY smear campaign on Dr. Young. The SAME SCRIPT from Everybody He stole some god damn pictures. So, what if he did? Does that NEGATE his entire career and all the work he has put into alternative healing INCLUDING peer reviewed documentation of curing CANCER.??? You guys need to STOP falling for EVERY PSY-OP thrown at you. Jesus Christ. The reason they ATTACKED Dr Young was because he discovered a CURE to their PRIMARY BIOWEAPON..... PARASITES.
At first, we thought they were tripping out over HCQ and IVERMETIN because they were trying to protect their depopulation bioweapon. Thats not why. They use PARASITES for MIND CONTROL that's why. The Parasites are the Cause of not only CANCER but almost EVERY OTHER DISEASE.. .. You cure the PARASITES with CHEAP DEWORMING MEDICINE, what happens to BIG PHARMA???? BEYOND BIBLICAL....... WE HAVE IT ALL See. and for an EXTRA CHERRY on top, we believe this is also the KEY to humans living AS LONG AS THEY WANT.... Bing Operation Young Blood.
I found an old post of Dr Ana’s, and it says about the EDTA, med five in PARTNERSHIP with Dr A. Mihalcea.
I’d have to go right through my bin to find out who patented it, or maybe I’ll just do a search, tomorrow.
When I brought up the face-tagging on a conference, your military asset [or mindless fool] McNinch lost her mind over it, desperate to prevent dissemination of the information to the public. Nixon, who I believed had good intentions at the time came to her rescue even though it was obvious even to many on the call that my findings were relevant and should be discussed. Neither seemed interested in asking any questions, and Nixon barked at me... when I had not lost my temper as she had, I had not denigrated anyone as she had (ironic as she is a graduate of CULINARY SCHOOL yet believes herself an expert on UV diagnostics), nor had I any intention but to discuss the findings.
Nixon banned me without cause or discussion and only sent an email saying that I was banned because I gave some morgellon fibers and images to Dr. Mihalcea instead of "researching".
That is precisely what research is -- presenting evidence to those who might be interested and/or more capable in the effort to identify and isolate more ideas on it.
Ask yourself: Is open discussion more or less likely to come to a resolution?
Be honest with yourself and answer that question. Then consider the actions that Mr. Nixon has taken and continues to take. From that, you should know that Nixon is indeed the intentional or unintentional enemy of the people. Anyone who is not openly a part of the solution is absolutely a part of the problem.
If you are sincerely trying to help humanity, you should question this yourself. Those who truly care seek absolutely ZERO notoriety or financial gain. Recognition should be given and received -- but never sought. Anyone that does that is not working for others but for themselves.
Your comment opens with "I don't know the details of your issue..."
You don't know the details because you were not told about anything. I was given no chance to speak my position or plead my case. I was instantly banned and silenced just for sharing my findings with someone else.... not to mention the fact that I attempted to warn you and others on the call that you had been infiltrated by military intelligence. He claimed that my comment while unmuted (which was intentional and NOT accidental) of, "I found a spook" was meant to accomplish two tasks -- warn those of you who are being surveilled [including him at the time] but mostly to tell the asset that she had been identified as such. Tell me, why would he - upon being notified that the group has a suspected asset surveilling it - not even ask a SINGLE question about who it might be, why the assertion was made, or if there were any evidence?
Is it possible that he didn't ask because he Already Knew?
I am already a dead man walking -- my reward for loving humanity, and I embrace it with great melancholy. My only regret is that I did not read the bible sooner because then I would have known what the vaccines do sooner, as God already told us about them and what they will do to us.
Hi Justin,
I am having a bit of a laugh here as when you said "I found a spook" during that meeting I thought you were referring to me.
See my reply to Rider above for my personal opinion on unfounded accusations and censorship.
Its easy to start getting a bit paranoid as there are many genuine spies and opposition players out there, but I think they will all be identified as the agenda progresses.
I am as sure as its possible to be that neither David nor Karl are playing for the other side, whatever you may think. I don't know about anyone else. While I have a different view of censorship and banning, everyone is different and I do understand why some do even though I may think its counter productive.
Regards, matt.
Bonjour Matt!
LOL! According to Coy, I am the “spook”, whatever this may mean, for contradicting his theory.
Hi, obviously I don’t have first hand knowledge of what’s happened here, as I wasn’t there! But some people have a paywall because they really need the money-to live, or to buy equipment.
I don’t see anything wrong with Dr Nixon having a paywall. But I can’t afford to pay, consequently I can’t sit in on meetings. I probably would be too impatient to follow what’s going on anyway.
But who is McNinch? If I’m allowed to know?
What do you mean by face tagging? I can’t see that Dr Nixon would be CO.
Look at my substack and
The injFections [and transfection] cause morgellons to move through your body and mark those who have been infected.
You know what? I think it is about time I do a video on what took place with Mr. Nixon. It is about time he is called out.
Keep in mind that he also banned Dr. Mihalcea, an incredible advocate for humanity who puts herself in the front lines of danger every day.
I also found out that Nixon banned someone else who posted my images in Nixon's chat before I even put them on substack (I originally had them in Rumble, Telegram, and Twitter). Someone in Nixon's chat called him a fraud or whatever and Nixon banned him. Some Chinese guy sent me an email about it. (The Chinese guy was watching his stream; I guess he was multicasting his stream or something) The Chinese guy tried to join and HE was banned too -- because he didn't have a webcam. Imagine that!
I don't know about you, but Nixon doesn't strike me as someone who is seeking truth or resolution.
I’ve seen the face tagging on Dr Ana’s stack
That was my discovery. I am the one that told her about it and showed it to her. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask. It is spread by morgellons that move through your body and distribute the face tag.
I wonder if there’s a way to time reverse our bodies back to a pristine condition. It would have to be a continuous process.
I’ve heard there’s a process whereby a physical photo of yourself is shone through by a coherent laser to an object called an electret, that then continuously radiates that perfect template (your baby photo) back to you.
Irene Caesar of Wave Genome & Peter Garaiev have done and are doing this kind of advanced work.
Here’s another now deceased fellow named Tom Beardon who has very interesting ideas about time reversal of health with scalar physics. Forbidden tech.
I agree he's controlled because he is with #AgentCovidCatPissLady , aka Dr Ana , and they BOTH popped out of nowhere and had all the attention pointed to THEM. AndI already caught her in a MAJOR lie saying there are no parasites in the vaccine...THATS THE BIG SECRET....PARASITES.....particulary MIND CONTROL PARASITES and if you think that sounds crazy take a gander here......
There are even PARASITES that turn MFS GAY, I shit you not. Thats why they FLIPPED out over IVERMECTIN... See.
We have CRACKED THE ENTIRE MATRIX. We know it ALL now... they have been doing this shit to humans for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.
HUGE CLUE...... Another way to tell if they monitor all their social media chats and block any comments they don't like especially when they have hundreds of thousands of followers. That tells you they have A TEAM. Because shouldn't their ass be busy finding the god damn cure instead of reading comments???
Hi Rider,
I never have liked unfounded accusations.
The only ones to date that have checked out for me are the ones regarding Dr Youngs claiming others works as his own. He took Dr Nixon's work and claimed it as his own. Blatant plagiarizing is unacceptable and shows that he is not being entirely honest..
His backing up and working with that crazy attacker lady is questionable too. I know of examples where she has given seriously bad advice to people who were injured and when they bought it up they were banned and attacked. Pots and kettles bro. I know you feel the same about that.
Dr Anna bought Clifford Carnicom back to the worlds attention and for that I will be forever grateful. As an independent player in this new battle for our descendants I don't profess to know everyone's motives but am happy to talk and work with anyone who genuinely seeks answers. All players for the opposing side will be shown for what they are in time.
What I do feel strongly about is censorship and logical open debate. This is why I will allow any comments and have never banned anyone nor deleted any comments (with the sole exception of a duplicate comment).
If you have found the magic answer please feel free to post it here with the before and after microscopy references so we can replicate the results for all.
There is no propaganda nor parasite that will make me want to hump a man, of that I am certain.
Cheers, matt.
Dr Anna
You know bro, I will have to agree with you on some aspects of Dr. Young. He may have been captured by the deep state, He is UNDER current INDITEMENT and is facing time in prison for bogus charges but that's how they do it. Take you down with LAWFARE. I have been through it myself. He could have been flipped. But I don't BUY that argument that he purposely copied Dr. Nixon work because EVERYBODY says that same exact thing about Dr. Young and they latter end up being controlled op it's like a SCRIPT or something. Why would Dr. Young Need to plagiarize from a AMETUER in microscopy? When he ALREADY was worth over 100 million dollars from selling 10 million copies of his book PH MIRACLE DIET?? He also has Peer reviewed cure for cancer. Why would he put his 100 million dollar fortune at risk to steal some shitty pictures from people who NOBODY HEARD of until COVID came around and then ALL OF A SUDDEN, all the eyes are focused on ONLY THEM????
Remember how after the Vegas Shooting #AgentBigBloomersLoomer POPPED out of no where and the entire investigation was focused on her??? Those are AGENTS guaranteed. Dr Young use to have 2 million followers alone on Facebook before Covid now his tweets barely get 1 like.
Don't you find it ODD that out of millions of doctors on the planet, that only LESS THAN 10 are Publically trying to find a cure for the worse BIOWEAPON in human history???? Their lives and their children's lives are at just as much risk as the rest of our, but they ARE ALL SILENT??? How is it possible within the last three years with ALL THE EVIDENCE shown that the vaccine is a bioweapon that TO THIS DAY they are still injecting it into babies.??? That shit use to drive me NUTS, but now we finally know the ANSWER. At first, we thought they were all blackmailed Epstein PEDO type, but it is WAY BIGGER than you imagine.
Early in the COVID Game Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon BOUGHT Microscopes for the first time; they cannot touch the expertise of Dr. Young on the subject. Thats just my opinion from observaton.....
I have recently come across some intelligence that will change humanity forever. It is way bigger than you can possibly imagine. We are 99 percent sure we know what the KILL SWITCH is for the technology because it came directly from the Creator of the BIOWEPON Dr. Ralph Baric. I am currently on the east coast and do not have access to Microscopy equipment. But here is PARTIAL PROOF for you to analyze with your little antennas.
This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine, and its even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.” The logic is SIMPLE. Every Bioweapon is developed with an ANITDOTE in case the elite catch it. I Weapon that has SELF REPLICTION technology could end up eating up the entire planet. Make sense??? So, the genetically programmed into the Vaccine a KILL SWITCH FIRST. Now here is the BIG KAHUNA. The real cause of the cancer is PARASITES, but not only do they use Parasites on us for Population Control, they use it on us for MIND CONTROL. This is the very reason they went ape shit on IVERMECTIN. Well HCQ has been used to treat MALIARA which is a BLOOD PARASITE disease for over 40 years. Again, READ this first.
This is MILITARY GRADE INTELLIGENCE ....hint hint hint
And if you want to get into CATASTROPHIC disclosure follow the links to my site. End the END this was all about ALIEN DISCLOSURE and the Slavery of Mankind. This is the BIG ONE trust me on that.... Agent Midnight Rider
We now know ALL the answers. We have Cracked the Matrix.... Welcome to Ascension.
I like this post because you are at least being a bit more open minded on some subjects. I obviously don't agree with it all though.
Nobody knows all the answers for sure what we are dealing with . While some obvious aspects are there for any who are willing to look, like the BT mac addresses coming from inside humans today, those who still deny this and attack anyone who wants to discuss it may as well be on the other side even if they are not. Its so easy and cost free to check.
This obviously cannot happen without the required technology having been implanted or grown inside via infection of some description. The fact that untested and unjabbed also have it today proves this as a new reality.
Claims that someone has all the knowledge or answers gets discounted by anyone with more than a few brain cells to rub together. Moderation in claims is more likely to be taken seriously.
The exchange between Len Ber and Sasha in my latest notes is a good example of some of the above.
On the parasites I did a lot of research a while ago into ropeworms and found that they are indeed a relatively new phenomena that is deserving of more research. Back then it was alleged that nearly 80% of the population was thought to be infected with these buggers. This was heavily censored work by a couple of well credentialed European scientists some time ago.
It was Dr Anna that bought this to light again recently with the microscopy showing skin and what looks very much like a snake spine to me. Also some of the things being expelled by people who use the triangles dry over their lower intestines are also worth looking into with a more open mind than many are willing to show today.
Hey, do did you know that the Ancient Egyptians Worshipped CATS???
Did you know that Dr. Ana is in one of them EGYPTION Channeling Cults.
Watch this for a BIG CLUE about PARASITES and MIND CONTROL... The PRIMARY reason behind the vaccine is MIND CONTROL....
Here is the BIG SURPRISE so prepare your brains for it now. These MFS elites are NOT HUMAN. Thats why they are TERRAFORMING the entire planet via Chemtrails, They DONT need to PROTECT their Children from the POISONS, they are trying to make it MORE COMFORTABLE for them while at the same time turning the HUMANS into BORG SLAVES.... Well until next time friends!!!! Agent Q MIB
I watched this, I believe it was Jan 2023. Check if that’s not the correct address just search zeeemedia I believe Maria Zeee keeps all her videos there.
Thanks, I wasn't sure if it was a more recent interview. I saw this one also.
This is the link. I hope it links up for you
Thank you
I am seeing what you are documenting undedr the micro...Its all planned synthetic and diabolical. RR
Agreed. What you see is what others are seeing as well and documenting. Thank you for your work! Now we need to find the perfect way to 100% dismantle the syn-biology.
"Our bio labs security measures were botched. The constructor defrauded us, the poor government, and they are to blame for nano thingies escaping into public. Sorry, that is that. Btw, our SOYentists have designed them to leech off every energy source found in your bodies, ooooops."
But they will not tell you how these nano thingies also emit/exist on a frequency that make them seem like they are "alive", but they are actually dead!?
And here we come to the issue at hand. What is actually embodied/manifested in this human body nano network?
Hi Matt can u check the Sabrina Wallace link in this post? It takes me to somewhere else + I would really love to catch up w what she has to day. Thx.
Hi Sonja,
Thanks to Max here is a great site for Sabrina's work. My opinion is that every one of us should be open to questioning and that includes her. Troubling indicators for me personally are censorship, blocking and attacking the messenger instead of debating the points raised. I haven't seen that yet there but I think others may have had short shift with her.
Regardless of that, her presentation of what we are dealing with today is probably the best synopsis I am aware of in relation to the wban etc..
Yes thanks to Max + you Matt for the link. I just do occasional fly-bys of her work so have no awareness of the drama in the background, other than her comments of frustration with the deniers/controlled op agents. I agree her presentation of what we're dealing with is cutting-edge. It has got to be very difficult to be the messenger , especially these days.
I may have mixed them up.
Or search for sabrina on psinergy on rumble for more.
Couldn't find the exact relevant post so leaving the info here...
Excerpt "Also, the electric field is designed to oscillate at just the right frequency: 15,000 times per second."
Article referenced -
In music terms, with tuning of A4 to 440Hz, 15 kHz is the note of A#9/Bb9. Here is a link where you can play around with music frequencies - and 'listen' to them. Note: the A#/Bb at 15 kHz is in the 9th octave. This is interesting because it is unlikely to be generated by accident as no musical instruments I am aware of generate this note in the 9th octave - see list of instruments and their octave range - highest is piano at C8 -
Here is a recording of 15 kHz specifically (I have no way to test if it is accurate - so hopefully it is). A lot of people cannot hear this frequency - based on comments, those that can find it annoying And dogs don't like it so you may want to make sure animals are not within earshot when you play it.
This frequency may need different amplification to work but the reason I post this information here is that it might work and I should think it would be easy enough to test on your blood/fluid samples.
All the best, K
oops - forgot the link to the 15 kHz recording - here it is
KS, I believe you’re totally on to something here! Perhaps in a similar vein is this.
Good results from the gong bath; the sound treatment appears to have re-harmonized/structured the body fluids. From what I've been reading, sound(oscillation) is intrinsically linked to our state of health. Thank you for sharing the video :)
So, the Ministry of Death is keeping up with your research.
Shall I wave to them here in the comments.
Hi Matt... A trick I use is load the pics or videos to a telegram buddy and copy the pics to paste on the substack... I never have a problem... I could be wrong your pics are high resolution ...Real good info on your substack and on my next substack ... Shedding is real...All the vaxed are breathing in your face exosomes and you inhale it... It doesnt effect me but not everybody does what I do. RR
Hi Richard,
thanks for the tip. Tried it today but it didn't work for me but still appreciate the thought.
Can't help but wonder about all the additional friction, and how this is being displayed externally and mentally. That is so much activity!
For example, is their body temp actually higher as a result? I see many people walking around so lightly clad in 10-12 degC days, and do wonder.
Where there is friction, there is wear, and when there is wear there is breakdown in structure and material, in this case ongoing toxicity.
Perhaps you/we are interpreting what you are seeing incorrectly? I just watched a movie about the life and research of Wilhelm Reich and in covering his work on what he called "Bions" your pictures look a lot like his Bions. Instead of viewing them as something sinister, he observed them as healing structures that are formed from decaying biology. Just a thought.
what a shame we cant see it.
Hi Tami,
Thank you very much. That explains 3 of the 20 odd aberrations in one sample. Fantastic microscopy but I do wonder at the fact its fairly new. I was hoping for something showing this aberration historically. Regardless of that all information like this is gratefully received.
If there is some genuine older footage of similar it would be great to see as we could then discount it as a new phenomena.
Best Regards,
It's worth renting the movie. Reich was ahead of his time and his discoveries definitely pissed people off. He was summarily blacklisted and persecuted. His theories provide a unified theory for the Universe that is very hopeful. He was a student of Freud's who broke from him when he realized psychoanalysis wasn't helping anyone. Freud is the reason why we don't recognize radiation sickness as a physical disease and call it psychological, leading the way for pharma and psychotropic drugs.
Are you building / using orgone accumulators ?
I wonder if they provide any protection from the emf triggering the nanotechnology.?
I haven't yet. You need to be in an EMF free area, otherwise it can accumulate DOR, Deadly Orgone Energy. There are smaller things you can do, like make a Bion pack, use a blanket and here they use orgone on accupuncture points,
There is genuine older footage in the movie. I took pictures from the movie but I don't know how to upload them > i could email you.
Wish I could tell you you’re wrong too but, damn!! Those visuals sure paint a picture.. 👏🏻
Great job Matt 👏
Matt, were these your blood? Diabolical. Just evil.
Not in my blood thankfully and yes evil.
Thanks again, Matt. And again. And again. Where did you say you found this horror movie?
Not in my blood thankfully, but I suspect we all have it sitting dormant today.
Thank you Matt! Wish our predicament wasn’t so weird…