Finally, someone else besides me to warn people of the dangers of using anything produced by Big Pharma!

Apologies for the multiple links, but they aptly complement the article and would take take up too much space in this comment.

Supplements have always been more about the money than any benefits:


They are tightly linked to the currently-popular myth of "healing":


Ivermectin, while it has always been a shot in the dark treating plandemic symptoms, is now under suspicion, too:


Here is my lifetime experience on health/illness:


Of course, when it comes to trying to stay away from toxins and harmful environmental impact, the problem goes a lot further:


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Thanks Ray,

the multiple links are good information and you are welcome to post like above anytime.

Regards, matt.

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You might be interested in doing the same after my articles, too. Our work complement each other.

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Hi Ray, I just found him too...excellent posts, and a great cadre we have! Haven't seen a recent post from Dr. Ana. I hope she is ok...in light of Karen Kingston's situation, I'm trying to keep an eye on our fellow warriors...hope she is ok...intense times...

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Matt; I am impressed with the depth of your thinking, analysis & writing. Thanks.

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I use Dr Mercola's supplements and the new Wellness Company of Dr McCullough.

The latter is impeccable and the former has just had his bank accounts shut down by the cabal which I would say makes him a very good bet.

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Does anyone know what I could do to avoid taking thyroid hormone? My thyroid is gone - surgery about 30 years ago.

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I suggest posting it up on Dr Nixons site where there are many good professionals that may give you a response.

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I was on armour thyroid for years...I refused the synthroid...but my dr. cut me off - but I found this:


does the trick...good luck

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Hi Pasheen,

Thanks for contributing your experience. It all helps in an age where we can no longer trust most practicing Drs.

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That looks like a good product. I have NDT compounded (I'm in Australia) and my GP ***warned*** me yesterday about the "dangers of NDT" !!! I'm looking for a new GP.

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Thank you! Appreciated greatly.

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YW...takes a few weeks to get them and I split them in half for 30mg. Repack them in new gel caps...so it's a better deal than you would think. I have Hashimoto's and I'm doing great with this - it is pure armour thyroid. There has to be some reason that almost 90% of women need thyroid meds...some poison that is screwing with us all...hmmm.

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Excuse my lack of knowledge , but would this also help for the excessive radiation we are all getting?

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I honestly do not know. For EMFs I have an orgone pod and pendant, and an EMF tent from Dr. Mercola. I'm very sensitive to frequencies and it all helps enormously. I am always looking for mitigation myself...for everything. There is no escape from the graphene which is in absolutely everything now...and the chemtrails are jam packed with a host of new toxins...

I fear that we will reach a saturation point and not be able to detox fast enough to survive this...

We must find the antidote for all of this and fast...

I saw that Dr. Ana just sent a new ss...interview with Maria Zee...should be amazing, albeit soul-crushing...but we are the ones who want to know, no matter what.

and you will love Ray;s research...just great!

Thx for the great stacks...glad I found you, Onward...

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Fluoride in the water is toxic to thyroid. That's the big one.

All the people (30% sometimes I see) on psych drugs doesn't help, either, as they damage the endocrine system.

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Alina - Dr Robert Yoho (retired) is very knowledgeable about hormones. His substack is Surviving Healthcare. All the best.

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Hi Julie, Thanks for helping someone out and welcome.

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With no thyroid, I would not consider a homeopathic formulation. If it were just to supplement hypothyroidism, I would consider, but no thyroid - you need thyroid, not just the vibration of thyroid (homeopathy).

In the USA, Armor Thyroid (called Natural Dessicated Thyroid, or NDT, here in Australia) offers the glandular support of the thyroid in a full spectrum formula. It's basically ground up pig thyroid. (but, of course, if the pig received mRNA, here we go again, right?).

Colloidal gold could help shut down the nanotech components if you ingest tech.

But we're still waiting to figure out how to dissolve plastics (hydrogels, graphene, etc.)

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As I said before, we are doomed. The world is insane.

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Nascent iodine, 3 drops under the tongue for 30 seconds each day. Eat low mercury seafood! Among other tricks too.

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Thank you so much for your response. I am wondering if that will substitute for my non existing hormone.

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No worries. That, diet, avoidance of flour ides and other """""" Ides, full spectrum ammino acids, acid resistant capsule probiotics with high strains, stick to circadian rhythms, and exercise. Don't forget to add some celtic salt to your filtered water.

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No, it will not. There is mixed research about whether people with thyroidectomy (like you and me) should take iodine. I lean on "Stop the Thyroid Madness" website, as well as a verywell.com which have excellent info on labs, NDT, and nutritional support.

You have no thyroid, you need the hormone. You can support around the hormone as much as you want (zinc, Vit D, iodine) but - you cannot produce it yourself. You need to supplement the hormone, or you will wind down like a grandfather clock.

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Thank you. I appreciate your response, but it means I am doomed in case SHTF….

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This is something I've struggled with. "When the grid goes down," I cannot run a herd of pigs to support my thyroid. Removal of my thyroid also removed me from the ability to go off grid.

All we can ever do is our best - there are a number of thyroid glandulars - take a look around iHerb - who knows, perhaps even Mercola has one. Taking a glandular, while not as precise as NDT, will replace at least some of the hormones you are missing.

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How did you convert live blood to plasma for the pictures you took of the object above? Do you have a centrifuge? Was this the only object visible in the sample? Do you have any pictures or videos of the whole live blood sample available for viewing?

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Hi John,

There were a huge amount of them in the plasma between the cells. It was the most I had seen in anyone's blood. It came from a young guy in his 20s.2 x shot ,fizza.

No video , but lots of other pics.

After the last post , I will put a lot more pics up and less writing.

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I just wondered why there were no red blood cells in the field. Did you centrifuge the blood?

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Its a very high magnification for a starter, but also because the blood was quite clumpy it left larger clear areas of plasma which made seeing all those lolly wrappers very easy. I take a lot of pictures of blood that look unlike any others I have seen.

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Have you seen pictures of what has been called shards of graphene? The object pictured has a resemblance to some I have viewed on-line and labeled as such.

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When I read Sterling Seagraves 'Lords of the Rim', the back cover of the book had a very memorable quote by Sun Tzu: "Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate."

I'm 100 % sure that some of these paid actors (politicians, scientists, authority representatives) pretend to be incompetent while knowing the ugly truth in order for own benefit. It's great that you also mention fake opposition. Don't wanna mention any names here, but as you and many others have shown that independent research uncovering the ugly truth is harmful for their business. They literally do anything to shut you down: public condemnation, gaslighting your followers with so called "fact checkers", arrest you, shut down your business and ultimately kill you.

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Before my first trip to China I quickly brushed up on the required reading matter prior to going. Sun Tzu being top of the list, followed by thick face black heart as no 2.

The 36 strategies that are taught to the kids make them serious adversaries for anyone traveling there to do business.

As a foreigner its important to never let on if you have studied them as the real artists of it will then reverse the strategies. Classic.

They have many sayings that I particularly like regarding this. My favorite in regards to us is that "westerners learnt all they need to know about life at "kindergarten"

The other was an old school Shanghainese insult that I will admit to pinching a few times " you are as significant as a white spot on a chickens arse" So Diplomatic ...

You sureness is correct.

And poking the bear is definitely dangerous territory. Lots are aware of Drs that have been "removed" but not many are aware of how many microbiologists have died strangely during the last 3 yrs. The number I heard was approx 300+..

Some bad players identify themselves by denying what anyone can see such as the BT mac address and other by actions such as suing good people like the Breggins for ridiculous amounts of $.

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Naive Westerners think that just because there are no missiles flying overhead they are not at war. But the fact is that non-kinetic war is being waged against them - and being won. Wishful thinking (or none) versus reality - which one is going to prevail every time?

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If I had the hand clapping emoji here i would use it. 10 points.

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Unfortunately, those in a position to influence policy and propaganda are mostly those who not only fail to take a macro view of things but regard those that combine the raw intelligence and willingness to examine things critically as a threat.

This excellent article provides a sort of paradigm for understanding the 'IWI Syndrome' (Intelligent Yet Idiot) and its dire implications for society:


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Books Hope of the wicked and Death is in the air

Shameful should be the participants to this planned human extinction!

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Does anybody know if we can trust Dr. McCullough Wellness Company or The 2nd Smartest Guy's Pet Fenben and IVM?

I'm in Canada and have a previously healthy unjabbed 70 year old friend who now has stage 4 colon cancer spread to liver. Colonoscopy in 2018 was totally clear but oncologist said they must have missed it because of how advanced it is in the colon and liver. I'm thinking turbo cancer but he is not jabbed and on no prescription medications. We found a veterinary site in Canada where he purchased Fenben and has been taking it for a month. Not sure if he should continue as I'm inclined to feel suspicious as well.

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If I had stage 4 cancer I would take ivermectin and fenben in combination regardless of source and potential contamination.

Trust no one with any medication today. Just do the research.

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or - take them, and add colloidal gold to shut down any nanotech.

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This protocol from Dr. Syed Haider includes fenbendazole, IVM, baking soda, vitamin C.

Timing is important - he recommends not doing the baking soda and vitamin C at the same time, for example, as that might result in their cancelling out one another's effect.


One thought re: adulteration of IVM and fenbendazole - it would be hard to manage with so many manufacturers out there. Don't know about fenben, but there are over 200 producers of IVM globally...

Best of luck to your friend.

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Sobering conclusion on the pivot from one supplement to the next. I’ve ingested 85% of them. Still contemplating your IVM/Fenben findings. My only resources on the research side now are you and those you mention… Dr Ana, Dr Nixon, LQC, la mira microscopia, and on the EMF side of the equation is Celeste Solum, Elana Freedman, and carnicom. Matt, are you aware of Terral Croft? Not sure his knowledge and solution can be overlooked. The latter is within your testing range, but his overview raises a whole other level of nanobot activity/ function in our bodies and the environment. Would like your input. If you’re not familiar can I send 1-2 links? I’m following your exploration and critical questions with much gratitude, thank you.

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Thanks , i would like the links too.

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Sent but it posted at the top of the page as new…

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Great talk here, really good pictures of what seems to be a part graphene formed ribbon. I think that's what these are.

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Nice pictures and good questions, indeed. To me, it also appears to be the first stage of a ribbon/optic fiber deployment with its characteristic three split ends and crystals docking filaments.

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You’ll see he posts frequently and comments across geo-weather, planet, politics, globalism etc but also what seems legit knowledge on the jab genesis & antidote topic.

#1 @4 min:


#2 @34min:


Update: one more, this is useful info:


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Everything you say makes sense. Question everything& check everything under the microscope.

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Thanks Matt. 'Enjoying' your photos but very creepy!!

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Sep 20, 2023
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La Quinta

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