Hi Matt,

I don't know if you know this patent. It is very interesting and revealing:

Systems and Methods for writing and reading data stored in a polymer using nano-channels


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Matt, those little green balls are most likely the infamous “synthetic cells” that everyone is looking for. Check out this research paper; it holds many of the answers we all seek.


Alternatively you can check out my next post. But I feel compelled to share this with you first since you intuitively knew that the green blobs were key. They definitely are!

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I was just resting in the apartment and when my eye lashes are half closed and looking at the sunlight coming through the glazed windows, I can see small particles moving.

They pop in and out of existence. I was thinking that you could look in a tear because the tear would contain the dots.

There is a scarlet light associated with it. I considered that is could be responsible for the tinnitus because they are moving and making sound in the ears.

The dots moving could be responsible for the nervous system damage.

Can you test eyes?

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Funny to think of it. Last week I had an eye infection, the specialist couldn't determine what it is other than rare as it's not painful so he ruled out shingles. It's the white part that got inflamed partly covering the cornea. I was sitting in the sun and notice like things/parasites crawling in motion. Also notice it as I look at a brighter section. Now my eye is healed and can't see it. I ditched the antibiotic and drops that didn't help I used on day 1 and went for methylene blue and mms/dmso as eye drops. Next day I can see the recovery. Was wondering if its nano bods moving and now you mentioned it..

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Hi Bastion,

One test I have seen for the eyes is to shine a low powered backlight into someone's eyes to see if they glow the same as the syringes. i have tried with a couple of people but haven't seen any glowies yet as they shut their eyes too fast. It wont surprise me when i do though.

Most cannot stand it being done where I don't seem to have a problem looking into it. This may indicate a difference but am not sure.

I opened a cheap air filter that I got and the particles and fibers inside the filter lit up. Not all the fibres do as I have also looked under the scope with it at masses of them.

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Mmm ok. The nanodots moving in the eye make it painful to hold it against what the machine is doing to the optic nerve.

On one occasion, i has tiny lights from the back of my watch get caught inside my eyeball in the pitch black dark. This is to say that the light clung to the dots inside my eye even when the light was gone.

Maybe look at those eye drops that widen the pupil then shine light into that and try capture an image.

I used to say brave people for coming forward but now I am starting to think that so many of us are just sick of dealing with it so we are coming out

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

This light reminiscence is called retinal persistance. It is also the fundamental phenomenon behind movies. Frame by frame images separated by a black space suffices to trick our brain into filling in the gaps and get the impression of a continuous movement. Optical illusion…

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This is wilder than any episode of the X-Files!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Please, watch this whistleblower, Winston Smith, from New Zealand. This holds for every countries and all their hidden statistics :


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Nov 29, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hey, Matt, feel like I am a main character of a horror movie. Perhaps, Matrix was a plan, not a Si-Fi. I am unjabbed SAucklander with 20+ years of research experience. Would be interested to donate my blood for more research on this topic.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I’m new to all this, so bear with me. If I take a tiny drop of my own blood, and look at it under a microscope, will I see this, too? No, I do not have an expensive scope, but I can see rotifers and ciliates like they’re sitting on my sofa LOL! Or is this only visible with extremely expensive microscopes?

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Hi Jackie,

You will see the bigger ones even with a 200$ brightfield scope. Its also possible yo make a dark field patch kit at home for one at 2$ and some time. Then you will see more.

regards, matt

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Matt, I think the video here *might* be of interest.


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Hi Richard. "might " was a nice understatement.

Thank you Sir.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt - did you read Stefano Scoglio's paper - "Graphene does not exist" audio.pwfm.tech/documents/231013-scogli… and his interview with Eric Coppolino at planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/another-ye… (50 min recording starting ~1 hour in) plus lots of debate on issue in comments section and also here https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/proton-magic-falls-for-fan-wu Scoglio claims all microscopists showing nanotech in jabs are fraudsters and fearmongers using CGI. Thought you might be tempted to stick your bib in (?). I noticed John Lukach commented on Coppolino's channel but apart from that I've seen no reactions from microscopy guys. I mentioned it to Dr Nixon some time back but he brushed it off as a bit of a joke. Take a look if you get the time. I've commented a bit on Coppolino's channel until he banned me and also on Proton Magic SS, mainly responding to Christine Massey who defends Scoglio tooth and nail. I'm also fan of Massey and Scoglio too - but his paper is far from convincing to me.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

wouldn't it also be nice if we were all just having the same really really bad dream?

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how are you doing Matt - those microbes keeping you busy? It's wonderful what you do for others....don't ever forget that. You know when we see others be so willing to help ppl...it makes our spirit soar too !

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Hi Kerrylyn,

I don't know scoglio but can only say that I know I am posting what I see because I see it. CGI? wouldn't know how, to be honest. Its a bit like someone asking me to stop using photoshop. I find it funny because I wouldn't know how to. I have problems just uploading the videos I take, without learning special effects etc.

Being a bit of a luddite has its advantages sometimes.

Thanks, mat.

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I k lnow what those objects are In the top images, I've seen those before, I. Might tease you and keep it secret for a bit, 😂. Also remember the green droplets were something we discovered a long long time ago In The blood as we discussed. Those were one of the earliest discoveries in Melinda sartes research 10+ years ago and them mine when I came along later. Just checking on ya references 😉 nice images as always matty boy!

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Author

If you really kinow what they are please enlighten me and the donor, my resident genius.

The remember bit is hard for me as you know. Did we discuss the green blobs before?

Reckon your new software toy could keep up with those bots and do the plotty thing? Dr Suess would define that as a lotta botty plotty to do. I have two more samples of the same actions in different matter after that one if you are still keen.


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haha ..botty plotty! I had morgellons samples from 3 years ago which kept forming this in saliva. They only thing i ever saw that looked like these were insect wings unfortunately. Doesn't mean they are but that is exactly what they look like and i have seen them forming before multiple times. But then you have also seen the insect samples such as the midge fly i showed which grew under cover slip also without forming from a Laval stage. Mind boggling beyond logic.

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Hey Karl n Matt

I’ve seen the exact formations in pic 1 and 2 forming from polymer puddles.

I thought it was my images is why I clicked on this article.

Much of what we are seeing is from overspray if you will.

The orange quantum dots and Morgellons fibers can be seen on a black shirt in the dark by the millions with a 365 nm black light.

These embed into the skin ,tongue,eyes etc and emit orange and blue fluorescence upon observation.

It’s smart dust.

It’s ubiquitous.

Also I found hydra in lidocaine 🥳


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Thanks for that, memory of discussion came back too, though not too reassuring for the donors to know its probably insect dna expressing itself in inside them. Guess we have to face reality on this one.

Maybe we can take heart in the fact at least its insect dna and not from a lower order like a dicty slime mold perhaps?

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

just for interest sake, one smarty pants expert (?) on what's in the jabs etc etc...claimed that the nanotech was designed on the "tick " critter.

An observation of mine offered (apart from dinosaur toenail) is - it could be another version of plastics....the familiar ribbed lines reminds me of very manufactured "materials" we see in a lot of applications. Just sayin.

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I must be getting slow - it took me a few seconds to realise , Ribbed for her.. still laughing.... You may have noticed I edited the post and renamed it in your honor. Thanks for the laugh.

Yes , willie Borgdorfer , the dod weapons man near lyme in USA that borgdorferie ? is named after and lymes disease etc.

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I'm honored !..., truly... it's a very nice toenail...

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another cheeky boy !

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

So it wasn't just my brothers up to the same mischief...brings back lots of good memories...they all blew stuff up all the time. Dad wasn't too happy about it..none of them smoked, but even they did your cigarette grenade stuff...(it's a boy thing)

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Although a doc, I’m not currently working. Once the knowledge of this nanotechnology becomes mainstream, it’ll be bad. We’re talking about collapse of the pharmaceutical industry

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Hi Dr Smart,

The collapse of the pharmaceutical industry would be one of the best things to happen for the last century. A dream for me but not going to happen unfortunately. Most are too far gone already and will remain stuck in the brainwashed old paradigm of rocket fella oil based pharmaceuticals.

The new era of medicine is already well upon us but withheld from the public in a variety of ways. If the technology that we all now contain was being used for the good of the population instead of depopulation and enslavement of our descendants there wouldn't be much need for the old stock of pharmaceuticals. They have made a very successful play at extracting vast fortunes from the public via this scam and probably have that salted away already.

While I may be playing in the field of the micro at present, my life experience and forte has always been at the macro.

I doubt that the Rife tech was ever stopped in its development after it was shut down for the public. If that is combined with the Russian tech of bio resonance like in the metatron machines, plus scalar and the nano bots, I guess you would have the med beds ready for those who can afford the treatments.

When travelling i used to buy books to read and around 2018 or 2019 I happened to buy a book called "Homo Deus". No wonder none of the ensuing bs was a surprise to me. That was that little scumbag noa hararis book. It spells out quite clearly the modern era of medicine we face with all the upgrades for the rich etc.

The social contract is entirely broken and there is now only the laws of survival for those who know. Even the law of war is being ignored today, as its a cowardly undeclared war on the civilian population that is still un noticed by that majority who are blindly and willingly going for a shower..

It would be very hard to accept, even for those who consider themselves awake, to find out that even the " vaccines " are a red herring and designed to be exactly that. The simple fact that we all have this tech in us would logically lead one to that conclusion wouldn't it?

There are few who are even aware of the difference between strategy and tactics let alone able to have a handle on so many differing elements of this agenda. They will have big parts to play if we are to win this modern winner takes all challenge.

While I am still an optimist at heart, it gets harder to remain so as more is uncovered. This would have to be the biggest challenge to the survival of our species since the last pole reversal, whenever that was. While I have faith in the common people of the world to do what they think is right, the propaganda and technological levels of mind control implemented to date will be hard to overcome for the majority.

3 % is the number I hear quoted for a successful revolution. Perhaps considering the above it may need to be more today.

That's todays rant done. Thanks, m

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

beautifully articulated bro....you're more than okay ( despite our reality)

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Another thought, I’ve not seen any of these images shared on Telegram so far. I would be happy to share any simple posts with several groups simply asking what people think of the images. I’ve had one or two interested individuals ’bite’ at the recent pangenome project details I put up, for example.

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Hey Matt,

I couldn’t put it better. It is hard to engage those with expertise in scientific field in this matter, however I have noted here that the quality of response in general is good/useful/shows critical thinking. It would take a large group from various walks of life to create a strategy. I see that this is currently survivalist in most areas.

At some point I had to accept that further uptake of a truth message is dwindling but with the increase in war fuckery recently, I believe the window is opening up again for people to hear truth. Perseverance we have in spades !

Annabel :)

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Just as God led you, Mattt, Dr. Ana and others to this point, He will be there for us all working for Truth and Justice. Those with expertise WILL engage sooner than later, the present process confirms it. Survivalist is the first reaction to a shocking discovery of unprecedented,massive threat. As we go on, we will discover weak points of the tech and the villains' vulnerability.

Since discovery of Dr. Ana's and linked websites, from anxious and helpless I became calm and confident, even though I learned that one can get transfected from the environment. Once the masses realise this, the following seems likely:

- the vaxed - nonvaxed divide will vanish, love will displace hate and conflict among the globalists' victims

- growing stats of fatal and serious vax after-effects will permeate public opinion globally

- the vaxed deniers will consciously recognize their error and will embrace the cure

- the unvaxed will drop their apprehension towards the vaxed, as we all are on the same boat now

- the above together with covers blown off the fake wars, climate change etc. globalist trickery, the criminals' scheme is bound to collapse, as it relies on deception,,fraud and fear, as well as on the divide -- one between Good and Evil

- the growing awareness will unite and mobilise sufficient critical mass to crush the hydra.

Because the perpetrators must have an antidotum given the self-spreading, and since Dr. Ana effortlessly uncovered it for Humanity, with God's help undoubtedly, I am confideny about our succesful inquiry and eventual victory.

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I like your thinking and optimism Piotr. Thanks.

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Yes, those are the waves we must catch and ride

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We need that perseverance as this is a marathon not a sprint.

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For those who didn't pick up on Matt's "Sth Auckland" reference it is very much a polynesian part of the city. Although there's quite a few Indians there these days too.

We're all different, I expect the fools who did this are starting to find that out.

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The Maoris could be the globalists' unpleasant surprise :)

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Let's hope that we all are.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Just incredible Matt !! What a rare collection of new things. I can’t wait to look at the hypersonic bots on large screen ! Exactly as you said…the one that was building “light” and being fed !

Youv’e outdone yourself once again…wow

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Hi Kat,

As Len Ber has shown, these critters don't die fast so I now have a healthy variety of them to culture on different media to see if I can get them on a better background for filming.

It will obsess me a tad until I can get a clearish capture now as identifying what we are dealing with may help in future killing or removal of this leg of the attack on us.. I will admit to needing the services of a good geek.


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I’ve been reviewing a lot of nanotech papers and articles and wonder have you or any of the other microscopists tried the strong magnets positive opposite - negative facing magnets? Apparently this can blow them up !

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Hi kopycat, can you give any links please to the Magnets you’re speaking about?

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Sure here's a link to one good article that also goes on to show a list of some everyday items that can also stop them dead . This particular czech site has a lot of insight to today's tech nightmares - good one to explore: https://stop5g.cz/us/pulsed-magnetism-destroys-morgellons-and-nanotechnology-pemf-electromagnetic-pulse/

I would imagine some experimentation with different strength magnets applies.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thanks so much! I really appreciate your speedy response 😊

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No, but I have always enjoyed blowing things up.

Used to play with 20 kg boxes of gelly back in the good old non pc, non nanny state days. A few good stories, close calls and a tad of trouble from those experiences. Nothing was safe or sacred from a young buck with excess supplies. From fish to wasp nests and everything between.

Even managed to create a real exploding ciggie one day by accident. Left me with tobacco up the nostrils and the paper smeared over my face like in a cartoon. Got some good laughs from witnesses that day.

But that'd sure fix the bigger critters...

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Nothing is coincidental, the rogue boy was in Good Hands. Now too, you learn fast, as Dr. Ana can't keep uo with your revelations :)

On the horison for all this research: expand the analysis to intial material and developed structure composition, durability, behaviour under different stimula and quick, effective and massive neutralisation that would take the wind from the psychos' sails.

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Kill and cure in fact

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