how do you explain the regain of your white cells?
also, did you try in vitro and in vivo experiment with a drop of hydrogen peroxyde on morgellons and synthetic graphene bots? another experiment would be horseradish concentrate (in capsule or liquid) widely used in chemistry to dissolve metals.... thanks to share your results if you planned to do it.
Great post and imaging. I like the fact you are using both sides of the brain to look into things. There are actually many ways we can "resuscitate" WBC function. WBC maturation and cooperative signaling is complex and similar to the way we ourselves learn how to act in the world. For example, MK cells train cytotoxic CD8 cells how to do their killing work. Cells are little semi-autonomous beings that have their own specific range of capabilities and also endowed with feeling states, or ranges of sentience. "Nurture" applies in this inner world as much as does "nature". In this sense too, the way our thoughts and feelings resonate from our subconscious into our organs and tissues affects immune response and WBC capability. Horseradish has specific actions to assist the immune system in degrading foreign substances. Actually, in my view this extends through the radish family. Not those conventional little red radishes at the supermarket, but the less commonly found specimens, the large roots, black, purple and pink. Radish comes from radix, which means root, so it channels up certain earth energies. Same is true of ginseng. Where things are grown, sourced and stored is of course a very important factor in ensuring potency.
matt, you're doing God's work, seriously, LOL. It's so interesting to be able to see the franken-nanoware-hardware 'structures' that I see manifested under my skin, without the external skin blanket over them. It's like, my hand or arm or leg or neck, etc is a raw apple pie before it's baked, with the raw dough laying on top, and you can see the apple slice forms underneath that layer of rough dough but only in silhouette / in shadow. It's a whole different animal to be able to see the apple slice artifact in all its precise intricate detail, instead of behind the vague form dough skin barrier. lol. It's seriously amazing what our bodies can tolerate, the body's threshold for dealing with foreign frankenmatter, the body system's adaptability to mitigating whatever's present in our systems. Even when we're so sophisticatedly high-biotech hacked and hybridized / mutantized, and it still manages to deal with it and work with it and a person can be functioning still "okay". It's just so impressive, regarding our bodies; so durable and adaptable to any scenario, etc.,
Amazing post Matt.. And yes gotta love lookoutfa Charlie! "Do Nazi stuff!" hahaha
And YES to the HYDROGEL being the new synthetic version of the FUNGUS that Charlie was talking about... It's HYDROGEL! It sticks nano to your skin and assist V2K, and all kinds of attacks like mosquito bites and vibrations etc...
Hi Matt positive note on WBCs. I use all those and will have a expensive Hydrogen water machine in May. I will show you the results then on my blood...RR
The last photo you presented. I have seen this pattern over the years develop in saliva and blood of people. I have many examples on similar patterns forming.
Guy, sadly it appears that none of them are clean. I haven't researched it but TENS is used by some dentists. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.
What I would do to avoid the shot, which is too close to the brain, is use a pain med like hydrocodone, Percocet or similar. Supposedly black pepper and turmeric relieve pain also.
I'll will see if there are alternative options for pain. Thank you. I think more than getting my tooth fixed, I'd love to just have the confirmation of its ingredients to expose the truth to my local dentist. I'm seeking a holistic dentist until I can get these examined.
I have a similar situation with my dermatologist. She uses Lidocaine local anesthetic when she has to carve a barnacle out of me and I'm about done with the whole idea. I gave her a link to Dr. Ana's site but I doubt if she ever looked at it. And when I showed my dentists (father and son) the TENS info they could not have cared less.
how do you explain the regain of your white cells?
also, did you try in vitro and in vivo experiment with a drop of hydrogen peroxyde on morgellons and synthetic graphene bots? another experiment would be horseradish concentrate (in capsule or liquid) widely used in chemistry to dissolve metals.... thanks to share your results if you planned to do it.
Thanks, I had forgotten the horseradish one.
Some large projects have come up and I wont be on a scope for a bit, but will include these and other tests on the list.
Not sure about the regain? question.
Great post and imaging. I like the fact you are using both sides of the brain to look into things. There are actually many ways we can "resuscitate" WBC function. WBC maturation and cooperative signaling is complex and similar to the way we ourselves learn how to act in the world. For example, MK cells train cytotoxic CD8 cells how to do their killing work. Cells are little semi-autonomous beings that have their own specific range of capabilities and also endowed with feeling states, or ranges of sentience. "Nurture" applies in this inner world as much as does "nature". In this sense too, the way our thoughts and feelings resonate from our subconscious into our organs and tissues affects immune response and WBC capability. Horseradish has specific actions to assist the immune system in degrading foreign substances. Actually, in my view this extends through the radish family. Not those conventional little red radishes at the supermarket, but the less commonly found specimens, the large roots, black, purple and pink. Radish comes from radix, which means root, so it channels up certain earth energies. Same is true of ginseng. Where things are grown, sourced and stored is of course a very important factor in ensuring potency.
how many poison jab did you take?
Are you asking me? None, no tests etc either.
ok good!
matt, you're doing God's work, seriously, LOL. It's so interesting to be able to see the franken-nanoware-hardware 'structures' that I see manifested under my skin, without the external skin blanket over them. It's like, my hand or arm or leg or neck, etc is a raw apple pie before it's baked, with the raw dough laying on top, and you can see the apple slice forms underneath that layer of rough dough but only in silhouette / in shadow. It's a whole different animal to be able to see the apple slice artifact in all its precise intricate detail, instead of behind the vague form dough skin barrier. lol. It's seriously amazing what our bodies can tolerate, the body's threshold for dealing with foreign frankenmatter, the body system's adaptability to mitigating whatever's present in our systems. Even when we're so sophisticatedly high-biotech hacked and hybridized / mutantized, and it still manages to deal with it and work with it and a person can be functioning still "okay". It's just so impressive, regarding our bodies; so durable and adaptable to any scenario, etc.,
We are very resilient and that's why the poisoning has to be so obvious. Just looking up tells you enough today.
Hi Matt, great post! Thank you.
Are you ready to work with us? We are ready and able. Let's do it!
Hi Joseph,
J will be in touch.
Regards, m
Great! Just reply Rachel’s email and register as a new account. We will start the procurement process immediately. Thank you! 🙏
Good mix of micoscoping and macro world interpretations, thanks Matt.
Love it MATT !!!! Happy New Moon New Year of the snake !!! Soon good smooth sailing times are coming !!! LOVE & LIGHT !!! DC
Wow those images should be on mainline news!!! They are amazing. Thanks for sharing!
Amazing post Matt.. And yes gotta love lookoutfa Charlie! "Do Nazi stuff!" hahaha
And YES to the HYDROGEL being the new synthetic version of the FUNGUS that Charlie was talking about... It's HYDROGEL! It sticks nano to your skin and assist V2K, and all kinds of attacks like mosquito bites and vibrations etc...
I wrote a post about CLEANSING it here:
what are you doing to improve the blood/cells?
My most basic and cheap are peroxide, cds, cayenne, lugols and hydrogen water. I am doing the laser and peroxide every day now.
Hi Matt positive note on WBCs. I use all those and will have a expensive Hydrogen water machine in May. I will show you the results then on my blood...RR
How's your blood results with those approaches? Has the hydrogen water had big effect? What solution did you go with for hydrogen water?
The blood shown here is not mine but from a large mix of people.
My blood is good these days. mainly from the laser, peroxide and iodine.
The hydrogen water bottles range from 100 to 1000 nz$. A $200 one produced the most.
Structured water also produced good results.
Hi Matt - I have some catching up to do. Can I reach out to you via email?
have you tried hydrogen tablets?
Not yet and were not aware of them. Can you give me any more info? Thanks, m.
Also, David Nixon has determined collidal gold destroys nano.
Great Work Matt, thank you 🙏!
Matt, do you think the new rife's are effective?
We are testing different devices at present but I have seen enough to become a fan..
I have the option to apply the freq without a carrier wave. Have not done that yet, I am going to go that route now.
Good Day Matt.
The last photo you presented. I have seen this pattern over the years develop in saliva and blood of people. I have many examples on similar patterns forming.
Matt, heads up, this broke today:
'Without their knowledge': Unsuspecting Americans subject to top secret biomedical clinical trials
Thank you for keeping us up to date, Matt! Your Light shines in so many ways!
Thanks Jane. Appreciated. m.
Can anyone send me recommendations for a microscopist to examine my dental anesthetics provided to me by my local dentist please? I'm in TN.
Guy, sadly it appears that none of them are clean. I haven't researched it but TENS is used by some dentists. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.
Good luck.
What I would do to avoid the shot, which is too close to the brain, is use a pain med like hydrocodone, Percocet or similar. Supposedly black pepper and turmeric relieve pain also.
I'll will see if there are alternative options for pain. Thank you. I think more than getting my tooth fixed, I'd love to just have the confirmation of its ingredients to expose the truth to my local dentist. I'm seeking a holistic dentist until I can get these examined.
I have a similar situation with my dermatologist. She uses Lidocaine local anesthetic when she has to carve a barnacle out of me and I'm about done with the whole idea. I gave her a link to Dr. Ana's site but I doubt if she ever looked at it. And when I showed my dentists (father and son) the TENS info they could not have cared less.
Geeez.. probably best we stop giving people like this our time and money.