Hello, Im not a scientist just trying to understand, in looking at the CDS picture, the cells seemed clear and maybe nothing extra floating around. It is my understanding that CDS rids the body of heavy metals if used continuously, So would it be honest to say to clear out the nano to use CDS, (the universal antidote). Does taking nano silver that Terral Croft advocates also remove the threat. Really trying to get clarity. Thank you

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

"If you kill it on the surface of your skin with using borax, water and antibacterial dish washing liquid mixture on your body first then rinsing it off, you will kill it on the surface of your skin." anyone has a clue how could he recommend "antibacterial DISHWASHING LIQUID " (machine or hand wash?) and not just plain antibacterial soap bars ? dishwashing liquid would be the most contaminated industrial crap on earth... those are the clues that don't add up. btw, i add borax to epsom salts when soaking in the bathtub, and i consistently find black filaments floating in the water at the end .

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They recommend Palmolive as it has L-Lactic Acid, which is what they are looking for. I do not want the toxic dishwashing liquid, so I use Dr Vogel's L-Lactic Acid liquid.

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Feb 25Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

wait... MRI kills the nano????

My mother had an MRI- but would it need to be full body?

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I dont know. Its been claimed it would.

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What cds protocol was the older gentlemen doing?

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I didn't have time to ask him. It was during a group session.

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Thanks for another great post, Matt! Do you know what CDS protocol the older gentleman with the clean blood is using? I am thinking of ordering the ingredients to make my own, and I'm curious how much it takes to get that amazing clean blood.

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Feb 27Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

it's usually protocol C, the easiest to follow for an extended period.

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If I see him again I will ask, thanks, m

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Feb 23Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I really appreciate you, Matt! Thank you so much for sharing your work. All my love ❤️

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Feb 23Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I had heard that MRI was dangerous for the jabbed, exacerbating damage via forcing magnetic bits around. I do not doubt that if it helps actually, the evils would then discourage it. But on a basic level it does make sense. In general, avoiding medicine and hospitals seems safer imo.

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Nice work, I'll have a proper read at work tonight.

I'll say the more drama and accusations the less attention I pay them

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Nice work, Matt. Thank you! Rod

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Feb 23·edited Feb 26Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

HI Matt. Have you seen the recent report of the Antennas forming possibly looking like skin moles? Anyway I use Lugols Iodine on myself for any skin issues like that from an Australian Compounding chemist so I was wondering when you say the bottles are infected do you mean the plastic strip in the caps?

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Hi Rosemary, no I wasn't aware of the moles.

The bottle was the main contamination source by itself. I tested them separately.

Best Regards,


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I trust you. Excellent work tonight. I wonder what happened to Mik Andersen, too. I'm trying to discern the practices of the CI.

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Hi Julie, always confirm for yourself regardless as errors can be made.

Thanks, matt

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Feb 23Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Matt, have you seen the blood of anyone taking methylene blue?

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Feb 23Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

This information was posted on the website that Michael Chapala had after his death, from my memory.

A person was with him, eating dinner in a restaurant close to 9 pm (Central Time).

That person posted that as they were leaving, both of them experienced symptoms at that time and that Michael Chapala could hardly make it to the car. This person (female sounding name) drove him home. She tried to persuade him to go to the hospital. He begged her to stay with him. He said he did not trust the hospital as he had had COVID somewhat recently. She went to the hospital herself for a few hours, but did not mention any conclusions from the visit.

He died within hours.

She said his equipment had been disabled earlier in the week, so he could not treat himself.

Someone else posted that Chapala said the American government, recently, had been pressuring him to stop treating American patients.

From the information I found online then, it did not seem he was an M.D. Rather, was known as a scientist and an inventor.

I looked up the obituary. The family said it was an “unexpected death” (in quotes) and asked for privacy.

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Thanks Kathryn

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Feb 25Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Chapala’s death

The date

So, I did notice that the date was one week (about) after the inauguration of Biden as President of the US (Jan 21, 2021, about). So that puts Chapala’s death about January 27-28, 2021.

The Morgellons website he started did not have his name in it. I saved all the instructions for the machine he made, but maybe they are erased. I will have to check into it.

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Feb 22Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Am I confused - or just plain stupid? I have not only Morgellons, but I am also a Targeted Individual. I have HORRIBLE sores/wounds on both of my lower legs/ankles that will not heal due to the ongoing zapping. I first heard/learned about Lugol's taken in regard to Morgellons almost a year ago when Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed Gene Decode and he recommended it - but as SSKI (Super Saturated Potassium Iodide). I ordered the supplies from www.morgellonsdirect.com. People were so rude to him during that Zoom meeting that Dr. Lee never posted the recording - nor his Protocol - so I never pursued it. Then recently....Sabrina Wallace recommended "Lookoutfa Charlie" - who also recommended SSKI. His Protocol called for 40-50 drops of SSKI 3x/day. I started the Protocol and slowly added a drop a day until I got up to about 45 drops but by then I was then living in constant stinging/burning pain. I completely stopped the SSKI and literally within 24 hours the stinging/burning pain was greatly reduced! I waited 4 days and tried again - only 30 drops - and almost instantly the stinging/burning returned! So......are your pics showing that Lugol's/SSKI works?? What am I missing?! Help, please....I am truly suffering. Only my faith & trust in God keeps me going.

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Charlie's given some great info out, thanks

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Feb 24Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Well....I must have been too 'wordie' as Charlie's SSKI Protocol made me MUCH sicker! And I'm asking..... What are your pics of Lugol's showing exactly, please?

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25Author

Hi Kimberley,

Your post was not too wordy.

We all have different responses to different protocols so its important to research taking into consideration possible personal contraindications etc.

Re lugols - as I stated in the post the lugols itself was not contaminated but the bottles were.

See the comments just below.

Regards, matt

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True....but like I said, I wasn't taking the brand "Lugols" - I ordered mine from that website - and took pains to sterilize things - including making my own distilled water!

So....besides the contaminated Lugols bottles, what were the pics of the Lugols supposed to show? There was no more than pointing out that the pics were Lugols.

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Hi Kimberly, Sorry you are having such a terrible time. Generally speaking, if a protocol is making you "sick", and you want to continue using it, you back off to a low dose. The more body burden you have, the sicker you can become from any new protocol. It is always wise to go low and slow, and allow your body to tell you when it is ready to increase. I started yesterday with 9 drops of SSKI for the first time. I did not react other than to feel especially tired. As a result, I skipped today and I will start again on a lower dose. I don't want to deal with tiredness as I need to continue to work. So you find what works best for you. You can always pulse a treatment too, like 3 to 4 days on and then a few days off. After about 72 hours, the debris that is being released can back up, especially if you are not taking binders, supporting the organs of elimination and having the emunctories open (drainage pathways). Taking drainage remedies can help alot to prepare your body for protocols, as can liver flushes. Sometimes you need to do months of prepratory work in order to handle the release of the "die off", i.e. endotoxin release, metals, chemicals, etc. A lot is going on, and the body needs to be well supported in order to effectively and efficiently clear all the debris.

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Feb 22Liked by matt. j.a.o.b


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