A related 'poor mans' tip, you can use an old transistor radio tuned to 530 am (and full volume) to test EMFs in the house. You can hear it scream when you put it near sources such as idiotmeters.

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Nice, Thanks.

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Am trying Biofeedback Frequency for prostate cancer. Interested in Rife and Infra-red

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Also look up Dr William Makis substack, he posts the same articles on X , about advice with Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, with amazing results reported by different cancer patients in stage 4. He is NOT on Facebook or whatsup, be warned because someone impersonates him there.

Another prostate cancer fighter is citrus modified pectin, which is also a great heavy metal chelator, without danger for kidneys and not disrupting the good minerals. Look up Dr Isaac Eliaz, the guy who invented this type of pectin. It was mostly dedicated to prostate cancers , 20 years ago.

God bless you and best of health !

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In all of the recommendations, research Tippens protocol. Diagnosed with stage 4 and told to go home and get his affairs in order…..he’s still going strong years and years later. And yes, most definitely, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are cures! The testimonies grow daily. Blessings to you!

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Paul, Consider searching for Dr William Makis MD on substack or X twitter, makismd.substack.com , Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, re any cancers. Many testimonials very positive. Have used both, minimal side effects. Search Joe tippens cancer treatment. Search you tube , title is - Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer

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Hi Don, or you can go direct to mycancerstoryrocks.com. for Joe the pioneer.

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https://mycancerstory.rocks/ thks Matt!

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I can’t get that link to load properly-it flashes up a bit of stuff I can see about cancer, then it goes blank. I haven’t tried typing in the url yet, but gotta go now.

Oh, that old Tesla scope looks amazing!

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It’s Fenbendazole, part of Dr Makis protocols.

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As another writer commented, the Violet Ray was recommended by "the sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce".; Here's a link to a company that sells natural health products including those recommended by Edgar Cayce. I don't know if it's the same setup as what you have, but you can buy a new violet ray set up and instruction book here. I'm not affiliated with Baar or the Association of Research and Enlightenment, other than I subscribe to their Quote of the Day, which I find uplifting. Good luck!


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Good info, thanks Karen.

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Your innovative, creative energy is inspiring! I have no idea about all these various electric, frequency things. I’m going the minimalist route, good food (as least contaminated as I can) grow and put up a lot. It’s winter, so extra sun energy with the Near infrared incandescent bulbs.

Wishes for success for all!

Thanks Matt for sharing.

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You can purchase a violet ray kit online; I think I paid about Au$25. Edgar Cayce the American sleeping prophet recommended the violet ray in some health readings he gave.

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That's what I thought about too. Also invented by Tesla.

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Matt, how many integrative alternative medicine practices are there where you are? Is it a growing trend?

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Hi Joseph,

Never enough of them.

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We can help you promote the growth of the wellness industry.

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Feel free to call me. Let’s talk. I am always seeking high quality distribution partners from around the world to expand our footprint. 👣

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Cool stuff indeed Matt! If anyone wants to try and build one, you'll find a useful set of instructions here:


Thanks to lady hope for all her research and material.

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Thanks heaps, good info.

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Jan 8Edited

Just tried it. Walked thru the living room and kitchen and nothing. Went to my husband who is wearing an omnipod for diabetes and it screamed loudly. Then I went to his controller and the same. So, he is walking around as Mr. EMF and his insulin has tech in it. What to do? Actually it was his bluetooth. Both cell phones weren't too bad and the lap top was worse. The microwave was the loudest. Wake up call. You read about it, but I don't have a quantity of the EMF's.

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My son also is diabetic (type one, of course!), and he has a wearable that keeps track of his sugar via phone app. Insulin with tech-great isn’t it !

These bastxxxx are really wanting to be rid of us.

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Hi J,

Great that you saw it and just tried it for yourself. That's how it should be these days.

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Reminds me of High frequency machine used during facials in aesthetic treatments to desinfect. There is a glass probe to glide on the skin, a roller, and another to zap. some probes are pink rays, but the most efficient are violet rays "contained" within glass implements activated by a machine. Yours seem like a mega zapper! This said, I friend of mine has morgellons, she's already got the: "you are wrong, this illness doesn't exist" from a dermatologist. She showed him photos she took of both worms and hairs coming out of her bursted skin and rashes. Dermato wouldn't even examine her, and accused her of photoshoping pictures... Anyways, after arguing to the stratosphere and demanding a safe dewormer, she did manage to have a 3 ivermectin pill prescription. The pharmacy questionned her to a great lenghth to be able to giver her the 3 pills. Talk about a demonized medication!!

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AKA..... Violet Ray

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Regarding plasma...look online for the open source diy build Thunderstorm electric generator....it cleanses the air while making power with a byproduct of clean 20% oxygen. Everyone should jump on it.

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NuDerma, available on amazon sells units for $80. Its helpfull to tame inflamation on the skin surface, and skin appearance improves, i still have the systemic under skin blob tho...looking foward to when and how i can afford the $700 trivortex green lazer. I get whole house affect when pointing green lazer into wall plug hot side. Idk why or what but i as a fellow morgie sufferer do recommend trying it.

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Thanks Adrian, just bought one to try out.

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Well done Matt.

I’m always amazed at your work.

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Thanks Gary, appreciated. m

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Ive been waiting for others to start working on this and analysing protocols. We refurbish vinatge VRMs. And build modern spark gap setups for electrotherapy. Is alot of potential and techniques involved with this that could have huge potential. Many techniques possible not just zapping. The high potential radiant energy can be used in many ways. Various gas plasmas/spectrums. Ion transfer of medicinal compounds. Various frequency tuning and modulation sweeps with the spark gaps especially. The chinese "darsonvals" no.. not the same Therapeutic possibilities. Old style yeah..

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I could share alot of developments with this. Amd in context to all the synbio aswell. I have not analysed this with scope but have strong theories on all the pathways and effects of that could be potent. Aswell recently one of my friends aparently through treatment with a higher power spark gap setup and specific techniques was able to disenguage the bluetooth transmitting from his mother who had it since she got a PCR test. I dont know fully if this is full proof or what exacly happend but is interesting forsure.

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Hi Jai,

Anything that disengages the BT mac will hopefully do the same for other digital anomalies in the body.

I think the macs may only be the tip of the iceberg as far as what data is coming in or out of people today. Eric at FM8 has shown this in one of his videos that leaves me puzzled as to what mechanism is at work. Then there is Sabrina...

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I havnt had luck with HFHV tesla/oudin setups. But it might if properly tuned specific or using constructive/destructive interference in various ways. Much more on all this ti figure out. Possibly aswell properly tuned and directional high intensity magnetic pulses. Depends what vector in the counter measure we would target tho. Signal processing is also necessary.

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I mean havnt had luck with the more advanced target specific signals and locks

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Yes its far more involved. One aspect of it is EEG heterodyning using complex modulations with ELF/VLF carriers. I think.. for specific targetting aswell.

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Matt! How did yo think of this? Are others doing it? My husband would definitely would think I had lost it LOL!

He just stares at me when I make my CDS or watches me make stuff with DMSO. What does a Morgellens patch look like? thank you from Kansas

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Hi Gertie,

I will post a couple of pics next post. Thanks, m

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uv seems to destroy them, but graphene not sure

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