There is a lot going on in this sample buddy. I hope its actually from a lizard, Instead of containing lizards lol those fibers are a jungle!!!! Great images yet again matt. :D

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I know :(

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Incredible images - some of them look like other life forms - ghastly, the stuff of nightmares.

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Actually, they really look like evil occult entities. Is not it funny, when I was a kid, I had the visions of this kind of "mesh"...

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When I saw all those images, I really thought I'd seen them before which was a strange thought but now my mind has had a few hrs to work it out I realise some of those things are like glowing life forms found at deep ocean depths - slightly luminescent & weird.

I know they've put Luciferhaze & Horse-shoe Crab blood in some jabs - don't know if it's officially in the death jabs & Quantum tech interfaces with multi dimensions at once so there may very well be some off world multi-dimensional evil entity activity going on.

If you haven't already seen it, you may want to watch Celeste Solum's 7 pt series 'Soul Catcher' on rumble. She goes into why these death jabs are the work of & for Satanic Entities & a lot more besides.

I personally believe the scientists behind these jabs got their instructions from off world demonic entities as they always do - the Nazi's (Vril & Thule & Maria Orsic) were in deep with these Satanic entities (the Bell or Die Glocke) which is why 1000 of their top scientists were brought into the US after WWII, they had the knowledge & know how but the US had all the resources. These Nazi factions have taken over the Pentagon & NASA (along with the Crowley-ites)

The Nazi's payed for the Scientific info they got from these beings by murdering the Jews. Hitler was an avid Occultist as were other prominent Nazi's.

I read that Oppenheimer & his team were also in communication (channeling) with these entities who gave him the instructions for the A Bomb (as well as some info from the Nazi's) which was paid for by bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

And I believe the scientists at DARPA who came up with the DeathVaxx also channelled how to make it from demonic multi dimensionals & the price again was certain death for the ppl who were given the hot shots that killed them either immediately after they got it or within a very short period of time & then there's everyone else who will die from them slowly over time, especially if they keep getting booster after booster.

Let's not forget all the unborn babies killed in the womb when their mothers got jabbed & all the little babies, toddlers & children who've died from them.

If you interact with these entities you have to pay them with blood & death - child, adult or on the bottom scale animal sacrifice, though I'd bet 1000's of animals met a grim fate in these vile labs whilst they were cooking up & testing these hideous death jabbs on them so Animal Testing is a form of sacrifice as well imho especially the lethal LD50 test.

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My V2K voices claim to use archon energy? What do you know about that.

I also had a very strange, to say the least, video left on my phone. I was in it and it was definitely multi dimensional.

I am the very hated black sheep in an Illuminati family.

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Quoi ? What ? Could u say more ?

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I would like to but not on a social media platform. I am able to piece more and more together the more I read others experiences! There are a lot of time lapses and I still can't even believe this is real some of the time!

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Okay... Murdering the jews,6 millions, let me laugh !... I have a total different opinionthan you, who are behind the nazis, the jews : this is a satanic talmudic jewish Plan ! If you are not aware of the evilness of so many jews, you cannot be that aware of the black occult ! Anton Lavey and so on, are jews. The pro abortion feminists in France, jewesses Simone Veil Gisèle Halimli, ... Occult Hollywood, occult High Finance, Lgbt, etc. etc. Et cela ne s'arrête pas là. Who is running the Covid show ? Soros, Rothschild, Gates, Harari, Attali, Bourla, Kissinger, Bancel, Zachs, Lewinsky, Buzyn (france) ... jews !

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I think you're referring to Sabbatean Frankist Jews, they are a demonic cult & many high up, rich, evil ppl are members - not your average Jews & yes, these Sabbateans are the epitome of evil - they believe in redemption through sin & lie & pretend to be Catholic or Protestant or Muslim or anything but are Sabbateans in secret as they have been taught to do.

The Sabbateans were in league with Hitler/Nazi's, they were probably the real architects of the 'Final Solution' which was a Holocaust - ie 'whole sacrifice' & served to terrify some Jews to flee to Israel to herald in Zionism & the rest were for sacrifice at the hands of Nazi's for their own demonic purposes.

Nazi's recreated huge Pagan structures like the Zepplin Tribune at Nuremberg - a recreation of the Seat Of Satan ie The Pergamon Altar now on display in Berlin where Hitler held his 'Cathedral of Light' night time rallies, recorded by Leni Riefenstahl (Triumph Of The Will 1935). George Lucas plundered the imagery of Triumph of the Will for Star Wars & Barrak Obama had a copy of The Zepplin Tribune recreated for his inauguration.

The Jews are a very broad group, you can't just lump them all in together & blame them all.

Yes, their involvement in the Occult goes back to Soloman who had dominion over demons whom he instructed to build his Temple, but evil goes back way further to Nimrod, Semiramis & Tammuz, the original trio, next it was rebranded in Egypt as Osiris, ISIS & Horus, then shape shifted again into Roman Catholic religion - all originating from Pagan Babylonian Sun Worship.

It's a massive topic & it cannot really be fully explored on posts like this but you are free to believe whatever you wish & so am I.

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Bravo pour votre culture sur les Franckistes ! C'est beaucoup plus intéressant que le blabla initial sur les nazis ! Merci... Mais il y a beaucoup plus de juifs que vous ne le pensez qui sont démoniaques ! Beaucoup plus, et j'en ai eu l'expérience au travers d'une Kundalini accidentelle qui m'est arrivée pendant des "relations" avec des Juifs/juives... je suis celte et donc païen, et je ne vois pas de lien entre les druides et le satanisme ! Le culte du soleil , et alors ? Jésus est un culte solaire que je sache. L'Islam un culte lunaire.

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Sounds like you had a fascinating experience with your Jewish friend!!

I am also of Celtic Pagan stock but I was never much into human sacrifice - I prefer Universal Love,

The Sun & Moon are mere heavenly bodies that were very important to primitive Ancient Cultures who were agricultural & relied on crops & good harvests to survive & these traditions linger on at Equinoxes, Soltices & Ostara, Harvest Festival etc

Check out the zany, crazy Puck Fair in Ireland (an old market fayre where surrounding farmers brought their animals to sell) where everyone worships the 'Puck' - a wild caught Goat King in a Crown who resides in his lofty tower for 3 days before marrying the village maiden - epic pagan stuff!!!

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that's because they ARE lifeforms.... observe https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dr0ZcAeEfaU

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Freaking amazing Matt. My scope just came in. Supposed to do dark field as well as connect to computer, tri optical .

Will take my some time to set up and figure out - feel like a 64 yr old 12 yr old.

Thank you again - these next few days I have commitments- it’s harvest time and weather is decent so outdoors for me.

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Hi Susan,

Will and I found out that subscribers can post pics in the notes section of our subs. Pease do when you are ready.

Thanks ,matt

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Well if it makes you feel any better Matt, I AM a physician trained in microscopic pathology and I STILL have no idea what the hell all this stuff is. Keep up the cutting edge work, thanks so much! ~~ j ~~

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Aye, mattie, geoengineering has delivered special features, for locations. We've seen nuttin like ur bandaid boys, here, yet.

Skies w/criscrossed clouds. Ppl dont even see it. Its up close & in your skies, Daily, So obvious, it's becoming ANNOYING.

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Words fail to convey the horror that this represents. Nightmares cannot compete with this.

How is it possible for people to survive with this degree of contamination?

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The combination of beauty and horror makes me cry.

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how come there are so many different technologies. did the old morgellons not work fast or well enough towards god knows what goal in the first place and that is why they introduce hydrogel with nanotech in it? or are we facing two different goal by 2 different groups with their own agenda. morgellons dates back to the sixties while the hydrogel are being used only now on humans... i have so many questions unanswerd and 95% of doctors act like nothing happend. the ugly gost of eugenicisme is rearing its ugly head like it did in the 1920's. it is so maddening and sad

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Hi John,

Its a question I find myself asking more often by the week.

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We slowly die...

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I am new to the topic of remote viewers, but it resonates with me. Has anyone found info on remote viewers that have successfully infiltrated and obtained helpful data from the parties responsible for the mass genocide? I recall reading about a group in the states, but the $100 membership for access to their past files stopped me from proceeding.

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Good idea and anything that gives us actionable intelligence is worth trying.

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From the subscription cost, I reckon you may be talking about CryptoViewing. We really need to get that info! But, honestly, don't we know who the perps are? What I want to know is how the so called "Elites" are protecting themselves from this crap!

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Amazing and dreadful pictures, as usual!

Ref.: “A lizard? And yes they do have a thing like that..“

Would this be the launching replication of OFs? Typical 3 strand end that can connect to crystals makes them look like alien praying mantis.


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Hi Danyele,

The Alien preying mantis is a common hallucinatory item strangely enough. Very over represented for some reason. Rick Strassman documented this in his book "DMT , the spirit molecule". The tie in to the alien abduction experience was of interest to me along with the connection to "other" intelligence.

The lizards "thing" - my bad, but true, check a goanna's one day, you cant unsee it.👀

Regards, m

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Matt this is next level and a lot of different aspects! Great Work!

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Thanks. Its appreciated.

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Tried the hydrogen peroxide challenge - no reactions. Wondering what the blood shows. Thinking to myself, are there things that stop or mitigate this 'infection' being spread via (IMHO, chem trails and spraying). Answer, yes I do believe their ARE such things, just don't know what. Maybe low EMFs. Maybe more sunshine? VitD3 and K1/2 and C? I just don't know. There must however be SOMETHING or the elities would cook their own gooses too... if all this is is to kill you proper, right?

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Hi Unagnu,

I do believe there is something and hope that it is a reasonably cheap and effective combination of things for the masses. Grounding to help separate the red blood cells is a must and its free. That's my starting point after seeing for myself the effect on my blood.

Pineapples - for some reason I felt better when eating one a day. Dont fully understand why but there it is.

Peroxide - cheap , accessible and useful for skin , lungs, sinus, gut and other bits.

Natural unprocessed herbs , just because it makes sense to me as medicines how we would have had them for ages. Oregano seems no 1 from feedback. Venus flytrap traps ( without flies) from anecdotal evidence via people i trust.

Positive emotional boosters - ( the only " booster" i will ever have) free again and lets enjoy as much life that we have left regardless of all the bs attempts to dissuade us from doing so.

Rage - it seems to give me a lot of energy and allows me to ignore any symptoms i may have every time i think about these bastards attacking our kids.

Positive stuff like hearing you have no reaction to the peroxide, good for you. thanks. m

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Matthew, are you familiar with LAQUINTACOLUMNA & their ongoing research. Since, 4/2020, GraffOx in byeOH we APON garb. Continuous, sharing & collaboration is integral.. Share your pics w/ Delgado & crew.

TTY-:) Dee

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Hi Dee, Yes from the beginning.

I was posting pics up on mira al microscopio , which is la quintas microscopy page . One of the things I recall posting up there was cele .. coxib .. by fizza.. You could see it was behaving similar to the jab.

Its odd that with 28k odd subscribers there are only a few posting pics up there. You can search using #singrafeno or # grafeno to find products that do or don't contain graphene or fibres. Many amateur scopists are there too. Its a telegram site.

I thought i had been censored by for talking about Carnicom and cross domain bacteria there, but it may have been other forces that interfered with my posts . regardess I stopped postng there as i found it a bit frustrating. also all the products are in spanish and not useful for the western markets.

I did try to encourage the formation of a similar site for us in english but ran into brick wall as far as anyone supporting the idea was concerned. Its still something that someone should do and would eb a great resource for us all.

Anyone out there brave enough to set it up????? I will give my thoughts and help to anyone who wants to try.

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Aye, ole buggar, capillaries are the smallest w/venuoles.small enuf & intended for direct O2 exchange, " capillary exchange". Or CO2 exchange. Kinda

Like your skin breathing.

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Damn if that don’t look like the metal guy from terminator flexing in the first dental anesthetic pic, these a-holes!! WAY TOO MUCH reptilian looking “things”/surfaces everywhere.. at least on my end.. last one looked like a pod with some type raptor being drawn/constructed (only with light from bottom, looked empty with just light from top?) I’m convincing myself that’s just in my head though lol. Incredible visuals once again, THANK YOU!!

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Those pic's are truly amazing, artistically speaking. The Sputnic prob pic is one of the best, and worst so far. Coral Brains and some type of Embryotic Homunculus seems to be developing. Amazing things Matt. Are You ok?

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I am fine and my normal abnormal self at present. Been having a good laugh at being accused of 'Recommended by" as if its a bad thing. Guilty all the way..

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Ha, you're a champion. Please start researching and applying Royal Rife's technology and the Solfeggio frequency codes to the blood samples and (your bodily self and retest/view). Frequencies and Harmonics are the way through and out of this.

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They are certainly both a part of the problem, and a part of the solution.

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🙏 🦋 💖

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Is anyone posting about seeing these “lights” in their vision??? Little flashes of purple and orange, tiny flashes of light in field of vision? As well as shooting light underneath their vision (especially noticeable when eyes are closed to go to sleep)

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Few things about this. (1) Retina Researcher (opthomology phd) I know personally claimed a small uptick in retina/eye issues in his research subjects. Let's say 10-15% since he didnt quantify it. (2) Eye Surgeon in my locale claimed no noticeable increase in eye issues for his patients. Let's say he's top 50 in the US. (3) Your Q - Floaters and Flashes can be common. They can occur from Cell Debris, Intra Ocular jelly tugging, IO Pressure etc. If eyes are closed you may experience rods or cones activating the opposite color/value you saw before you closed your eyes. Also can get signals on those cells, if you close eyes and rub gently with your palms. This is due to hand pressure > jelly pressure > eye cell pressure transfer.

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I have suffered from migraines since I was a teenager. So I have had every kind of eye inclusion imaginable. These... are not that! They are purple and orange flashes, and shooting lightning underneath my eyes. Never had floaters that look like colored lights. I’ve had blind spots, worm shaped blind spots, moving blind spots, white floaters, etc. This is so much different 🥺. Looks much like the tech in so many slides we see on Substack

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in that case - sounds like the quantum dots / bots. For Migraines have you tried supplementing with Magnesium? (asporatate, citrate or glycinate forms) Has helped me a ton.

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Have you ever had investigated what could be a partial detachment of the eye glass, as I have experienced, that came along with ophtalmic migraines and a retinal persistence of luminous objects phenomenon?

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I've always had this since a child

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