Reminds me of Pegasys Interferon (biosynthetic interferon) from twenty years ago that was created and used to grab and consume Hep C virus (or so it was said...). I am NOT saying I believe in viruses.
It's difficult to find photos of the biosynthetic Interferon cells now. They seem to have been wiped. The photos I mean. Though they were all the rage for a few years in Hep C treatment.
It seems these critters are trying to eat the RBCs. Like PacMan with tentacles. Poor RBCs. Though many seem to escape. YES!
Thank you, Matt. I wish the carrier (blood sample donor) continued good health.
I did an images search for "live blood pictures Pegasys Interferon" out of interest. It would be good if someone has a few saved pics somewhere they can post.
They seem to evade the strange structures but later develop a broken outer membrane that resembles spikes, acanthocytes. The link shows images of RBCs with varying disorders.
Matt, I'm wondering of You are aware of the lawsuit against Biden/Harris. They are seeking plaintiffs
to get to class action status Being a MD suffer I sent in My request to join yesterday. I would love to see a little light focused on MD for a change. Do You have any thoughts of this? I would like to hear them if You do?
First up I like your handle. Yes I think there should be more focus on Cliffords cross domain bacteria AKA morgs considering that I have not seen anyone without this infection since stating to look.
More people are presenting with symptoms every week now. While its good that it is no longer classed officially as delusional parasitosis most Drs are probably unaware of this new reality and still classify it as DP or a normal skin disorder.
The skin checks are non invasive and with a $20 digital scope plus clear tape anyone can diagnose and monitor this condition for themselves.
When the general public wake up to the fact that all the kids are infected maybe there will be some action hopefully. Thanks for the reminder, Matt.
Wife and I are morg sufferers and mostly focus on our skin since it is the largest organ in our body. But I will tell you this - the angrier we become on this global human experiment - the better our skin feels. Time for Justice.
Thanks Matt for getting back to Me so fast. I like the handle too. It fits really. I got MD in 1998, didn’t learn I had it till 2019. With What I learned so far, How much of Me is still Me and how much is Morg is in the air? I need to study here more now that Trump is going to be back. I dropped My fight to get MD recognized 2 years ago when I did the rabbit hole thing and saw that it was a losing battle until We got our country and government back.
You said all the children are infected! I kind of figured that. It doesn’t surprise Me, there are days I feel like a human MD sprinkler. I have to catch up on the lasted. We could get a leg up on this if I could find a Doctor willing to do a proper Biopsy. I know exactly where they or it or whatever is on Me and how it get from here to there.
As far as what You study, the microbiology and Nanotech stuff I know very little. But on My body I’ve seen stuff that would curl most people’s toes. How I learned what I know….I’d rather not say. But I can make them show their ugly heads. I can no longer find a spot on Me that is Me. They are visible outside of My nose and inside and in My sinuses and mouth. I know how they get moisture to the exterior part of the organism that lives inside of Me or on Me.
I came here hoping to help and get answers. You guys are on track I know that. We both have the “Getting people to believe Us” Problem. Just to let You know. The VA has tagged Me as a Delusional Paranoid Schizophrenic and did no tests on Me but the ones I demanded, put lies in My medical record and I’m treated as a whistleblower. In short, trying to shut Me up!
I feel better knowing You guys are here doing what You do, Thanks again Matt
I had an experience with MD that never got out of hand but was nevertheless present. It was Matt’s early work in 2023 that led me to the cheap microscope and bandaid test.
I extracted filament(s) with hydrogen peroxide and then shortly after recognized biofilm on my lower legs and feet. That explained what I’d thought was excessively dry skin for some years at that point.
I immediately began a regular detox bath and added a few more items to my protocols (14 months ago) and haven’t had it again. I test weekly with a bandaid and nothing.
I also moved because I realized the environment of my apartment was contaminated. Filaments would come and go from the viewing area of my microscope and ultimately I discovered it in my dryer lint and air purifier filter. I used to keep my windows open 24/7 and perhaps the air ducts of the apt building also contributed. Now I’m in a house with windows mostly closed.
Occasionally I’ll see a filament or two or a graphene or crystalline dot on an external item but not on, or in my skin.
I recently posted my protocols in the Notes on my substack for someone that asked about it. As far as I can tell it was the detox bath and daily nano silver plus borax/distilled water consumption, plus iodine nasal spray added to my high dose Vit C / EDTA combo with reduced exposure that cleared it and kept it away. Blessings to you.
PS the only thing I haven’t been able to do is check my blood again. It hasn’t been possible to return to the West Coast to see Dr Ana or find anyone closer to me on the East side of US with the microscopy experience to do it.
These were time lapse at 30 to 1 otherwise no movement would be noticed. I hadn't thought of young hydras but will try to find some natural similarities to these. My first thought was gm.
I have put the unedited hi def version on my telegram channel along with a second video from the same donor that clearly shows these are white blood cells , but some have this "leg" addition. These can be viewed here:
The first couple pictures of the jagged ribbons look like blood that has been treated with ivermectin. I saw a picture of the same on a post a lady did when testing several products for contaminants like graphene oxide etc. I am not sure I can find the post again to share but i will try.
It seemed to me that the unidentified floating objects with legs were possibly injecting the other cells with something. ???
The abnormal cell-like structures have a slight RBC tinge to them so I guess they are RBCs-perhaps bloated- with either something attached to them sickening them or something from inside growing to the outside. Perhaps a time-lapse long enough would give some hints to see what happens to RBCs that look ok at the start of a time-lapse.
Hi Proton, The legs seemed to be inflated hydraulically and sometimes in series. What I found most unusual was the way they hesitated when creating a bend or joint. thanks, Matt.
Very interesting but creepy. Does in-series mean in all the objects (sick cells) at once or just on one object at a time? Still I wonder if we can get info on growing from inside out or attaching. Either way that would identify these as RBCs as the base material that is "infected".
I think we are incubators for a new, possibly extra-terrestrial, life form/s. I have two video's of a Lynn Rothschild who researched or developed synthetic biology. I'll give you the links
And yes, the Rothschild are a Satanic bloodline. I found that out from this book I downloaded from the CIA's online library called Bloodlines of Illuminati.
I used oil to look at another part of the slide later on ( before realizing the significance of the time lapse taken) and once I use oil I consider the slide contaminated and dispose of them after viewing.
Spike protein is a red herring, but there are plenty of methods to trigger similar "immune" reactions. I have collected 13 major groups, but they can interact and converge, resulting in a potential number of outcomes up to the factorial of 13 (but that's a conservative estimate):
The convid injections alone contained a computer-selected potpourri of up to 300 ingredients out of about 1,200, resulting in a lot higher variability, which ensures plausible deniability for the manufacturers, because each batch was different (still showed regularities in the deaths/illnesses caused as my wife noticed it in November, 2021: Anyway, there are so many other ways to poison humans now that the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections are becoming moot and serve only as a "boost" and a tool for measuring compliance or stupidity...
Artificial parasites (commonly called morgellons), however, have been around for decades.
Also with jabs possibly providing an upgrade to what now seems a universal infection of tech / bio / poison. After being informed they will co opt insects its likely they didn't stop there and included other forms of parasites. This could be an example.
I believe they killed more than 700 million people or more, worldwide, from the shots and hospital death protocols. Most these deaths were disguised as cancer, heart attacks, strokes and sudden deaths. But it was the shots that caused those things. And you are right the Morgellons folks have it rough. I heard tonight that if people rub turmeric powder (with a tiny bit of water added to make a paste) over sores it will help to heal them. I think that Hydrogen peroxide is the best though.
Allegedly about 60-75 percent of the world's population received at least one injection, so out of 6 billion, how many died by now? Four out of five of my injected neighbors were gone within a year after the injection. However, not all countries were poisoned to the same extent, so who knows. One in eight deaths sounds feasible to me.
Many people in Japan had some problems, TIA, brain fog, heavy menses, tired easily, frequent and/or prolonged colds, etc but very few seem to have died, I only know a couple of probably shot deaths out of hundreds.
My impression is that this is a testing phase, when people are probed for their limits of being turned into halfway synthetic and of accepting the nanotech wired to their bodies.
I don't know if it's true, but rumor says that nobody lived beyond the fifth booster.
Also, Japan seems to have been "spared" compared with the Five Eyes and Germany, so the objective is not necessarily democide there.
And still killing to this minute. I know people who’ve had at least 10 covid shots since the beginning plus all the other recommendations. That could be 10 vaccines per year!
Before I answer your question… tell me… what are your estimates and link for proving your vaccine death counts… and hopefully you are not using any of the globalist mainline news or articles that are spreading misinformation, lies and propaganda in order to control their dangerous lying narratives. They are censoring the truth… and shutting down any organization that is taking count. They even put a government official in prison for revealing all the deaths by vaccines in New Zealand.
585 million is the first estimate that even I find respectable, at least as far as the order of magnitude goes. However, the death toll is rising. After all, some batches are supposed to kill "only" after 3-5 years.
I have a subscriber who suffered from morgellon infestation for years, and only extremely uncomfortable and painful detox processes cured her. It would be nice, if turmeric worked, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I would even vouch for hydrogen peroxide first, but these solutions sound too simple to me.
Yes, I’d like to know what cured your subscriber also please! Thanks! I’ve never heard of anyone cured from MD. Has anyone else? Many people would like to know this cure please. Do you have a link to your substack? Thanks again!
rrodynmac, I didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't think MD as not parasitic on the contrary, I do think it is parasitic. But I'm not like you guys in here with fancy microscopes and all that Nanotech stuff. I got a plain microscope and I use a pinlight to get those cool pictures you guy have on here all the time. I'm just a carpenter/craftsman with a firm grip on reality. I have a hightech mind as NASA offered to send Me to college. What I'm trying to say anything I say is from a forced homeschooled Mad Scientist. I'm mad because I'm retired and should be fishing and not trying to figure out how to kill this stuff! But I do love learning and MD is Amazing even though it does suck to have.
Oh, ok! I’d never heard that it’s parasitic perse. You do say below, that last you heard, MD was not parasitic!
Yes we should all be out doing what we love-I don’t have MD (yet), but yes it definitely must suck to have.
I’m just interested in Ray’s sources which claim it is an artificial parasite. I think others would be interested in the sources also! Many have it and want to be rid of it of course! His title claims he is the source 🙂 !
And I don’t even have a working microscope, so can’t even check my own blood. I feel fine though, but I’m not delusional enough to believe I’m unscathed by everything that’s happening to people’s blood, with or without MD.
Listen, something really freaky is happing with Me right now. I’m not sure to or where to write. I’ll follow you friend or whatever they do here so look for My post It’s …I’m a bit worried.
My best guess would be a nanoparticle induced mutation of something in our blood, but that's just speculation and I am hoping someone provides a better natural answer. Not holding my breath though.
At 50sec in the last vid the spiny creatures seem to impede the movement of RBCs and may be injecting one with the cilia-like appendages. I'm afraid that the person who feels fine may be in for some trouble. I hope they get laser treatment, CLO2 and anything else that might help them.
There's lots of info on CLO2, you should find your own info, but maybe 4 drops of each agent (mineral and activator) in 400ml of distilled water in the morning, 100ml an hour and repeat in the afternoon, depending on your tolerance. Supposedly CL02 helps excrete chelated/broken nanoparticle assemblies, broken from the laser?, and prevent various illnesses. Maybe NAC which makes glutathione could help on chelation.
There is no clear medical proof of these things working and this is just friendly advice. You should ask others for help but there is little data on CL02 for the Covid debacle.
mike levin- engineeredxenomorphs collection of living cells making their way thru world freed from having 2 become the organism they were born from. xenobots- freeing group of cells from their organisms and allowing them 2 self assemble 2 entirely new creatures using cellular intell and bioelectric comm 2 develop their unique behaviors or can b externally designed and programmed, the future is freedom of embodiment. bio xeno anthro bots- computer designed programmable organisms bio med engineering. relax the assumption that robot has 2 b made of metal circuit boards and electronics instead use living cells. so somehow I guess synbio and ai combined or overlap or morph- Levin is into that.
According to Dr Robert O Young, high resolution transmission electron microscopy is more accurate than dark field @ 200x magnification. Is this what’s required now to detect the foreign elements lurking in the human body?
SEM or TEM will give a better definition of what you are looking at. , true. It is good for looking at non biological items (such as some of the tech in the blood) or other items that are not effected by it. Optical microscopy is the only way to see living cells without interfering with or destroying the samples. If you read up on the people working on quantum dots they are using the same system I am to see them. I have previously posted the paper describing this .
For myself its not about the ultimate resolution but finding out and establishing what's occurring in the blood and other body fluids today and dark field is the best for that purpose, thanks.
Reminds me of Pegasys Interferon (biosynthetic interferon) from twenty years ago that was created and used to grab and consume Hep C virus (or so it was said...). I am NOT saying I believe in viruses.
It's difficult to find photos of the biosynthetic Interferon cells now. They seem to have been wiped. The photos I mean. Though they were all the rage for a few years in Hep C treatment.
It seems these critters are trying to eat the RBCs. Like PacMan with tentacles. Poor RBCs. Though many seem to escape. YES!
Thank you, Matt. I wish the carrier (blood sample donor) continued good health.
HI Pirate,
I did an images search for "live blood pictures Pegasys Interferon" out of interest. It would be good if someone has a few saved pics somewhere they can post.
Thanks, Matt.
They seem to evade the strange structures but later develop a broken outer membrane that resembles spikes, acanthocytes. The link shows images of RBCs with varying disorders.
Matt, I'm wondering of You are aware of the lawsuit against Biden/Harris. They are seeking plaintiffs
to get to class action status Being a MD suffer I sent in My request to join yesterday. I would love to see a little light focused on MD for a change. Do You have any thoughts of this? I would like to hear them if You do?
Gidday Morg,
First up I like your handle. Yes I think there should be more focus on Cliffords cross domain bacteria AKA morgs considering that I have not seen anyone without this infection since stating to look.
More people are presenting with symptoms every week now. While its good that it is no longer classed officially as delusional parasitosis most Drs are probably unaware of this new reality and still classify it as DP or a normal skin disorder.
The skin checks are non invasive and with a $20 digital scope plus clear tape anyone can diagnose and monitor this condition for themselves.
When the general public wake up to the fact that all the kids are infected maybe there will be some action hopefully. Thanks for the reminder, Matt.
Wife and I are morg sufferers and mostly focus on our skin since it is the largest organ in our body. But I will tell you this - the angrier we become on this global human experiment - the better our skin feels. Time for Justice.
Thanks Matt for getting back to Me so fast. I like the handle too. It fits really. I got MD in 1998, didn’t learn I had it till 2019. With What I learned so far, How much of Me is still Me and how much is Morg is in the air? I need to study here more now that Trump is going to be back. I dropped My fight to get MD recognized 2 years ago when I did the rabbit hole thing and saw that it was a losing battle until We got our country and government back.
You said all the children are infected! I kind of figured that. It doesn’t surprise Me, there are days I feel like a human MD sprinkler. I have to catch up on the lasted. We could get a leg up on this if I could find a Doctor willing to do a proper Biopsy. I know exactly where they or it or whatever is on Me and how it get from here to there.
As far as what You study, the microbiology and Nanotech stuff I know very little. But on My body I’ve seen stuff that would curl most people’s toes. How I learned what I know….I’d rather not say. But I can make them show their ugly heads. I can no longer find a spot on Me that is Me. They are visible outside of My nose and inside and in My sinuses and mouth. I know how they get moisture to the exterior part of the organism that lives inside of Me or on Me.
I came here hoping to help and get answers. You guys are on track I know that. We both have the “Getting people to believe Us” Problem. Just to let You know. The VA has tagged Me as a Delusional Paranoid Schizophrenic and did no tests on Me but the ones I demanded, put lies in My medical record and I’m treated as a whistleblower. In short, trying to shut Me up!
I feel better knowing You guys are here doing what You do, Thanks again Matt
I had an experience with MD that never got out of hand but was nevertheless present. It was Matt’s early work in 2023 that led me to the cheap microscope and bandaid test.
I extracted filament(s) with hydrogen peroxide and then shortly after recognized biofilm on my lower legs and feet. That explained what I’d thought was excessively dry skin for some years at that point.
I immediately began a regular detox bath and added a few more items to my protocols (14 months ago) and haven’t had it again. I test weekly with a bandaid and nothing.
I also moved because I realized the environment of my apartment was contaminated. Filaments would come and go from the viewing area of my microscope and ultimately I discovered it in my dryer lint and air purifier filter. I used to keep my windows open 24/7 and perhaps the air ducts of the apt building also contributed. Now I’m in a house with windows mostly closed.
Occasionally I’ll see a filament or two or a graphene or crystalline dot on an external item but not on, or in my skin.
I recently posted my protocols in the Notes on my substack for someone that asked about it. As far as I can tell it was the detox bath and daily nano silver plus borax/distilled water consumption, plus iodine nasal spray added to my high dose Vit C / EDTA combo with reduced exposure that cleared it and kept it away. Blessings to you.
PS the only thing I haven’t been able to do is check my blood again. It hasn’t been possible to return to the West Coast to see Dr Ana or find anyone closer to me on the East side of US with the microscopy experience to do it.
Hi Something freaky is happening with Me. I’m going to lease a post for everyone but not sure what I’m doing here. but hope you can see it.
I’m following you so I can see your post
I take that back, not a postA message to Matt, sorry about that. I don’t think I can post yet!
Have you seen the video by Harold kuetz vella speaks morgellions. Lots of amazing findings. He's in germany.
Hello Matt!
Very intriguing life forms and behaviour, to say the least. Great finds!
These look like what they usually try to sell us as Covid-19 and viruses images except that we, for once, see them move.
The two forms have a purple rectangle area inside. Could you increase the magnification? I long to watch your time lapse video!
The probing protuberances fungus-like are so creepy. Could they be juveniles hydras?
Warm regards.
Hi Danyelle,
These were time lapse at 30 to 1 otherwise no movement would be noticed. I hadn't thought of young hydras but will try to find some natural similarities to these. My first thought was gm.
Best, Matt.
What are gms?
Sorry, genetically modified, parasites or cells.
Thanks! I’d say parasites. And, the multiple probes act like tentacles, retracting as some coral reefs animals would upon touch.
It’s 7 AM here. I have not slept at all. Tough day ahead, but for now I still have a functional head. :)
OMG I've never seen anything like this! It's clearly a poisoning not a neutralizing. I'll pass along to my colleague who may be able to identify it.
Thanks. Any info or leads greatly appreciated.
Re the wbc's with legs..
I have put the unedited hi def version on my telegram channel along with a second video from the same donor that clearly shows these are white blood cells , but some have this "leg" addition. These can be viewed here:
The first couple pictures of the jagged ribbons look like blood that has been treated with ivermectin. I saw a picture of the same on a post a lady did when testing several products for contaminants like graphene oxide etc. I am not sure I can find the post again to share but i will try.
It seemed to me that the unidentified floating objects with legs were possibly injecting the other cells with something. ???
Thank you for sharing.
An interesting observation, thanks.
The "folds" in the ribbons appear to be separate and may not actually be folds as such. Just an observation from looking a bit deeper.
While its a shame I missed the opportunity to look deeper into these 2 critters I may yet find a few more from the same person. Hopefully not though.
The abnormal cell-like structures have a slight RBC tinge to them so I guess they are RBCs-perhaps bloated- with either something attached to them sickening them or something from inside growing to the outside. Perhaps a time-lapse long enough would give some hints to see what happens to RBCs that look ok at the start of a time-lapse.
Hi Proton, The legs seemed to be inflated hydraulically and sometimes in series. What I found most unusual was the way they hesitated when creating a bend or joint. thanks, Matt.
Very interesting but creepy. Does in-series mean in all the objects (sick cells) at once or just on one object at a time? Still I wonder if we can get info on growing from inside out or attaching. Either way that would identify these as RBCs as the base material that is "infected".
Hi Proton , they are wbc's. Just watched a second hi def video. In series was the extensions on a rotational basis one after the other .
WOW! They WERE wbc's, what they are now is the star cast of a horror movie.
Is it attacking cells?
Hi Jai,
Unfortunately I didn't watch the time lapse until the next day or I would have had a lot more in depth footage and knowledge of their actions.
I think we are incubators for a new, possibly extra-terrestrial, life form/s. I have two video's of a Lynn Rothschild who researched or developed synthetic biology. I'll give you the links
And yes, the Rothschild are a Satanic bloodline. I found that out from this book I downloaded from the CIA's online library called Bloodlines of Illuminati.
Hi Shona,
They were interesting watches, Thanks.
A lot of reading material here, up your ally. The page translates to English.
Intriguing. Whose blood was this? What are the ranges of magnification? Any chance for a spectrum analysis to determine the contents of the substance?
No chance as I have already disposed of that slide. Size is measured by the RBC's at 8 microns for comparison.
Can't you get another sample?
Just out of curiosity why did you dispose of the slide Matt?
I used oil to look at another part of the slide later on ( before realizing the significance of the time lapse taken) and once I use oil I consider the slide contaminated and dispose of them after viewing.
I saw this substack on getting it out of the body & thought it might interest you
Thanks, yes I have looked and there is always something to learn from others genuine experiences.
I wonder if those were once red blood cells, hijacked by some kind of spike protein forming GMO parasite.
Spike protein is a red herring, but there are plenty of methods to trigger similar "immune" reactions. I have collected 13 major groups, but they can interact and converge, resulting in a potential number of outcomes up to the factorial of 13 (but that's a conservative estimate):
The convid injections alone contained a computer-selected potpourri of up to 300 ingredients out of about 1,200, resulting in a lot higher variability, which ensures plausible deniability for the manufacturers, because each batch was different (still showed regularities in the deaths/illnesses caused as my wife noticed it in November, 2021: Anyway, there are so many other ways to poison humans now that the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections are becoming moot and serve only as a "boost" and a tool for measuring compliance or stupidity...
Artificial parasites (commonly called morgellons), however, have been around for decades.
Also with jabs possibly providing an upgrade to what now seems a universal infection of tech / bio / poison. After being informed they will co opt insects its likely they didn't stop there and included other forms of parasites. This could be an example.
I agree with you Matt.
How do you treat morgellons? Same as if you had a regular parasite?
Hi Many,
There are a few posts here on morgellons and the comment section of these always has more info. there is a search function in stack. Thanks ,M.
I believe they killed more than 700 million people or more, worldwide, from the shots and hospital death protocols. Most these deaths were disguised as cancer, heart attacks, strokes and sudden deaths. But it was the shots that caused those things. And you are right the Morgellons folks have it rough. I heard tonight that if people rub turmeric powder (with a tiny bit of water added to make a paste) over sores it will help to heal them. I think that Hydrogen peroxide is the best though.
Hello, I think you may be correct but do you have a link for either of these? Not just a name of a Dr or your belief. Thanks.
killing and injuring over 585 million
I believe they killed more than 70 million people worldwide
Allegedly about 60-75 percent of the world's population received at least one injection, so out of 6 billion, how many died by now? Four out of five of my injected neighbors were gone within a year after the injection. However, not all countries were poisoned to the same extent, so who knows. One in eight deaths sounds feasible to me.
Many people in Japan had some problems, TIA, brain fog, heavy menses, tired easily, frequent and/or prolonged colds, etc but very few seem to have died, I only know a couple of probably shot deaths out of hundreds.
My impression is that this is a testing phase, when people are probed for their limits of being turned into halfway synthetic and of accepting the nanotech wired to their bodies.
I don't know if it's true, but rumor says that nobody lived beyond the fifth booster.
Also, Japan seems to have been "spared" compared with the Five Eyes and Germany, so the objective is not necessarily democide there.
interesting. Could that be because their culture is easy to control?
And still killing to this minute. I know people who’ve had at least 10 covid shots since the beginning plus all the other recommendations. That could be 10 vaccines per year!
It would be nice to know-well, not nice, but I think we should be able to know. So many have died.
This conversation is going around in a circle!
See this Democide section§the-secret-of-democides
And read all of Stoner's site.
Will look tomorrow if I have time! thanks Proton!
Yes I agree with you… mainly because the globalist’s agenda 2030. The WEF globalist want 7 billion people dead by then. Nuremberg 2.0!
Do you have a link for the death numbers you propose?
Before I answer your question… tell me… what are your estimates and link for proving your vaccine death counts… and hopefully you are not using any of the globalist mainline news or articles that are spreading misinformation, lies and propaganda in order to control their dangerous lying narratives. They are censoring the truth… and shutting down any organization that is taking count. They even put a government official in prison for revealing all the deaths by vaccines in New Zealand.
585 million is the first estimate that even I find respectable, at least as far as the order of magnitude goes. However, the death toll is rising. After all, some batches are supposed to kill "only" after 3-5 years.
I have a subscriber who suffered from morgellon infestation for years, and only extremely uncomfortable and painful detox processes cured her. It would be nice, if turmeric worked, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I would even vouch for hydrogen peroxide first, but these solutions sound too simple to me.
Yes, I’d like to know what cured your subscriber also please! Thanks! I’ve never heard of anyone cured from MD. Has anyone else? Many people would like to know this cure please. Do you have a link to your substack? Thanks again!
Can you tell us what the detox process was that cured your subscriber?
Yes the Hydrogene Peroxide is great for cleaning sores. No doubt about it… probably the best of all.
I agree with Morg! MD not parasitic. Where did you get that info?
rrodynmac, I didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't think MD as not parasitic on the contrary, I do think it is parasitic. But I'm not like you guys in here with fancy microscopes and all that Nanotech stuff. I got a plain microscope and I use a pinlight to get those cool pictures you guy have on here all the time. I'm just a carpenter/craftsman with a firm grip on reality. I have a hightech mind as NASA offered to send Me to college. What I'm trying to say anything I say is from a forced homeschooled Mad Scientist. I'm mad because I'm retired and should be fishing and not trying to figure out how to kill this stuff! But I do love learning and MD is Amazing even though it does suck to have.
Oh, ok! I’d never heard that it’s parasitic perse. You do say below, that last you heard, MD was not parasitic!
Yes we should all be out doing what we love-I don’t have MD (yet), but yes it definitely must suck to have.
I’m just interested in Ray’s sources which claim it is an artificial parasite. I think others would be interested in the sources also! Many have it and want to be rid of it of course! His title claims he is the source 🙂 !
And I don’t even have a working microscope, so can’t even check my own blood. I feel fine though, but I’m not delusional enough to believe I’m unscathed by everything that’s happening to people’s blood, with or without MD.
Listen, something really freaky is happing with Me right now. I’m not sure to or where to write. I’ll follow you friend or whatever they do here so look for My post It’s …I’m a bit worried.
I've never heard a Morgellon called that before, an "Artificial Parasite". Last I heard MD was not considered Parasitic.
I was referring to it as nanotechnology combined with synthetic biology myself but that evolved from conversation last year.
These strangely look similar in appearance to Ammonium biurate crystals normally found in urine.
Thanks, they do look similar to the legs except they are not behaving hydraulically.
Freaky!!!! a kind of parasite???? what's your take on this???
My best guess would be a nanoparticle induced mutation of something in our blood, but that's just speculation and I am hoping someone provides a better natural answer. Not holding my breath though.
At 50sec in the last vid the spiny creatures seem to impede the movement of RBCs and may be injecting one with the cilia-like appendages. I'm afraid that the person who feels fine may be in for some trouble. I hope they get laser treatment, CLO2 and anything else that might help them.
We did look and couldn't verify any injection but it did look like it a few times.
It's testing each cell that it comes in contact with, lets some go, gobbles some. Just like macrophages.
What laser treatment is available as a treatment option?
Is CL02 Chlorine Dioxide?
What is the dosage recommended for this type of issue? Or any human issue?
Your time and response is appreciated.
Here's the laser info, see the comments, the "partial viral" with a controller, might be a good choice. Just ignore the name viral.
There's lots of info on CLO2, you should find your own info, but maybe 4 drops of each agent (mineral and activator) in 400ml of distilled water in the morning, 100ml an hour and repeat in the afternoon, depending on your tolerance. Supposedly CL02 helps excrete chelated/broken nanoparticle assemblies, broken from the laser?, and prevent various illnesses. Maybe NAC which makes glutathione could help on chelation.
There is no clear medical proof of these things working and this is just friendly advice. You should ask others for help but there is little data on CL02 for the Covid debacle.
Thank you for that information and your time. I appreciate your response!
CD - Kerri Rivera -
Please do lots of research and verify from multiple info sources.
mike levin- engineeredxenomorphs collection of living cells making their way thru world freed from having 2 become the organism they were born from. xenobots- freeing group of cells from their organisms and allowing them 2 self assemble 2 entirely new creatures using cellular intell and bioelectric comm 2 develop their unique behaviors or can b externally designed and programmed, the future is freedom of embodiment. bio xeno anthro bots- computer designed programmable organisms bio med engineering. relax the assumption that robot has 2 b made of metal circuit boards and electronics instead use living cells. so somehow I guess synbio and ai combined or overlap or morph- Levin is into that.
According to Dr Robert O Young, high resolution transmission electron microscopy is more accurate than dark field @ 200x magnification. Is this what’s required now to detect the foreign elements lurking in the human body?
SEM or TEM will give a better definition of what you are looking at. , true. It is good for looking at non biological items (such as some of the tech in the blood) or other items that are not effected by it. Optical microscopy is the only way to see living cells without interfering with or destroying the samples. If you read up on the people working on quantum dots they are using the same system I am to see them. I have previously posted the paper describing this .
For myself its not about the ultimate resolution but finding out and establishing what's occurring in the blood and other body fluids today and dark field is the best for that purpose, thanks.